ebay question - Who's to blame?


22 (100%)
Alright, so I get on ebay today to find out from a buyer that I sent his game to the wrong address. The thing is I sent it to the address he had on file(ebay/paypal) and he pointed out that he left me a message in his paypal payment stating to end to another address back on nov 2. I usually just check to see if people have confirmed addresses and then send the item out, so I guess I overlooked it. Still I did mail it out, just to his old address I guess. So my question is who is at fault here? I would think he messed up by not changing his address on file, but I overlooked the request he made. Both addressesare located in the same town. Should I ask him to visit his old house or what exactly? He said he'd call ebay customer support if I don't fix things. What would be my best course of action guys?
Well, considering you aren't protected in any way via paypal (seller protection) when someone puts an address in the "notes" section of the paypal payment, I don't see how this is your problem. People can easily change the shipping address in paypal and often opt to just put something in the notes section instead. Why is it your fault? If you had shipped to that address and he had a problem with it, you would have been out the money and game when a chargeback would have occurred. eBay will side with you on this one, as there is nothing to "fix" here.

Again, it's his fault he didn't put the correct shipping address in.
Did you use Delivery Confirmation, or something like that? I also think that he has the game and is lying about it, just to get his money back.
[quote name='Megas007']Did you use Delivery Confirmation, or something like that? I also think that he has the game and is lying about it, just to get his money back.[/quote]
Yes I used delivery confirmation. I don't know about this guy. He's got feedback of 20 and horrible english.
It's possible it's a stolen paypal account and if you ship to a different address, you're SOL with paypal. You don't have to do anything, just point him to the rules and leave it at that. He can call ebay, paypal, the president; no one will care.
Its his fault he did not put the address he wanted it to be shipped to in the ship to address field. Just tell him there is nothing you can do and he should contact the post office or the person at the other address. If he opens a paypal dispute paypal will rule in your favor.
His fault. I only ship to the confirmed paypal address, like others stated before if you ship to any other address besides the confirmed one, you will lose a dispute if he files one (which sounds like he would)
Thats why in your auctions from now on, state PAYPAL ONLY VERIFIED ADDRESS.. that will save you :)

Good luck. Let us know how it turns out
Don't worry about him "calling eBay customer support". The worst you could get out of this is him leaving you a negative.
Well looks like he left me my first negative in 7 years on eBay. What a jerk. I think I'll try to get him to mutually remove his feedback? If not, I'll have to leave a reply to it or something. Something about how he blamed me for a mistake he made.
No you give him a negative and then offer to mutually withdraw feedback. This way neither gets a negative. Just put down for comments seller wanted you to bypass paypal's protection policy.

You can also try to contact ebay if he put a reason for feedback. Shipping to his registered address isnt valid reason for a negative but this is ebay so they probably wouldnt care. Still no harm in trying
One neg won't hurt you.

Here's what I would do:

1. Post a reply on his neg. "Buyer provided incorrect shipping information and blamed me." or something like this.

2. Give him a negative. He absolutely deserves it. State something factual that he tried to have you ship to an address not in Paypal, etc. etc.

3. Give it a week, then initiate the mutual feedback withdrawl process.

4. Post the buyer's name to this thread so the rest of us on Ebay don't have to deal with this asshat.
[quote name='daminion']One neg won't hurt you.

Here's what I would do:

1. Post a reply on his neg. "Buyer provided incorrect shipping information and blamed me." or something like this.

2. Give him a negative. He absolutely deserves it. State something factual that he tried to have you ship to an address not in Paypal, etc. etc.

3. Give it a week, then initiate the mutual feedback withdrawl process.

4. Post the buyer's name to this thread so the rest of us on Ebay don't have to deal with this asshat.[/quote]

Thanks for the advice, but I've already messed up on step 2 there. I gave him a positive way back when he tried this, because he had 20 feedback and I assumed he wan't a scammer. Plus, some people won't give you feedback until you gige them theirs. I won't make that mistake again. Still I guess posting a reply is all I can do right now. I will head over to that thread and leave this guy's name right now.
[quote name='Brian9824']No you give him a negative and then offer to mutually withdraw feedback. This way neither gets a negative. Just put down for comments seller wanted you to bypass paypal's protection policy.

You can also try to contact ebay if he put a reason for feedback. Shipping to his registered address isnt valid reason for a negative but this is ebay so they probably wouldnt care. Still no harm in trying[/quote]

His feedback was this:
"i receive the package already even u send to the wrong address after 1 month"
I guess I will contact ebay after I leave him a reply to the negative. Thanks guys for the help!
[quote name='chewster777']His feedback was this:
"i receive the package already even u send to the wrong address after 1 month"
I guess I will contact ebay after I leave him a reply to the negative. Thanks guys for the help![/quote]

Yikes, that's why as a seller, I never leave feedback first. For my last 5 auctions on eBay, I waited until I received FB first since I view a buyer leaving positive FB as assurance that the item is as received, and a seller leaving the final word is seen as an official close to the auction listing. I received 3/5 and left 3/5 shortly after since I grew tired of leaving positive FB to buyers and not having them leave me feedback.

Then again, technically the buyer should be given feedback based on how they paid and what I said above is feedback held in hostage... but tons of sellers do that.
Damn that sucks.

I also don't give FB first as a seller. It is kind of crappy, but feedback is more important for sellers than for buyers and you leave yourself open to just this sort of crap if you hand out + first. I've only had one buyer contact me asking for feedback first, but I explained my policy (basically using a similar line as Caliburn :mrgreen:) and he accepted it. I think most buyers just accept that a good % of sellers don't leave FB first on eBay.

Contacting eBay certainly can't hurt, but based on his comment I would be very surprised if eBay removes the feedback.

I think your best bet is convincing the buyer to mutually agree to remove the feedback.

Try e-mailing him, (1) explaining that you didn't see his note and simply shipped to the address listed on his payment as the ship-to address the same as any honest seller would. (2) Point out that he did get the package eventually, unfortunately after a long delay but through no fault of yours. (3) Point out that it's your first negative feedback and you truly feel you did nothing wrong here and (4) finally ask if he would mutually agree to remove the feedback to lift the black mark from your account.

Now this is kissing his butt a bit even though he's the one being a dickwad, but you catch more bees with honey. I don't think there's a great chance he'll go for it, but you might as well give it a shot. Also it could be you guys have had some ill-tempered e-mails back and forth already. If that's the case he's probably a lost cause anyway.
Ebay should adopt Amazon's feedback system. The only feedback that counts towards your % total is from selling... feedback left to buyers doesn't count.
I got a n egitive from a person. I sent payment within minutes of auctions end. They wait a week and send me an emil that If I want my item I will pay double what was listed on ebay for shipping. I didn't so they leave me a negitive. I had to go through paypal to get the money back. A week later they have nine negitives for the same thing and are no longer a regisitred user. Ebay won't take it off. That blows! Oh well.
I think I will adopt the policy of leaving feedback for the buyer only after they leave feedback for me. I've often left feedback for the seller right after receiving payment. I've never been burned like the OP was (I had a similar situation where the buyer tried to put an alternate ship to in the comments but the confirmed address was a family member so he still got the package. Plus the guy admitted he made the mistake). The issue I run into is people just being lazy and not leaving me feedback after they receive the package.

Last week I sent a reminder to this one lady. Two days later she sends me an response e-mail with her feedback comment. I e-mailed her back and explained how to correctly leave feedback but still haven't gotten a positive on my account. What a moron!
bread's done