Employees of ALL stores - Stories about 'special' customers! (Now with KAYDEN Power!)

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[quote name='Kayden']... ... ...
... ... ...

"Employees of ALL stores - Stories about 'special' customers! (Now with no ' in title)"

I still count two...[/QUOTE]

I hate you, but love you at the same time.
[quote name='gizmogc']I hate you, but love you at the same time.[/QUOTE]

You... er... uh.. .. ... ... I'm taken?

You should go talk to dcfox... but I think you're too old...
Does Kayden Power invlove some sort of muscular guy with a ring/sword screaming 'KAYDEEEEEEEN POWEEEEEER!!!!!!!' Perhaps a group of Japanese schoolgirls from space with magic wands and 2-minute transformation that result in the same outfits with a new bow and a couple barrettes?
quotable quote of the day, a guy has .52 cents coming back to him in change:

Me: ...And 52 cents is your change, and we'll see ya around!
Guy: fifty two...that's the same as my IQ.

(btw, that's my catch phrase for regulars, the "royal we" is so they don't feel I'm being too personal, because, well, I don't want them too regular)

I'm not really sure what he meant behind saying that to me though :lol:

also, "You got dat "rollin' on DUBS"?"

rickybee2003~ yes, at least four times people have asked me why the DS box is so huge after seeing the marketing box (which is about two feet square).

[quote name='Scorch']Ouch. That reminds me of the time I was in the back about to leave from EB. We had just clocked out and counted down the drawer. We were in the back and getting our coats ready to leave. The manager decided to get an XBox down for some reason or another, I think he had space on the floor to fill. Anyways, he reaches, slips, and is bent over trying to regain his balance.. the XBox falls square on his back.. at this point, i'm thinking he's dead, but he just shrugs it off. I hope his back is okay, that thing made the loudest sound when it hit his back. The funny part? We didn't prevent it from hitting him, but we caught it after it hit his back, so it was still sellable.[/QUOTE]

oh dear god~ I am 5'4"ish and constantly reaching for things up high, I've been smacked upside the head with so many game cases, network adapters, headsets, I've lost count. Xbox controllers really have been the worst though, twice I've been hit with one of those, once while innocently cleaning the backroom when someone opened the door (which knocked the thing down on my head) I think I had a bruise on my head from it...:dunce: (at least he brought me lunch afterwards, lol.)

[quote name='mr_pollock']
But too many of you are 16 to 18 year old high school students, and I'm not going to waste my time wading through your horrible syntax and grammar to argue with any of you.

oh! PLZ, i m a joung 22 yr-old kid/manager and need to laugh at stoopid pleople, lolz! u ain't got nothin better to do then to not take ur own advice n stfu? :lol:

[quote name='mr_pollock']
I'm honestly not trying to insult anyone or make any enemies here.

o rielly? okay then. n/m my previous sent. mk?

Seriously, I also have a little old lady who comes in for games for her grandkids a few times, I've let her use our phone to call them and make sure she's getting the right game, she still calls them 'tapes' and I only subtly correct her (I just refrain from using the word "tapes" myself). Today she came in because the game she had just bought them they got all scratched up. I explained the refund rules with new games (they really tore this game up in two weeks, I don't know how) and also what we could do with trading it in, which is what we wound up doing. (I know I don't have to do this with a game I know isn't going back in the drawers, but I don't mind for her) I helped her with filling out the refund book because she forgot her reading glasses. She said that they tried to clean the disc off, so I showed her the skin things that protect the discs from getting scratched in the first place, and made sure she understood what they were and that they stay on and that the game plays with it on. She paid the difference for a new copy of the game and bought a small pack of skins, and we both got to be happy when she left. ^_^

so there nay-sayers = P ~~
[quote name='mr_pollock']Ahh, two and a half years isn't enough I suppose.

I've never said that 100% of customers are amazingly nice people.


But too many of you are 16 to 18 year old high school students, and I'm not going to waste my time wading through your horrible syntax and grammar to argue with any of you.

Understand this, you would never want to be treated as a stupid and uninformed customer. Never.

So why do you bother treating people like that? None of you are divine and all-knowing. At some point you'll enter into a situation when you have to ask questions and maybe you'll make a simple mistake and ask a "silly" question. Would you want to be treated like an idiot?


You'll all learn as you grow up.

Until then, continue giving each other high fives because you "pwned" some old lady that doesn't know the difference between an Xbox and a Playstation 2.[/QUOTE]

I did fit into the 16 to 18 year old age range about a year ago, but now I'm a 19 year old UC Berkeley student majoring in pre-med. I am very nice to uninformed customers; I love the older people who come in completely clueless looking for a game for their kids as long as they're polite. They're usually the people I get along best with.

I just hate the ones who yell at me, especially when they call me an uneducated immigrant (err, I was born in the US, lol). *shrugs* You would be bothered by it too.
[quote name='stoned99']My guess is for the same reason that you've put the question mark inside the quotes.[/QUOTE]

I'm not looking to start a fight, but if you're going to correct somebody's grammar then you ought to know what you're talking about. The OP was right. The question mark belongs inside the quotation marks.
I've got some stories about other employees, but I'm goin to bed...stay tuned for...Emu attacks! Hepatitis Monkey Poo! Drunken bronze pouring! and irate sandwich senseis who break stuff when you forget to cut a bun "grand canyon style!"
[quote name='jclast']I stand corrected and apologize for my ignorance, but I don't think the way I phrased my (admittedly wrong) suggestion warranted being called an asshole.[/QUOTE]

It was warranted and necessary.

[quote name='jclast']if you're going to correct somebody's grammar then you ought to know what you're talking about[/QUOTE]

I respect your admission of guilt, however, and remove the title of "Asshole" from your record.
[quote name='defiance_17']It was warranted and necessary.

I respect your admission of guilt, however, and remove the title of "Asshole" from your record.[/QUOTE]

Works for me! Thanks.

EDIT: Also, this thread is great. Thanks for the laughs.
Ok, i've got a few stories to share before I go off to bed:

I work at Blockbuster (i'm Gamerush side) so a few of mine will be about movies.

The best thing about being in the south is the accent, so here are a few examples of when the accent can throw you off.

Customer: Man, ya'll got sailor?
CSR: Sailor..?
Customer: Yeah, you know, the one about the guy on that phone with that woman?

What they wanted was "Cellular"

Customer: Man, ya'll got Fall?
CSR: Fall? No, i'm sorry...we have "Fallen" but no Fall
Customer: Naw! Not Fall! You know! Fall! S-A-W


And the best one yet:

Customer: I want to return this movie because it was in goddamn subtitles...I want one where they speak english
CSR: I'm sorry, but this movie isnt out in English, it's only subbed.
Customer: Man, that's fuckin' bullshit..Walmart's got it. I'm going there.

Movie they were talking about? "Passion of the Christ"

One Friday night I was walking around greeting my customers when this old man walked up to me and started throwing a fit because all the new games were so expensive and how he's worked hard his entire life and couldnt even afford a stupid game for his grandson and how I should be ashamed of the company that I work for because all we represent is evil and make kids feel bad about their lives.

[quote name='MegoW64']And the best one yet:

Customer: I want to return this movie because it was in goddamn subtitles...I want one where they speak english
CSR: I'm sorry, but this movie isnt out in English, it's only subbed.
Customer: Man, that's fuckin' bullshit..Walmart's got it. I'm going there.

Movie they were talking about? "Passion of the Christ"[/QUOTE]

I can't tell you how many times I delt with this when that came out on DVD. You know what tho... I totally do defend Mel Gibson for doing that. Its *HIS* film and my god it's *HIS* decision on there being no English dub. To me that would RUIN the film if anything.

Then again, according to one idiot the day it came out...

"Mel will let an English version come out... he wants money, right?"

Sorry bafoon, but there's more to life than money. Obviously idiots like this don't get the idea of respecting how the filmmakers want their works to be experienced. Then again, these are often times the same idiots who will swear to you up and down that "dem blak barz are hidin da piktar."
Top Notch Thread! I've read it all! :)

I own a Jewelry Kiosk in my local mall, I sell mostly Sterling Silver, but have a small selection of fake chains for kids.

Anyways, there's a kid that has been coming to my store for the past, oh, 2 years probably. The kid is about 10, has a terrible speech impetiment, and slurs like mad. Anyways, I cringe when i hear him coming.

He treats his parents like crap, he'll come up, demand something, and they'll say no. He'll start whining and pouting and start throwing a tantrum. Well, his parents usually look at me with the same ol "you know the drill" look and tell me to ring it up. Kid gets it, breaks/loses/trades/gives away what he bought within' a week and comes back 2 weeks later, does the same thing, and gets what he wants again.

It's pitiful, and the items he picks out are usually a 15.00 fake chain or a 20.00 watch, so it's not a 2-3.00 item either. He did this one time about 3 or 4 days before Christmas, after his parents had already bought him a chain and watch from me. He got what he wanted too.

Little boy always wears pink too. Goofiest kid I've ever seen, I just feel sorry for the parents.

Other than that, I have lots of "you're a kiosk and you're out to rip me off and lie to me and tell me this is real silver when it's fake" customers. I try to explain to them how I've been in buisness for 2 1/2 years, and I'm not running a successful store based on lies and deciet. They don't believe me, they still look at me and say "now, are you sure you aren't lying to me?" Like I'm going to say "oh yes, I was, I am so sorry...you have seen through my clever rouge."

Then you have the people who come around and lie about a price another store has a piece of jewelry I'm selling in hopes of getting it cheaper. Thing is, it's not a 5.00-10.00 difference, it's a huge massive jump! They come around, look at a 50.00 chain, and they say...

customer - "store around the corner has the same chain for 15.00"
me - "Well, that's more than it cost us wholesale, if the chain they have is real sterling silver, it's not 15.00, it must be fake"
customer - "no, he told me it was real, and it was 15.00"
me - "he's lying to you"
customer - "naw man, he's not, so you gonna hook me up with this for the same price?"
me - "nope, we don't negotiate prices here (we will, if you're not an asshole about it), if they have the chain over there for 15.00 I suggest you go buy it from them, but I guarantee it will be fake"

at this point, the customer usually walks off.

Bad thing is, being in buisness for yourself, you can't act like an asshole...you have to be nice to everyone and bite your tongue as not to lose any potential customers.

I get a lot of assholes, not very many "stupid customers", cept the ones that walk all around the store, look at everything, notice there is no gold, and then ask if we sell gold. o_O
[quote name='demomanTNA']
Sorry bafoon, but there's more to life than money. Obviously idiots like this don't get the idea of respecting how the filmmakers want their works to be experienced. Then again, these are often times the same idiots who will swear to you up and down that "dem blak barz are hidin da piktar."[/QUOTE]

So then, what was "The Passion Recut?"

Bad thing is, being in buisness for yourself, you can't act like an asshole...you have to be nice to everyone and bite your tongue as not to lose any potential customers.

You haven't read the Acts of Gord then, have you? He says some hilarious things to punk customers.

I've taken it upon myself to say things to people that employees cannot/will not say. Not in a way that I'd piss off the employees of course, but I figure if someone can tell them what's up in a way they'll understand, better it's someone that they can't point to as an employee mistreating customers.

I was in an EB and this kid was giving the employee crap about the PSP. He was essentially saying "I don't want to pay $250 for a PSP, you should use your employee discount to give it to me for cheap. How about $100?" I finally turned to the kid and said "Look, don't be retarded. Not only is he not allowed to use his employee discount on some random person, but you don't get to name the price. Either get a job or drop the subject." The kid tried to start talking shit to me, so I laughed at him and walked to a different part of the store. The funniest thing was that the kid then proceeded to buy a game before he left.
Over the phone: "Do you have Need for Speed...Need for Speed: Double Dutch?..oh..wait *laughs* I didn't mean that...that one for the PSP."

"you got dat Club Dub 3? (woah..You've got to admit, that one's catchy, lol.)

guy buying Narc for his son after I tell him what's in it: "Oh, well he can play that, and if he ever uses drugs I'll kill 'im" :lol:
I absolutely love this tread. If you do too, check out http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=1399028&perpage=40&pagenumber=1 Its at the something awful forums, so be warned that it may contain vulgar language and whatnot.

Now, about 3 years ago, I worked at a Russ's Market (grocery store, but a bit more expensive and upper class I guess you could say). We have this card that you need to have scanned to get your sales, which led to many discussions, none of which I can actually remember, but here is a story that I do remember:

After working about 6 months at the customer service desk (I get the crap the cashiers didn't want to deal with, but hey, I got paid more) I was promoted to assistant manager of the front end (video, cashiers, customer service, etc.) which meant I could go into the security camera kiosk, back to where the money vault is, etc. Well, one day a bag boy comes up to me and tells me that someone spilled chili in one of our aisles. I go check it out with my manager, only it wasn't chili. the most horrific smell you could imagine gave that one away. So we go check the security tapes, and we find a lady walk down the aisle, then right back up it. On the way up she sort of does a squat thing, and liftes her dress up a bit, and *bloop* *bloop* About 4 or 5 spots of crap land on the floor. I just couldn't believe it. We were located in a nicer part of town, and this happened. Luckily I didn't have to clean it up, but we never did catch her. I just wanted to know what was going through her mind.
[quote name='Kayden']What the hell compells people to shit in the middle of a public place!? :evil:[/QUOTE]

Maybe she knew she couldn't make it to the bathroom and didn't want to ruin her underwear?

One would (I can't believe I'm thinking about this) think that it would get all over the backs of her legs/shoes. At least, if someone thought it looked like chili...

I'm going to go shower for about three days now.
[quote name='stoned99']I have the same problem in Target all the time, if I'm wearing a red shirt I dread the "Do you work here question". PPL are such drones, why don't they look for the tell tale "Target" logo, or even the ever mysterious name tag.[/QUOTE]

check this out...I am a chef. one night, i leave my restaurant early to swing by Target to pick up something on the way home. While in the electronics section, a woman approaches me and asks rudely,"...Excuse me, but I need some help here and you're not helping me!!"...I am confused by this woman's Tourette-esque outburst, as I am rummaging through the clearance video-game stacks WEARING KITCHEN CLOGS, CHEF PANTS, A CHEF COAT (with my restaurants name on it, as well as my name and position), AND A BASEBALL HAT FEATURING THE NAME OF MY RESTAURANT (which, by the way, was NOT TARGET!!!). I didn't know what to say except "Look lady, I obviously don't work here, as I am wearing a chef coat, not the requisite red shirt and khakis." to this she indignantly replied "well you certainly don't have to be an a$$hole about it!!" and stormed off. Stupid SUV driving suburbanite. Man oh man people are stupid.
LOL. this would have inspired me to get a retail job, but unfortunately i don't have any transportation.
this doesmt belonf here but it doesn't belong anywhere else either~ today i sliced my fingers real bad with a box cutter and had to get half a dozen stitches....SEE WHAT US GAMESTORE EMPLOYEES PUT UP WITH FOR YOU??!!?...

heeh, just kiddingm its not the cust's fault but it sucks hardcore nonetheless, my hand is frikking killing me and i had to get a tetnis shot and everything. my coworkersm btw, are amazing. good thing i just got my indurance stuffm but i;m mia from cag for a bit (one hamded typing sucks, time to go buy some movies for my psp i guess :cry: )
[quote name='tauruskatt']this doesmt belonf here but it doesn't belong anywhere else either~ today i sliced my fingers real bad with a box cutter and had to get half a dozen stitches....SEE WHAT US GAMESTORE EMPLOYEES PUT UP WITH FOR YOU??!!?...[/QUOTE]

Ever burn yourself with the shrink-wrap machine? It hurts like eight bitches on a bitch-boat.
[quote name='Ledhed']Ever burn yourself with the shrink-wrap machine? It hurts like eight bitches on a bitch-boat.[/QUOTE]

yup, but only mildly, it's right up there above xbox + gravity issues.
*This story isn't very entertaining and it might be even boring, but I just wanted to post it cause it shows that there are still real good customers out there*

Welp I got a story now, something about the good customers. So like I said before about 10 pages ago I currently work at a Suncoast Video in a mall. The manager that's there has been the manager of that store for about 10 years (damn.). The third key has been there for about 3 1/2 years. I started 6 months ago. The manager is a really great guy, he knows his movie stuff, and he's real organized. He's like a supreme manager. You can totally tell that this guy is the only reason why the store didn't go down the craphole. The location isn't all that great and prices are pretty high considering there's a Best Buy down the block. The only reason the store didn't go under is because of the regulars we have, and they shop at Suncoast just because of the manager. The manager (I'll just call him Brian from here on) has decided to quit the company and move on to another manager job at another store because he didn't want to put up with the crap from the district manager (I believe he hasn't even been with the company as long as Brian has). The thirdkey (I'll call him Sheldon) also decided to quit and go to the same company as Brian.

So enough background and here goes the story. I was working today with Sheldon, a mother and her daughter (12 or so) came in. They were regulars and from what I've been told they were shopping there for years. I rang up their purchases and then Sheldon began to tell the mother about them quitting. I went on to help another customer til I heard the girl burst out crying. It wasn't like sniffle sniffle and some tears but it was full fledged crying, losing your best friend in the world type of crying. The mother had to hug her to try to calm her down. The customer that I was helping at the time asked if the girl was alright. The mother said she was fine. Then she started explaning that Brian was like family to them, they even brought her report cards to show him and Sheldon. The mother even wanted the number of the district manager to tell him off. So I was pretty much speechless until they left (the girl was still crying). A couple hours later during my break, I went to a Walden Books which. The employee asked if there was a mother and girl that went to Suncoast, I said yeah. The employee then said that the girl was still crying when they went into Walden Books and the mother explained the whole situation to them. Man, those were some dedicated customers. So yeah, I heard the new manager is an ass, so I'll be quitting also and the other main part timers. We're gonna screw the DM over so bad.
[quote name='KingSpike']So then, what was "The Passion Recut?"[/QUOTE]

I didn't even know about that til you just mentioned it (and looked it up on IMDB).
Got a fun question today... a customer comes up to me with some scrapbook pages and asks-

"Why is this $4.99 here, but only $2.99 at JoAnn's?"
Me:".... becuase JoAnn's decided to make that price?"
cust.: "...so that's it?"
me"... we don't have any control over JoAnn's or their prices-"
"That's a big difference you know."

I'm a bit lost at this point- why in the world would I know our competitor's pricing reasons? I don't even know ours! But I do figure out where it's going.

"I can only do a price match with an ad or a receipt with a bar code."
"Oh, ok.* *walks off*

People are weird...
[quote name='sackz23']It took me all week to finish reading up to here....

Please don't let this thread die...[/QUOTE]

Oh it won't. I'll probably have some more stories from this weekend's work hours. Heh, not to go iron my clothes and get ready.
[quote name='dp84']*This story isn't very entertaining and it might be even boring, but I just wanted to post it cause it shows that there are still real good customers out there*

Welp I got a story now, something about the good customers. So like I said before about 10 pages ago I currently work at a Suncoast Video in a mall. The manager that's there has been the manager of that store for about 10 years (damn.). The third key has been there for about 3 1/2 years. I started 6 months ago. The manager is a really great guy, he knows his movie stuff, and he's real organized. He's like a supreme manager. You can totally tell that this guy is the only reason why the store didn't go down the craphole. The location isn't all that great and prices are pretty high considering there's a Best Buy down the block. The only reason the store didn't go under is because of the regulars we have, and they shop at Suncoast just because of the manager. The manager (I'll just call him Brian from here on) has decided to quit the company and move on to another manager job at another store because he didn't want to put up with the crap from the district manager (I believe he hasn't even been with the company as long as Brian has). The thirdkey (I'll call him Sheldon) also decided to quit and go to the same company as Brian.

So enough background and here goes the story. I was working today with Sheldon, a mother and her daughter (12 or so) came in. They were regulars and from what I've been told they were shopping there for years. I rang up their purchases and then Sheldon began to tell the mother about them quitting. I went on to help another customer til I heard the girl burst out crying. It wasn't like sniffle sniffle and some tears but it was full fledged crying, losing your best friend in the world type of crying. The mother had to hug her to try to calm her down. The customer that I was helping at the time asked if the girl was alright. The mother said she was fine. Then she started explaning that Brian was like family to them, they even brought her report cards to show him and Sheldon. The mother even wanted the number of the district manager to tell him off. So I was pretty much speechless until they left (the girl was still crying). A couple hours later during my break, I went to a Walden Books which. The employee asked if there was a mother and girl that went to Suncoast, I said yeah. The employee then said that the girl was still crying when they went into Walden Books and the mother explained the whole situation to them. Man, those were some dedicated customers. So yeah, I heard the new manager is an ass, so I'll be quitting also and the other main part timers. We're gonna screw the DM over so bad.[/QUOTE]

I know a manager like that. He worked at Gamestop, so I would go out of my way to shop their so his store would get my business. He quit and went to the Best Buy down the street. The GS went down the shitter. Needless to say, I now shop at the Best Buy down the street.
[quote name='XboxHardcore.com']Oh it won't. I'll probably have some more stories from this weekend's work hours. Heh, not to go iron my clothes and get ready.[/QUOTE]

Nice! You guys rock and seriously have given me hours of entertainment. I havent worked in retail, but I've worked in the service aspect (valet parking, waiter, etc) - I'll see about digging up some old funny memories/moments.
"what's that?" (points to pic of a psp case)
"that's a case we sell for the psp...it's sony's new handheld system...it's like a gameboy, but more for adults"
"for adults?!...it must show filthy stuff!"

[quote name='tauruskatt']"what's that?" (points to pic of a psp case)
"that's a case we sell for the psp...it's sony's new handheld system...it's like a gameboy, but more for adults"
"for adults?!...it must show filthy stuff!"


Hey, with the link in your sig it CAN... :lol:
I was at Walmart tonight getting some dog food when this Woman needed something off the top shelf, so instead of walking up nicely to the Walmart employee she stood where she was and yelled across the store to him, "WALMART MAN! COME HERE!"

I was in shock. Even after the guy came over and was being super polite the woman was like, "I want you to get on a ladder and get me that tray of dog food...it's your job after all"

Whatta bitch.

Then, tonight at work this woman came in and was trying to talk her way out of paying for a movie that she had lost so after arguing with my manager for about 10 minutes I happened to walk by and she was like, "YOU! I talked to you about it! Remember!?"

I politely told her that I didnt and she was like, "IT WAS JUST LAST WEEK! How can you not remember? I would think you could do better then that"

About this time I leaned towards the woman and said, "Ma'am, I see nearly 1500 people in a week and if one of them was to come in today and ask me if I remembered them I would laugh in their face. To me, all you are is another face....no more special then the others that I see"

Then started to walk away.

The woman then acted as if I held the secret key to a treasure box because she kept saying, "If you remember anything, call me! ok? give me a call if you remember anything at all"

I honestly dont understand people.
[quote name='KingSpike']Hey, with the link in your sig it CAN... :lol:[/QUOTE]

I didn't want to tell him that, lol. :whistle2:$ :lol:

Whats funny is he also said as he walked in that he comes in there once a week or more and no one ever 'hooks him up' so it's his last time shopping there (lol...i've never seen him before in my life, not that i remember anyway). then he asked the question that i answered and goes, "see? it took a woman to answer- you didn't answer, that's another reason i'm not buying anything here anymore, you should let her work here"...hehe. At which point i go "I do work here", the other guy behind the counter goes, "yeah, she's the asst manager", and i was like, "I'm here 40 hours a week, you come here all this time and you've never seen me??" :lol: the guy just goes, "oh, well, yeah, yeah i do remember you now, you helped me pick out some games before.."

teehee.. him saying the psp must be for playing filth was funnier tho, so i had to post that one first :lol:
Not really that funny, but I get some pain in the ass customers when I was working at Mcdonalds and now at Stop and shop (supermarket).

At Mc Donalds, one guy would ALWAYS order a fish filet, double friend, with a sesame seed bun.

I also love it, when I get through a huge order, and THEN they tell me they didn't want this or that on those 10 cheeseburgers they ordered in the beginning, so now we have ot remake everything.

At S&S, this one old guy must be paranoid as hell. He refuses to get one of the free discount cards, and instead bitches when I ask if he has one, or when he doesn't get the salebecause he doesn't have it. He seems to be under the impression that it's a form of tracking. Yes, S&S has nothing better to do than track the migratory and (non-existant) mating paterns for old men, you twit

Then, there's this other old guy, and he must be the slowest man in existance. I watched him get into his car one time (I was collecting carts). It literally took him over 40 minutes to open the door, put in 2 bags, get in, start the car, and drive away. He spends around 3 hours shopping, for a few items.
Yesterday at work there was a page "customer assistance to DVDs please" ... so I walk over and there are a few people there and I am looking for whoever wants help.... no one says anything, so I go back to games, then the bitch comes over and says "What do I have to do to get service around here!?!"

Thankfully, another assossiate helped her as I was about to tell her off.... "Well for one thing, you need to change your tone of voice and be patient, you're not the only customer here. Help is provided on a first come, first serve basis. If no one comes it is probably cause we're busy helping someone else."
[quote name='Vampire Hunter D']So i guess everyones pretty much out of stories. Well it was great while it lasted.[/QUOTE]

More stories will come along, just wait.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']At S&S, this one old guy must be paranoid as hell. He refuses to get one of the free discount cards, and instead bitches when I ask if he has one, or when he doesn't get the salebecause he doesn't have it. He seems to be under the impression that it's a form of tracking. Yes, S&S has nothing better to do than track the migratory and (non-existant) mating paterns for old men, you twit.[/QUOTE]

actually, they are used to track purchases. http://www.nocards.org/ (not the most unbiased site, but the news stories there tell the same story)

I remember one time I was in Target, wearing a blue shirt, tie, and slacks. (I had just gotten out of speech class. no, not impediment. Speech 101 @ college.) This I was browsing the new releases section and a guy walks up asking if I could ring him up. I look at him and say, "do I look like I work here? I'm wearing a blue shirt, for God's sake!"

My wife works for Pepsi, wears a Pepsi Shirt, Pepsi shorts, Pepsi jacket, and a Pepsi hat. No matter what store she goes into, people always ask her to help them find something. I've told her she needs to get more forceful, because she always tells them no politely and then complains to me about it.
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