GamersGate Thread: (Moved to the Steam+ Deals Thread)

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151 (100%)

Closing this thread. Future deals will be posted in the Steam+ Deals Thread.

New thread here.

*List of games on sale sorted by discount.
All Steam Origin Uplay DRM Free

[There are currently no known available vouchers, credits, promos, codes, etc. that can be manually applied to purchases.]

Note: Be sure to check DRM prior to purchase. It will typically be listed to the right of the description, just above the System Requirements. There are several instances where games may vary in DRM type even within the same bundle. You have been warned.

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You guys should have gotten your Warlock 2 Great Mage Editions for $5 from that Amazon glitch... they didn't revoke those keys!

Why would I buy DRM free games from anywhere other than Piratebay?

I kid
To support the developers (at least somewhat, since we are all CAG's and often buy cheaply) + hope their game don't get pirated to hell - you know, so they can actually keep their doors open + make even more (hopefully great) games.


You guys should have gotten your Warlock 2 Great Mage Editions for $5 from that Amazon glitch... they didn't revoke those keys!
I still need to work on Warlock 1 - so, I can wait.

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I like how he implies that the burden is on the consumer to do research and be sure that the deal isn't too outrageously good -- because it could just be a glitch -- and in which case he/she should avoid making the purchase.
That's ridiculous, yes.

If a person who knows ZERO about GG glitching + doesn't hang out at places online (like Reddit, CAG, SlickDeals, etc) - they're just gonna buy it.

Maybe, just maybe - GG should improve the back-end + coding in their actual system. I don't see Steam, Origin, UPlay, and other digital stores having even remotely close to the tons of trouble GG has had on a regular basis w/ glitches.

Yup just removed from my Steam account as well.  Not like I would have played it anytime soon anyway I just can't keep from buying a game when I see a price glitch.  I'll buy the next glitched game too and probably that is all I will buy from them considering how long it has been since there was anything on sale for a truly good price at GG that was not a glitch.

They took mine from my account as well. Bah, this strikes me as crappy. It's one thing to not issue keys because you ran out but ones you issued is just bad practice.
They took mine from my account as well. Bah, this strikes me as crappy. It's one thing to not issue keys because you ran out but ones you issued is just bad practice.
But, GamersGate didn't issue it - GlitchersGame did.

GG doesn't approve of the other GG's services!. ;)

They took mine from my account as well. Bah, this strikes me as crappy. It's one thing to not issue keys because you ran out but ones you issued is just bad practice.
Mine is gone too. It's really short sighted of them to cover their asses in the short term because it sets a slippery slope that a 3rd party store can pretty much revoke a game at any time, which we knew they could anyway in theory but in practice nobody else goes there without really serious cause (fraud etc).

It also makes me not want to shop there because they clearly don't mind screwing over their customers to cover their asses for their own mistakes.

It's basically the equivalent of Target coming into your house without your permission and repossessing an item they sold you because they accidentally sold it at the wrong price. It's bullshit.
Removed here as well.

Good thing I didn't already IDLE the game to get its cards before the MASTER took it away.

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AsshatP strikes again.

I really don't see how they can mistakenly price a game for $10 and then revoke the keys. It's not like it was AMAZINGLY cheap, it was $10. Even if it's a new release + DLC that's not chicken feed, it's $10. 

This is a very poor way to handle a mistake you made yourself.

To support the developers (at least somewhat, since we are all CAG's and often buy cheaply) + hope their game don't get pirated to hell - you know, so they can actually keep their doors open + make even more (hopefully great) games.


I still need to work on Warlock 1 - so, I can wait.
No point in playing Warlock 1 now.

Every single person that bought the damn thing (yes, I said EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU) knew it was a glitch and you took advantage of it. I see nothing wrong with that, I would have too if I was I paying attention when it happened. However, acting like entitled little shits now that your exploits were yanked from you is childish and pathetic even for CAG. Grow up and more importantly, shut up, and take your business else where if you don't like it. You aren't being punished, the deal you cheated was simply not honored.

They may steal my Lara Croft, but they'll never take the 30¢ in cards money I made!

Every single person that bought the damn thing (yes, I said EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU) knew it was a glitch and you took advantage of it. I see nothing wrong with that, I would have too if I was I paying attention when it happened. However, acting like entitled little shits now that your exploits were yanked from you is childish and pathetic even for CAG. Grow up and more importantly, shut up, and take your business else where if you don't like it. You aren't being punished, the deal you cheated was simply not honored.
im calling in the waaambulance

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Every single person that bought the damn thing (yes, I said EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU) knew it was a glitch and you took advantage of it. I see nothing wrong with that, I would have too if I was I paying attention when it happened. However, acting like entitled little shits now that your exploits were yanked from you is childish and pathetic even for CAG. Grow up and more importantly, shut up, and take your business else where if you don't like it. You aren't being punished, the deal you cheated was simply not honored.
ok.. I missed the deal so I am not as concerned about the key revoke and refund like the rest of CAG. But to say "the deal you cheated was simply not honored" is harsh and untrue. They didn't cheat any one. Item was listed by GG for $10 (no one here hacked into their server and "cheat" the price like you suggested).

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Every single person that bought the damn thing (yes, I said EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU) knew it was a glitch and you took advantage of it. I see nothing wrong with that, I would have too if I was I paying attention when it happened. However, acting like entitled little shits now that your exploits were yanked from you is childish and pathetic even for CAG. Grow up and more importantly, shut up, and take your business else where if you don't like it. You aren't being punished, the deal you cheated was simply not honored.
You know, I'm not even disagreeing with you but nobody else does that shit. Amazon, Steam whoever. They just don't go there. Once you sell something, it's sold.

It's not even about the damned game but the principle. The publishers can take away games we own at any time for any reason and the stores can request that be done too if they can get the publishers to go along. We already know this but it's one of those things we try to put out of our heads and when some DRM free nazi goes on a rant about how we don't actually own our games but just get a license for them we point and laugh at them even if deep down we know it's technically accurate.

The thing for me is, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I don't feel that digital property should be treated different than physical property. If I went and bought Lara Croft in a box for $10 on a price mistake at a physical Gamestop or Walmart or whatever and they realized it after I already bought it and took it home and installed it. Guess what? That's tough shit for them. They sure as hell can't come to my house and take it. (actually they might be able to pull some numbers off a receipt and get Square to yank the key but that's not my point :p)

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ok.. I missed the deal so I am not as concerned about the key revoke and refund like the rest of CAG but to say "the deal you cheated was simply not honored" is harsh and untrue. They didn't cheat any one. Item was listed by GG for $10 (no one here hacked into their server and "cheat" the price like you suggested).
Everyone knew the price was bullshit, give me a break.

My transaction is showing up as canceled, finally, but still no refund. I sent a support ticket asking that my money be credited back to the card and not to the website.

You know, I'm not even disagreeing with you but nobody else does that shit. Amazon, Steam whoever. They just don't go there. Once you sell something, it's sold.

It's not even about the damned game but the principle. The publishers can take away games we own at any time for any reason and the stores can request that be done too if they can get the publishers to go along. We already know this but it's one of those things we try to put out of our heads and when some DRM free nazi goes on a rant about how we don't actually own our games but just get a license for them we point and laugh at them even if deep down we know it's technically accurate.

The thing for me is, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I don't feel that digital property should be treated different than physical property. If I went and bought Lara Croft in a box for $10 on a price mistake at a physical Gamestop or Walmart or whatever and they realized it after I already bought it and took it home and installed it. Guess what? That's tough shit for them. They sure as hell can't come to my house and take it. (actually they might be able to pull some numbers off a receipt and get Square to yank the key but that's not my point :p)
console game once sold can't be revoked. There are no multiplayer key in most games on console. So yea, they can't hunt you down to your house and confiscate the game. To see how GG goes to the extreme and claim "theft" with Steam (that's the only reason Steam is willing to revoke a key). No way in hell Steam will do it if GG tell them "well, we fuk up and put up the wrong price".. Steam will say "well, tough, it's your damn problem.. why my company has to clean up after your mistake"

Every single person that bought the damn thing (yes, I said EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU) knew it was a glitch and you took advantage of it. I see nothing wrong with that, I would have too if I was I paying attention when it happened. However, acting like entitled little shits now that your exploits were yanked from you is childish and pathetic even for CAG. Grow up and more importantly, shut up, and take your business else where if you don't like it. You aren't being punished, the deal you cheated was simply not honored.
How about ... every single store should know how much an item costs them and how much they need to sell it for to make a profit.

If they then sell it for less than how much it costs them and the customer pays for it, gets a receipt and walks out of the store then that's because they were careless in selling it at that price.

The store owner cannot then later sneak into that customers house, take the item back and leave a gift card for their store on the kitchen counter. They just have to be more careful in future and double check the prices of their items are correct.

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]I didn't buy the game anyway. I felt it was too expensive even at $10. I'll wait for it to fall below $5 or be bundled, which it will eventually.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Edit: Other people said almost exactly the same thing. Now I feel incredibly unoriginal, but still righter than you ;)[/SIZE]

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How about ... every single store should know how much an item costs them and how much they need to sell it for to make a profit.

If they then sell it for less than how much it costs them and the customer pays for it, gets a receipt and walks out of the store then that's because they were careless in selling it at that price.

The store owner cannot then later sneak into that customers house, take the item back and leave a gift card for their store on the kitchen counter. They just have to be more careful in future and double check the prices of their items are correct.

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]I didn't buy the game anyway. I felt it was too expensive even at $10. I'll wait for it to fall below $5 or be bundled, which it will eventually.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Edit: Other people said almost exactly the same thing. Now I feel incredibly unoriginal, but still righter than you ;)[/SIZE]
How about you knew it was a glitch and tried to score but got caught? How about a straw man argument? How about hyperbole? By all means, keep babbling away though, it certainly makes for some entertaining reading.

Almost 2 years ago I bought $40 worth of blue coins from Gamersgate after they added the 20% Oops discount. This was during the brief period when they allowed you to apply the discount to buying blue coins. Which in effect, made the discount 36% off while the yearlong discount was in effect. I still have $8 in blue coins left from that purchase. So obviously I'm not a big Gamersgate shopper.

Having said that, I'm not sure how much I'd want to buy from them going forward. Previously, my reluctance to buy from them was entirely due to not liking the deals (even after the 36% discount). But now that they've established a precedent of cancelling orders and revoking keys, I will always be wondering if any deal that I hop on is really a price glitch or not. And whether or not my keys are gonna get revoked.

It's true that this Lara Croft deal was a pretty obvious price glitch. But it's not always obvious which deals are glitches and which ones aren't. I can think of several examples where a game looked like it might be a glitch, only to run at that price for the full sale period. Hell, the very first thing that I ever bought on Gamersgate was the complete 1c pack for like $15. That just screamed price mistake. But it ran for like a week at that price. So how the hell are we supposed to know for sure that something was, in fact, a price glitch? Sometimes they're kinda obvious, but not always.

Anyway, I've still got that $8 in blue coins to blow on shitty deals, so I can't quite swear off them just yet. But once I have spent those coins (which should be in about 5 years) I'll probably just stop buying from Gamersgate entirely. Who needs the hassle of wondering if your keys are gonna get revoked?

For the record, I missed out on this glitch. So my opinion isn't influenced by sour grapes.

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Almost 2 years ago I bought $40 worth of blue coins from Gamersgate after they added the 20% Oops discount. This was during the brief period when they allowed you to apply the discount to buying blue coins. Which in effect, made the discount 36% off while the yearlong discount was in effect. I still have $8 in blue coins left from that purchase. So obviously I'm not a big Gamersgate shopper.

Having said that, I'm not sure how much I'd want to buy from them going forward. Previously, my reluctance to buy from them was entirely due to not liking the deals (even after the 36% discount). But now that they've established a precedent of cancelling orders and revoking keys, I will always be wondering if any deal that I hop on is really a price glitch or not. And whether or not my keys are gonna get revoked.

It's true that this Lara Croft deal was a pretty obvious price glitch. But it's not always obvious which deals are glitches and which ones aren't. I can think of several examples where a game looked like it might be a glitch, only to run at that price for the full sale period. Hell, the very first thing that I ever bought on Gamersgate was the complete 1c pack for like $15. That just screamed price mistake. But it ran for like a week at that price. So how the hell are we supposed to know for sure that something was, in fact, a price glitch? Sometimes they're kinda obvious, but not always.

Anyway, I've still got that $8 in blue coins to blow on shitty deals, so I can't quite swear off them just yet. But once I have spent those coins (which should be in about 5 years) I'll probably just stop buying from Gamersgate entirely. Who needs the hassle of wondering if your keys are gonna get revoked?

For the record, I missed out on this glitch. So my opinion isn't influenced by sour grapes.
I made out on the same BC glitch, and preordered a Sonic Racing Transformed 4 pack with it (which I played immediately). I preordered a OMD2 2 pack as well, which I also played as soon as it released. Ironically, GG was the only site I've "preordered" digital games from.. up until the Evolve price mistake on Steam.

I'd say around 40% of my purchases on GG have had non-glitched prices.

I made out on the same BC glitch, and preordered a Sonic Racing Transformed 4 pack with it (which I played immediately). I preordered a OMD2 2 pack as well, which I also played as soon as it released. Ironically, GG was the only site I've "preordered" digital games from.. up until the Evolve price mistake on Steam.

I'd say around 40% of my purchases on GG have had non-glitched prices.
so basically, you are saying that the majority of your GG purchase are glitched prices.. uh huh.. :D/

Ending 12/16
75% off Endless Space Gold Edition (Steam) - $8.75
75% off Endless Space - Emperor Special Edition (Steam) - $7.50
75% off Endless Space: Disharmony (Steam) - $2.50

75% off select Atari games
Up to 80% off The Walking Dead games and DLC

Ending 12/17
50% off Bound By Flame (Steam) - $20.00
30% off Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition (Steam) - $34.99

Up to 80% off 1C RPG games (Elven Legacy, Konung)
Up to 70% off Aldorlea RPG games
Up to 75% off Focus Home Interactive RPG games and DLC
Up to 50% off The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing games
75% off Kalypso RPG games and DLC
75% off Nordic RPG games and DLC
Up to 75% off Square Enix RPG games
80% off Torchlight games
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This is an answer from GG support to Ruuin (no idea what he told them)

I do understand your concerns and trust me, we think 10 times before making such decision. The recent issues were indeed more severe than the ones that we can tolerate. They do happen for various reasons, but still they are obvious misprices (as you can see on many websites that lead users to us, and try to post about such deals soonest possible). We also employ manual review of orders and cancel an order if we see that it is wrong or can't be fulfilled. In case it is an advertised deal and is not that obvious we do leave it as it is as we can't blame users of taking advantage indeed. But if the game is wrongly priced (as it was not discounted, but priced wrongly) or even priced at 0, we are forced to rectify the situations (still at our cost). With this, we are aiming at fixing things in a way that this wont happen and urge users to wait and see if a price is fixed and research if it is a deal. Still, you have a pretty valid point regarding user trust and i am indeed focusing on getting some changes introduced having that as an argument. I can provide you with a 20% discount code valid for one purchase at this point, but we won't be able to provide a year-long discount for this issue (if you recall the Bethesda issue, that was indeed much larger):
tommy tell im want 20% discount too

Where's the glitches at?
d u miss more glticheson drm free there was 5 games gltiches drm free just for ur liking all atari games
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I'm going a bit to the extreme... But if this turns into a common practice on GG side... I don't like it and I don't trust them anymore
I'm actually not trusting them again after this stunt.

I sent in a support ticket asking when I'd get my money back since my order was canceled - I didn't say anything else, there was no point. If I won't get the game then I just want my money back. They replied with this (the interesting part is in bold):

Hello David

Unfortunately this item was severely mispriced for a short time. We usually try to honor orders even in case of obvious misprices like this one. However, we found out that it just was not feasible in this case, so we were forced to cancel all the orders and return the payments. Please accept our sincere apologies for the hassle, for there was no other possible solution.
Not feasible? I wonder just how many orders did they end up with. I'm fairly sure that they sold a ton more copies of this than what they sold during the Bethesda glitch.

I'm calling bullshit on that. That deal wasn't up on Reddit that I ever saw. It hit Slickdeals, but literally 9 minutes after it was posted someone replied that they were out of keys and it wasn't exactly their most active thread so I don't see that having a huge effect.

I firmly believe their "We usually try to honor orders even in case of obvious misprices like this one" is 


Now that they know they can get away with it you can count on this happening every time.

I'm calling bullshit on that. That deal wasn't up on Reddit that I ever saw. It hit Slickdeals, but literally 9 minutes after it was posted someone replied that they were out of keys and it wasn't exactly their most active thread so I don't see that having a huge effect.

I firmly believe their "We usually try to honor orders even in case of obvious misprices like this one" is


Now that they know they can get away with it you can count on this happening every time.
Well it's obvious they didn't have enough keys, but as far as I can tell, they were still selling the item after running out of keys. So imagine having to fulfill thousands of $40 orders at a 75% loss margin.

How about you knew it was a glitch and tried to score but got caught? How about a straw man argument? How about hyperbole? By all means, keep babbling away though, it certainly makes for some entertaining reading.
So is this Gamersgate white-knighting? Because I never actually thought I'd see that.
Well it's obvious they didn't have enough keys, but as far as I can tell, they were still selling the item after running out of keys. So imagine having to fulfill thousands of $40 orders at a 75% loss margin.
The would have gotten off much easier if they had just canceled on everyone that didn't get a key rather than refunding EVERYONE and revoking the keys that were given out.
If Gamersgate actually had worthwhile sales from the jump, we wouldn't have to worry about buying from them mostly when there's basically a glitch... ;)

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