Free full 1 year eca membership no purchase needed!

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20 (100%)
If you use the code GIMAG on (found in an article of the new Crackdown GI issue), you can receive a free, full 1 year membership (I think it's only for new accounts). You do need a credit card to sign up, but if you cancel before the 1 year is up, you won't be charged. This is a great deal for the free amazon discount. Be sure to use the coupon soon, because the article doesn't mention the expiration for the coupon.

Enjoy guys!

P.S. Now all of CAG can have an ECA membership!

Also, after you enter your CC number and the coupon, the page after lets you check everything before you submit your order. That way you know that the coupon worked and you won't be charged.


LinkinPrime Edit:

Check your spam filters for the confirmation link, if you signed up for the newsletter you will get 2 emails, one for the newsletter and one for the membership. For some reason the newsletter one showed up in my inbox and the membership was in my junk mail folder, so keep an eye out.
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[quote name='Lt Dan']I have a question on this:

Back in July, I did the Amazon trade in promotion for a 50% off coupon for a brand new game. I used this coupon to preorder MW2 Prestige edition. If I cancel the order and rebook it WITH this coupon, will I get the 50% off promo still? Has anyone tried this?

I might not do it anyway considering I preordered it when they were offering a $10 gc back, and I paid for it all with GC anyway :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]
Losing $75 for $15 is too risky since the 50% coupon has expired. Try having Amazon CS apply it to the order for you.
how the heck do i get the code? im in the right location it says to get a code click the link below, but there is no link wtf
Heh, figured something was about to change with the discounts, and this was just a cheap ploy to drive up member numbers.

I won't stay a member, simply because The ECA doesn't really seem to accomplish that much... the only time I ever heard / hear about them is in relation to discount codes.

Feel sorry for anyone who threw down $20 on this just for the codes, though.
[quote name='Law_Professor']The party is over folks, no more Amazon codes right now. (Although more may be added later, it's difficult to say).[/QUOTE]

Damn it, I have Uncharted 2 in my Gold box too. I signed up and no code
That's really f'ed up that they killed that. I got in on the free offer and got a code and was able to use one, but they still advertise it as one of their benefits and to kill it off without explanation is really bush league.
[quote name='archibishopthedoge']That's really f'ed up that they killed that. I got in on the free offer and got a code and was able to use one, but they still advertise it as one of their benefits and to kill it off without explanation is really bush league.[/QUOTE]

You have no reason to complain: you got in for free. I paid. $20, only 2 weeks ago. I haven't even recouped my $20.
[quote name='silent h3ro']There should be an option under your account to cancel recurring fees. I cannot remember where I found it but you can cancel online.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads up.
[quote name='Afflicted']doubt the codes make it till the end of the month... actually I'd be surprised if they make it through the weekend...

hopefully they have the linked codes coming next month or else it prolly will be dead...[/QUOTE]

posted Yesterday, 12:09 AM

hmm so barely 24 hours... so I overbid... sigh
i knew this freebie crap was gonna interfere with the previous paid members. hopefully they start cutting free members or that they give a unique code per member in order to prevent downtime.
Hmmm I was one of the unlucky enough to pay $$ and still haven't used a darn code.Now its kinda pointless having the membership especially if they won't be issuing more until next month??? Are all the codes used up for September? I will give them a call tomorrow to see whats up.
[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']I'm using a code right now...and instead of 10%'s only giving me $2.00 off the grand total?

What gives?[/QUOTE]
What are you using it on.
[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']I'm using a code right now...and instead of 10%'s only giving me $2.00 off the grand total?

What gives?[/QUOTE]
Use your $6.00 Gift and promotional balance

from a previous code i left on, so dunno about you.
So I deleted everything from my cart, and only put in the $9.99 game in there. When I do...the $2.00 off promo code doesn't register. When I deleted the $9.99 game and only put in the $19.99 game, then it registers.

So not only is the code NOT giving me 10% off...but instead only $2.00 won't work unless you place an order of $19.99 or higher.

If this is how this ECA discount works, contradictory to what they advertise, then I'm glad I never payed to register with them. :roll:
[quote name='Skoad']What are you using it on.[/QUOTE]

Dead To Rights for Gamecube ($9.99) and Black for PS2 ($19.99). I entered the code in the correct field...and it only states it will knock off $2.00.

P.S. Both items are sold by Amazon I don't get what's happening there.
[quote name='archibishopthedoge']That's really f'ed up that they killed that. I got in on the free offer and got a code and was able to use one, but they still advertise it as one of their benefits and to kill it off without explanation is really bush league.[/QUOTE]

this thread needs to be locked an a new one started IF or when new coupons come out..

Im tried of reading about how people got in on the FREE YEAR think they are intitled to 10% off..

YOU DID NOT PAY FOR ANYTHING SO STFU about not getting 10% off codes...

If you paid like many did yes you have the right to #$#$# but if you got in free THEN STFU

THE CODES ARE ALL GONE Maybe if we stay it 1000 more times you people will #$#$# UNDERSTAND IF THEY DONT COME BACK TOO BAD YOU DIDNT LOSE ANYTHING

i just had to get that off my chest .
Okay, so I deleted both the prior games and put in Resident Evil 5 in my cart for $39.99. This time it appears to work just fine, taking off the proper 10% / $4.00 for a total of $35.99.

Do these codes work for certain / newer games only?

Update: Apparently it was Dead To Rights itself. I guess the coupon isn't good for games $9.99...only for games $19.99 or higher.
They work on all games and most accessories sold through

If it's a third party selling its not going to give you a discount.

Christ, this isn't rocket science.
[quote name='kodave']They work on all games and most accessories sold through

If it's a third party selling its not going to give you a discount.

Christ, this isn't rocket science.[/QUOTE]

Please read my above statement. I clearly said that Dead To Rights is sold directly through Amazon. I also just tried to place another game that is sold via Amazon for $9.99 (Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu) and once again...the code does not register. So yes, this isn't rocket simply just requires one to read and comprehend thoroughly.
as I said, when this deal pop'd up, it would fuck us paying members, and that has became a reality, Im glad I generated 10 extra ECA amazon codes : )
[quote name='Poor2More']as I said, when this deal pop'd up, it would fuck us paying members, and that has became a reality, Im glad I generated 10 extra ECA amazon codes : )[/QUOTE]

Maybe you guys are ****ing yourselves by taking so many extra codes. ;)
[quote name='Hostile']Maybe you guys are ****ing yourselves by taking so many extra codes. ;)[/QUOTE]

.....we paid $20 to become members, not just enter a promo code to get it for free, I generated 10 extra cause I knew the codes would be pulled, smart I say : )
I went camping this weekend and just saw this. Sucks. But I don't want to read this whole thread.

Recap from what i did read:
ECA memberships were being handed out (like say a limited promotion to raise awareness perhaps?)
People celebrated.
People bitched.
People had issues with the codes.
More bitching.
Hoarding claims.
More bitching.

Anything else I should know?

EDIT: oh yeah, and codes are dead now right?
[quote name='Poor2More'].....we paid $20 to become members, not just enter a promo code to get it for free, I generated 10 extra cause I knew the codes would be pulled, smart I say : )[/QUOTE]

Yep...I did the same thing. Didn't generate quite that many but like I said, it was pretty obvious what was going to happen once the membership became free.
[quote name='Hostile']Maybe you guys are ****ing yourselves by taking so many extra codes. ;)[/QUOTE]
Except we now have plenty for ourselves to last until they would have expired or to give to the other paying members that are out? Shit guys, we done fucked up!
[quote name='Jodou']Except we now have plenty for ourselves to last until they would have expired or to give to the other paying members that are out? Shit guys, we done fucked up![/QUOTE]

Well according to dboy, we are hoarders and should be ashamed.
You should be you fucking moron. They supply a limited number of codes, what do you think that they think when they see all the codes gone in one day?

Other people aren't hoarding, they tried selling on ebay and that's it. You're a moron, your avatar suits you well.
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe']You should be you fucking moron. They supply a limited number of codes, what do you think that they think when they see all the codes gone in one day?

Other people aren't hoarding, they tried selling on ebay and that's it. You're a moron, your avatar suits you well.[/QUOTE]

How do you think those people got 100+ codes to sell on ebay? by NOT hoarding? Jesus christ are you dumb.
[quote name='Hostile']Maybe you guys are ****ing yourselves by taking so many extra codes. ;)[/QUOTE]

Nope. they just screwed over everyone else. But if they feel good about themselves, then just let them.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Nope. they just screwed over everyone else. But if they feel good about themselves, then just let them.[/QUOTE]
Lol, k.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Nope. they just screwed over everyone else. But if they feel good about themselves, then just let them.[/QUOTE]

Are you just mad you didn't have the foresight to grab any?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Nope. they just screwed over everyone else. But if they feel good about themselves, then just let them.[/QUOTE]

okay I generated 10 codes, I spent 5 before they even went dead

-Dragon Age Origins
-Halo ODST
-Left4Dead 2
-Modern Warfare 2

so I have 5 left.....Im sorry if I feel like some of us who paid to be a member...want to actually be able to use the benefit that we PAID for (per say) rather then some (Easily Thounsands just from SD itself) who got it for free.....and why turn this into name calling or hoarding topic...were all CAG's here, best deals are what we seek.
[quote name='doodofdoods']Resonance of Fate in my gold box. Good thing I saved a few codes for just such an occasion.[/QUOTE]

Where do you see your gold box? I haven't bought much from Amazon until recently so I'm not familiar w/ the personalized gold box.
Ok that's 5 games and most of them don't even release until Nov. So now you have 5 more codes, which now members who paid won't be able to get, because you felt the need to hoard them. What do you need those 5 codes for? When will you use them? Most likely not for a long while until batches of codes later. I love how you try to speak for all ECA paying members, they don't agree with you and many of them can't get codes because of people like you.

Have fun sitting on those codes jackass.
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe']Ok that's 5 games and most of them don't even release until Nov. So now you have 5 more codes, which now members who paid won't be able to get, because you felt the need to hoard them. What do you need those 5 codes for? When will you use them? Most likely not for a long while until batches of codes later. I love how you try to speak for all ECA paying members, they don't agree with you and many of them can't get codes because of people like you.

Have fun sitting on those codes jackass.[/QUOTE]

The dude ordered 5 games in the past 24 hours. How do you know he's not gonna order 5 more by 9/30? Or accessories.

Since you know NOTHING about how people spend their money, isn't it presumptuous of you to say he won't need the codes?

Really. Are you god?
[quote name='Jhriad']Where do you see your gold box? I haven't bought much from Amazon until recently so I'm not familiar w/ the personalized gold box.[/QUOTE]

Click on Today's Deals, and scroll down to the bottom. The Quick Picks at the bottom give you a 5% discount when you add them to your cart using the add to cart button on that page. you can add all the items there and get a 5% discount on each of them, but you only have an hour to check out once you add them before the discount expires.

[quote name='Poor2More']okay I generated 10 codes, I spent 5 before they even went dead

-Dragon Age Origins
-Halo ODST
-Left4Dead 2
-Modern Warfare 2

You know you only needed to use one of those codes. Even if they were in your gold box quick picks. You could have added them all to your cart at once and got the discount.
[quote name='confoosious']Are you just mad you didn't have the foresight to grab any?[/QUOTE]

I thought the whole idea behind posting a deal was to share it? What a great attitude..
[quote name='Jhriad']Where do you see your gold box? I haven't bought much from Amazon until recently so I'm not familiar w/ the personalized gold box.[/QUOTE]
The FAQ in my sig, you seek. Read it, you must.
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe']Ok that's 5 games and most of them don't even release until Nov. So now you have 5 more codes, which now members who paid won't be able to get, because you felt the need to hoard them. What do you need those 5 codes for? When will you use them? Most likely not for a long while until batches of codes later. I love how you try to speak for all ECA paying members, they don't agree with you and many of them can't get codes because of people like you.

Have fun sitting on those codes jackass.[/QUOTE]

...your point is null/void, 5 codes I got, who gives a fuck if the games I ordered are not released yet??? :roll:, if you MUST know what I will spend my next 5 codes you go

Magna Carta 2 (360) released next month...oh and I will pay with my visa credit card also since you MUST know everything

Alpha Protocol
NBA 2k10
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Persona PSP

so Im sorry your not receiving ECA codes at the moment, you got in free, what do you expect? people always want handouts : )
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