Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='BackInBlack']lol @ Gears 3 today. Easter themed, check it out.[/QUOTE]

In case you dont have the beta
Yeah id love to see them put jackolanterns on players heads for halloween. Though it does kind of make it hard to figure out who is who in the heat of battle. LOL

I jumped on today just to see the easter egg, and i find myself quitting a lot of games because i get tired of the bad connection. Dude tries to hit me with the one shot, i evade back and he misses me... oh wait i died anyway. Speaking of the one shot, i love how i pick it up, someone hits me with a smoke, and i drop it and it goes through the map so i cant pick it back up, i have to wait for it to respawn again.

But i quit a lot of matches cos i get tired of the Shotgun inconsistency. Like going up to 2 enemies and shooting them point blank with the sawed off and neither of them even go down. I just played a game where the dust storm was going on in trenches and i rushed up to the one shot. I got right next to an enemy and shot him with the sawed off and he didnt go down, but he was able to shoot me down from point blank with the retro in what seemed like three bullets. Yet i shoot someone with the retro the same way he did to me, and i go down because apparently he can take more than half a clip.
[quote name='The 7th Number']
But i quit a lot of matches cos i get tired of the Shotgun inconsistency. Like going up to 2 enemies and shooting them point blank with the sawed off and neither of them even go down. I just played a game where the dust storm was going on in trenches and i rushed up to the one shot. I got right next to an enemy and shot him with the sawed off and he didnt go down, but he was able to shoot me down from point blank with the retro in what seemed like three bullets. Yet i shoot someone with the retro the same way he did to me, and i go down because apparently he can take more than half a clip.[/QUOTE]

Obviously we are playing the same game.
Why do bullets go through the barbed wire in Trenches without any issue, but ink and flame grenades are not only obstructed, but also instantaneously explode when thrown through them? I'm blind fire throwing the grenades, and they instantly kill me. I tried with the two types each round to see if it was just a fluke and it occurred with both. A guy with a shotgun stood there, shooting me while I was behind the cover, but when I went to throw the grenades I was killed, but he was fine.

I can accept if we both died, but I don't get the invisible wall that he can shoot through, but my grenades cannot penetrate.
Wow i never though id say this but the beta is getting really old quick. So tired of the lag and inconsistency of the game overall. If its not the inconsistent shotties, its random mantle kick, if its not getting downed in 3 bullets, its something else. There are just too many things during one game that are annoying that make me quit a match, and turn the game off. I love gears, i even have the 150 epic edition pre ordered. Ill still buy it mainly for campaign at least. But im just losing my interest in playing the beta all together.
I know how you feel I had fun with Capture the Leader and KOTH in the VIP Beta but TDM blows and it sucks that we are stuck with another week of it.
[quote name='Owen']I know how you feel I had fun with Capture the Leader and KOTH in the VIP Beta but TDM blows and it sucks that we are stuck with another week of it.[/QUOTE]

KOTH opens up tomorrow
Today was the worst so far for me. It seems there was a lot of lag and the shotguns inconsistency was very noticeable. I would shoot people point blank and nothing... I am afraid it will get worse before it gets any better though. I don't think Epic had the necessary servers properly set up for this beta and thats why we are having so many problems. They should have asked Bungie how to do it properly...
[quote name='AshesofWake']KOTH opens up tomorrow[/QUOTE]

Well that is good then as I thought the Calender said another week of TDM just with all 4 maps and KOTH was week 3 with CTL being Week 4.
[quote name='Owen']Well that is good then as I thought the Calender said another week of TDM just with all 4 maps and KOTH was week 3 with CTL being Week 4.[/QUOTE]

I saw a twit from CliffyB earlier that mentioned KOTH being opened up tomorrow, so hopefully it wasn't a fluke! :)
Oh man... KOTH was pretty unplayable for me tonight. I shot so many people point blank from the back and somehow ended up getting killed way too many times. I was getting downed with only a couple of shots, I couldn't kill anyone with the mulcher, spawned in front of a firing mulcher a couple of time (WTF!), etc. I am done for today but I hope this is just because their servers are getting hammered right now and it gets sorted out tomorrow.
Wow here is a new one. I was playing on trenches, and one dude was in cover on the edge of the fence that leads up to the one shot. He was shooting in the opposite direction that i was coming from(towards one of the spawns), so i was coming up behind him. I got close and another enemy runs in front of me, so i shoot my sawed off. The dude right in front of me walks away fine, and the guy who was shooting in cover that was 2-3 feet behind the first guy actually gets downed by me. HUH?
[quote name='KingBroly']Gamestop codes can now be redeemed.

And there's the 507mb update to go along with the 88.5mb launcher.[/QUOTE]

Is the update for those who have already been in the Beta, or just the people who are joining in as of today?

Either way, I'll be hopping on after work to play. Man am I stoked!

F1ngers of Fury, just added you. I'll be playing tonight so if I see you on I'll send you an invite.
Played two matches of KOTH against a bunch of terrible players and I've already had my fill. It's boring, easy and mildly frustrating at the same time. The only reason to play it would be to boost stats in pub or get demolished alone in ranked so I'll pass. I think I'm going to take a break until next week when CTL unlocks because Old Town isn't coming up enough for me to learn yet. Once I earn my Abductor of Leaders medal I'm done with the beta. I miss Guardian, Wingman and Execution so much it isn't funny.
I have been playing a few games a night to work towards the unlocks and have enjoyed it so far. Will check out the new map and koth tonight as well.

Is there a way to get in and play 5v5 matches against friends only? I saw you could party up when starting the game and join your friend's games and play against others, but it would be pretty decent to just play exclusively with a bunch of CAGs or a group of other buddies.
D/l today and really had a good time for the few matches I played. I am terrible though, so I look forward to getting better. Having never played Gears online, that would be the main culprit. I just beat the first gears last week.

Add me if you want to play. Could use some tutelage as well. :lol:
I played alot yesterday evening and no bummed I missed out. I wonder if they'll be doing this with other holidays.

Great to see old town being in the rotation, I wasn't expecting it so soon.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']I have been playing a few games a night to work towards the unlocks and have enjoyed it so far. Will check out the new map and koth tonight as well.

Is there a way to get in and play 5v5 matches against friends only? I saw you could party up when starting the game and join your friend's games and play against others, but it would be pretty decent to just play exclusively with a bunch of CAGs or a group of other buddies.[/QUOTE]

Not in the beta.
host migration? why would i see that in dedicated server?

i love how i get killed by 3 shotgun blasts from 15 feet away, but when im 2 feet away from someone and shotgun them in the chest twice, i get killed by his ONE. also i though COVER was supposed to help your aiming. people are killing me in 2 seconds with the lancer while standing in the open. yet when i spray someone with the lancer in the open i just hurt them.

lol this actually happen and im not lying. i spawned WITH the opposing team and killed 2 of them with shotgun blasts and then they turned around and i died. ok I'm lying but i did spawn with them. i ran with them for a few seconds and then realized they weren't on my team shot one and then got triple teamed

EDIT: also i thought you had to run a good distance to charge up the lancer knife strike, i turned around and saw the guy start running and knife me with only like 4 running steps taken
Yeah, I'm getting pretty bored of the beta myself. I'm glad KOTH is back becuase TDM blows, 'tards run around wasting the team's lives, acting like this is Call of Duty or something. I would go 10-3 while my teammates would be 2-13. That shit made me rage.

I played a few rounds this morning to pick on the noobs, but that got boring fast. Then I realized, why pick on the noobs if my stats will not save?

I think the main reason I'm tired of this beta is the shitty spawns. That needs to be taken care of before the game ships.
Played for a long session last night/this morning and I'm starting to feel burnt out on how inconsistent this game is. I'm really glad KOTH is back, but I'll probably put this off until CTL is back.
Good thing this is just a Beta! I'm not going to nitpick over little errors and glitches, but I WILL let Epic know about the problems...
[quote name='skubish']Still loving this game. The shotties are still really cheaper though.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind the gnasher, but the sawed off is cheap as fuck. You can't even fight people with it since you almost always are going to lose. It's fucking stupid that I have to run away every time I see one of those guys closing in because of how cheap that gun is. If they fixed the melee so I could two piece those $$$$$$s I wouldn't be so mad about it.

If they were to get rid of the sawed off I would be stoked. I know it won't happen, but that is my major problem with the game. For lack of a better term, it is the ultimate fucking noob weapon. That and the retro charge are a noobs best friend.
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As a noob, I was getting straight owned with people using the one shot (on me). I haven't tried one shot yet, but the gnasher seems OK and the lancer was great for me. Other weapons have plus and minuses... but the one shot dominates. Most of my deaths come from that weapon. :lol:
[quote name='CaseyRyback']the retro charge are a noobs best friend.[/QUOTE]
I don't really see anyone use the retro charge anymore, probably because it sucks balls. Whenever I see someone chargin' at me, I stand my ground, whip out my shotty and blast them to bits.
[quote name='popular penguin']I don't really see anyone use the retro charge anymore, probably because it sucks balls. Whenever I see someone chargin' at me, I stand my ground, whip out my shotty and blast them to bits.[/QUOTE]

I usually step to the side and blast them in the ass. Thats if the retro charge doesnt somehow stab me around a corner.

Been playing a little today, not without its annoyances. Like shooting a guy point blank who is just sitting still under cover and he doesnt even get hurt. Or blasting someone taking cover from a smoke nade with my sawed off point blank and he doesnt even go down. Thats my main gripe with the game, is all the BS of shooting someone right down their throats or up their ass and they walk away without much damage.
[quote name='popular penguin']I don't really see anyone use the retro charge anymore, probably because it sucks balls. Whenever I see someone chargin' at me, I stand my ground, whip out my shotty and blast them to bits.[/QUOTE]

Agreed with that. I just got the beta today and I'm impressed with this greatly since the second game. I will admit, I'm now really good because of the first person Hammerburst. I love it and use it non stop now. Buddy and my self are really impressed with the multi and this has gone from "It's going to suck" to a "If they fix some things it might be a day one"
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Played two matches of KOTH against a bunch of terrible players and I've already had my fill. It's boring, easy and mildly frustrating at the same time. The only reason to play it would be to boost stats in pub or get demolished alone in ranked so I'll pass. I think I'm going to take a break until next week when CTL unlocks because Old Town isn't coming up enough for me to learn yet. Once I earn my Abductor of Leaders medal I'm done with the beta. I miss Guardian, Wingman and Execution so much it isn't funny.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I miss it too, I played Annex and Execution exclusively. Now TDM it's just a bunch of BKs draining spawns so I get 8 kills and die once then never get to respawn and still lose.

[quote name='Vulcan2422']Agreed with that. I just got the beta today and I'm impressed with this greatly since the second game. I will admit, I'm now really good because of the first person Hammerburst. I love it and use it non stop now. Buddy and my self are really impressed with the multi and this has gone from "It's going to suck" to a "If they fix some things it might be a day one"[/QUOTE]

A lot of people were like that on Monday last week, including me, play it for a few days, the "newness" will wear off and you'll find yourself aggravated by the stuff that should have been fixed in the last game.

Don't get me wrong, this is quite a big step up from 2, but why they didn't fix the same issues from the last game in this one yet is beyond me.
[quote name='BustdMagz']Does anyone have an extra beta code?[/QUOTE]
Abraham Lincoln does if you take him to GameStop.

Quote of the game last night was the top scorer on the other team calling my team of randoms "Lancer noobs" and "Lancer queers."

It was pathetic to hear him go on when he literally only used the sawed off shotgun. Not only that, Lancer is available to all players, so he easily could have fought back, and he was playing with a friends so I don't understand why they didn't work together.

That's one thing I hated about Gears of War; the caliber of people you met while playing. Especially since it always the jackasses with mics. It's pretty much the reason I skipped on the sequel for so long.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']Abraham Lincoln does if you take him to GameStop.

Quote of the game last night was the top scorer on the other team calling my team of randoms "Lancer noobs" and "Lancer queers."

It was pathetic to hear him go on when he literally only used the sawed off shotgun. Not only that, Lancer is available to all players, so he easily could have fought back, and he was playing with a friends so I don't understand why they didn't work together.

That's one thing I hated about Gears of War; the caliber of people you met while playing. Especially since it always the jackasses with mics. It's pretty much the reason I skipped on the sequel for so long.[/QUOTE]

No worse than Halo...Or Call of Duty...
When playing public, and the host leaves before the match ends, you'll lose the stats, kills, and unlocks from the latest match. Bunch of turd eating quitters. Go ranked.

I think I've OD'ed on the beta as well. Unless the save file carries over into retail, not seeing much point in pouring more effort into it then later having to redo the unlocks again. Thrashball Cole and Gold Retro Lancer was nice.

Playing the same 4 maps over and over is getting real old, real quick. Hopefully CTF changes things up more.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']Abraham Lincoln does if you take him to GameStop.

Quote of the game last night was the top scorer on the other team calling my team of randoms "Lancer noobs" and "Lancer queers."

It was pathetic to hear him go on when he literally only used the sawed off shotgun. Not only that, Lancer is available to all players, so he easily could have fought back, and he was playing with a friends so I don't understand why they didn't work together.

That's one thing I hated about Gears of War; the caliber of people you met while playing. Especially since it always the jackasses with mics. It's pretty much the reason I skipped on the sequel for so long.[/QUOTE]

This is the reason why I still play cuz kids like this. It's so gratifying when I crush their soul and they cry about whatever gun I use. Extra pissed.
One thing I did notice today is how ridiculous the radius of chainsaw's vacuum became over the course a few weeks. I've been consistently sucked in by people more than 10 steps away from me. Beware and zone them the f*ck out with a rifles because once the vacuum/animation hits it negates damage from even Sawed-offs.

I wish I could get in the mood to play something else. I have a decent backlog but zero motivation to burn through it.
there's definitely glitches. I unloaded 4-5 rounds of shotty into an AI Marcus, and he stood there casually reloading then killing me off with a single shot. Yeah, I had to try hard to not throw my controller at the screen at that moment. But that's Beta for ya!

It was also worth noting the volume of traffic. Week 1 was somewhere around 15K -25K normally. Now Week 2 is 40K - 70K. I wondered how long dedicated servers lasted? 2 - 3 days at most? That's too bad.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I hope they address the spawn points issue (as several of you have pointed out). It's lame to have enemies spawn behind or beside you. [/QUOTE]

Nope, not yet. Spawn issue still present today. So odd spawning with a mixed team at the same time.
y[quote name='hustletron']Yeah, I miss it too, I played Annex and Execution exclusively. Now TDM it's just a bunch of BKs draining spawns so I get 8 kills and die once then never get to respawn and still lose.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Even when playing with a few friends if we don't rush hard, hog/watch power weapons and dominate we're almost guaranteed to lose. Why? Because once a random dies they mindlessly stalk the better man for the rest of the game giving them free kills. Oh, and they never pick you up, kill steal when you pick them up, block your aim whenever humanly possible and stalk YOU for beating them to a weapon/grenades effectively alienating themselves from the entire team for the rest of the game. It sucks when you can't have a good time unless you can find a complete team, but so be it.

You couldn't pay me to go near TDM at launch unless an achievement or unlock warrants the trouble. I'll take Guardian to get my near infinite respawn fix any day. It's a hell of a lot more orderly. I just hope they changed the basis for leader selection this time around. It sucked counting on being one in the first round of every game because of xp when I just wanted to work on my aim, dick around or kill.
Yeah, I spawned next to the enemy once and was thoroughly confuse. Not so confused that I didn't break out my shotgun and kill him, but still.

Have gotten a lot better just playing a bit today and not can at least finish near the top and not be a drain on my team's lives. I also have never come across anyone else that spots hardly at all. I do it constantly. I know it is helpful to my team too as I try to do it as they are rounding corners for a fight etc.
People would spot more if they a) knew how (hard aim + down on left analog stick) and b) realized you earn free assist points for doing next to nothing when the person you've spotted dies. It's a great mechanic in general. They should have added it to the franchise sooner.
bread's done