E3 Discussion

I'd guess more than half those preorders are people just getting their place in line who will end up cancelling if they can't flip/there isn't better news from M$/they change their mind/etc.


"Let's post a gif toward a user with no thought! That'll show him!!!!!!!!"

Yeah no. Seriously. It's quite sad the apathy toward the plethora of issues Microsoft is bringing. Especially coming from CAG users.

Edit: He did it again. What a joke.

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The part I liked about Division is open world pvp. The fact you could be out on a mission and someone like me comes out of nowhere to kill you makes me hard. That sort of risk that if you play online with friends and could be taken out by another group is my forte.
it reminds me a lot of like the last of us multiplayer.

Commitment to indie games is great, not just putting them on the platform, but also allowing creative freedom. Also, I don't even like Versus and it has me very interested. I think Sony wins E3.
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Commitment to indie games is great, not just putting them on the platform, but also allowing creative freedom. Also, I don't even like Versus and it has me very interested. I think Sony wins E3.
based on Indie games? Thats it?
It just seems like more of a gamer's platform overall. Those are just two things that I just saw when I made that post.

Everything else looks good.
That was a near perfect presentation from Sony and they were all up in Microsoft's DRM and used game bullshit. fucking bravo, Sony. I Have a 360 this gen, but that presentation was stellar and got me excited to get a PS4.

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Sony gets a B+ from me and the only reason for the letter downgrade is starting late and talking for half an hour about PS3/Vita before finally moving on to the main event.  Also, no Last Guardian so I guess the game is finally dead.

Other than that, the pacing was poor with too much talky-talky.  The saving grace was Jackie boy eating up the fan reaction when he stuck it to M$, and hard.  The icing was the price point and strong devotion to indie devs.  Never know if one of them will be the next Naughty Dog.  Drive Club being free on day one of PS4 launch if you have PS+ was also a nice surprise.  I probably would never have bought the game otherwise, but it did look sweet.

Finally, while the lineup of games looked great, I wasn't as excited as I thought I'd be for them.  Maybe it was just sensory overload but I'd kill to see more of Deep Down.  Definitely want to see more of that game The Order, though.

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So MS gets an A-plus-plus-kiss-kiss but Sony a B+? 

You've earned a crocodile in Grading with your work in this thread, Jodou.

Sony gets a B+ from me and the only reason for the letter downgrade is starting late and talking for half an hour about PS3/Vita before finally moving on to the main event. Also, no Last Guardian so I guess the game is finally dead.
I can understand the lower grade for the presentation itself. (or lack thereof) And yes, the lack of Last Guardian was definitely disappointing.

That said, Sony just kicked Microsoft in the nuts. The PS4 is going to be much better placed going into the holidays. A lower price point, plenty of solid exclusives, and no DRM or used game restrictions. The PS+ requirement for on-line multiplayer is a bit of a set-back, but won't be a deal breaker for most consumers.

So MS gets an A-plus-plus-kiss-kiss but Sony a B+?

You've earned a crocodile in Grading with your work in this thread, Jodou.
Haha, IKR? I was purely grading the presentations fairly for what it was, not so much the content individually. You and I both know Sony won E3 hands down, but as far as how to do a presentation goes I think M$ did a better job. With Sony the amount of suspense built up just died for me when they started talking PS3/Vita for the first half hour. In fact, I was horrified that the reason they weren't kicking off with PS4 form factor or price or talking about the online strategy of DRM was because they had bad news. It was such a relief when they finally got to it but man, they could have saved me a few years of my life by putting it at the start.

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With Sony the amount of suspense built up just died for me when they started talking PS3/Vita for the first half hour. In fact, I was horrified that the reason they weren't kicking off with PS4 form factor or price or talking about the online strategy of DRM was because they had bad news. It was such a relief when they finally got to it but man, they could have saved me a few years of my life by putting it at the start.
Actually, the strategy they went with was really smart. I do agree that it threw off the pacing quite a bit, and that the pacing of Microsoft's conference was much better. But showing right off the bat that they still had a strong commitment to their two existing hardware platforms was a very good call on Sony's part. The PS4 isn't just going to leap off of store shelves this holiday season. The PS3 still has legs, and abandoning it in favor of the PS4 would be a huge mistake. Starting the conference off with a decent stable of titles that would be available on the PS3 helped to cement Sony's continuing commitment to the PS3. They aren't just going to cut off development for their aging hardware because a new model is coming out. This will keep PS3 hardware units selling through the holidays.

Sony's conferences are known for starting late, and running longer than most of the others. They take their sweet time. They usually have inferior pacing to most of the other big conferences. However, this year the content of Sony's conference knocked Microsoft right off their feet.

I know why they did it but they had nothing to prove to me.  I've been with the brand since the original PS so for me it was torture.  And as much as I wish the Vita could succeed in today's world, it just can't compete with iOS and android markets.

For the most part MS had a better show (Dead Rising, New Halo, Sunset Overdrive, Forza), but their policies are an absolute barrier to me on principal. I thought Titanfall looked kind of meh. The PS4 is a lot friendlier despite the new paywall for multiplayer. I'm leery of FF XV since the XIII series is so terrible. KH was barely shown so I can't really judge it (I enjoyed the first game, wasn't a big fan of KH 2). Destiny looked cool but it's multiplatform so it doesn't "count."

I'm going with a PS4, especially since the systems will be similar and cross-platform games should be pretty identical. I think I might pick up one of those new 360 models though.

So is PS3 going to be updated with a  paywall for multiplayer too?

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I'll also vote that as for as presentation, Microsoft was better. If it was strictly about games, I'd be getting an Xbox One first. But it's not.

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No Rainbow Six from Ubisoft is a major letdown.  The R6 Vegas games were some of my favorite from this generation.  It would be a day one system seller for me.  

Full disclosure: I have both a 360 and PS3, but almost exclusively play my 360.  

That said, MS has really dropped the ball with this one.  I was already pissed that my XBLA games wouldn't carry over.  At first I wasn't concerned with the once-a-day DRM, but the more I think about it the less I like it.  It basically means all Xb1 games will be worthless once they decide to shutoff the servers at some point.  I do buy a lot of used games through Gamefly, so that also has me concerned.  MS needs to fix the DRM and the used game situation or I'm jumping ship.  The 100 dollar price difference between the Xb1 and PS4 is a significant difference.  I can understand including Kinect from the get go, but Kinect does not matter to me, and it is not worth an extra 100 dollars.  MS needs to either drop the price, throw in a year of Xbox live gold, or 50 dollars in points.  A 20% price difference between the two consoles gives Sony a huge advantage.

Given my gaming habits of this generation I was all set to only buy one next-gen console -- that still hasn't changed.  A month ago, I would have emphatically said the next Xbox, now Sony has forced me to rethink that.  

So is PS3 going to be updated with a paywall for multiplayer too?
Absolutely not. The paywall only starts with PS4 and will not pertain to PS3. However, you still gain all the benefits across each platform so you'll be getting free games on PS3 AND PS4 if you own both systems.

I give Nintendo an A+100.  The A is for "awful" and the +100 is the chance (in %) that I will be passing on the WIIU this generation.

Super Mario 3D World should be renamed Super Mario Worlds. 

I really liked the Mega Man in the new Super Smash Bros engine. This needs to be turned into a full fledged Mega Man game!

You know I've been thinking doesn't it seems like every couple of generations the company that owned the previous ones goes and shoot themselves in the foot. It happened with Nintendo with the N64, they said to themselves Sony's making a game console and laughed it off because were Nintendo and people will buy it on name alone. Yeah that didn't turn out so well for them did it. Then Sony did the same dam thing this last generation. They said to themselves we can launch a year later after everyone else charge $200 more because it's a Playstation and people will just buy it... Do you see the pattern forming here? Microsoft who lets face it fanboyism aside really did win this last generation, and seems to be just to impatient to put their head up their own asses by opting for the one generation at the top instead of two before they make the bonehead move.

Can we do without games that show cars? There were so many cars shown in video games during E3 that I saw them in my sleep.

If I had to rank the conferences and Nintendo Direct from best to worse it would be in this order:

1. Sony:  Great presentation. No matter what kind of gamer (or non-gamer) you were, there was something for everyone. I was especially thrilled with the $400 price point since I thought it was going to be $500 like Xbox One. I was also happy with their openness for used games and all the indy developer fueled game trailers (especially platformers) on the way.  It felt good to be a gamer while watching this knowing the future is looking bright.

2. EA - I'm a big fan of Plants vs. Zombies so the sequel has me very interested. Battlefield 4's playthru demo was more exciting than Microsoft's demo of the game that it made me want to buy it (as opposed to learning more about it). I'm not a big sports fan, but the next UFC game could be very fun. It was filled with celebrities but they didn't stand in the way of the content coming soon to consoles.

3. Nintendo - I almost ranked this #2 since it is the console I'm looking forward to the most.  Mario looks great in HD; it will be the only time you can say "Mario is a pussy" and get away with it. The reveal of Smash Bros. with Mega Man blew my mind. The possibilites you can do here are endless.   There were also some exclusive side scrollers shown that, as an old school gamer, have my immediate attention.

Yes, the event was familiar but why is that a bad thing? If it's works, don't fix it - as opposed to the worst show at #5.

4. Microsoft - It was nice to see them focus on games (although some more 360 love would have been nice) although most of them were cut from the same fabric of mature, action titles. The $500 price point is too high, but it's better than the $600 PS3 at launch.

Biggest surprises:

The Killer Instinct reveal

Insomniac moving from Sony to work with Microsoft

No celebrities at the show.

Biggest laughs (the tech difficulties were more sad than funny) :

The "pet rock" game - Why having a rock fight for you when you use a giant robot?

The Forza spokesman talks about the AI drivers driving as real people as two cars crashed into each other and hit the curb. Yep, sounds like traffic in Miami.

The Killer Instinct playthru where if you closed your eyes and listened, it sounded like a porno. "oh, you got a stick" , "oooh" , "ahhhh" "you like that?", and other similar comments were mentioned.

5. Ubisoft - I called them the winners last year, but they really disappointed this year. Why? It was the same content as last year with the exception of 1-2 titles. Nintendo had new stuff while Ubisoft showed Assassin's Creed, Rayman, and Watch Dogs all over again. They might as well as aired last year's conference and went home.

So let's recap:   $250 for a Wii U with one game, $400 for a PS4 with three games via PS Plus, or $500 for a Xbox 1 with no games.

My choice is pretty clear:   Backlog until I can afford a Wii U and start a Wii title backlog.   If I was making more money, the PS4 would be my next choice.

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Ouch, I missed the Nintendo direct while out pre-ordering PS4. Was it as bad as I can imagine?
It wasn't too bad, but it was extremely safe. Nintendo doesn't look to be taking any real risks this year. Most of what they showed was predictable yet popular. Mario Kart is one of their most popular and best-selling franchises, and is a complete no-brainer for the Wii-U. It was coming eventually, no matter what. Ditto for Smash Brothers. These games could be good, and will almost certainly help to drive Wii-U sales, but they were about as surprising as Microsoft announcing that Halo would be on the XBox One.

The only real stand-out oddity they showed was Bayonetta. But they had already announced that it was going to be exclusive to the Wii-U, so once again no real surprise.

Thi is the kind of thing Nintendo needed to show. The Wii-U is already out, Nintendo just needed to show that they have games in the cooker for the system. But they certainly aren't pushing the envelope with most of this predictable content.

Still undecided about both consoles. I love what Sony is doing with its policies and price but I was very underwhelmed by their exclusives. The only one i was really excited about was Kingdom Hearts and it turns out it isn't even an exclusive. 

Sony's first-party games will not implement DRM measures such as online authentication or one-time use codes. But if a third-party wants to implement those measures on PS4, they have the ability to do so.

Asked what would happen if a third-party publisher wanted to “restrict” their games, Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton said in an E3 interview with GameTrailers, “We create the platform. We certainly stated that with our first party games, we’re not going to be doing that.

"But we welcome publishers and business models to our platform. There’s going to be free-to-play, there’s going to be every potential business model on there. And again, that’s up to their relationship with the consumer...we’re not going to dictate that.

Asked further if PlayStation 4 would allow for types of DRM for third-party games, Tretton answered, “The DRM decision is going to have to be in the hands of third-parties. That’s not something we’re going to dictate, control, mandate or implement."

It's the same deal that current-gen consoles follow -- game publishers and developers have the ability to implement measures such as online passes.

Sony had a few aces up its sleeve last night when it showed off the PlayStation 4 at its E3 media briefing. One of those that the company was happy to flaunt was that Sony's first-party games wouldn't require online authentication or measures that would restrict the sharing of physical discs.

Xbox One's DRM measures do place certain restrictions on sharing games and on used game sales. Tretton said the threat of used game sales is overblown.

“I remember when people were saying rental games were going to be a threat, that people were going to go to Blockbuster and finish a game or find out that it wasn’t good, and that was going to hurt retail," he said.

“Obviously, used games have been under a threat for a while.” Tretton argued that taking used games out of the equation hurts consumers’ value perception of game -- they want to be able to sell games to put money in their pockets to buy new games.

“Certainly, you’ll talk to GameStop and they’ll say used games are very additive to the business. We just want to give consumers the flexibility.”

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When putting things in perspective, announcing no DRM was a sad way to win E3.

Besides that all the companies played it safe in regards to the games.

When putting things in perspective, announcing no DRM was a sad way to win E3.

Besides that all the companies played it safe in regards to the games.
Except PS4 may not be DRM free. 3rd party developers are free to do whatever they wish on both consoles. The only difference will be 1st party X1 games will have DRM, and 1st party PS4 won't.
When putting things in perspective, announcing no DRM was a sad way to win E3.

Besides that all the companies played it safe in regards to the games.
Except PS4 may not be DRM free. 3rd party developers are free to do whatever they wish on both consoles. The only difference will be 1st party X1 games will have DRM, and 1st party PS4 won't.
They've clarified. It's essentially the same as it is now. You can trade games with your friends, but publishers can do online passes for multiplayer if they want.

"Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners. As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games. When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever."


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Except PS4 may not be DRM free. 3rd party developers are free to do whatever they wish on both consoles. The only difference will be 1st party X1 games will have DRM, and 1st party PS4 won't.
The difference here is that Sony is continuing to allow developers and publishers to handle their own on-line systems the way they see fit. If they want to go out of their way to assemble their own validation system, Sony won't stop them.

Microsoft, on the other hand, has already assembled a back-end system that allows for the blocking of used games, and then gave control of that system over to third-party publishers.

If publishers want to block used games on the PS4, they have to construct, implement, and manage their own on-line DRM system. If they want to block used games on the XBox One they have to flip a switch. It's possible for both systems. But it's infinitely easier and cheaper for 3rd party publishers on the XBox One.

This all stems from the fact that the PS4 is still focused on physical media, while the XBox One is effectively a digital-only system.

AFter today's update on KI of only 1 chafcter and Free to play..................o jesus.
Will be impatiently waiting to hear how much the other characters cost, as well as how many there will be. I've read they will be "competitively" priced, wtf that means in this case.

If they are sub $2, this game will be a steal. I'm sure characters won't be the only thing available though, costumes and arenas will probably follow.
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So Killer Instinct isn't free to play as much as it is an extended demo with Jago being playable into the whole game and if you want the other characters you have to buy the whole game and not forced to just buy each to get the full package.

Step 1 - Complain 3rd party games don't sell on Nintendo consoles

Step 2 - Announce port for Wii U with exclusive content

Step 3 - Announce exclusive content is no longer exclusive months before Wii U release

Step 4 - Profit?

I used to own all the consoles and think I will stick with PS4 for next generation. Xbox DRM and the pricetag killed it for me. I am though extremely disappointed that Titanfall will not be on PS4 as that game looks dope. Good thing I am most of all a PC gamer. 

Also Titanfall made on source engine? Wha..

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Rare hasn't made a good game since Conker's Bad Fur Day,and having Double Helix making it kills any chance the game had at being good.
I actually really enjoyed Rare's output on the XBox 360. Viva Pinata was a delightful title full of color and charm. The sequel was everything the original was and more. Banjo Kazooie, Nuts and Bolts was also a lot of fun.

Rare hasn't had a perfect track record by any means, but I think there is still hope for them. When they are allowed to experiment with less conventional game types they come up with some great stuff. Putting them on a one-on-one fighter with a mediocre brand would have been a mistake. I don't fault Microsoft for handing Killer Instinct off to a studio with a less robust pedigree. I would prefer to see Rare work on something else.

bread's done