Endless Ocean - Swim With the Fishes Online - $30

[quote name='electronicmaji']Im watching in hd resolution ...theres not enought of a difference to warrant paying 300 dollars more...sorry[/quote]Protip: People don't buy a console to just play one game.

And what the hell does HD resolution have to do with it if your screen is 19"?
[quote name='Vegan']Kids these days. No imagination.[/quote]

I'll be the first to admit that gameplay > graphics. However in something like this realism would provide a more immersive experience.

Oh, and I haven't been a "kid" for 20 some odd years :)
[quote name='dallow']Get a bigger monitor. And the plural of "fish", is "fish".[/quote]

Actually, the plural of fish can be fish OR fishes. "Fish" refers to 2 or more fish of the same species, while "fishes" refers to a 2 or more fish of different species. So in fact the poster's use of the word "fishes" was correct, hehe.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']Actually, the plural of fish can be fish OR fishes. "Fish" refers to 2 or more fish of the same species, while "fishes" refers to a 2 or more fish of different species. So in fact the poster's use of the word "fishes" was correct, hehe.[/quote]Oh really?
Hehe, nice to know. Thank you!
[quote name='daminion']I'll be the first to admit that gameplay > graphics. However in something like this realism would provide a more immersive experience.

Same here. Seems like this type of "game" would be one place were the most realistic graphics possible would really be key...
Actually the graphics work really well for this. The SD card support is really nice too but the fact you can only load up one mp3 at a time is poor decision.
The graphics are good, but if I ever wanted an Aquarium sim, I'd definitely prefer a game with as close to photo realistic, HD graphics as possible as the whole point is to be as life like as possible.
I remember asking if it was indeed $30, and since it is, I'll definitely pick it up.

Even though I have some strange irrational fear about playing games underwater.

Ecco on the Dreamcast used to make me lose my breath. I have no idea why.
[quote name='UltimoRey']Bump since it comes out soon. Is anyone still goning to get this?[/quote]

Coming out soon? I saw it at Target early last week.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Coming out soon? I saw it at Target early last week.[/quote]

really, are you sure you didn't confuse it for Sea Monsters? The covers look really similar.

I'm still going to pick it up. Ocean + Collecting = Win
[quote name='squid']really, are you sure you didn't confuse it for Sea Monsters? The covers look really similar.

I'm still going to pick it up. Ocean + Collecting = Win[/quote]

No, I actually remember quite clearly since I never heard of Sea Monsters and I saw both on an endcap and thought that my daughter would really love both games since she's all into animals and sea creatures.
I'm seriously thinking of getting this; only my backlog of unfinished games (and lack of free time) stops me.

I'm getting it especially for $29.99 with being able to put music on the sd and listen to it is nice and from the videos I've seen it seems pretty fun also about it being out already i've seen two people post that they saw it I think the other person said bestbuy, so maybe some places put it out early which would be nice I'll probably call around later today hoping it's out early here.
[quote name='meerkatgamer']I'm getting it especially for $29.99 with being able to put music on the sd and listen to it is nice and from the videos I've seen it seems pretty fun also about it being out already i've seen two people post that they saw it I think the other person said bestbuy, so maybe some places put it out early which would be nice I'll probably call around later today hoping it's out early here.[/quote]
You know you can only listen 1 song per dive right?
[quote name='Corvin']where'd you see that info on the single track info?[/quote]
it was in some multiplayer hands-on review, which I can't seem to find now. They were talking about how it was weird playing this to Nine Inch Nails. They sadi before each dive you can pick a song, but your stuck with it for the whole dive.

found it: http://wii.ign.com/articles/846/846342p1.html
"On another note, the title does enable the ability to listen to your own MP3 music while you dive. Going from a slow, melodic tune to Nine Inch Nails really changes the whole experience, we can tell you. Unfortunately, you can only select one song per dive and it simply repeats over and over again -- maybe the dumbest decision ever. (Obviously, songs don't translate to the online experience; you will still be able to listen to your Nine Inch Nails locally, but your friend won't hear it.) "
Suitable choices for music, as discussed previously in the thread:

Dire Dire Docks from Mario 64

Any Monkey Island music, notably the theme, or a medley (Tybee's idea)

I wonder what the size/length limits for the mp3 are. Because then, there would not be a lot stopping me from making a huge mp3 full of various songs.
[quote name='Strell']Suitable choices for music, as discussed previously in the thread:

Dire Dire Docks from Mario 64

Any Monkey Island music, notably the theme, or a medley (Tybee's idea)

I wonder what the size/length limits for the mp3 are. Because then, there would not be a lot stopping me from making a huge mp3 full of various songs.[/quote]

Additional suggestions:

- Any ambient music from Disney World, especially The Living Seas at Epcot or Pirates of the Caribbean

- Debussy's "La Mer"
Water level music from Super Mario Galaxy. Mostly Beach Bowl Galaxy. Whenever that song starts playing on my computer I crank it up really loud.

Or any water music from any mario game.

Or any water music from any game.

fuck it, any music period.
Portishead must be played underwater and a little Lamb for good measure. Something about spooky ambience and nasal female vocals mixed with water just works. Probably the new Magnetic Fields as soon as I get it.

All that said, is there any point to being able to play the music from the game itself? I don't know what that would be, but I could be missing something. With most games, I just turn off the included music anyway, and leave the sound effects through the TV and play my own music through the receiver. This eliminates any stress over the supposed one-song limit for me.
[quote name='rjung']Is this in stores yet? Didn't see it at Target yesterday.

It shouldn't have been there yesterday - today is the release date. I just came from Target and didn't see it, but sometimes smaller games at bigger stores aren't stocked immediately.
i saw it at best Buy and thought its out alreadsy eh? So its out, just look around.

*Edit This Best Buy had Wiis in stock too though!
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']This looks... so boring. I can understand how it might be fun for some.. but I think even with the 29.99 price tag it wont sell..[/quote]
I've been waiting for this "game" forever and I'm totally excited about it, but I have to agree with you. The first two games in the series didn't sell on the PS2 either.
Keep in mind that only one music track can be played per dive, and it's set to repeat. No picking on the fly or anything. You have to go back and dive again to pick another song.
Having played some today, it might not be worth the $30 bt if you're a Marine Biology freak like me, it might be worth it. The developers do have some work to do to make a game feel smooth though.
[quote name='UltimoRey']Having played some today, it might not be worth the $30 bt if you're a Marine Biology freak like me, it might be worth it. The developers do have some work to do to make a game feel smooth though.[/QUOTE]
thanks to the SSB Wal-mart fiasco, I happily screwed them out of $10 for this.us OF course, they got $20 more out of me than normal and i have to wait a week to play.us P S typing on the wii sucks.us
[quote name='mephitical']thanks to the SSB Wal-mart fiasco, I happily screwed them out of $10 for this.us OF course, they got $20 more out of me than normal and i have to wait a week to play.us P S typing on the wii sucks.us[/quote]

Hah, I did the same thing :D.
[quote name='mephitical']thanks to the SSB Wal-mart fiasco, I happily screwed them out of $10 for this.us OF course, they got $20 more out of me than normal and i have to wait a week to play.us P S typing on the wii sucks.us[/quote]

You know you can use a USB keyboard, right?
Just ordered this and Ghost Squad from Amazon, it looked interesting. I like the idea of exploring oceans and not killing anything.

Hope it's decent.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']Ah, the $10 Wal-Mart coupon, good call! Endless Ocean is a great use for that.[/QUOTE]

I did it too, but they sure are taking their sweet time shipping it.
[quote name='Tybee']You know you can use a USB keyboard, right?[/quote]
Yeah, but then I'd have to spend money to get one. Money that could be used for more important things, like buying a game where you mostly stare at a blue screen and obsess over what music you will listen to.
[quote name='ma']I did it too, but they sure are taking their sweet time shipping it.[/quote]
No kidding! I pre-ordered Endless Ocean from them and No More Heroes from Barnes&Noble/Gamestop (using up all my gift cards) and neither one has shipped.
I was real into scuba diving for about 10 years. I might get Aqua or rent it, if possible. Looks cool.

Has anyone played that pre-historic monster game that's under water for the Wii yet?
bread's done