Do you believe in ghosts?


Dick Tracy

Whenever this subject is brought up, amongst friends or strangers, I'm usually the only soul in the room who doesn't believe in ghosts. (I liked that I used 'soul' in that sentence.) I don't stress my opinions / views on ghosts on anyone, but I have argued about it a couple of times -- which is fruitless, as it's "the unexplained" -- but, usually, I'll just stand back and hear what people have to say. I've even heard a few of my close friends speak of ghostly happenings that they've seen / hear / been a part of.

I'm a bit nihilistic when it comes to spirituality and shit like aliens and Big Foot... but I'm always a little taken back when I see how many people believe in ghosts -- specifically, how many people have been ghosted, themselves.

I know there are some alternative-science explanations, such as time-rifts (where another time period overlaps with the present, assuming time is absolute). That stuff I find interesting, and would be more eager to buy, as opposed to doors and cupboards opening and closing (OMZ~1).

Another thing I find funny -- well, not so much "funny", in a shocking way, anyway -- that it's mostly the ladies who buy into ghosts and see ghosts. I have theories for this, as well (which I've read in other places)... and I don't want to get scolded for talkin' about them. :lol:...

Also, a lot of "Atheists" and non-spiritual / religious people I know believe in ghosts. *shrugs*

I think that the only time I believe in ghosts, and haunting, is in the metaphorical / symbolic sense. I'm not trying to say I'm the shit for not believing in ghosts, or anything like that... I mean, I'm the shit anyway; just curious as to if and why others believe.
I have a few acquaintances that actually go on ghost hunts. You know drive out somewhere that is supposedly active and look for spirits. I don't really know myself, but I wouldn't waste my time with that crap unless I thought it would be fun for other reasons. If I had to give an opinion I'd say it's possible there are ghosts I guess. Why not?

I remember going to some seminar with two experts (a couple - married I think) on the supernatural who talked all about all kinds of BS. For example a chair that everyone who has sat on has died. I'm sure some have heard of it, it's now mounted on a wall so no one 'tough' will try it out. They gave the impression it was fairly well known anyway. They asked who in the crowd would sit on if it were right there and when a few dozen hands went up they got all pissed off and started answering some mocking questions with nastiness. It was actually pretty funny.

One of their statements was pointing out that most people are queasy about sleeping with an arm or leg hanging off the bed and pretty much saying that if you did that you would have an encounter. (WTF! I'm not making that up.) I'm fairly tall and sleep with both feet off the end of the bed every single night. Haven't had any ghouls nibble my toes yet...
[quote name='wubb']For example a chair that everyone who has sat on has died. [/QUOTE]

I don't like stuff like that. I don't like (and never have) funerals, graveyards, rooms where someone iced themselves, etc.

That goes back to the "metaphorical / symbolic" haunting I was talking about -- a little bit, anyway (I was speaking more about "guilt", but this'll do, too). No ghosts or spirits are actually haunting the place... the only thing haunting it is your mind.

If one were to sit in that chair, not knowing someone got their throat slit in it, all would be well. Tell someone that somebody got iced in that seat, that's another story.

Our brains are amazing things (and, often, unamazing)... "It's all inside your head." Technically, there's no ghost... but, by definition of "ghost", there is. Just not in the extreme literal sense.
Ever watch Ghost hunters on Discovery Channel. They go and try to DISprove the hauntings. Its not that typical Phsycic BS that you see and its actually quite interesting. Most the time they do disprove but there have been a few things they have caught that make you say Hmm..
[quote name='Snake2715']Ever watch Ghost hunters on Discovery Channel. They go and try to DISprove the hauntings. Its not that typical Phsycic BS that you see and its actually quite interesting. Most the time they do disprove but there have been a few things they have caught that make you say Hmm..[/QUOTE]
That's a pretty good show. I haven't seen it in a year or so, though. I'd like to see some new episodes.

The Travel Channel plays a shit-load of ghost specials. Dunno why, but they're usually worth checking out. There's a little too much of a "pro-ghost / spirit" bias on those programs, though. :lol:

The real questions is: Has anyone ever fist-fought a ghost?
I'd like to say no, but I'm never really sure. I certainly lean that way, if nothing else. Whenever I watch those ghost hunting shows, I generally laugh off what they're freaking out about, but then sometimes my heart will start pounding a little bit during parts... so clearly I'm not in total disbelief.
I always liked the Fear show on MTV. (Might not have been that name.) Where they did things like have a kid sit (in pitch darkness) in a corpse drawer (or whatever they are called) in the morgue of an insane asylum that is thought to be haunted overnight.

I wonder why they ditched that show?
I sorta do believe in ghosts. But one thing I sure as hell dont believe in is people who do seances or talk to the dead, like that James Van Prague guy. Thats just complete bullshit.
I dont know if i believe in ghosts or not but i ahve quite a few stories.

- My Great Great Aunt used to see things. One night she woke up and saw a figure at the foot of her bed, the next morning they found out that her sons best friend was decapitated by train not even a mile from their home. (This was early 1900's) She also would hear 3 Knocks whenever someone in the family was about to die.

- Her Daughter also heard the knocks and sure enough every time she did someone in the family would die. The last time she heard them was when i was around 4. My grandparents were getting ready to go on vacation and she heard the knocks. My grandma freaks out and contemplates canceling the trip. They descide to go anyways. Nothing happens. They get home on a sunday night, the next morning my grandpa is taking out the trash before work, has a heart attack and dies in the drive way.

- When i was a small kid, I supposedly kept telling my parents i saw an old man in the backyard. (I dont remember this happening as i was too young to actually remember, i was around 4 or 5) It freaked my parents out and i wasnt allowed to be in the backyard anymore. Well I kept telling them when i would see him but there was no one there. Well one day i was over at my grandparents house and my grandma was showing my mom some pictures she had found packed away in the basement of her Father. I was sitting on her lap and yelled out "Thats the man i always see" There was no way i could have seen pictures of my grandma's father as they had been packed away for years. Like i said i dont remember it but supposedly it happened.

- My Step-dad completely gutted our house and was remodeling it about 13 years ago and all types of weird things started happening. My mom used to transcript tapes for doctors on the side and would usually fall asleep at her desk. Well she woke up to a sensation of someone giving her a back massage, she turned around thinking it was my step dad but no one was there. Another time my mom was typing and our cat started arching its back and getting aggressive and she turned around and saw a man standing in the doorway, she didnt say anything and but was really freaked out. That night my mom has a dream with her aunt (the one that heard the knocks) and she told my mom not to be afraid of him, that he was a good spirit. My mom wakes up after the dream and at the same time my step dad wakes up. My mom then starts telling him about the dream and he tells her he had the exact same dream. Wierd thing is, he never met her aunt before.

- Wierd things would happen in the hosue when we were remodeling, things like the toilet seat slamming shut and sometimes would flush on its own. The cats refused to go in the back of the basement were it was unfinished. They would freak out if you put them near there. It was almost like if you grabbed a cat and tried putting it in a bathtub full of water... complete freaking out and grabbing anything it can get its claws in.

- My step dads mom has had some experiences as well. She was super close to her mom. After her mom passed she began getting sensations that someone was around her. When she was at her moms funeral a butterfly landed on her hand and just stayed there. Weird thing is, every day her mom wore the same butterfly pendant which was the exact match in color to the one that landed on her hand and stayed there until the service was over. She hasnt seen any visions or anything but has said she can feel when her mom is in the room and she often talks to her mom when she senses this.

- Her daughter has seen things in her home. She used to hear footsteps walking up and down the hall all the time. One day she saw a vision of a young kid who looked like he was from a farm from around the civil war era. She tried communicating with him trying to tell him he needed to leave and that he was no longer alive but infact dead. After she did this, she no longer heard the footsteps. A few other people have said they have heard the footsteps in the hall when no one else is in the house so take that for what its worth. She also wont go in her basement because she gets a very uncomfortable feeling when she is down there. She claims theres another spirt down there but feels threatened by it.
- another sotry i just thought of aroudn the same time our house was being remodeled. My parents are divorced so id stay with my mom for a few days and then switch off to my dad. Well i slept in the finished part of the basement and where my bed and tv were was directly above my parents room. They always used to tell me to keep the tv down at night cause they could hear it. Well i had left to go to my dads house on night and my mom and step dad are laying in bed and hear the tv. My mom gets up to go downstairs and turn it off, she walks down the stairs and soon notces that the tv hasnt been on. She doesnt know what it was but her and my step dad both heard what sounded like people talking on tv.
I've had a friend in college, pretty level headed guy who told me he seen a ghost in his house on numerous occassions. Apparently his Mother has also seen the same ghost and it took a while for them to admit to each other they has seen it. Also had a co-worker claim he's saw a ghost wearing a confederate civil war uniform.
I haven't had any ghostly encounters yet so I'm undecided at the moment.
Kinda funny this came up. A co-worker just the other night asked me if I do. I think anything is possible so I said ya. He tells me how the TV in his house comes on by itself from time to time. I told him to unplug it and if it came on again, to worry :twisted: :razz: .

Though my mom swears up and down that a ghost has an attachment to a certain piece of furniture in her house. It's an old chefarobe (kinda like a closet/chest). The spirit is attached because it moves from house to house with it. I have never seen him. She even named him George, because the ghost is supposedly male. Yes my mom is weird like that.

Creepy thing is her boyfriend has seen him which freaks him out abit. Better yet, my brother-in-law stayed with them one night, seen the ghost, and will not go back to that house. That was about 5 years ago.
As with most things, I'm fairly skeptical. I understand and appreciate the preternatural unknown and the unexplained, but I'm on the fence.
I'm not completely sure if ghosts exist, but I'd like to believe they do. All the occurances and phenomenon with them, I find very interesting. I've never experienced anything with them, but I still think it's possible. If anything, I want them to exist because it's too interesting to not be real. There was a great topic on Gamefaqs Silent Hill boards years ago about ghosts. It was a very good read.
I generally don't because I don't believe in souls and spirits and what not, but weird shit does happen. It's hard to open that can of worms though...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']No no, you're a lawyer. You're only dead on the inside. ;)[/quote]

Haha... it's funny because it's true... ;)
[quote name='itspaidgasterblaster']I don't believe in ghost but i do believe that they are demons taking the form of a human person who has died.[/QUOTE]

To get you interested in the field etc etc etc. Same as my mother believes.
[quote name='Brak']The real questions is: Has anyone ever fist-fought a ghost?[/quote]

This is why Oblivion is my favorite game ever.
those are some cool stories OTM. I do believe in ghosts and i have a few stories of my own...

I live in an old Polish/Italian neighborhood (the bar on the end of my block was a hangout of Al Capone) and theres stories of people being gunned down my mobsters around my front yard, lol.

When I was a little kid, my house used to be a boarding house (like the Hey Arnold cartoon) and the guys who used to live upstairs (where I am right now) used to talk about the ghost of an old lady that would sit at the feet of their bed. Most sightings were in what is now my room. (although i've never seen her)

Sometimes when we were downstairs we used to hear footsteps upstairs when nobody was up here.

In the summertime ill be sitting on the couch in the living room. and the front door will open then close, and i could feel a presence come in and turn the corner, open the bathroom door, go in, and close it.

There used to be an old apartment building across the street where my aunt and uncle used to live. There was a ghost of a man that would never let my aunt sleep. My uncle had to return to mexico for an emergency, and he left my aunt alone. The ghost activity got really intense then. He would stand over my aunt at night and he would try to touch her and kiss her and lay in bed with her. One of the old polish ladies that used to live around here, told my aunt that the ghost was that of a man who lived in the apartment and had fallen in love with the landlord's wife. When the landlord found out about the affair they were having, he killed him. Eventually they brought in a priest and stuff and my aunt moved out. Many years later, after they had knocked the building down, my aunt had came over to our house to drop my mom off, and a small dust devil/wind cyclone thing came from the field and dissipated right around in front of my aunt.

Down the street lives the father of my aunt (another aunt not that one^^^)
and she has told me about some shit goin on there too. She has seen the ghost of a man with a flannel and work boots and pants walking down the driveway. and her nephew (about 4 or 5) has seen a man at the top of the stairs making faces at him, wearing old ragged clothes and his hair all messed up. The story behind that house is that an polish immigrant. about 18 years old, was working on the construction of the house. But there was an accident happened and he was killed. They didn't want to report it ,so they buried him somewhere around the foundation.

My other stories are from Mexico. I live in a somewhat rural place in mexico (not way out in the sticks) but it is a primarily farming community. and there are so many ghost stories around there its ridiculous. Here are a few that i have experienced firsthand.

A hobby of mine and my dad is treasure hunting. (they found a huge one recently while building a new highway) Anyways, when i was about six years old, i begged my dad to go with him and some friends up to the hills to a place where there was supposedly something buried. We went and we started digging. At about 11:30-Midnight we found our first (of many) skeletons. As we started to remove it, the wind started blowing. we continued to dig and found more skeletons(as well as pots and simple ceramic ornaments and stuff) one of my dad's friends got mad and said "i didnt come for no goddamn bones" and kicked some bones around. When he did that we heard the footstomps of a horse. It circled us a few times, and we could hear the the bit in its mouth, the spurs, everything. It eventually stopped about ten feet from us. Everybody shined their lights on it (and their guns) but we didn't see anything. It eventually left after we picked up the bones again and piled them up neatly. We never found any treasure so we re-buried the skeletons and left.

Another story is, last time i went to Mexico, i was there for about six weeks, and every night as i would turn off the lights to go to sleep, a fly would buzz around my face, constantly, i would turn on the light and see nothing. this happened every single night till i left.
Dunno, but I'd lean towards 'no'. I'd be more willing to believe in scientific explanations of supernatural phenomenon than just toss it off as a 'spirit'. One thing I've always thought of as a novel explanation of ghosts is that they're not necessarily 'souls' in the traditional sense but rather the leftover bioelectric energy from the human nervous system. And the reason why this energy does bizarre things like turning your tv on/off or moving objects is a result of the post-humous being's routine as a human. Thus, it is merely going through the motions, not because of any emotional/mental reasoning but rather because it's simply what it does as function of its being. It's kinda like breathing - when you're alive, you can consciously manipulate how you breathe but when you're not thinking about it you still have to breathe. Why? Because it's a function of your being - not because there's any intrinsicly deep spiritual/emotional purpose. As to why they last for a long period of time, well, it's because the 'ghosts' follow the laws of thermodynamics. First law: energy cannot be created nor destroyed - just changed. In the case of a 'ghost', there is no 'body' (so to speak) for which the energy is required to 'fuel' and is thus free of such constraints. As to why it eventually fades away (as in some cases the ghost 'ceases' to appear), the 2nd law applies: if there is no energy entering/leaving a system, the potential energy will always be less than that of the initial state i.e. entering the beginning of entropy. In the case of a 'ghost', the leftover bioelectric energy will (over a long time) eventually discharge (kinda like how a lightning rod will discharge electricity into the ground dispersing it safely. I think this is a more rational explanation and covers a wide swathe of things - telekinesis, sound recordings, why your hair stands on end, etc. I also think it covers why children are able to see ghosts while adults cannot since it's been said that children have better visual acuity than adults.
[quote name='wubb']For example a chair that everyone who has sat on has died.[/quote]

how about i put it this way: everyone who lived on this earth has died.
No, but I buy this even less:

[quote name='itspaidgasterblaster']I don't believe in ghost but i do believe that they are demons taking the form of a human person who has died.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='dude2003']how about i put it this way: everyone who lived on this earth has died.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit. We gotta colonize the moon or something. However, I know for a fact that my mailman and the guy that comes around offering to clean gutters every 6 months have not died. Looks like your thoery has a few holes there.

I wish I could find a wiki entry or something on that chair. I'm starting to think it's either really obscure or they just made it up. They did have a picture of a chair mounted a ways up a wall anyway. :lol:
[quote name='wubb']
I wish I could find a wiki entry or something on that chair. I'm starting to think it's either really obscure or they just made it up. They did have a picture of a chair mounted a ways up a wall anyway. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Wouldn't you just break the chair so people can't sit in it?
[quote name='botticus']Wouldn't you just break the chair so people can't sit in it?[/QUOTE]

Who would have the cojones to break the chair that kills everyone that merely sits on it! I'd be afraid it would kill me, my family, and all of my friends for destroying it. No, mounting it on a wall is the only logical solution here. Either that or break it up into little pieces and use those pieces as the parts to hundreds of more chairs. The hope would be that the power would be diluted to the point that it would no longer kill, but merely make sitters feel somewhat queasy. Not sure why they didn't go that route actually...
I grew up watching shows like Beyond Belief and reading books about real hauntings (I still do) so yes, I do believe in ghosts. Also, since I grew up in a semi-superstitious family, I've heard a lot of ghost stories from during the Vietnam war. I don't believe that suddenly having "hallucinations" about where my uncle's body is even though it was halfway across the country, horribly disfigured, and mistagged is possible. They managed to recognize it was him due to a couple birthmarks and my relatives didn't decide on a whim to travel that far in a war torn country to look for a random dead body. I've also heard a lot of other ghost stories but that one is the most credible.
I saw two ghosts in my bedroom when I was about 10. They looked like a couple, and they stood a few feet away from the end of my bed. They were both dressed in what I can best call 60's adult clothes. Both of them were waving and smiling at me, but this didn't stop me from being freaked out. I was so scared that I just put the covers over my head, and after what felt like hours I finally fell asleep. It was a summer night, and to this day I remember my entire body sweating but there was no way that I was going to come out from under those covers.

I also have a more spirit related story to tell. My grandmother died about three years ago, and she had wanted to be cremated with her ashes spread in the garden at our house (my grandparents and my family lived in the same house). Well, my aunts and uncles decided that they would wait for my grandfather to die before they spread the ashes. Well, apparently this did not make my grandmother very happy. A friend of my aunt had gone to one of those psychics who is supposed to communicate with your dead relatives about 2 weeks after my grandmother died. During the conversation, someone was trying to come through to her, but she didn't know who the person was. Well, she had recorded the conversation with the psychic, and she took the tape to my aunt so she could listen to it. Well, it was definitely my grandmother trying to come through. I listened to the tape, and there were things the psychic said that no one could have really known. Like the kinds of birds that she did and didn't like (keep in mind she was an old lady!). The psychic said that she wanted to know why she was where she was. Well, that made sense because her ashes were not in the garden, and they weren't even at our house. Instead, they were at my aunt and uncle's. Also, this wasn't the only way she tried to communicate with us. She showed herself to one of my aunts in a mirror. She was with one of my other aunts and freaked the hell out of her dog whenever she was there. I had gone off to college around when all of this was happening, and I experienced one of those situations where you smell something that you only associate with a single person (that smell was my grandmother's coffee in the morning). Also, she came to me in a dream after I had opened up to my girlfriend about how I didn't feel that her and I had left on good terms (we had a really rocky relationship in the years before she died). Well in the dream she hugged me and told me that everything was fine, and I swear that I woke up and did not feel even a bit sad anymore about the whole thing. It could have just been a dream, but I've only had one other dream with her in it in my entire life, and in that one she was clearly trying to tell me something (which I now feel had to do with her ashes) but no words would come out of her mouth. Well, to conclude this long and drawn out story, we have moved the ashes back to my house and nothing has really happened since.

I have other stories as well, but I'll tell just one more. This one could not be a ghost story, but I'll let you decide. This one was actually told to me by my ex-girlfriend's serious mom. I emphasise serious because she doesn't tell stories. Well, my ex-girlfriend's cousin had just graduated college and she decided that she'd like to take it easy for a bit. So she decided to go out camping and photographing nature by herself in one of the national parks (I forget which one at this point). She spent a few days out there, and the whole time she never saw another person the entire time. When she came back and developed her photos, there were photos of her sleeping in her tent. It really freaked her out. I mean, I suppose it's even scarier to think that it could have been an actual person, but she feels like she would have heard someone unzipping her tent or even the flash of the camera. So yeah, it could have been a ghost or a person, either way it's scary.

So yeah, congrats if you actually read all of that.
I don't believe in ghosts. The brain does all of the seeing and hearing through electrical impulses, and if something misfired or was accidentally triggered it would be possible to see or hear something that isn't there. No machine is perfect. =\
"Fountain Valley - Fountain Valley High School - Sometimes at night in the 100 building. Screams of children are heard. Also, some days when opening the doors, the janitors find lockers open and all the students belongings on the ground. 5 teachers have left the school since the poltergeist. Many students have seen apparitions of mutilated dead students in the bathrooms."

That's my highschool and I've never seen mutilated bodies in the bathroom. I didn't even know we had 100 buildings.
[quote name='A7las']So she decided to go out camping and photographing nature by herself in one of the national parks (I forget which one at this point). She spent a few days out there, and the whole time she never saw another person the entire time. When she came back and developed her photos, there were photos of her sleeping in her tent. It really freaked her out. I mean, I suppose it's even scarier to think that it could have been an actual person, but she feels like she would have heard someone unzipping her tent or even the flash of the camera. So yeah, it could have been a ghost or a person, either way it's scary.[/QUOTE]

I think this is like, an urban legend or something. That, or I have heard you tell it before. I have definitely heard this story more than a couple of times.

Here's my stance on the whole ghost subject: I don't really believe the exist. I just can't. Not until I experience something myself. And honestly, how many ghost stories have you heard were there is an extended period of interaction between a ghost and a person? That's very rarely the case. Usually, it's just someone, "Oh, I saw this shadowy figure, and then I closed my eyes and looked and he was gone.... but I know I saw it!"

To me, most paranormal things have one simple explanation: the human mind. We believe what we want to believe.

I had a friend tell me a story years ago. It's not ghost-related, but it is paranormal. He had a recurring dream where he was walking in a house. Whenever he would get to a certain point, he would fall down and wake up. He never knew what house he was in. He then said he was with his sister one time (this time he was not dreaming, he was conscious) over at house of her friend. To his surprise, this was the house from the dream -- and yet it was the first time he had been there.

Now, do I really think that was the case? Probably not. When you dream, things are usually pretty vague. I think it's kind of him wanting to believe that the dream house was the real house, and he just kind of made the connection, simply because a paranormal story is more interesting than just a regular one.

Or, onetrack, you said that one of your relatives always heard knocking when a family memeber passed away, right? But... I don't know if I buy that. Why? Well, because, when I watch baseball, I call home runs all the time. "This guy is gonna homer!" Most of the time, it doesn't happen. But you know what? Ocassionally, it does. Does that make me prophetic? I don't think so. The reason I make this comparison is because if your aunt did hear knocking, I'd venture to say she heard it a number of other times, too, even when somebody didn't pass away.

I've always been a person that's very interested in pasychology. I think that nearly everything freaky and paranormal out there is just generated by our imagination. And not only that, but as I said earlier, it's more entertaining to believe in something unique and then spend your time investigating the mystery than it is to just pass it off as your brain playing tricks on you. And that's not to say people are crazy or are wacko -- I genuinely think they they believe themselves. It's just... to me, it's far more likely for it to be head games as opposed to genuine supernatural behavior..

It seems that when people experience stuff, it's when they want to. I think the most believable stories are those that occur unexpectedly. But still, there is so little documented material... so little credible evidence... it's just, I can't believe unless I were to have a bias-free (eg: not expecting it) experience myself.
[quote name='wubb']Holy shit. We gotta colonize the moon or something. However, I know for a fact that my mailman and the guy that comes around offering to clean gutters every 6 months have not died. Looks like your thoery has a few holes there.

I wish I could find a wiki entry or something on that chair. I'm starting to think it's either really obscure or they just made it up. They did have a picture of a chair mounted a ways up a wall anyway. :lol:[/quote]

my theory is correct. everyone who live on this planet will die sooner or later. unless you think your mailman and the guy who offers to clean gutters are immortals.

oh and i dont believe in the ghosts
[quote name='itspaidgasterblaster']I don't believe in ghost but i do believe that they are demons taking the form of a human person who has died.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe in ghosts. But I guess you gotta probbaly experience one to believe in one, unless your in a religion that believes in ghosts.
I ain't fraid of no ghost.

My great uncle saw ghosts before supposedly and even wrote a book on it. The story basically goes that his best friend was about to get married, but a few weeks before it was reported that the bride to be died. So, this friend gave a package to my great uncle to give to the bride's parents. So he goes off on his bicycle (this was in India in around the 1950's), through the woods to give the package. On the way there, his bicycle gets a flat tire and he hears wierd noises and all this other scary stuff. Well he gets there and the door opens and inside is the bride that was suppsoedly dead. He is shocked, but she acts like nothing happens and offers him coffee. He says okay and sits down and is puzzled as to what happened. He hears a crazy noise and he sees this woman on top of the stove on fire and the house catches on fire. He runs out of the house and runs into the parents of the girl. He asks them what the fuck happened and they think he is crazy and confirm that the girl died.

All this crazy other stuff happened to this other guy as well. His mom was blind all her life, but one day she went to temple and she was suddenly able to see.

I don't know how much of this is actually true, but he has it in a book and the story of his mom is true.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']I think this is like, an urban legend or something. That, or I have heard you tell it before. I have definitely heard this story more than a couple of times.

Haha, you're right, I have told it on these very boards before. I totally forgot, it's actually in that thread that was just posted by Trakan.
bread's done