Gamer mom/dad thread

I find the Monster High books and show too mature for children. Lots of references to making out, overt discussions about boys, etc.

It's sister title Ever After High has the better role models and stories.
Thanks for the heads up. But yeah, sounds like something for a little older crowd.

I overheard the mom of one of her friends say she lets her 5 yr old watch Walking Dead.

Thanks for the heads up. But yeah, sounds like something for a little older crowd.

I overheard the mom of one of her friends say she lets her 5 yr old watch Walking Dead.
I hear that too. My kids are frustrated because I won't let them watch the Marvel movies. My daughter (8) recently said she was left out of a conversation at school because she hasn't seen the new Hunger Games movie.

I've found one way to help them feel "in" is to show select parts of the movie that are closer to their age range.
Been too tired and out of it for the past week,but my third (boy) decided to drop by on Christmas Eve (at 3 am no less).  I guess he's going to have to learn how to share the attention when he gets older (or do a half / un-birthday in July or something).

Also Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well!

I can't remember if I mentioned in this thread or not - but Billytwoshoes I can relate (and congrats)! My second (second girl) came at noon on Christmas day last year. We've had a hectic holiday season this year and finally decided to just do her first birthday party in January. I think we are going to just have to sort of play it by ear every year regarding birthday celebration stuff for her. We have talked about the half birthday and may give her that option when she gets older. We are planning on being at our house every 25th and celebrating her birthday that evening with just me, my wife and the two girls.

Been too tired and out of it for the past week,but my third (boy) decided to drop by on Christmas Eve (at 3 am no less). I guess he's going to have to learn how to share the attention when he gets older (or do a half / un-birthday in July or something).

Also Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well!
Congrats dude!
I can't remember if I mentioned in this thread or not - but Billytwoshoes I can relate (and congrats)! My second (second girl) came at noon on Christmas day last year. We've had a hectic holiday season this year and finally decided to just do her first birthday party in January. I think we are going to just have to sort of play it by ear every year regarding birthday celebration stuff for her. We have talked about the half birthday and may give her that option when she gets older. We are planning on being at our house every 25th and celebrating her birthday that evening with just me, my wife and the two girls.
I plan on doing the same thing when they get older, give them the choice for their party, but still have something for the immediate family on their actual B-Day. Just means I can have funfetti cake and pumpkin pie on the same day (yay!).

Can't wait until my kids can coherently play games, only a few years to go. Mario Kart, Mario world, etc. (a little over two now)

With twins you get the b day party done easier.

I don't do the whole sharing gifts thing with them, that isn't fair, they get two of everything. Prevents a lot of fights. I tell others to do the same, if you want to get them a gift get them each the same. There is always someone that doesn't and they end up fighting for a specific color(luckily they are getting over color differences it seems), or item so then the choice is "losing it" or buying a double myself.

I have a nephew born a few days after new years (my brother was ticked he just missed the tax credit, lol} and a niece born a few days after Thanksgiving. So glad my kids weren't, of course that was partly planned :lol:.
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Hey CAG parents! That time has come when my son can really get into video games. He's almost 4 1/2 years old. He's really into Disney Infinity and Skylanders. We just beat Swap Force together and will be getting into Trap Team soon (which he got for Christmas). He also got a 2ds with MK and SSB. He digs playing team mode on SSB on his 2ds while I play on my 3ds xl. So for those of you who have infants, look forward to the time you can play side by side with your little ones.
Hey CAG parents! That time has come when my son can really get into video games. He's almost 4 1/2 years old. He's really into Disney Infinity and Skylanders. We just beat Swap Force together and will be getting into Trap Team soon (which he got for Christmas). He also got a 2ds with MK and SSB. He digs playing team mode on SSB on his 2ds while I play on my 3ds xl. So for those of you who have infants, look forward to the time you can play side by side with your little ones.
My daughter sounds about the same age as your son. We play Animal Crossing, Mario Kart 8, Pkiman 3, Kirby Epic Yarn, and I just beat Windwaker. She really wanted to watch me beat Gannon. Kept saying it for days. So when I finally finished it she thought I was so cool. She was beaming with admiration. I liked it.

But to be honest she's really not that good at video games yet. She mainly just likes watching me play and gets frustrated if she losses so I don't let her play anything competitive. Rather something like Animal Crossing where she can just do what she wants. Or Mario Kart time trial where she's not racing against anyone.

She also plays some games on our tablet like Strawberry Shortcake cake shop. She mastered that one. Seriously if they had achievements for that game she would've Platinumed it.

My daughter sounds about the same age as your son. We play Animal Crossing, Mario Kart 8, Pkiman 3, Kirby Epic Yarn, and I just beat Windwaker. She really wanted to watch me beat Gannon. Kept saying it for days. So when I finally finished it she thought I was so cool. She was beaming with admiration. I liked it.

But to be honest she's really not that good at video games yet. She mainly just likes watching me play and gets frustrated if she losses so I don't let her play anything competitive. Rather something like Animal Crossing where she can just do what she wants. Or Mario Kart time trial where she's not racing against anyone.

She also plays some games on our tablet like Strawberry Shortcake cake shop. She mastered that one. Seriously if they had achievements for that game she would've Platinumed it.
My son is also 4 1/2 and plays Mario Kart 8, New Super Mario Bros U, and Super Smash Bros U. He gets frustrated but only over losing multiple times. I try to use it as a teaching tool that you might not always win/winning isn't everything. I know it's a lot for a 4 year old to take in, but he also plays team sports (soccer, tee ball) at the YMCA and gets frustrated when the game doesn't revolve around him. Using Mario to teach him that it's okay to be 2nd (or not in the run at all / as long as your team wins, etc.) and so forth is a little easier than not dealing with it at all -- at least for our situation, anyway.

I was thinking about Animal Crossing but wasn't sure if it'd be too much for him to take in, as I've honestly never played an Animal Crossing game before.

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My 5YO daughter likes playing games, but she gets frustrated easily if she cant get the controls right, so it makes it difficult to teach her unless its point / touch, or if its just one button ( recent example, she played my gunner on a night of MK:DD, made it more interesting as the driver as I didn't know when she was going to use the items).

I was thinking about Animal Crossing but wasn't sure if it'd be too much for him to take in, as I've honestly never played an Animal Crossing game before.
I've only played in-depth AC City Folk (and a bit of the original AC), but they are excellent if your kid likes to watch while you play. Talk to the rabbit, catch that bug, change your wallpaper, it's all things they get into and understand on a basic level, and then start giving suggestions, playing through you so to speak.

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I'm going back and buying (and rebuying) older Zeldas. I figure in a few years I'll introduce them to the DS games, especially now that Nintendo is going to keep backwards compatibility for 99% of old DS games on the "new" 3DS.

Also, Just tried the Vita remote play for Dragon Age on my PS4. Works very well if you can get used to the controls, although R3 is actually reversed in remote play. The left lower back touch is what activates search. Graphics and colors look great also, the OLED may be helping with that.
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I have been considering letting my 3 year old start playing video games. She is pretty smart and already is using ABC Mouse on the computer(just now figuring out how to use 2 hands to move the mouse and click on a laptop mouse). She also plays games on my iphone, her favorite is puzzle games, on a very limited basis. Other then her being able to hold and use a controller would anybody think that 3 is too young? Also what console would you recommend? It seems like most of the comments on here with younger kids are using Wii U, which is her go to console when we are in a store. I have Xbox One, 360, PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, Genesis, and Nintendo 64. I was also thinking of picking up Disney Infinity (if I can find it cheap) to let her try that. 

My 3 year old likes playing angry birds and rayman run on the ipad.  The controller is a bit tough for him though.  We've tried Mario Kart on the Wii with the wheel and with a GC controller and he fares better with the wheel, but he can't do much other than drive around in circles.  

When I was 3 I was playing intellivision games, which mostly consisted of using the disc on the controller and I did ok.  I think for their age, it's best to keep it simple.

We've started the munchkin on solids a couple months ago and recently, she's been starting to play with her food so she's making a decent mess. I'm kinda on the fence as to whether I let her make the mess or take the spoon away from her. On one hand, she's taking the spoon and putting it in her mouth, but at the same time, almost none of the food is making it to it's destination...haha. It's not that I mind cleaning up; it's just that she tends to gnaw on the spoon rather than slurp up what's left on it.

What say you, CAG moms and dads?
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Well its about time i join this thread, I have a 5 almost 6 year old. Started her on Disney infinity during Christmas now thats all she wants to play lol. And my wife is 3 months pregnant so i'll have to share my games with 2 soon haha

We've started the munchkin on solids a couple months ago and recently, she's been starting to play with her food so she's making a decent mess. I'm kinda on the fence as to whether I let her make the mess or take the spoon away from her. On one hand, she's taking the spoon and putting it in her mouth, but at the same time, almost none of the food is making it to it's destination...haha. It's not that I mind cleaning up; it's just that she tends to gnaw on the spoon rather than slurp up what's left on it.

What say you, CAG moms and dads?
I would feed her half of the food and let her have a go at the rest. My daughter did the same thing.

dohdough - by all means, let her "play" with the spoon and her food - that's how she's learning! But it doesn't have to be every time. If you are in a hurry just shovel the food in and get going. But if you've got the time to let her do it go for it.

Our 13 month old has never cared much for the utensils. She'd push them away and grab at the food on the spoon with her hands. I'm not sure if you  are familiar with the trending "baby led weaning" concept but it introduces solid chunks of food for the baby pretty early. Basically when they start eating "solids." We aren't exclusive to BLW but it is an option sometimes. (Me and my wife think getting a very wide variety of foods in the child early on helps so we puree a lot of stuff that a BLW baby maybe couldn't eat - plus we just don't really like seeing our child gagging/choking all the time.) Bananas are an excellent finger food for little ones as is soft avocado.

So if you haven't started finger foods give it a try. Just pick soft foods and cut the pieces small. As a plus it helps with their pincer grasp development. If you are interested in a food-related baby book - Feeding Baby Green (by Dr. Alan Greene) is a great one.

*edit* just wanted to clarify the "weaning" part of BLW isn't really stopping breastfeading or formula or milk or whatever. My 13 month old still breastfeeds. Though since I'm the stay at home parent she is eating a bit more and having less milk. My wife stopped pumping at the new year and we are running out of milk the end of this week so we are transitioning to cow's milk. It just seems like she eats more during the day with me than drinking. Hope that wasn't TMI haha!

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Started my son off with Toy Story 3 when he was 4. Didn't take him long to adjust to the controls and we actually beat the whole game together. It was awesome! He's 8 now and he's been introduced to more gaming devices and software then I could have ever imagined at his age. He has access to Wii U/3DS/Xbox 360. I mainly let him play Mario and Lego titles but as he always tried watching me play shooter games I got him Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. As I'm watching him play I'm surprised how good he is. I definitely see some fun gaming moments to be had as he gets older. I have a 3 year old that I'm sure will be gaming with us in a year or 2.
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dohdough - by all means, let her "play" with the spoon and her food - that's how she's learning! But it doesn't have to be every time. If you are in a hurry just shovel the food in and get going. But if you've got the time to let her do it go for it.

Our 13 month old has never cared much for the utensils. She'd push them away and grab at the food on the spoon with her hands. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the trending "baby led weaning" concept but it introduces solid chunks of food for the baby pretty early. Basically when they start eating "solids." We aren't exclusive to BLW but it is an option sometimes. (Me and my wife think getting a very wide variety of foods in the child early on helps so we puree a lot of stuff that a BLW baby maybe couldn't eat - plus we just don't really like seeing our child gagging/choking all the time.) Bananas are an excellent finger food for little ones as is soft avocado.

So if you haven't started finger foods give it a try. Just pick soft foods and cut the pieces small. As a plus it helps with their pincer grasp development. If you are interested in a food-related baby book - Feeding Baby Green (by Dr. Alan Greene) is a great one.

*edit* just wanted to clarify the "weaning" part of BLW isn't really stopping breastfeading or formula or milk or whatever. My 13 month old still breastfeeds. Though since I'm the stay at home parent she is eating a bit more and having less milk. My wife stopped pumping at the new year and we are running out of milk the end of this week so we are transitioning to cow's milk. It just seems like she eats more during the day with me than drinking. Hope that wasn't TMI haha!
Yeah, my only concern is that I don't want it to become a life-long habit of playing with food. That and chewing with one's mouth open are HUGE pet peeves of mine...hahaha.

She's pretty good overall with spoons considering she'll only grab at the spoon part to position it in her mouth and then grabs the handle. When she's done, she'll let go. I just have to keep hold of it so she doesn't gag herself. We've also been giving her Kix, grapes, avocado, and egg yolks so it sounds similar to BLW? Gonna try mangoes this week.

We're still breastfeeding at 8 months too, although it's not strictly by choice; she doesn't take the bottle with us and we've tried them all. She'll drink from the bottle with grandma though...haha. This girl REALLY likes it straight from the tap. :rofl:

I have the same thing with her eating more than drinking with me too. That added to the bottle issues, I just spoon-feed her water with her meals. It's pretty time consuming, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? That just means more daddy-daughter time. :D
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I wouldn't worry so much about life long habits forming from nurture (so to speak), as just some kids tend to be a bit more experimental with their food.  My oldest daughter only played with her food for a little bit, but then by around 18 months she was all business and kept pretty clean.

For my second daughter, about 2 and a half, she still to this day plays with her food, despite the same nurturing / correcting and even her older sister as an example.  The point is she still eats regularly and most things on her plate if she's hungry, which is all I can ask for at this point.

For training to self feed, I liked mashed potatoes, mixed with a little milk to help smooth it out (even breastmilk if you can pump it) for safety reasons.  Easy to make, easy to clean up, and doesn't stain clothes, though not the top nutritional option (training after all).  Both of my girls loved avocados, those work pretty good as well, just gotta watch out for the staining (unless you feed them stripped down to a diaper).

Yeah, the playing with food/wasting food/making a mess issue was a big concern for my wife and I. So, we probably spoon fed our daughter longer than most pediatricians would recommend. But I also maintained the opinion that learning how to use a spoon was not rocket science. Yes it's "how they learn", but if you just don't have the dexterity to perform an action and simply aren't ready to be attempting it, in my opinion, much of the effort is wasted.

Ultimately, we weighted the nutritional benefit of getting a full meal above a perceived concept of "learning", which realistically looked more like waving a spoon around and launching food all over the room. Once our daughter settled down and increased her motor skills through cleaner, less stressful activities, we introduced the spoon, and how bout that...she learned how to use it in like a week. She did show a tendency to want to pull the food off the spoon and use her fingers to eat it, but that seemed like fairly normal behavior. She's now 3 and has no trouble using a regular teaspoon.

The moral of this story? Do what's right for you and your child. And don't bang your head against a wall for no reason...even if it defies conventional "wisdom".

Full Disclosure: My daughter is also a very picky eater finding things that she was even willing to eat was a victory in itself. That obviously played a role in not wanting to see it go to waste.

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Yeah, my only concern is that I don't want it to become a life-long habit of playing with food. That and chewing with one's mouth open are HUGE pet peeves of mine...hahaha.

She's pretty good overall with spoons considering she'll only grab at the spoon part to position it in her mouth and then grabs the handle. When she's done, she'll let go. I just have to keep hold of it so she doesn't gag herself. We've also been giving her Kix, grapes, avocado, and egg yolks so it sounds similar to BLW? Gonna try mangoes this week.

We're still breastfeeding at 8 months too, although it's not strictly by choice; she doesn't take the bottle with us and we've tried them all. She'll drink from the bottle grandma though...haha. This girl REALLY likes it straight from the tap. :rofl:

I have the same thing with her eating more than drinking with me too. That added to the bottle issues, I just spoon-feed her water with her meals. It's pretty time consuming, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? That just means more daddy-daughter time. :D
Egg yolks (boiled?), yes, I forgot about that! You are on the right track! We would sometimes do fried eggs and give her yolk from that too. Now, at 13 months, she's eating the whole egg. Grapes are also a staple with both my girls.

Definitely don't worry about bad habits sticking at this age. My 13 month old makes all kinds of noises while she eats and it can get annoying but it's likely just a phase (and if not, well it's not the worst thing in the world!)

Your daughter may still be a bit young for this (but maybe not) - but both of my girls didn't do well with a traditional sippy and my 13 month old struggled with the bottle for a few months when my wife went back to work (though she's taking it fine now). We found they both took to a straw sippy right away though for whatever reason. So if you continue to see troubles with a bottle you could try a straw sippy. We just put water in them but one could certainly try milk in them too. It might work instead of the spoon feeding water thing.

I understand the mess-making concern for people. I kinda have that often times too. My wife not so much. So she deals with/allows the big messes but I deal with plenty of messes throughout the days. Sure, taking preventative measures is a great idea (I love efficiency! I played a ton of Tetris!), but messes still happen. We've stained so many clothes it's ridiculous - (we regularly fed our girls homemade pureed beets even!) (good thing we are cheapasses and get 90% of their clothes from thrift stores/yard sales). And my 4 year old is still kinda messy when she eats! But she's ONLY 4 and there's plenty of time for her to learn etiquette, manners, proper eating techniques, etc. and in the mean time messes really aren't THAT big of a deal. (That's what I have to keep reminding myself of when my girls toys are strewn all over the house every day - while we are trying to sell our house!)

Messes can be fun when you plan for it.  I remember both of my girl's first spaghetti with marinara sauce dinner self feeding (which I think we waited for both a little under two or so), always a Kodak moment.

I totally forgot about this thread... lol

Yep my wife and I are expecting out first sometime mid July of this year. Doctor's said we are due on the 20th of July..  No guarantee but that is the same date as my niece in Sweden.  I am sure she will pop early , if so first week of july would be nice .  My nephew is on the 3rd.

We are at week 14 right now.  I am hoping in the next two weeks we find out if it's a boy or girl.   We hope it's a girl. 

As for gaming... I don't think we will expose our child to video games til 5 or 6 years old.  I've been told the first year or two get ready to hunker down staying home with the kid so no going to movies or video games buying for a long while.   Don't worry I have enough in my backlog to keep me busy.   My wife and I love movies but honestly I think if we are lucky either the new Terminator movie or Ted 2 will be the last movie before the kid arrives.   But hell no I am not missing the new star wars movie lol.   Funny thing is that I was born the same year the first star wars movie came out and now my kid will be coming the year the new star wars comes out. 

I totally forgot about this thread... lol

Yep my wife and I are expecting out first sometime mid July of this year. Doctor's said we are due on the 20th of July.. No guarantee but that is the same date as my niece in Sweden. I am sure she will pop early , if so first week of july would be nice . My nephew is on the 3rd.

We are at week 14 right now. I am hoping in the next two weeks we find out if it's a boy or girl. We hope it's a girl.

As for gaming... I don't think we will expose our child to video games til 5 or 6 years old. I've been told the first year or two get ready to hunker down staying home with the kid so no going to movies or video games buying for a long while. Don't worry I have enough in my backlog to keep me busy. My wife and I love movies but honestly I think if we are lucky either the new Terminator movie or Ted 2 will be the last movie before the kid arrives. But hell no I am not missing the new star wars movie lol. Funny thing is that I was born the same year the first star wars movie came out and now my kid will be coming the year the new star wars comes out.
Congrats, dude!

And good luck with the movie/gaming thing. You'd be surprised at how little you'll care or have time for either. If I could go back in time, I'd force myself to take naps instead gaming...haha.
Congrats ITDEFX! You won't have to worry about much for the first couple of months since they sleep most of the day.

My youngest is 5.5 months and he is so much fun. He laughs and giggles whenever he sees me and makes me feel great when I get home. I can't wait to see what he's like when he's his older brother's age.
Thanks man... Yeah well there is going to be less of us going to the movies together after the baby comes. She will let me "go" and might take turns going to see it but she is most likely not going to go because of nursing and not wanting to leave the baby. No way in hell am I going to take our baby to the movie to ruin everyone else experience. And we won't be that asshole couple who took their baby to see AvP and then left the damn used diaper in the cup holder and sneaked out just before the movie ended so no one would notice.

Congrats ITDEFX! You won't have to worry about much for the first couple of months since they sleep most of the day. My youngest is 5.5 months and he is so much fun. He laughs and giggles whenever he sees me and makes me feel great when I get home. I can't wait to see what he's like when he's his older brother's age.
Yeah, it's been true for us, we don't go out near as often as we use to. We don't have any family in town to keep the kids. But encendido5 is right that those first several months aren't so bad. Sure, you can't exactly go out and do things but you sure can game and watch movies/tv at home plenty. It's once they start toddling around that cuts into gaming/movie time a bit. And me and my wife miss it a bit but it's really not that bad. You are so busy with the kid(s) that you don't mind. When you look back on it at the end of the day and weigh doing kid stuff with gaming/movie stuff I'll bet the kid stuff wins out every time (well most every time ;) )

On a related note - me and my wife are going to TWO concerts this year so far! I know it doesn't sound like much but it's been a while. We saw very little live music last year and didn't even go to an actual "concert." Flaming Lips in Feb and Zappa plays Zappa in May!

incoming kid made me think of this thread so i popped back in.  daughter just turned 18 months and my wife's due date is this friday for little irideabike jr.  if she doesn't go by the end of the weekend we're all set for her to be induced monday.  goodbye scheduled freetime during my daughters naps :'(

It's tough trying to find free time for gaming and being a dad.  But if there's a will, there's a way.  When my wife goes out to the gym or runs errands, I place my 5 month old daughter on my lap while she watches my son and me play Skylanders in the man cave.  Of course, the man cave has been invaded by my son's countless Skylanders and Disney Infinitey figures. And you know what?  I wouldn't trade anything for it in the world!  :whee: :whee: :whee:

I usually find time around midnight, although I haven't been playing too many games lately. Mainly watching TV or anime on my free time.

It's tough trying to find free time for gaming and being a dad. But if there's a will, there's a way. When my wife goes out to the gym or runs errands, I place my 5 month old daughter on my lap while she watches my son and me play Skylanders in the man cave. Of course, the man cave has been invaded by my son's countless Skylanders and Disney Infinitey figures. And you know what? I wouldn't trade anything for it in the world! :whee: :whee: :whee:
Although my next house should have a basement/man cave I plan on putting up all my collectibles ranging from my JLU figures to 200 clone troopers to my Pacific Rim Jagers and then eventually rehang all my star wars fighter ships on the ceiling. Of course kids will want to touch and play with them, but that's a no no. They are collectibles as long as they are not played soon as they happen, they are toys....

I just got to remember to mount stuff so the kid doesn't end up thrown things or touching the tv screen...

Although my next house should have a basement/man cave I plan on putting up all my collectibles ranging from my JLU figures to 200 clone troopers to my Pacific Rim Jagers and then eventually rehang all my star wars fighter ships on the ceiling. Of course kids will want to touch and play with them, but that's a no no. They are collectibles as long as they are not played soon as they happen, they are toys....

I just got to remember to mount stuff so the kid doesn't end up thrown things or touching the tv screen...
Good points! This reminds me that I got a boatload of those Star Wars mini diecast vehicles during a crazy clearance at TRU sometime in the late 90s. I was able to snag every ship imaginable. I remember checking out with a cart full of them. Some lady started sifting through my cart and I had to politely tell her I was buying all if them. My plan has always been to hang them from the ceiling in my man cave as part of an epic Star Wars battle. I know my son would find a way to play with them.

200 clone troopers? Got a pic of them in action?
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My son inherited so much crap from his dad.... The collection has grown a bit, most of the Star Wars stuff is boxed up since that was already organized but were going to have an epic battle one day. He likes playing games already, he's third man on Smash Brothers!

Oh yeah I still have these on the shelf..


As for the pic of the clone troopers, I will have to get back to you on that... I did take some pics of most of my stuff before putting into boxes but will have to look into my hard drives to find it.

Oh here is a question for you parents of young kids...when they do have their temper tantrums and throw shit, what is the most expensive thing they have destroyed/damaged in the process? I am thinking the TV.

Good points! This reminds me that I got a boatload of those Star Wars mini diecast vehicles during a crazy clearance at TRU sometime in the late 90s. I was able to snag every ship imaginable. I remember checking out with a cart full of them. Some lady started sifting through my cart and I had to politely tell her I was buying all if them. My plan has always been to hang them from the ceiling in my man cave as part of an epic Star Wars battle. I know my son would find a way to play with them.

200 clone troopers? Got a pic of them in action?
My son inherited so much crap from his dad.... The collection has grown a bit, most of the Star Wars stuff is boxed up since that was already organized but were going to have an epic battle one day. He likes playing games already, he's third man on Smash Brothers!
Have you built any of them?? :)

My son had to do a project for preschool where he counts 100 objects and takes it to school for show and tell. We had him count 100 minifigs and had him take them all in a gallon ziploc bag (taped up of course). A lot of the parents were amazed that he had 100 figures. If they only saw how many more we have at home, they'd be floored.

Man that's a lot of Lego! It was one of my favorite toys as a kid. I still have all mine - what I thought was a lot at the time! It just amounts to two very small tubs though. Late 70s early 80s space, castle and pirate stuff mostly. I got my 4 year old one of the small 3-in-1 sets that was a plane/helicopter/boat I think. We put them all together and she had fun but wasn't blown away with it. The "friends" stuff geared towards girls looks kinda dumbed down to me and more about accessories than building anything so we aren't real interested in getting her going with that. She did get some magna tiles for Christmas and they are pretty awesome. Everybody loved playing with them. My 13 month old really likes messing around with them too. My daughter is really in to Playmobil stuff for the past couple years.

I collect way too much and varied of stuff and have always sorta kinda wanted to get into lego as an adult but never did. Guess I just have too many hobbies as it is. Here lately we have been really in to collecting art. I do have a bunch of my Jim Woodring vinyls on display in my girls room. They are up high on shelves and so far no problems with them wanting to play with them.

My girls (so far at least) aren't destructive with their tantrums. They have them mind you - it's just they aren't destructive with them. That's not to say things haven't been broken by accident. Though luckily it's mostly been toys that have been played with a bit too hard or that are kinda old and fragile (we have bought quite a bit of vintage toys for them mostly out of nostalgia I'd say.) I really can't remember anything of ours that's been broken by them.

Man that's a lot of Lego! It was one of my favorite toys as a kid. I still have all mine - what I thought was a lot at the time! It just amounts to two very small tubs though. Late 70s early 80s space, castle and pirate stuff mostly. I got my 4 year old one of the small 3-in-1 sets that was a plane/helicopter/boat I think. We put them all together and she had fun but wasn't blown away with it. The "friends" stuff geared towards girls looks kinda dumbed down to me and more about accessories than building anything so we aren't real interested in getting her going with that. She did get some magna tiles for Christmas and they are pretty awesome. Everybody loved playing with them. My 13 month old really likes messing around with them too. My daughter is really in to Playmobil stuff for the past couple years.

I collect way too much and varied of stuff and have always sorta kinda wanted to get into lego as an adult but never did. Guess I just have too many hobbies as it is. Here lately we have been really in to collecting art. I do have a bunch of my Jim Woodring vinyls on display in my girls room. They are up high on shelves and so far no problems with them wanting to play with them.

My girls (so far at least) aren't destructive with their tantrums. They have them mind you - it's just they aren't destructive with them. That's not to say things haven't been broken by accident. Though luckily it's mostly been toys that have been played with a bit too hard or that are kinda old and fragile (we have bought quite a bit of vintage toys for them mostly out of nostalgia I'd say.) I really can't remember anything of ours that's been broken by them.
Stay away from Lego, it's a very expensive hobby, my daughter has a bunch of the Friends sets, they are pretty neat. I think Lego took a step back and did things differently than they did with Bellville, they are releasing some Elves theme later on this year if your interested.

bread's done