Drill Dozer is good. Play it.

Very fun platformer, definitely up there with the classic 2-D side-scrollers in overall quality. I highly recommend it.
I'm digging it too like many of the rest of you.

I have a question for those of you who've put in more time with it than me: Do you eventually get a drill bit that'll cut through those steel crates? In the first few levels I've noticed some red blocks and other potential goodies that are placed behind steel crates. I couldn't figure any way around to access the goodies so I was thinking maybe you eventually unlock or acquire a stronger bit and I could come back and pick these up.
[quote name='gordonmj']I'm digging it too like many of the rest of you.

I have a question for those of you who've put in more time with it than me: Do you eventually get a drill bit that'll cut through those steel crates? In the first few levels I've noticed some red blocks and other potential goodies that are placed behind steel crates. I couldn't figure any way around to access the goodies so I was thinking maybe you eventually unlock or acquire a stronger bit and I could come back and pick these up.[/QUOTE]
Yes, you do.
[quote name='JokerCard']I dont know If I should grab this game for $14.98[/quote]

15 bucks is a good deal for a GBA game, period.
Ok, persuaded by all these comments, I picked it up for the $15 price tag and im Glad to say.....im not dissapointed in spending the money on it at all!

Love it!

Some bosses are pretty tricky to get through.....but thats why I always save before a boss fight :)
For those unlucky like me where CC has nothing to offer in the clearance sale, and BB doesn't carry squat in the GB/DS section, I saw Drill Dozer on clearance at Target for $14.98 last night.

Of course this is probably a YMMV situation.
Pretty fun, but nothing exceptional. It's a shame though that if they called this game "Mario Drillenator" it would be pushing a million copies, instead of filling up the $10 bargain bin at every major chain.
[quote name='pete5883']Pretty fun, but nothing exceptional. It's a shame though that if they called this game "Mario Drillenator" it would be pushing a million copies, instead of filling up the $10 bargain bin at every major chain.[/quote]

People are buying it tho, I read a gaming magazine the other day that said it had jumped into the top 10 games for last month in terms of sales numbers. It was pretty high up on the list. So better late than never and hopefully we will see Drill Dozer 2.
That was because it dropped to $10 at Best Buy. I don't know of any other GBA games at best buy that dropped in price that much. It would have to sell shittier than hell I would think. Too bad, cause it isn't.
Well at least its selling. Of course no one is gonna buy a game unless its got a recognizable movie or cartoon license, or is a sequel. Its damn near impossible to get a new ip off the ground. Hopefully everyone picking up the game for $10 will learn to give new things a chance.

[quote name='mkg12']That was because it dropped to $10 at Best Buy. I don't know of any other GBA games at best buy that dropped in price that much. It would have to sell shittier than hell I would think. Too bad, cause it isn't.[/quote]
The Target store near me had the game for $7.49. Hell, had I known this game would of played this awesome, I would paid full price for the game. It has a charm similar to that of Mole Mania for Game Boy.
[quote name='pete5883']Pretty fun, but nothing exceptional. [/quote]

I disagree with that. It feels like a Treasure game to me, and I consider that exceptional. I wish more games did.

It's a shame though that if they called this game "Mario Drillenator" it would be pushing a million copies, instead of filling up the $10 bargain bin at every major chain.

I do think if the game had a better name (I like it now, but it sounded gimmicky and slow) and better cover art (it scared me, and doesn't really represent the game at all) it might have had more of a chance.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Sorry to bump an old thread but this game is damn good. Get it if you haven't already since it's clearanced all over the place.[/QUOTE]
I just ordered a Gameboy Micro from Ebay and I do alredy have this game so I plan on expanding my GBA lineup again. With the DS release and popularity these games will just get cheaper. I do have a DS but don't like the cart sticking out that much in my Lite.
[quote name='bingbangboom']I just ordered a Gameboy Micro from Ebay and I do alredy have this game so I plan on expanding my GBA lineup again. With the DS release and popularity these games will just get cheaper. I do have a DS but don't like the cart sticking out that much in my Lite.[/QUOTE]
It'll stick out of the mico too, Drill Dozer is big. :)

Just plug it into the DS. It's worth it. ;)
I'll look for this one at my local Best Buy based on all of the input here. Sounds like a good game.

For a while I was getting it confused with Mr. Driller: Drilling Spirits (I think that's the name).

Is Mr. Driller any good?
[quote name='Brad Bishop']I'll look for this one at my local Best Buy based on all of the input here. Sounds like a good game.

For a while I was getting it confused with Mr. Driller: Drilling Spirits (I think that's the name).

Is Mr. Driller any good?[/quote]

Mr. Driller is good for $10. It's been the same game since it came out in the arcades. nothing different in the ds other than you can drill by touching the screen.
Would you call this a "metroidvania" game? That is, do you levelup/powerup as the game goes on, gain access to new areas... is the world map all connected? I would definitely seek it out if that were the case...
[quote name='catapult37']Would you call this a "metroidvania" game? That is, do you levelup/powerup as the game goes on, gain access to new areas... is the world map all connected? I would definitely seek it out if that were the case...[/quote]

Not really like a metroidvania at all. It is set up like a lot of platformers. There is a "world map" that you move through (2 stages per area). You do get upgrades but they are area specific (except for upgrades you can purchase). You can travel back to past stages and play them again, but there is no fully connected world map at all.
I picked this up last night and played it for about 1/2 an hour or so.

Not a bad game. I'm not (yet) seeing the facination with it. It was only $10 so I don't regret it. I, generally, like the 2d platformers.

I had just found the 3rd gear for the drill before I had to stop so maybe I didn't give it enough time and I'm still in training mode or something.

I would have never picked it up had it not been for this thread, though. The box cover just reminds me of the Anime/Japanese stuff which doesn't normally intrigue me. Bomberman was a little like that (I wouldn't have picked it up except I kept reading about how great it was on Usenet back in the day). Bomberman is a truly great game, though. The (current) one out for the DS is the traditional Bomberman and a great deal at ~$10 at Circuit City.

It's definitely worth it at $10. It has style. Although I am at some level now which is incredibly annoyingly difficult for me, so I haven't picked it up again in a while.

Add in a fourth or fifth vote Mr Driller DS for $10. It's a really great puzzle game with some great *ahem* depth to it. It's one of the better budget DS games.
[quote name='akilshohen']where is Mr.Driller $10 at? I would definately jump on that.....loved the dreamcast version.[/QUOTE]

Best Buy, Toys R Us, probably a couple of other stores.
My only complaint with this game now, is that the 'hidden' levels and treasure questing is so much more fun than the main story. You can see the devs really went wild with the level design on some of these extra levels. It's too bad that level of quality didn't extend to the whole game.
Alright, just got back into this game after a long time away. Can anyone give me an idea of how many areas there are? I have this need to have a general idea of how well I'm progressing in a game nowadays. Hard to tell how many dots there will be on the map, but I'm only on 3-2, so I'm guessing I've got a ways to go.
I liked it well enough that I bought it for $10 recently even though I've already beaten it. Not my favorite recent platformer, but definitely one of the best (I like it much more than any recent Kirby or Super Princess Peach).
My only problem with the game is that the levels are too long, makes it kind of hard to pick up and play for 10 minutes or so at a time. Other then that if you have time to sit down and spend on it, it's really fun.
Kind of funny how at the beginning of the thread it was being discussed if the game would drop in price or not or if it should be picked up before it was hard to find and almost a year later it's down to under $10 everywhere and even at K-Mart it doesn't sell well for $3 (though that's probably because it's tagged at $21 at the K-Mart I got it at). Once I get through my backlog of DS and GBA games I'll try out the game. I figure it's got to be worth $3
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Kind of funny how at the beginning of the thread it was being discussed if the game would drop in price or not or if it should be picked up before it was hard to find and almost a year later it's down to under $10 everywhere and even at K-Mart it doesn't sell well for $3 (though that's probably because it's tagged at $21 at the K-Mart I got it at). Once I get through my backlog of DS and GBA games I'll try out the game. I figure it's got to be worth $3[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no kidding, I picked it up at full price at GR because of everyone raving over it here. I haven't played it yet (though my son has). Since then I've seen 20-30 copies at various Kmarts for $3. Oh well, lesson learned...
[quote name='botticus']Alright, just got back into this game after a long time away. Can anyone give me an idea of how many areas there are? I have this need to have a general idea of how well I'm progressing in a game nowadays. Hard to tell how many dots there will be on the map, but I'm only on 3-2, so I'm guessing I've got a ways to go.[/quote]

Your about halfway done, not counting any special post game stuff.

I loved this game its easily worth $30. Dont be that upset that you didnt get the game for $3, its a great game.
[quote name='Puffa469']Your about halfway done, not counting any special post game stuff.

I loved this game its easily worth $30. Dont be that upset that you didnt get the game for $3, its a great game.[/quote]Awesome, I'm farther along than I thought. Probably because the levels really are longer than one is accustomed to. And yeah, it was worth what I paid almost a year ago, just too bad that I saw a $9.99 copy yesterday at GR where I got mine for $29.99. :D
[quote name='jimbodan']My only problem with the game is that the levels are too long, makes it kind of hard to pick up and play for 10 minutes or so at a time. Other then that if you have time to sit down and spend on it, it's really fun.[/QUOTE]

You can save whenever, though.
I know this is an older thread, but I had to bump it. Does anyone else believe that Drill Dozer might be one of the greatest platformers ever? I really think it is, but wanted to hear some more opinions on it.

I actually just recently finished the main game and now I am going back through all the levels to find the 31 treasures. More and more, as I replay the levels, I see the thought and creativity that went into designing this game. I love the drill dynamic. It lead to a lot of unique level design choices and never became gimmicky. Game Freak seemed to put a crazy amount of polish and effort into it and the result is (in my opinion) a classic GBA game. It is a shame that Nintendo didn't see fit to back it with some kind of marketing. I really believe that if they did, it could have taken off as a profitbale new intellectual property. I want a sequel, but I think there is very little chance this happens.

It sucks that the one time Game Freak was allowed to branch out and make something not involving Pokemon, it bombs because no one knew about it.
I loved it, and thought it was one of the better platformers I've played in a while, but I didn't really have the drive to replay it. But as a one-shot deal, excellent.
For me, I wouldn't put it at the VERY top of platformers, but it is excellent, and one of the better platformers in recent years.

I like too that isn't it made by the Pokemon guy? He's got Asperger's, one of the few people to go public, for whatever reason (probably because it's so new as a diagnosis, and most adults got missed).
One of my favorite GBA games that I got for $3 at Kmart's clearance. I also saw it new for $5 (after 50%-off) at Blockbuster/Gamerush. It's $9.98 at TRU, but it isn't selling well as the store here had about 7 copies. Even though I've beaten the main game, like neschamp, I'm also going back to collect the treasures I missed.
bread's done