Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

Lock out TDM? Damn, I hope not. I thought Epic was going to release something "new" each week (map/gametype).

Something has been bugging me. If you go to "options => multiplayer" it seems like the Lancer and Hammerburst are equal in power (2 or 3 dots of power). Wouldn't that mean the Lancer is stronger because it shoots faster? Or are they equal because X Lancer bullets = 1 Hammerburst bullet?
[quote name='popular penguin']^
Lock out TDM? Damn, I hope not. I thought Epic was going to release something "new" each week (map/gametype).[/QUOTE]

Ditto. If KOTH is my only alternative from CTL then I'll probably just pop in something else or get some fresh air. I've always been terrible at those sorts of game types because I usually play alone or with 1-2 other people. Solid communication but skill levels vary and most of us are just in it for a good time so dedicated teams can f*ck us up royally.

Something has been bugging me. If you go to "options => multiplayer" it seems like the Lancer and Hammerburst are equal in power (2 or 3 dots of power). Wouldn't that mean the Lancer is stronger because it shoots faster? Or are they equal because X Lancer bullets = 1 Hammerburst bullet?
I think the gun stats in GoW 3 are solely reflective of base damage so if I had to wager a guess maybe... 2-3 Lancer bullets would equal one of Hammer? The gap between the two doesn't feel quite as wide compared to the Burst's pure unadulterated domination in the last game. Regardless if you factor the damage boost from active clips into it I wouldn't be surprised if Hammerburst w/ a decent trigger finger slightly edges out above it.

Just don't quote me on this because I've only used the regular Lancer maybe twice throughout the beta and avoid most long/mid range firefights whenever possible. If I can't then I pre-active like crazy and hope my lack of patience doesn't goad me into doing something stupid in the process. I finally sealed the gold Retro for my retail copy a while ago so I could go back to the Hammer anytime, but you can't argue with results. When people see you whip it out they either back the f*ck up quick or over-commit and get wrecked.
Well i played more today and got a screen saying the servers were down. So i played and the 2nd match everyone was floating around, serious lag. I left and found a new match, oh joy it was me vs all bots. Played maybe 5 or so matches of all bots before people started to join.

Even though i was host, i still get mixed results with the gnasher. Its like i shoot them hip fire point blank and will be random if i kill someone or not. Its really really annoying at times when i should kill someone but it doesnt do anything.

During my all bot event i was trying to get the 25 kills in a row ribbon, missed it by 5. LOL.
lol omg. Ok chill cakes guys. I just don't see any difference from some of the posts here and the childish epic forums. And it's like, really? It's just a beta...chill...but whatevers. ANYWAYS.

Thrashball, the concession stand area just seems like too unfair. You can lock it down with a good team and be invincible. The mulcher/mortar location is too delightful of a spot.
So, I played Trenches on TDM today...I thought it wasn't going to be open till this coming Monday? It was refreshing to play it again though :D
[quote name='LinkinPrime']So, I played Trenches on TDM today...I thought it wasn't going to be open till this coming Monday? It was refreshing to play it again though :D[/QUOTE]

yeah they randomly added it! hopefully they add old town "randomly" as well. though i do miss playing CTL...
I played Old Town earlier. Seems that since the dedicated servers are down that the maps somehow got unlocked or something. I don't mind as I really missed Old Town and Trenches. Trashball is annoying. >_>
Yeah the problem with thrashball is there is not enough protection on the field. If someone gets by the mortar there isnt many spots to take cover that they cant reach. A couple people on different sides and you are truly fucked. The nade spawn is no where near a safe place to camp. Only good place is on top of the stairs.

Played a few hours tonight and did pretty well. I think my K/D is like 1.3 now, before it was 0.9. Not that i really care. But i did have a few gnasher probs again. Like shooting a guy carrying the mortar around while i blast him 2 to 3 times and he doesnt even go down. Then the regular i killed someone, then their dead body kills me BS. Oh yeah and another mantle kick BS where i lose even though im trying to mantle kick before they even take cover on the other side. Oh well.
[quote name='Trakan']
- Thrashball. Something has to be done about that map. When the scoreboard falls and the power weapon is gone, [/QUOTE]

totally agree. please fix this in retail. lord.

the Beta is already miles ahead of Gears 2 MP. the Epic edition should just contain all the DLC maps from the get-go.

to me, it seems like they're creating a weapon for every range, and as many varieties as possible. lot of good stuff, the unlocks are pretty sweet. just wished I had more time to play. Saw some folks with Thrashball Cole on Day 1, damn!! that's hardcore.
I hope they address the spawn points issue (as several of you have pointed out). It's lame to have enemies spawn behind or beside you. It's even worse when they have you pinned in your spawn with power weapons firing on you. Even I feel guilty when the enemy team is trapped in one spot, continuing to spawn in their tight safe haven.

I'm not sure how they could resolve this, since respawning usually only exists in Gears games that have an objective, so people are moving around the map to get to the goal. In this situation, the size of the maps seems to limit the options of where to place spawns. For example, on Thrashball, the only options to really have alternate spawns would be either in the bleacher area or by the grenades. Those are the only relatively safe spots on the map, yet it would be entirely unfair to allow people to resume gaming by those spots where they have access to decent weapons. It also wouldn't be valid to have teammates spawning on each other, unless they enforced an "area clear" restriction on team spawning. I wonder if they'll even address this issue.

Has anyone seen a single person get crushed by the scoreboard at all during gameplay? It seems like that active alert the game gives you that the scoreboard has lowered is counter productive, as people know to stay back at that point. Maybe they should eliminate that from the final game, so that people would still be tempted for the power weapon beneath it. Just let it drop, and force players to look up to notice if it's hanging, or require communication to alert teammates that it's about to drop. Or just have it fall randomly, without player provocation to really make it a gamble.
My friend got a kill with the scoreboard today. And I have 2 beta codes if anyone is interested. Ill take codes for avatar stuff, arcade games, psn codes anything really.
[quote name='Necrozilla']How do you properly "range" the mortar? Just by hours of playing the game to get the "feel"?[/QUOTE]
I personally just guess it out. I'm right about 90% of the time and I've never used it before the beta.
Thrashball is a fun map when no one goes for the mulcher/mortar. I had one super fun match a couple nights ago when everyone was just in the bottom fighting for grenades, taking cover...etc. As soon as someone grabs that mulcher though :bomb:

There are time when I rage so much in this game, yet I can't seem to quit it.
I have to say I really don't like the mortar since it was introduced in Gears 2. Personally think they should give it one shot and increase the area of damage.
Just when was starting to loathe Trenches for always being paired against VIP code players who know the map like the back of their hands, I 1v5 clutch a clan and two randoms the first round in our own spawn with a Retro, a single SO shot and 4 Incendiaries. Beyond hilarious. We still lose the game (of course) but it's nice to actually clutch for a change especially in such an epic manner.
This game is fun, and today ive been doing pretty good. But my last round just makes me so mad. A couple times i would shoot someone with the DBS at the same time he shot me and only I would die. Then i was one of the last two guys left and someone was retro charging me and i DBS him before he even got to me and he just walked right through it. Makes me so mad how this shit is inconsistent.
I am pretty pleased with the beta so far a few problems here and there like spawn camping on Thrashball thats horendous every few games, ive mainly been playing with freinds though so that is a major help. Best gun has gotta be the retro lancer for me atm gold skin is good and unique,sawed off shotgun is good but epic maby need to tweak the range just a little. Can't wait for the retail version on 20th Sept now.
CliffyB retweeted this and it made me laugh...
"fuck!!! you made Gears 3 a lancer game gears was fine with the shotgun skill now newbie using lancer thinkin they are good"
[quote name='Saint Noir']CliffyB retweeted this and it made me laugh...
"fuck!!! you made Gears 3 a lancer game gears was fine with the shotgun skill now newbie using lancer thinkin they are good"[/QUOTE]

...Are we sure he's joking? :lol:
[quote name='Saint Noir']I took it that the guy was serious. But who knows. :lol:[/QUOTE]

All I hope is that CliffyB is kidding!
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Just when was starting to loathe Trenches for always being paired against VIP code players who know the map like the back of their hands, I 1v5 clutch a clan and two randoms the first round in our own spawn with a Retro, a single SO shot and 4 Incendiaries. Beyond hilarious. We still lose the game (of course) but it's nice to actually clutch for a change especially in such an epic manner.[/QUOTE]

Damn! Wish I could have seen that. Don't mess with a dude with 4 Incendiaries :3
I almost got the clutch ribbon this morning, but when it was 1v1, the other guy hightailed it and hid until the time ran out. Real classy.
[quote name='drktrpr1']All I hope is that CliffyB is kidding![/QUOTE]

He retweets all sorts of garbage as jokes. Always gives stupid answers too. That one jsut made me laugh.
[quote name='popular penguin']Damn! Wish I could have seen that. Don't mess with a dude with 4 Incendiaries :3
I almost got the clutch ribbon this morning, but when it was 1v1, the other guy hightailed it and hid until the time ran out. Real classy.[/QUOTE]

LOL thanks. The last guy was the funniest though.

Alright so kind of I'm hyped the f*ck up right now. Just scored a Incendiary direct impact collateral on two of the clan members after consecutive downs and pick ups, ate a face full of Scorcher and Lancer fire in the process, and narrowly missed a SO kill shot but countered with my own double barrel via Superman. My original plan was to hopefully only kill 2-3 before I died but this works too. I roll back down the ramp I had camped on almost eating a surprise Mortar shot in the process so now I'm extra grateful, but pissed so on the way to him I pick up more Incendiaries.

Sandstorm kicks in and we both can't see shit so we literally run into each other under the crane. We panic roll back in response sliding onto different sides of the same cover. Both of us are crouched leaning over our respective edges packing SOs and know exactly how to use them so after a three second round of the waiting game I'm done playing. I switch to 'nades and chuck one at his feet as bait. He flips out charging from the other side for the counter but his head meets my second grenade when I roll back for the win.

The saddest part about the story is no hate mail or racist slurs afterward. ;(
I am so freaking glad that Gears is a game that is somewhat okay to play by yourself now. Thank fucking god for dedicated servers. My team mates might suck, but I can still get mine and at least pull out one round with a bunch of scrubs.
So apparently the retro lancer charge cant be stopped, not even when i shoot them with the sawed off shotgun before they hit me. Nope they just keep eating my bullets and then win.

And i still get upset over the inconsistency of the shotties. Ive been using the sawed off lately and even then sometimes i shoot someone point blank right in the middle and they dont even go down.

Otherwise im really loving the game. I know some of my comments might be negative, but some things really irritate me. I wish Sam was in the beta, just because i want to hear her voice actor. I like to use Anya, its rewarding when you kill someone and she says fuck YOU! And you know the enemy hears it. LOLOLOL
[quote name='Saint Noir']He retweets all sorts of garbage as jokes. Always gives stupid answers too. That one jsut made me laugh.[/QUOTE]

Yeah me too, but it's such a sensitive topic with me. I'm really good with the shotgun in Gears 2, but I don't want to be.... I'd rather have shotgun battles happen only in close range than medium/close range.
[quote name='The 7th Number']So apparently the retro lancer charge cant be stopped, not even when i shoot them with the sawed off shotgun before they hit me. Nope they just keep eating my bullets and then win.

And i still get upset over the inconsistency of the shotties. Ive been using the sawed off lately and even then sometimes i shoot someone point blank right in the middle and they dont even go down.

Otherwise im really loving the game. I know some of my comments might be negative, but some things really irritate me. I wish Sam was in the beta, just because i want to hear her voice actor. I like to use Anya, its rewarding when you kill someone and she says fuck YOU! And you know the enemy hears it. LOLOLOL[/QUOTE]
If you're still getting retro charged, you're doing it wrong or shooting too late. I've had no problems killing retro chargers with the sawed off.

What sucks is if two people retro charge each other, you BOTH die (No execution animation, just you both insta-die). They need to fix it where you either both get pushed back or Retro duel (like chainsaw dueling).
If anyone has any spare beta codes I have some 48hr trial codes, a code for the arcade game Robotron 2084, or an Alan Wake DLC code (The Signal) for trade.
I wonder what will happen if you are in the beta for Bulletstorm and then enter a Gamestop code for the beta. I just want to be able to launch the beta from the dashboard instead of through Bulletstorm.
[quote name='sasukekun']If you're still getting retro charged, you're doing it wrong or shooting too late. I've had no problems killing retro chargers with the sawed off.

What sucks is if two people retro charge each other, you BOTH die (No execution animation, just you both insta-die). They need to fix it where you either both get pushed back or Retro duel (like chainsaw dueling).[/QUOTE]

I retro charged into another retro charge today and we both "exploded" and that was kinda lame. I am sure they could have come with some better animations or some type of retro charge duel and the winner slits the other player's throat or something.
[quote name='popular penguin']So... what happens when one person retro charges and the other person is revving-up the lancer?[/QUOTE]

Lancer will always beat retro charge.
I learned that chainsaw beats bayonet first hand tonight. I charged at someone who was using the chainsaw with the bayonet and I did some melee bounce off them before they chainsawed me.

Game was pretty frustrating tonight. I don't how many times I'd somersault past an enemy who's facing me, and they'd somehow fire the Sawed Off and kill me even though I'm behind them.
ITT: Getting a running start to mantle kick someone who's in cover, only to get half way over the cover and he climbs over and kicks you instead.

The DBS sometimes doesn't fire when moving off of cover when you pull the trigger.

Shotguns still inconsistent and dont down/gib people when fired pointblank or down from ridiculous ranges, both DBS and Gnasher.
[quote name='kimbaka']Game was pretty frustrating tonight. I don't how many times I'd somersault past an enemy who's facing me, and they'd somehow fire the Sawed Off and kill me even though I'm behind them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i have that happen to me too, maybe lag? Possibly on his screen he shot you before you went behind him, and on your screen his bullets didnt register until after you got past him. IDK. Thats my only explanation.

[quote name='hustletron']ITT: Getting a running start to mantle kick someone who's in cover, only to get half way over the cover and he climbs over and kicks you instead.

Shotguns still inconsistent and dont down/gib people when fired pointblank or down from ridiculous ranges, both DBS and Gnasher.[/QUOTE]

These are 2 of my biggest issues with the game. Mantle kicks and the inconsistency of both shotguns.
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']9444g-qh77v-cyj*2-3c2ff-wc34z[/QUOTE]
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']Wombat if you still need a Gears 3 beta code I have an extra epic edition code. You just need to supply the Bulletstorm.[/QUOTE]
Is this the same code? 'Cause telling people they NEED Bulletstorm for it to work is important.

Good luck to whomever got it.
[quote name='hustletron']ITT: Getting a running start to mantle kick someone who's in cover, only to get half way over the cover and he climbs over and kicks you instead.

The DBS sometimes doesn't fire when moving off of cover when you pull the trigger.

Shotguns still inconsistent and dont down/gib people when fired pointblank or down from ridiculous ranges, both DBS and Gnasher.[/QUOTE]

Turn on Wombo for it to work.
They need to do something to tweak the one shot. Towards the end of my night all people were doing was rushing with the one shot. Stopping power needs to be greater, the reload needs to be greater, etc. Almost all my deaths were because of that fucking gun. People just rush you a la Gears 1 and you have no shot. It ruins one of the best aspects which were the shotgun battles.

Oh and I said it before and I will say it again. FIX THE fuckING MELEE. For the love of all that is holy. This shit needs to connect way more fucking often and it needs to knock people down it two fucking hits. If I hit you with my gnasher and then melee that should be a fucking down. I can't believe how many times I did that to some $$$$$$ with a one shot, he recovered and finished me.
yeah the melees are off. Its like im 1 foot away and it connects, yet ill be touching chests with another guy and melee and miss.

My new favorite thing is to run and gun with the sawed off. I was getting 10-15-20 kills with it tonight just rushing around and blasting people off. The thing is some people had rifles so it was easy to get away because their aim was horrible. I did have a few times where id shoot someone and they wouldnt die. My last game some noob tried to retro charge me from 3 feet away, he hit me and then i blasted him with the sawed off and he didnt even go down! Then a few times im one of the few guys left and mantle kick always fucks me over no matter if im under cover, or rushing to the guy in cover. They need to fix that shit fast. The person under cover already should always win if they are tapping up and A before the enemy even gets into cover.

My K/D is up to 1.4 in TDM.
There needs to be a delay between a failed plancer rush and melee.

You can rush from like 2 feet away and hit an enemy then just melee them down again right after. I've lost count how many times someone out of no where rushes from a foot away, does damage to me from the failed rush then melees me again and I'm down in the blink of an eye.

If I had it my way a failed rush wouldn't do any damage at all or it should stun the person rushing.
bread's done