Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Out Now on PS3 & PS4 - 4/11: PS3-to-PS4 Transfer Live!

Why? Why do I 'need' a good guild? Linkshells serve the purpose of bringing players together to pug anything I want to do and I see nothing that other guilds offer that I can't use my own, dead one for. Mine is rank 5 and I've been slowly leveling my FC rank with twin adders (just hit sworn). Besides, FC activity is slowing down anyway; I see people in my linkshells less and less on unless they're raiding, which only lasts for a few hours before they're done for the week again. It has got to the point where the larger guilds are constantly trying to recruit for coil runs every week as they lose players.


My guild has always has the same atmosphere from when we started a year ago to present, that is why it is enjoyable. I only need my FC and don't need LS for anything at all, its content and socializing all in one. Friends goes on friends list, but you just don't sound like your enjoying the game.

That picture is truth for end-game, but there is a billion other things to do in-game? I am not in to end-game even though I have everything capped, I have goals to master FFXIV.

I just know with blizzard expected to announce its next WoW expansion this following weekend, that the player subs could definitely take a huge hit whenever that comes out

cant say player housing was ever a selling point for me though. Not gonna lie I miss the grindyness of 1.0 though

I feel like theres certainly less to do in 2.0 than their was 1.0. 

1.0 the game was FUBAR, but the sense of community was very very strong. Not so much this time, although i luckily joined a FC that has been together for years so that helps a little 

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My guild has always has the same atmosphere from when we started a year ago to present, that is why it is enjoyable. I only need my FC and don't need LS for anything at all, its content and socializing all in one. Friends goes on friends list, but you just don't sound like your enjoying the game.

That picture is truth for end-game, but there is a billion other things to do in-game? I am not in to end-game even though I have everything capped, I have goals to master FFXIV.
I think we're saying the same thing here, just through different channels. You use your FC like I use my LS'. I am enjoying the game a lot, but it's lacking a drive to keep playing. Customer demand for relics is gone (I only really make money grinding up mats or doing melds now), I just grind tomes each week for endgame gear I'll likely never use (Crystal Tower is a step backwards), and simply put I'm starting to run out of classes to level (that I enjoy anyway). I have nothing to spend gold on and no reason to log on other than to just grind something. I need something persistent to log on for, like building people houses (interior design was huge in SWG) or world pvp for example.

And I'm not sure how you can master FFXIV when rotations are set in stone and gear has only one possible BiS with 90 gear.

I think we're saying the same thing here, just through different channels. You use your FC like I use my LS'. I am enjoying the game a lot, but it's lacking a drive to keep playing. Customer demand for relics is gone (I only really make money grinding up mats or doing melds now), I just grind tomes each week for endgame gear I'll likely never use (Crystal Tower is a step backwards), and simply put I'm starting to run out of classes to level (that I enjoy anyway). I have nothing to spend gold on and no reason to log on other than to just grind something. I need something persistent to log on for, like building people houses (interior design was huge in SWG) or world pvp for example.

And I'm not sure how you can master FFXIV when rotations are set in stone and gear has only one possible BiS with 90 gear.
Not sure if you ever read my blogs, but my idea of mastering is doing everything in the game, all capped classes, best gear, talk to every npc, do every quest, do all achievements, craft every single leve, you get the idea right?

I had the impression you had multiple Linkshells, if you enjoy the people you are in a linkshell with, why not join their FC?

People seem to surprised at the fact you can get bored playing an MMORPG, it shouldn't be, it is like any other game, can you see yourself playing pokemon everyday or COD or any other console game? If you are done with it, you are done.

By capping every class/job, I get to enjoy the storyline that come with their quests.

I don't focus on making Gil at all, nor do I spend it, I hoard it, I will probably spend it all on housing and thats that, why buy gear when I can work hard to make it.

I like capping stuff, so grinding tomes is just another goal for me, I don't even spend it lol, maybe on potash to make gil, I keep my leves @ 0 everyday.

You kinda have to find your own goal, I have too many goals and more dedicated than the average person, there are time when I just stand around and chat too, its nice.

Ah ok, you're basically doing the same as me then because all there really is to do is cap classes and other stuffs.  My point is that number is finite.  Once you complete those goals, what is the game reduced to?  That's what I'm getting at because right now everything is just a means to an end.  My goal right now is to get all the crafting classes to 50 so I can 100% 2star items easily, but with demand falling I'm losing focus.  Why have an amazing crafter when nobody needs your wares anymore?

WTB player housing.

Ah ok, you're basically doing the same as me then because all there really is to do is cap classes and other stuffs. My point is that number is finite. Once you complete those goals, what is the game reduced to? That's what I'm getting at because right now everything is just a means to an end. My goal right now is to get all the crafting classes to 50 so I can 100% 2star items easily, but with demand falling I'm losing focus. Why have an amazing crafter when nobody needs your wares anymore?

WTB player housing.
Your being a bit harsh to a recently released game.

Give it time man...
No it hasn't. It is basically an entirely different game now.
Really. . .I was under the impression all that was changed was UI, quest management overhaul, added auction house, removal of content like Moogle King, etc. Entirely different game would imply that the core quests, dungeons, and endgame content were completely replaced. I find that hard to believe.

Really. . .I was under the impression all that was changed was UI, quest management overhaul, added auction house, removal of content like Moogle King, etc. Entirely different game would imply that the core quests, dungeons, and endgame content were completely replaced. I find that hard to believe.
I never played the original, but I'm pretty sure the core quest line is very different. The new questline takes place 5 years after the Bahamut killed a bunch of people during the calamity. The game engine is also new, the zones were redesigned from 8 to 40, new playable sexes for some races, new jobs, the FATE system is new and a new server system.

....Anyway, has anyone seen any retailers sell FF14 time cards? I really don't like giving out my credit card to game companies.

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed I can't use paypal or time cards to pay too.

So they split zones up or added zones?  The FATE system would have been a huge addition, didn't know about that.  I suppose when you factor all that dev time was just on getting the game playable, I can see how content would be lacking after three years in terms of additions.  I guess I'm just disappointed 2.1 holds nothing for me and I'll probably cancel once I have my PS4 in hand.  Need to catch up on some games anyway.

If you never played 1.0, there are plenty of Let's Plays of it on Youtube, like Sambonz. When I played the beta+release, it literally didn't have things like basic auto-attack (ouch, a MMO where you have spam just to do normal not that damaging attacks), airships, chocobos, etc. Oh, and you had a physical level besides a class level. So you could level up only mining/harvest and actually level up phys lvl and beat story line w/o ever leveling a melee/mage class (kinda). 2.0 is a almost new game from the ground up, but with familiar areas (though some changed slightly or major like Black Shroud, which used to be a maze 20x worse than Yuhtunga). There was no "zoning", but that may sound better to have an all in one world with no transitions, only that's what they blamed the poor performance and not being able to see the person right in front of you. So much lag, pop in, and pop out (wasn't a PC issue, it was their servers). Global cool down is new, I seem to remember every skill had it's own cooldown in 1.0. Quest line is new since 1.0 quest line ended in Armageddon.


600k paid subscriptions for FF14 2.0 (1.45mil games sold), which beats FF11's peak. I didn't know FFXI was that low at its peak. Higher than 50% adopt rate, usually MMO's aim for / happy to get 33% of buyers to subscribe.

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increased dungeon exp is a huge plus, something I thought this game desperately needed 

More FATES.... No comment

Just bought it with a friend tonight. Got to play 30 minutes and it went down for maintenance, it told me it was going down at 1 am pst and went down at 12:20 am so that sucked. First MMO that I really plan on playing besides about 3 weeks of WOW 3 years ago and about 2 months of DCUO.

So I'm in Gridania and he's in Limsa Lominsa, going to take a long time to meet up with him in game?

Oh yeah another question, is it worth the 19.99 to upgrade to Collectors Edition to get 

Helm of Light

Baby Behemoth
Coeurl Bell
Behemoth Barding

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Just bought it with a friend tonight. Got to play 30 minutes and it went down for maintenance, it told me it was going down at 1 am pst and went down at 12:20 am so that sucked. First MMO that I really plan on playing besides about 3 weeks of WOW 3 years ago and about 2 months of DCUO.
So I'm in Gridania and he's in Limsa Lominsa, going to take a long time to meet up with him in game?

Oh yeah another question, is it worth the 19.99 to upgrade to Collectors Edition to get
[font='メイリオ']Helm of Light[/font]
[font='メイリオ']Baby Behemoth[/font]
[font='メイリオ']Coeurl Bell[/font]
[font='メイリオ']Behemoth Barding[/font]
Not really, once you hit level 18 or so you will have access to the airship and can go to all the cities via it. It is possible to do this in 1 day if you run through the story quests.

I personally bought the CE physically for PS3 so I got a few extras, but honestly U don't think it is worth the upgrade since the Helm only gives bonus EXP until level 10 and the mount is not that great. The pet is decent but you get so many from the game anyways. The boarding was the best part of the bonuses for me since it does look pretty cool, but you can't use it until level 20 when you can get your chocobo
Yeah just make sure you both focus on the story quests as this unlocks everything in game. You will be able to meet up after you finish your nation's climax of issues.

Anyway, leveling up THM/BLM. Easiest fate grinding class, ever. After you unlock Blizzard II anyway. (Before that is a bit sketchy as you miss many many mobs in fates due to 3 second cast on pretty much every spell.)
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Just bought it with a friend tonight. Got to play 30 minutes and it went down for maintenance, it told me it was going down at 1 am pst and went down at 12:20 am so that sucked. First MMO that I really plan on playing besides about 3 weeks of WOW 3 years ago and about 2 months of DCUO.

So I'm in Gridania and he's in Limsa Lominsa, going to take a long time to meet up with him in game?

Oh yeah another question, is it worth the 19.99 to upgrade to Collectors Edition to get

Helm of Light

Baby Behemoth
Coeurl Bell
Behemoth Barding
Definitely not worth it on the collectors edition.

If you wanted to buy the regular physical edition because you enjoy fancy boxes and stuff fine, but the in game benefits of those things are virtually nothing.

IDK man, paying $20 to NOT have to hear that god damn chocobo song while riding for 30 levels is pretty nice.

FYI, reason servers went down 45 minutes early the other day was because some people on a server were exploiting/hacking and they decided to take the servers offline immediately.  Apparently another packet forging exploit allowing players to steal gil from others.  This is the only MMO I've ever played with such open exploits; really makes me wary of using my CC to pay for this game.

Oh and in case you were wondering how goldspammers manage to send you tell as soon as you log on, it's the same reason for these exploits.

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Is everyone still on Cactaur? Thinking of starting this game back up Saturday/Sunday. Wanted to join the Linkshell.
Yes. The CAG linkshell isn't really getting much use these days, I think most people have settled into other communities (myself included), but feel free to send me a message in-game (Serisu Sheru) and I'll add you to it.

Did coil turns 2-4 for the first time last night and some progress attempts on twintiana.  Seems like a legit fight once you get the mechanics down, but still not as complex as WoW heroic fights heh.  Guess I shouldn't really expect that level of difficulty from this game, but at least now I have something to work towards beating with a good crew of players.

Sweet.  I hope they do more mini-events like this in the future to keep things fresh.  I tried finding out, but anyone know if the weapons are a one and done or can you get them all via vendor?  Just curious if past events that were similar allowed you to get everything.


Haha, sweet.  Up until now I'd only seen a BLM with the staff once in a dungeon and it was hilarious.  Really want to collect all these weapons.


I am on a highly populated server and I hardly get lag, I think it is an issue with personal hardware + where you are located.

I'm on Midgardsomr and enjoying the game, but don't have anyone familiar I'm playing with. I'd love to jump to a different server and meet up with fellow CAGs. Cactuar where most of you folks are on?
I am on a highly populated server and I hardly get lag, I think it is an issue with personal hardware + where you are located.
It was the PS3, I am on a solid state drive but I went ahead and bought the PC version and don't get it. My guy was attacking but there was no animation with it and people kept popping in and out.

I'm on Midgardsomr and enjoying the game, but don't have anyone familiar I'm playing with. I'd love to jump to a different server and meet up with fellow CAGs. Cactuar where most of you folks are on?
Hey Dan, check out my guild

It was the PS3, I am on a solid state drive but I went ahead and bought the PC version and don't get it. My guy was attacking but there was no animation with it and people kept popping in and out.
If it happens often, that is not normal, if it happened once, just keep playing.

I don't know why the CAG community is on a new server and not legacy, I am probably the first CAG to play FFXIV :(

Yes, but the linkshell seems to be quite underutilized.
Yeah, nobody really uses it, I think most of the CAGs who joined initially have stopped playing. Those who've remained have mostly gravitated to their own in-game communities, which makes sense. I'm still on pretty much every day if anyone ever does need an invite to the LS though (or needs a healer for anything).

D'oh! It got copywrited. :(

What was on it?
Wow, fuck SE. I got a copyright strike against me even though the video was protected under fair use. It was just a video showing less than 10s clips of an emote glitch that was hilarious and playing Trololol in the background. They did the same to all the other videos out there that were just as funny too. What uptight fuckwads.

But yeah, to do the glitch just find anything you can sit on and do an emote while sitting, like /welcome. A split second before you hit the emote button, move forward. Macros won't work because it happens at the same time and you're trying to trick the server into performing the emote while standing up which bugs your upper half into getting stuck in that pose lol. If you do silly things like ring of thorns on a dragoon, it looks hilarious.


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Wow, fuck SE. I got a copyright strike against me even though the video was protected under fair use. It was just a video showing less than 10s clips of an emote glitch that was hilarious and playing Trololol in the background. They did the same to all the other videos out there that were just as funny too. What uptight fuckwads.

But yeah, to do the glitch just find anything you can sit on and do an emote while sitting, like /welcome. A split second before you hit the emote button, move forward. Macros won't work because it happens at the same time and you're trying to trick the server into performing the emote while standing up which bugs your upper half into getting stuck in that pose lol. If you do silly things like ring of thorns on a dragoon, it looks hilarious.


Will you carry me if I start playing? I wanna get high enough for the Lightning cross-promotion before it ends.

I got a free CD-Key for buying my new i7 4770K :D

Yeah I saw, but my problem is I think I have more free time now than I will in February. There's nothing I'm dying to play now, and that's not true for next year. February/March is JRPG heaven :D

My being lazy and not googling... is there anything for me to do at max level that doesn't raiding on a set schedule? I was with a US top 5 guild in WoW for over 3 years and I'm kinda done with raiding. Is there enough end-game content atm to keep me interested?


Will you carry me if I start playing? I wanna get high enough for the Lightning cross-promotion before it ends.

I got a free CD-Key for buying my new i7 4770K :D
Haha, can't carry in this game since grouping would give you no exp and you need to do 30% of the damage to get credit for a mob outside of a group. Getting 50 is stupid easy anyway just grinding fates. Endgame is either level alts to 50, crafting, or running dungeons for gear. Outside of these cool Lightning events, there's really nothing to do community-wise. Once they have player housing and people will want you to decorate their house (through crafting) there will be some actual endgame other than standing around in RT.

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bread's done