Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Out Now on PS3 & PS4 - 4/11: PS3-to-PS4 Transfer Live!

Titan HM is a pain, trying to learn it and furthest I've gotten was the last phase, I don't know if its lag but I'm pretty sure I'm clear of the hit marker for Weight Of The Land but it still hits me. 

Or maybe I'm just bad. 

Trick is to not cast anything until you're clear of it.  Their netcode is shit on purpose because they didn't want to deal with hackers and teleport bots (which happened anyway, whoops) so the only way to handle it is play by their rules.

Picture time!

Cat Nap


100 and 300 Commendation reward


Merry Christmas!




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Yeah, I make sure to only give my commendations to DPS since they never get them, unless the particular dps sucked really hard, or the tank, or healer did an amazing job.

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Where'd you get the outfit in the third and fourth pics?
Full outfit:

Highland Hood

Glacial Coat

Highland Mitts

Glacial Boots

The blue fox/chinchilla hides are from timeworn maps (can only confirm blue fox is from boarskin since I got one that way, bought everything else). They run 40-50k per hide on most servers from what I gather on reddit. The hood goes great with the dream outfit if you want just one thing and yes, you can dye these items (the stitching is always red and white though).

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Yeah, I make sure to only give my commendations to DPS since they never get them, unless the particular dps sucked really hard, or the tank, or healer did an amazing job.
That's fine if you're a dps, but as a healer hopefully it goes to the tank. When I get stiffed on commendations after giving my group a smooth run (as tank) with no wipes and fast pulls, I stop queuing. Granted, I can usually gauge if players queued together by any chatter (and thus can't vote, oh well) but if it's just business as usual and I get nothing, enjoy the longer queue times. ;)

I was trying to figure out why bard pvp gear was flying off the shelves tonight (I personally made about 3 million) until I recalled hearing about this.  Seems since the cat is out of the bag, every bard on the server wanted in on the trolling.  I don't really fancy getting banned if they plan to do anything about it, but I'm pretty shocked they haven't just shut pvp down until it's fixed.  Not sure how they tested this and never heard of bunny hopping in PvP. . .

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Too many pages to read... My friend and I are gonna start playing today. Currently debating between Cactuar and Leviathan.

We're in Boston. Any reason for one over the other? I'm confused about this aether vs primal data center thing. Are they both in Montreal?

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No idea where the DCs are and I think both servers are in the same population bracket so no real advantage either way.  Maybe check the forums to see guild progress if they have a thread?  Nothing worse than getting on a dead end server filled with keyboard turners.

What about class distribution? Are queues really shitty for DPS? I checked Reddit a bit and the general consensus is ranged DPS > melee? If that's the case I think we're gonna roll a tank + ranged DPS.

Queues for dps are complete shit.  Healer from 1-30 is instant queues.  Tank is always instant queue (always check join party in progress for free loot/exp; groups have baddie tanks leave all the time after failing on a boss).  At 50, dps queues are 30 minutes plus depending what you're after.  Healer is generally 0-15 minutes and tank is 99% instant.

Bard is always in demand for ranged.  I main a bard and I'm hounded to do coil every week, even though I rarely go (I don't carry scrubs).  Just go pally for tank.  You'll need flash and provoke anyway if you swap to warrior later and the tanking is a breeze for starting out.

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Point is if I raid, it's with people that give a shit about raiding.  Not just someone looking to clear turn 1-4 and get loot.

Uh... what. People raid to get loot. If coil didn't offer loot worthwhile then people wouldn't do it.
Wrong. Some guilds exist for the pure purpose of world firsts and while I'm not that hardcore, I see loot as just a means to improve my dps and thus raid performance. If I'm not #1 on the dps meters, I find out why. That's just the level I play at and if I'm playing hard, I want to know that my teammates are doing the same.

And by very little you mean boots from turn 4 lol.  Bow if you can clear turn 5, but at that point there's nothing of challenge left so having the bow is just a slight upgrade for when coil part 2 hits, at which time it would be obsolete regardless.

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It does? Lol

Joking aside. - explanation - BRD has very little in coil that is appealing atm.

Yeah I know. I only want boots and bow from there. Maybe legs as well.

Also bard should not be topping dps as we aren't a top dps job which is fine since we are a strong dps with support.

I'm pretty sure you just don't do coil because as it was said, there's really not much loot there for bard lol
And by very little you mean boots from turn 4 lol. Bow if you can clear turn 5, but at that point there's nothing of challenge left so having the bow is just a slight upgrade for when coil part 2 hits, at which time it would be obsolete regardless.
Boots are turn 1....
Wrong. Some guilds exist for the pure purpose of world firsts and while I'm not that hardcore, I see loot as just a means to improve my dps and thus raid performance. If I'm not #1 on the dps meters, I find out why. That's just the level I play at and if I'm playing hard, I want to know that my teammates are doing the same.
So reading this again you only want to raid with people who are geared but don't want to help people get better gear so they can raid better. You just made a catch 22 lol
Okay, I went with Paladin while my friend went for Black Mage. So... I hit 15 with GLA. How am I supposed to level my secondary class to 15? Do I have access to the starting quests in the other starting zones or do I have to grind FATEs and that's all I got?

This game is so fucking weird. I wish I had more than 2 buttons to press :/

When you get to level 20 you can switch to another class by taking their starting quests, and then you can level them.

Okay, I went with Paladin while my friend went for Black Mage. So... I hit 15 with GLA. How am I supposed to level my secondary class to 15? Do I have access to the starting quests in the other starting zones or do I have to grind FATEs and that's all I got?

This game is so fucking weird. I wish I had more than 2 buttons to press :/
Story Quests shall pretty much take you all the way up to 46ish. (As long as you grab every side quest on the way.)

After about a month of playing I'm pretty satisfied with this game, got a BRD to ilvl 81 and working on a Paladin, already have full DL gear and accessories waiting for my PLD too, she's still only lvl 24 though lol

Only thing left to beat is t4-t5, Ifrit Extreme and MG when I unlock it. Thank god for PF, my FC is pretty small with only like 4 level 50's. 

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Okay, I went with Paladin while my friend went for Black Mage. So... I hit 15 with GLA. How am I supposed to level my secondary class to 15? Do I have access to the starting quests in the other starting zones or do I have to grind FATEs and that's all I got?

This game is so fucking weird. I wish I had more than 2 buttons to press :/
Yeah, tanking is reaaaaaaaaaally boring in this game unless it's a challenging fight. You spam 1,2 for about 30 levels until you get a third; then it's 1,2,3 forever lol. Quests are the meat of exp so keep doing those along with fate grinding or dungeons. Fill out your hunting log for a free level every 10 levels too.

1, 2, 3... Yay! I'm not liking this taunt on 40 sec CD or w/e. All the dungeons I do the DPS are attacking w/e the fuck they want, and then I get these healers who think casting Stone is more important than healing me and I have to use my shitty hi-potions which don't do anything.

I literally have 0 AoE damage. Paladin feels so... gimped. I guess they might be the better MT but holy crap it's so boring.

I dislike the targeting in this game, and there doesn't seem to be any option to disable untarget on ground click or w/e like there is in WoW. I'll misclick on a player or the ground trying to select an enemy because apparently I need to click on the model and not its hitbox and it'll end up deselecting the thing instead. Tab targeting also doesn't work well at all.

I'm really enjoying it though; can't stop playing : Hopefully endgame is okay.

(How do you make money in this game? I've been leveling all crafting + gathering professions at once and being careful not to spend Gil when I don't need to but outside of questing... what's a good moneymaker?)

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Are you marking targets?  I leveled 15-50 in instances and if I marked on the pull, dps always was on 1, then 2.  Healers casting stone is fine unless they let you die.  Once you get out of the 15-20 bracket of dungeons, the bads start to go away if you find any.  By now, those are mostly people on their 3rd and 4th alts.

You don't need aoe damage, you have flash.  Use it twice on the pull and you won't lose aggro unless someone is attacking it directly.  Let me tell you about marauder tanking: it fucking sucks.  I'm doing it now and I'm constantly out of action because to hold threat I need to spam the overpower twice on the pull to achieve the same that flash does.  That's 260 TP gone before I even start my rotation and it's miserable between pulls just standing there like a dickhead waiting for TP regen (this is with using Invigorate from DRG).  You also have to micromanage the maim buff, but half the time I'm strictly focusing on just holding aggro with the threat combo so it's not up most of the time.  Paladin never had any resource issues for me and I never lost threat as much as I do on the warrior.  It's like you have to wait until 30 to get defiance to even be worth a shit as a tank; terrible.

And yes, tab targeting is a POS in this game until you learn to use the camera as a way to direct the tabbing.  Even then, something can be right fucking there next to me and tabbing won't do shit, so it needs fixing badly.

Money making is done one of two ways: spiritbonding gear for materia or selling crafting materials.  There is some money in crafted items if you catch the market when it's hot for something, like PvP gear can get but otherwise until people realize that the only money is in helping others to level crafting, crafting mats are it.

How challenging are the raids in this game? I have a feeling they're gonna be a joke compared to what I'm used to but I don't have a good sense right now.

We finally did our secondaries to 15 and unlocked our jobs. The questline was cool but the actual changes were underwhelming... The 50% more auto-attack damage is cool but I don't feel like a paladin at all :/
Titan HM is the first legit fight you'll do.  I'd rate it on par with an entry level heroic boss in WoW.  Then again, when I did it people were barely in full darklight so it was far more challenging and now you can pretty much get carried in greens by players in full myth/allagan.  Other than that, Twintania and extreme primals are hardcore.  I'd rate them medium heroic bosses, like Iron Qon difficult in terms of phases and dps checks (two fights have a tornado-ish phase, so it's the perfect comparison lol).

Sword Oath is given to you first and I really don't understand why lol.  You don't get your tanking stance until level 40 which is completely retarded when you think about it.  Just make sure you DO get it before doing instances or you'll be vote kicked.  You'll want to level CNJ to 34 for stoneshield too, because part of tanking at endgame is spamming it on yourself or the MT/OT for added mitigation when you need it.  When (geared) warriors have thrill of battle up, a SS is like a 1k heal from you; increasing their effective health to 11k to eat something big, like mountain buster.

I'll be taking a break from FF14. It's fun, but I'm kinda bored with it. (The lack of game cards doesn't' help)

I'll be back either whenever the PS4 version comes out or when they add new content.

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Picture time!

Moogle New Year


Lamia Server First Gilded Magitek


Bards 4 Lyfe


Doctor's Assistant (Comes w/ Scalpel)


Bosom Buddies III


Server First WHM Barding (Friend w/ Server First Drake mount)


Man, I fucking love this game. Will be max level by the weekend, and I'm trying to recruit my WoW buddies to come and play. I think I'm gonna try and make our own FC cause I don't want to deal with people :D

IMO the difference between 8-mans and 10-mans is huge. In WoW it was mostly the 2-3 shitty recruits/pugs I had in the guild at any given time that crippled our competitive raiding. 8 classes, 8-mans just makes sense and on paper seems like it would be much easier to balance.

I took a look at the endgame fights and they look pretty fun, and I love the FF world/lore way more than Warcraft's.

My only gripe is that I wish I knew more people who played, but man am I giddy to start doing stuff that matters. We ran the level 32 (35?) dungeon as well as the Titan trial using the dungeon finder and idk if it was my being undergeared (I'm level 41 and ilvl 24 cause I take gold quest rewards every single time lol), but the healer had a really hard time keeping everybody up. Dude was in lvl 50 gear but scaled down and he still went OOM and had to raise me twice on fights.

At this point, IDK enough to say whether those players are baddies or not. Everyone seems to be courteous but during Titan we wiped cause the healer ate an ability and died. The DRG in the group asked: "So what's the plan?" I replied "Don't die :D" and he took it personally, saying "well maybe we shouldn't attack for a few seconds at the start so you can hold threat"... I guess he's slow in the head if he doesn't realize that all 3 other people died and that he had aggro on the boss b/c he was the last one alive.

If high-end content is full of these derpers I'm going to be very sad. I will need to recruit a few good players for my FC so... here's praying.

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You're riding that Christmas wave of noobs so expect it.  At 50 you can screen people with ilvl checks in PF.  Still doesn't guarantee they're good, but at least there's commitment in gear that way.

The ODIN armor for PLD looks fkn sweet too bad its shit. 

Also regarding BRD, currently ilvl 83 and still have yet to get my +1, is it worth it to get it next? Or should I just get another Myth item? Got Ring and Pants so far.

While this used to be true, with items like CT gear and things from primals, this might no longer be correct.
Ballad gear is pure shit aside from the gloves, but for the person asking they're next on the upgrade list anyway. Either way, I only deal in absolutes which puts the +1 nearly dead last.

Am I missing something or is there no way to extract numbers/percentages from stats on gear? Like, what's my damage mitigation, what accuracy do I have to be at to cap, etc... Do I lose the ability to block (or anything else) if I get hit from behind?

Basically, where are the theorycrafters playing this game discussing the stuff that's relevant to raiding?
Tank acc cap is 472 (use deviled eggs to get there, more min/maxing on gear that way); 502 when you get to T5 which you don't have to worry about right now.  Only thing you lose from turning your back is auto-attacks from what I know, but don't quote me on that.  Reddit is the only theorycrafting community right now that I know of.  Plenty of bad information (and bad players) on the official forums. : \

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AFAIK, if you're a DRG, MNK, or BRD, you should spend your first myth tomes on getting your weapon upgraded.  It's not as important if you're a magical attacker.

No, you have that totally backwards, lol. Everyone else but BRD should upgrade their weapon first. For Bard, weapon is one of the last things you do.

Yeah, I'll just upgrade 2 myths (belt/necklace) and just go for the Elfin Bow.
Be aware that if you pursue that bow, you'll need to make heavy adjustments to your gear elsewhere including pants. You can't make up the acc anywhere else, so allagan pants are crucial to making that bow work and drop from t5 (but you already have that on farm, right?).

bread's done