Gamestop- StoneLoops! of Jurassica for PC Free YMMV


Check emails for a coupon and bring it to the store to redeem...
A quick Google search will get you a copy of this coupon within seconds. I would post the coupon itself, but I can't remember if we're allowed to do that or not.
Amazing how they can copy other games and call it something else. If i did something like that i'd get sued and what not. This is such a waste of a game and another ploy by gamestop.
If people didn't copy each other's ideas, we wouldn't have beloved games such as Angry Birds, any JRPG's, most FPS games, most platformers, etc. Also, GameStop didn't make this game, so I'm not sure what their ploy is, especially when the damn thing is free.
[quote name='ZombieToast']I'm not sure what their ploy is, especially when the damn thing is free.[/QUOTE]

Obviously, a free game will get some people who wouldn't ordinarily come into the store to stop by and at least consider purchasing something else while they're there.

Also, it's likely this free game wasn't a big seller to begin with, but the company still gets to write off the full MSRP of their download giveaway on their taxes (as if all the giveaways would have been actual sales otherwise).

Gamestop is just trying another marketing ploy here. If it works (drives up in-store sales and/or saves them money on taxes), we'll likely see more PC download giveaways like this to come.
They did the same thing with Zork and people were suckered in. It's one more thing they have to add to their sales pitch too. Sorry to burst your bubble but angry birds is garbage. I've played many of those of games that had that play style and gameplay. You can tell this game is exactly Zuma, they don't even try to cover it up.
If you ever talk about this game out loud, you're obligated to pronounce it "STONELOOPS... of Jurassica."

Seriously, why is that exclamation point even there? Why can't it just be called "Stoneloops" or "Stoneloops of Jurassica!"?
I got the email for this the other day and I considered printing up the coupon and having a buddy of mine go in to grab one for laughs. He could likely download it on his laptop he got for Christmas and have something to play on there besides watching YouTube constantly.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi3']Obviously, a free game will get some people who wouldn't ordinarily come into the store to stop by and at least consider purchasing something else while they're there.

Also, it's likely this free game wasn't a big seller to begin with, but the company still gets to write off the full MSRP of their download giveaway on their taxes (as if all the giveaways would have been actual sales otherwise).

Gamestop is just trying another marketing ploy here. If it works (drives up in-store sales and/or saves them money on taxes), we'll likely see more PC download giveaways like this to come.[/QUOTE]
Well, of course they hope you're going to buy stuff when you go in, but you're not required to do so, so I don't really see what the problem is. And I doubt it will bring in too many people who don't normally go to GameStop because those people probably aren't subscribed to the newsletter. *shrug*

[quote name='UnrealZero']Sorry to burst your bubble but angry birds is garbage.[/QUOTE]
That's a matter of opinion and I don't know how you're bursting my bubble, but I don't like Angry Birds either. It's still a beloved game for many people, which makes it a relevant example.
I just tried to install and play this game. Game says I need hardware acceleration. Found out I have Intel GMA which doesn't let you control hardware acceleration at all...lame.
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