Fallout: New Vegas - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Soodmeg']Why so angry?

I bought the game the day after release like many of the people in the world and in this thread so no I didnt know it was bug ridden. Also, why are you snapping at me like I am the only one in here complaining about bugs and lock ups? Its only the single biggest complaint the every single review has said so far.

More importantly the forums are not just isnt for saying how great games are they are for commenting (good or bad) on games.

Calm down a little buddy, its all good man. I will comment on the game as long as I own it (like I do every game) and then move on.

Jesus people, its a game and a forum no need for hostility.[/QUOTE]

Because I (and others) get tired of you coming in here bitching about it. If you don't like the game, why are you continuously telling us how bad it is in the thread? Yes, the game has problems, but a lot of them are overblown. I'm 55 hours in and while I've had my share of glitches, they are no where near as bad as reviewers said. The game has been patched and a lot was fixed. People are able to play the game. Banky has beaten the game multiple times. I've been able to play the game for hours without problems.

Your constant bitching in this thread about how the story sucks, or isn't as good as fallout 3 is completely unnecessary. The story is just as strong, if not stronger in parts, than Fallout 3 ever was.
I've played 80+ hours and ran into one major glitch that stopped me from completing minor quests that were not part of the main storyline and did not have achievements attached. Not saying people aren't having problems, but it's getting old now. We get it. It's a glitchy game. No one is saying it isn't. But a dozen posts about it is a little too much. And if you bought this game anytime after release day, well, then it's your fault for buying a game that had the internet a buzz with all of its glitches. The only people who can complain who those that had it pre-ordered and/or got it day one, before the reviews were posted. After that, you bought the game knowing it had issues. That's like buying an "as-is" console and then complaining when you find out it doesn't work right.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Because I (and others) get tired of you coming in here bitching about it. If you don't like the game, why are you continuously telling us how bad it is in the thread? Yes, the game has problems, but a lot of them are overblown. I'm 55 hours in and while I've had my share of glitches, they are no where near as bad as reviewers said. The game has been patched and a lot was fixed. People are able to play the game. Banky has beaten the game multiple times. I've been able to play the game for hours without problems.

Your constant bitching in this thread about how the story sucks, or isn't as good as fallout 3 is completely unnecessary. The story is just as strong, if not stronger in parts, than Fallout 3 ever was.[/QUOTE]

How do opinions work again?

Again, I think you are taking it a little too serious. If you like it more power to you buddy, but just because you think the story is strong doesnt bar me for thinking its not and saying so.

Also, overblown about the the glitches and freezes? I dont know about that man, that seems like a huge cop out. Granted you are entitled to your opinion but seriously, EVERY single video game outlet has comment on the amount of freezes/bugs and sections of broken gameplay. That includes pretty much 90% of the people in this thread who had complaints ranging for broken quests to hours of gameplay lost, although noting that a couple people said they experienced none what so ever.

Not to belittle you but this seems like a classic case of gamer over reaction. My statements were not that challenging to anyone (it would be much different if I was intentional trying to counter point anything positive said about the game) and were presented as that, random statements of my opinion to no one in particular. It seems that you are more upset by the fact that I do not like a game you do that what was actually said, which for whatever reason causes gamers to just fly of the handle.

Its ok for both of us to exist in here. No ill will man but spetre has a point.
I'm loving New Vegas. Yeah, some of the glitches are really annoying, but not enough for me to regret buying the game or enjoying it. They knock it out of the running for Game of the Year in my opinion, but again, not completely game breaking (for me at leaast).
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I've played 80+ hours and ran into one major glitch that stopped me from completing minor quests that were not part of the main storyline and did not have achievements attached. Not saying people aren't having problems, but it's getting old now. We get it. It's a glitchy game. No one is saying it isn't. But a dozen posts about it is a little too much. And if you bought this game anytime after release day, well, then it's your fault for buying a game that had the internet a buzz with all of its glitches. The only people who can complain who those that had it pre-ordered and/or got it day one, before the reviews were posted. After that, you bought the game knowing it had issues. That's like buying an "as-is" console and then complaining when you find out it doesn't work right.[/QUOTE]

Really? I dunno man, now let me say this first, I am not making the argument that people should spent this entire thread bitching and this is kinda a separate point all together.

But do you really feel that its acceptable for a company to release a game that has been called, "Full of glitches and requires multiple hard resets." I know you like the game (Hell I love Alpha Protocol but it is still a shitty game) but to excuse all of the tech aspects of the game and in turn blame it on the customer seems very odd.

That is something about the gaming culture that has always been lost on me. Remember when Firestone tires kept blowing out and killing people? Its like saying its their fault for having firestone tires in the first place. You buy things expecting them to work fully. This also touches on the now populate and patch trend that the gaming companies love so much. Which too me is a very slippery slope.

This has nothing to do with anything I admit but its just really strange to me when a game has factual flaws (as in ones that can be proven without a shadow of a doubt) for the fans to say thats other fans fault for not over looking it.

Gamers are a very fickle bunch.
It's not odd to "turn the blame" when it's your fault for buying the game. You yourself earlier in the thread said you were happy you didn't buy the game, seeing as it was glitchy. So, what did you do? You bought the game anyway. What right do you have to complain when you knew full well going into the purchase that the game was glitchy? You have no right. It's the same as my "as-is" console example above. If you buy something that you know doesn't work right, you really don't have much left to complain about.

As far as comparing tires to a video game, if you stop and think about that for a moment, I'm sure you will see how silly it is. Tires blowing out can destroy your car and kill you. A $60 video game, not so much. And again, if someone bought faulty tires AFTER the company said they were faulty, that's their fault. Of course, in that case, the company would likely pull the offending product and/or remedy the situation for the existing customers, but you get the point, I'm sure.

Again, as I said earlier, this game is glitchy, and there's no arguing that. And being annoyed that it is glitchy is one thing. But in numerous posts of yours, you talk about how you wasted money or whatever. Again, who is to blame for that? You knew the game was glitchy.
[quote name='Soodmeg']This has nothing to do with anything I admit but its just really strange to me when a game has factual flaws (as in ones that can be proven without a shadow of a doubt) for the fans to say thats other fans fault for not over looking it.

Gamers are a very fickle bunch.[/QUOTE]

Oh man does this point apply to one game in particular so much but I know better than to mention it here. Props for the reminder.
[quote name='Soodmeg']How do opinions work again?

Again, I think you are taking it a little too serious. If you like it more power to you buddy, but just because you think the story is strong doesnt bar me for thinking its not and saying so.

Also, overblown about the the glitches and freezes? I dont know about that man, that seems like a huge cop out. Granted you are entitled to your opinion but seriously, EVERY single video game outlet has comment on the amount of freezes/bugs and sections of broken gameplay. That includes pretty much 90% of the people in this thread who had complaints ranging for broken quests to hours of gameplay lost, although noting that a couple people said they experienced none what so ever.

Not to belittle you but this seems like a classic case of gamer over reaction. My statements were not that challenging to anyone (it would be much different if I was intentional trying to counter point anything positive said about the game) and were presented as that, random statements of my opinion to no one in particular. It seems that you are more upset by the fact that I do not like a game you do that what was actually said, which for whatever reason causes gamers to just fly of the handle.

Its ok for both of us to exist in here. No ill will man but spetre has a point.[/QUOTE]

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. We just don't need your constant opinion on this thread stating how poor you think the game is. You're adding nothing to the thread. You're adding no discussion about gameplay. You're adding nothing to help anyone out who has questions. You're not persuading anyone to not buy this game when they're distinctly coming in to this thread to discuss FNV.

You'll find that the people who have problems are going to bitch about something. Those that don't rarely if ever comment. That's how it works with any product. There is always a vocal minority.

I hardly care about your opinion, yet I don't see the point of you repeating yourself over and over. You've stated multiple times in this thread that you don't like the game. Why do you keep coming back here? What do you think you're adding to the discussion that anyone here might not know? Anyone who is interested in the game has read the reviews, or has read parts of this thread and knows that there are glitches out of the box.
Did they ever release a second patch for this game? I wasn't having many problems (only one lock up so far) but wanted to wait until the second patch came out.
[quote name='FrankySox']Did they ever release a second patch for this game? I wasn't having many problems (only one lock up so far) but wanted to wait until the second patch came out.[/QUOTE]

No. It has no current ETA either.
You cared enough to be extremely annoyed by it and then post a comment on it and then but a response, instead of just shrugging it off.

Anyway, calm down mtx its really not that big of a deal man. If you dont like them just gloss over them, I have posted what? less than 10 times on a 38 page thread, you are very much over reacting. Just one last note, "adding to the conversation," is a statement that gets thrown around by forums all the time and is based solely off of your opinion of what the conversation is. I could write a novel filled with completely fleshed out points and counter points and in depth analysis of everything I feel is wrong with this game. All you would do is view it as a one big negative and clump it in your "bitching," category call me a troll and move on.

No hard feelings brohamskillet. Although I would like to make your thread viewing better I am not going to stop posting my opinion just because you disagree. Would you like them to be more fleshed out or shorter? Maybe bullet points? But this is hardly imporant enough to get hostile towards each other. I dont want to ruin your FNV experience brotha.

BigDaddy, I think it a little more than that (again this conversation has nothing to do with anything just a random point). It less turning the blame and more being upset that someone else cant overlook a flaw that you can. A flaw is a flaw, a glitch is a glitch just because you can over look them does not mean they do not exist.

To say that its someone fault for not being able to over look flaws is a stretch because flaws by definition are not suppose to be there. Now regardless of knowing about those flaws before hand is a moot point. Whethere someone knows about them or not they still exist. Now just to clarify, I bought the game 1 day after release and your saying (I think) that I should have known every flaw, the severity of those flaws and made a decision on whether or not a game I had been waiting on for 2 years in one day?

So where is the cut off point? Only the people who got it at 12:01 are allowed to be angry if the game they purchased has flaws? Because what you are saying (I think) is that any point after that is the users fault for not researching a game enough before buying. Even though review embargo have been around for years now and many times are not released until the day of or day after a game is.
Does anyone know of any quick and painless techniques for earning good karma? I did a little XP and loot grinding taking advantage of the NPC respawns at the BoS bunker only to realize karma still affects your relationship with your companions (pretty damn stupid considering it is otherwise useless all other areas). Cass is a little pissed at my girl now and though with 95 Speech stat convo checks aren't an issue if you aren't above neutral karma when you talk to her for a third time she'll leave your game for good.

Since she's arguably my favorite NPC I'd prefer to get my karma back rather than avoid talking to her or running the risk of reaching the threshold where she confronts me about it herself. Any ideas or am I stuck searching for positive karma quests now? I hardly have any left that aren't glitched out.
You know for me, killing powder gangers netted me positive karma. Too be honest though I dont understand why because killing legion does nothing even though morally they are far worse than powder PGs.
Appreciate the tip. Since I can't stand those little fuckers so I have no qualms repeatedly cleaning out their encampments as along as it takes. I know for a fact Feral Ghouls net positive rep for killing them as well but they are rare to find out in the wastes. Anyone else got any tips?
[quote name='Soodmeg']You know for me, killing powder gangers netted me positive karma. Too be honest though I dont understand why because killing legion does nothing even though morally they are far worse than powder PGs.[/QUOTE]

I believe that killing some
Legion folks gives you karma and im pretty certain that all Fiends you kill with you positive karma. Check out the area west of New Vegas and you should be able to find plenty of Fiends to shoot.
Thanks guys. It shouldn't take long to get back up to a VG rating now. It's pretty hard not to run into an army of Fiends around Vegas.
Yes, all fiends are going to give you positive Karma. I'm still neutral to the NCR, but every legion I kill nets positive Karma. It's really going to depend on who you're trying to associate with honestly.
The karma system in this can definitely be wacky sometimes. For instance, I go to Cottonwood Cove and slaughter every Legion member there. No karma gained or loss. Buuuuuut...I'm not allowed to steal the stuff from their base? What? Now, that's funny. I can slaughter an entire outpost, but it would just be wrong to steal their goods afterwards.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']The karma system in this can definitely be wacky sometimes. For instance, I go to Cottonwood Cove and slaughter every Legion member there. No karma gained or loss. Buuuuuut...I'm not allowed to steal the stuff from their base? What? Now, that's funny. I can slaughter an entire outpost, but it would just be wrong to steal their goods afterwards.[/QUOTE]

Or when you kill all the powder gangers at the NCR prison...yet you can't steal anything in the rooms.

Or when you help the NCR at Helios One, yet can't do the same....
Beware of trading with traveling merchants near the 188 Trading Post. Every time I try to complete a transaction it triggers a console freeze. Ugh... I just want to fully repair this Super Sledge for Rose damnit. Why is that so wrong?

I agree wholeheartedly they should have fixed the karma system as it pertains to acts of stealing. I say if go through the trouble of not getting caught in the first place I shouldn't receive a karma hit. They could have at the very least introduced a late game perk for circumventing the system altogether. Not sure why being encumbered got one but this equally cumbersome (heh) fairly useless mechanic didn't.
Alright I am confused and stuck. I am on the quest Oh my Papa.

I have convinced everyone to go against Legion expect Regis who apparently needs either the slave book from Cesare tent or karls journal. I already have karls journal in my possession from when I pissed him off and he got killed by the khans. Yet the mission will not continue past this point. Legion hate my face and I would rather not fight my way into the fort if I have a option in the very same room.
God damn it,

Boone will not leave this house with me. As in when I press A to go through the door he does not he stays inside. I have not told him to wait because he follows me around while in the house he just wont leave when I do.
Have either of you tried talking to Papa Khan instead of Regis? Might be a glitch (or rep based) but I finished it without fetching the slave ledger after ousting Karl and convincing everyone else. After a speech check he had no problem breaking off the alliance for me though you may be sent on one last quest if you can't pass the last check.

As for the Boone issue either fast travel without him or just fire then rehire. The game should right itself unless you ran into a serious glitch.

Quick ending question:
Does your companion's ending change depending on your karma or is it simply quest line based?

I finished mine today. The end game and ending was more or less on par with FO3 which translates to not so amazing but extremely informative which I personally love. Seriously hoping for some Broken Steel DLC action in the future. Not sure if it's worth starting a new play-through without DLC though even if I'm achievement hunting. Might as well wait for the next patch so I can at least play with two companions this time.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Have either of you tried talking to Papa Khan instead of Regis? Might be a glitch (or rep based) but I finished it without fetching the slave ledger after ousting Karl and convincing everyone else. After a speech check he had no problem breaking off the alliance for me though you may be sent on one last quest if you can't pass the last check.

As for the Boone issue either fast travel without him or just fire then rehire. The game should right itself unless you ran into a serious glitch.

Quick ending question:
Does your companion's ending change depending on your karma or is it simply quest line based?

I finished mine today. The end game and ending was more or less on par with FO3 which translates to not so amazing but extremely informative which I personally love. Seriously hoping for some Broken Steel DLC action in the future. Not sure if it's worth starting a new play-through without DLC though even if I'm achievement hunting. Might as well wait for the next patch so I can at least play with two companions this time.[/QUOTE]

AFAIK, it's quest based. And really? I didn't think the endgame was anything near as epic as fighting alongside
Liberty Prime
from FO3.
Good news!! 2nd patch is on deck!!!

Posted yesterday on the Bethesda forums-

Posted Yesterday, 02:17 PM

We’ve come up with solutions for the Xbox 360 save issue folks are reporting, along with a number of other issues being reported. We’re currently running final testing and certification on a comprehensive patch for all three platforms (PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3), so we’ll have something available in the coming weeks. When we have more details, we’ll let you know.

In the meantime, an incremental update for PC should be going up by early next week that will fix the save corruption issues and problems with companions, as well as improve performance for NVIDIA users and resolve some issues reported with Havok.
Finally got me a Companion (Boone) Yesterday and completed "Come Fly Away With Me" Man that was an annoying quest.
[quote name='irratebass']Finally got me a Companion (Boone) Yesterday and completed "Come Fly Away With Me" Man that was an annoying quest.[/QUOTE]

No shit. I just finished it because I paused it to pursue other quests, and it is so long and annoying.
I've found a lot of the quests in this game to be a tad annoying, just because so many of them are like:

- go to this place to get the quest
- go find something/someone
- report back to the place
- get a new objective
- go find the new something/someone
- report back again

This got really annoying when doing GI Blues for the King, because you can't actually fast travel back to his place.

I've still had a ton of fun with this game, but it's definitely not Fallout 3. Can't wait to see what Bethesda has in store for Fallout 4. It's gonna be a long wait, but I think it will be worth it.
- go to this place to get the quest
- go find something/someone
- report back to the place
- get a new objective
- go find the new something/someone
- report back again

Yeah, I mean, big RPGs like this tend to have some quests like that, but to me, it seemed like a whole bunch of them in this was like that. To me, a lot of the Fallout 3 quests were along the lines of do a bunch of stuff and then return to the quest giver. Here, I always felt like I was returning, thinking that I was done, but, oh hey, here's something else I need you to do. Oh, really? Maybe you could have informed me of that earlier.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, I mean, big RPGs like this tend to have some quests like that, but to me, it seemed like a whole bunch of them in this was like that. To me, a lot of the Fallout 3 quests were along the lines of do a bunch of stuff and then return to the quest giver. Here, I always felt like I was returning, thinking that I was done, but, oh hey, here's something else I need you to do. Oh, really? Maybe you could have informed me of that earlier.[/QUOTE]

That is so true of the Main Quests. For The Republic Part 2 is totally the epitome of this.
theres so many side quests its overwhelming

in a single conversation with yes man i had maybe 4 new side quests open and one get completed and i still couldnt decifer wtf he was talking bout

half the time i just talk to somebody and trigger a quest then go to the quest in the pip boy to see what i have to do

instead of creating a new landscape and an engine i think they just created 10x the amount of side quests and added more player options (weapon mods/armor/items/ammo) which can be overwhelming but i think is good for repeat playthroughs
I thought companions don't run out of Ammo? Edd-E is no longer fireing and Boone has run out of ammo,but his equipped weapon from before dissapeared. What gives?
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I thought companions don't run out of Ammo? Edd-E is no longer fireing and Boone has run out of ammo,but his equipped weapon from before dissapeared. What gives?[/QUOTE]

Don't tell me that, I just got Boone to join me, and I have a hard enough time keeping my ammo...sigh
Sounds like a glitch (surprise). I've played dozens of hours with both Boone and ED-E in my party, and they have never stopped attacking. The only issue I had was with Boone switching to melee without me actually telling him to. In those cases, I just went to the companion wheel and switched him to melee and then back to range. Everything was fine after that.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I thought companions don't run out of Ammo? Edd-E is no longer fireing and Boone has run out of ammo,but his equipped weapon from before dissapeared. What gives?[/QUOTE]

Boone has probably killed 500 people for me and I've never had to deal with ammo management with him...
Yeah, Boone is a killing machine and I've never once seen him out of him. All signs are pointing to a glitch.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Boone has probably killed 500 people for me and I've never had to deal with ammo management with him...[/QUOTE]

I need to get Boone. And a few other companions. Might pop this in tonight to play some more and see if my glitch issue is still there. If it is, I'm done for a bit.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Make sure you set them to "aggressive" and not "passive" if they're not attacking. AFAIK your companions have unlimited ammo.[/QUOTE]

Good to know they have unlimited ammo that means I won't have to share heh. Thanks
[quote name='craven_fiend']I need to get Boone. And a few other companions. Might pop this in tonight to play some more and see if my glitch issue is still there. If it is, I'm done for a bit.[/QUOTE]

The lone downside to companions, especially Boone, is that it's hard to work on challenges with them following you around. Boone is definitely the major culprit here, because lots of things in the game will be long dead before you even get near them. You still get XP, but you don't get credit towards the challenges. I am playing on Normal, though, so I suppose it's a tad different on harder levels.
[quote name='irratebass']Finally got me a Companion (Boone) Yesterday and completed "Come Fly Away With Me" Man that was an annoying quest.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I've found a lot of the quests in this game to be a tad annoying, just because so many of them are like:

- go to this place to get the quest
- go find something/someone
- report back to the place
- get a new objective
- go find the new something/someone
- report back again

This got really annoying when doing GI Blues for the King, because you can't actually fast travel back to his place.

I've still had a ton of fun with this game, but it's definitely not Fallout 3. Can't wait to see what Bethesda has in store for Fallout 4. It's gonna be a long wait, but I think it will be worth it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='irratebass']- go to this place to get the quest
- go find something/someone
- report back to the place
- get a new objective
- go find the new something/someone
- report back again


[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, I mean, big RPGs like this tend to have some quests like that, but to me, it seemed like a whole bunch of them in this was like that. To me, a lot of the Fallout 3 quests were along the lines of do a bunch of stuff and then return to the quest giver. Here, I always felt like I was returning, thinking that I was done, but, oh hey, here's something else I need you to do. Oh, really? Maybe you could have informed me of that earlier.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mr Dude65']That is so true of the Main Quests. For The Republic Part 2 is totally the epitome of this.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kingtut313']theres so many side quests its overwhelming

in a single conversation with yes man i had maybe 4 new side quests open and one get completed and i still couldnt decifer wtf he was talking bout

half the time i just talk to somebody and trigger a quest then go to the quest in the pip boy to see what i have to do

instead of creating a new landscape and an engine i think they just created 10x the amount of side quests and added more player options (weapon mods/armor/items/ammo) which can be overwhelming but i think is good for repeat playthroughs[/QUOTE]

This is what I was quickly get at in my post when mtxbass1 went all crazy eyed. Also had that the load times in this game are not bad when only going through 1 door or one section but I have come to realize that what happens is I get a quest, fast travel, load, enter building, load, talk to person, exit building, load, fast travel to quest, load. And thats assuming the building I enter only has 1 door to get through to find the quest marker. Somehow I didnt notices this has much in FO3 but I notice it a lot in New Vegas.
Yeah, it just seems like an unnecessary attempt to lengthen the game. It's already huge, massive game that, if the player is into it, can easily waste hours and hours and hours of one's life. They didn't need to construct so many of the quests like this. Give me all of the objectives ahead of time, and let me handle them the way I want.
Anyone know of any fixes for the "Come Fly With Me" quest glitch? I am getting really frustrated with the fact that there hasn't been another patch fixing this glitch yet. I've been stuck because I can't finish this quest without my save becoming corrupt.
That sounds like one of those game-breakers that you're just gonna have to hope is fixed with the patch, unfortunately. Everyone who has run into it pretty much has given up hope at this point. I remember when I was doing that quest, and I was like freaked out that my game was gonna shit the bed.
[quote name='Sigma']Anyone know of any fixes for the "Come Fly With Me" quest glitch? I am getting really frustrated with the fact that there hasn't been another patch fixing this glitch yet. I've been stuck because I can't finish this quest without my save becoming corrupt.[/QUOTE]

What exactly happened to cause this? I had no problem completing that quest.

Finally hit level 20 and I still haven't made it to the strip. 11000 caps, great weapons, and I haven't even
confronted Benny yet...
bread's done