Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

I almost always hip fire with the gnasher and sawed off. I think the shot comes out a little to the right of the center of your character. Personally i like the sawed off better. I usually can manage to shoot someone and run before another guy gets me before reloading my gun.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Any tips with the Gnasher? I don't do very well with it and get destroyed... is it best to aim in close or just fire away? I can hit a guy 3 times with it at pretty close range and not get anywhere... and he takes one shot and explodes me.[/QUOTE]

Practice shooting at the hip with the double barrel shotgun. When you feel comfortable with that, switch to the gnasher. After playing for a week, I switched to the gnasher and I was a beast, headshots left and right. I even got 2 "hat trick" medals today (3 headshots in a row).
I see a lot of people attempting to retro charge me or even try to chainsaw me by just straight running towards me from 15 feet away. They don't even get close before I take them down.

It keeps happening, it's kind of confusing me.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I see a lot of people attempting to retro charge me or even try to chainsaw me by just straight running towards me from 15 feet away. They don't even get close before I take them down.

It keeps happening, it's kind of confusing me.[/QUOTE]

Day 2 of public beta = retards of war
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I see a lot of people attempting to retro charge me or even try to chainsaw me by just straight running towards me from 15 feet away. They don't even get close before I take them down.

It keeps happening, it's kind of confusing me.[/QUOTE]

People are willing to throwaway lives to unlock the golden retro in retail (100 gold retro kills).
Anyone play the glitch map yet? I just loaded the game up and played a map where everything was dark and the map was a super small platform where everyone was just sitting there killing each other.
Loved playing yesterday, 32 and 12 in KOTH.

Then the connections went to shit an hour later, getting gnasher downed from 80 feet away, shooting people point blank with the DBS and no kills, no one getting downed point blank with the retro. Ridiculous.
[quote name='GenPirate']Even though my skin defaults are set the beta keeps giving me the wrong character skins to play as.[/QUOTE]

I think it's a glitch. It's happened to me a few times but sorts itself out randomly.
I have ONE last damn buddy that would complete my team of 5 for the Gears Beta, but I was never able to get the code that Gamestop gave him to work. Tried moving the characters around, changing the characters to different characters, nothing.

Guess I might have to pre-order it myself to get him another code or something.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I see a lot of people attempting to retro charge me or even try to chainsaw me by just straight running towards me from 15 feet away. They don't even get close before I take them down.

It keeps happening, it's kind of confusing me.[/QUOTE]

I was playing KOTH today and I threw 2 incendiary grenades in the the capture point and 3 or 4 people went into it one after the other and died... I was also having fun getting headshots with the sniper as people charged me with the retro lancer :cool:, It was really fun.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Anyone play the glitch map yet? I just loaded the game up and played a map where everything was dark and the map was a super small platform where everyone was just sitting there killing each other.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. This was mentioned a couple of times a page back or so.
Obtaining the Golden Retro Lancer for retail was a joke. I got over 100 kills after 8 matches on King of the Hill with that gun. I never used the Retro Lancer prior, but now I wish I had from the beginning. Now tell me how to get that Flaming Retro Lancer, Epic!

Also, when you 4 star a Medal it keeps going after that, it doesn't just lock up and no longer count. It just restarts the counter from the last/highest star, while making the other stars red. That will be beneficial for leveling up when the game finally comes out, so that the Medals you unlock you can repeatedly unlock for more points.

And people need to stop playing King of the Hill if they're only interested in kills. Play Deathmatch and stop holding me back from winning. The game needs to punish you for not being an asset in an objective game.
for me , I dont have a problem with the assortment of people using shotguns. when you think about it, when youre in close quarters and everyone's rolling around/hiding in cover, what else would you use in an in your face gunfight.

I just have a problem with how its a I'll pop out of cover and 2 shot you and finish you, without much effort

i think a guy shotgun'd me from a large distance and i had a FULL red circle on my screen from it alone
Yeah, the other Shotty is pretty fair (Only 4 bullets, and gotta reload after each time). But it gets a bit annoying when people are just running around the whole time waiting for you to shoot someone, then Gnasher you in the back of the head. (Or lag Gnasher you to death)

Okay, its definately a bit rediculous i could unload 20+ Lancer rounds into someones Chest/Head, only to get dropped by 1 Gnasher shot.
Wow this game drive me nuts. I just quit a match because i downed a guy, shot him while he was down. Somehow he was able to crawl behind something before my bullets killed him. So i run over to him and kick him immediately, he doesnt die but self revives himself and runs off. WTF man!

Plus this simultaneous kill thing is starting to piss me off, not because we both die, but because lately i shoot the dude on my screen yet he lives and i die. Or ill shoot a guy in mid roll and somehow his dead body can land the roll, aim, and shoot me dead. This is beyond belief.
I retro charged an enemy who was chainsawing a teamate and when I got to him, he chainsawed me! 0_o

The thing that sucked is that I charged from behind, and the animation for the chainsaw on my teamate had just finished :bomb:
Was on Thrashball in that dugout or whatnot on the right side, and the enemy and I both decided it'd be a good time to try to Retro Charge. Same distance away, we both charge and...he Retros me. Just like that. Not sure how else it'd decide who dies, but shit.

Also, and this may tie into my first point, I think I might be doing something wrong when Retro Charging. To date, I've been able to successfully Charge once out of about 20 tries. When I try to Charge somebody, even if i'm DEAD on, I just bump into them and it cancels. Every single time. Am I doing something wrong? Should I aim the camera more towards their chest or what? I'm holding down B, hitting them right in the middle, and nothing. Hmph.

The game has its frustrations, but it's still fun.
They made it less accurate than the regular Lancer on purpose, guessing to balance out the fact that you're able to do the Charge.

Don't know what it is about the Retro Lancer, but I always use it. I really like it for some reason. ...Except for the fact that I can't get it to work. All in all, like everyone else, 80% of the time I just end up using my shotgun anyway.
Played 40+ games last night of TDM with some friends and had a blast. Forgot how funny some of the banter is from the characters, even the stuff that has been carried over from Gears 1 & 2 still makes me laugh at times. Had 3 headshots in a row with the Longshot and each time Cole did his maniacal laughter. When I jump into a game now and see that I have to play as the locust my heart sinks a bit. :lol:

I have actually become pretty good shooting with the Retro Lancer. Should come in handy when I go for my 100 kills. Will probably just do those in KotH once I hit 90 games played. Can't wait to have randoms steal 1 out of every 2 of my kills though. :cry:

I'm not sure if the group I played with will be on tonight but if anyone wants to get a team of 5 together around 8/9pm EST send me a message.
I've been checking this thread too much.

I haven't heard too many lines from characters, but Cole has some great ones. I was facing the COG and when Cole killed me he yelled "GO TELL YO MAMA", which had me cracking up. Can't wait to unlock him.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']
I have actually become pretty good shooting with the Retro Lancer. Should come in handy when I go for my 100 kills. Will probably just do those in KotH once I hit 90 games played. Can't wait to have randoms steal 1 out of every 2 of my kills though. :cry:[/QUOTE]

To combat the kill stealing just get close enough to perform the execution (if you've unlocked it) or Retro Charge your downed target. You need to be fairly close for the Retro Lancer to be effective because of its recoil, so you can usually ensure that no one gets your kills. Not saying it never happened to me, but I just would stalk the gamers who did that to me and made sure to steal two of their downs to piss them off (plus it got me 2 closer to 100 Gold kills).

Also, I've had the Retro Charge abruptly stop as well. Maybe there's a distance limit, which makes sense... You wouldn't want people just charging back and forth to each side of the map. But when you try to start charging again it's like the game spasms, so you have to hit B a few times to make it work. I've also had people Retro Charge through my Chainsaw, which makes no sense at all.
Added you, GLOCKGLOCK. I'll be on tonight so feel free to invite me.

Also, anyone else REALLY wish that KotH went back to Execution rules? I'm so used to taking my sweet time to get to a downed opponent and perform the execution, but by the time I get there, someone halfway across the map has killed him with their hammerburst...

Man i dont know what it is but its like whenever its me vs whoever is left, i always die in some stupid way. Last game it was me vs 3 and i killed 2 of them. Then i have one left and someone says behind you, so i turn around and i get shot in the back. -_-
Finally getting a hang of the Lancer and the Hammerburst (That thing can maul in TDM).
Though, the Gnasher problem seems to be just as annoying, pretty much the only way to deal with it is counter-gnasher/shotty, or run and get some distance
My first and probably only video for this beta.

The quality is apparently horrible, I took it with my HTC EVO using Qik and I've never recorded video with my phone before so it was sort of an experiment, gameplay isn't ridiculous, probably one of my worse games, I'd say the commentary is decent lol.
really wish gears 3 had a theater mode like black ops, it would have been perfect for this beta so anyone could upload video of glitches and BS. I thought about buying a flip camera to take video, but im affraid it would require SP2 or higher to install and use, which i dont have and cant download due to my windows not being "genuine".
Man, the spawning can get annoying. I was in a battle, was 3 of us on 4 of them. We took out 3 of them without losing a man. That is, until those three spawned literally right behind us to kill us before we knew what happened.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Man, the spawning can get annoying. I was in a battle, was 3 of us on 4 of them. We took out 3 of them without losing a man. That is, until those three spawned literally right behind us to kill us before we knew what happened.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you gotta stay on the move
With tactics, when you get down to a certain point, you have to play it cool. I don't appreciate them tipping the scales with the spawning. Hopefully that will be changed. Have they said for sure what will be adjusted yet (besides the glitch room, etc)?
When the servers are offline this game is ten times worse than Gears 2 ever was. Lag and host advantage saving lives something fierce. It's crystal clear to me now just how obsolete the peer-to-peer MP experience really is. I hope everything is stable by launch otherwise I can't go through another 3+ years of utter bullshit.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']To combat the kill stealing just get close enough to perform the execution (if you've unlocked it) or Retro Charge your downed target. You need to be fairly close for the Retro Lancer to be effective because of its recoil, so you can usually ensure that no one gets your kills. Not saying it never happened to me, but I just would stalk the gamers who did that to me and made sure to steal two of their downs to piss them off (plus it got me 2 closer to 100 Gold kills).

Also, I've had the Retro Charge abruptly stop as well. Maybe there's a distance limit, which makes sense... You wouldn't want people just charging back and forth to each side of the map. But when you try to start charging again it's like the game spasms, so you have to hit B a few times to make it work. I've also had people Retro Charge through my Chainsaw, which makes no sense at all.[/QUOTE]

There is a distance limit on the retro charge. If you look at your 'ammo' bar it depletes the longer you charge.

I am actually pretty good at keeping my kills with the retro. I basically just turn the sensitivity up on the controller and blind fire circle strafe when up close. Unless the guy is very good with the gnasher I down him most of the time. I just keep shooting when they are downed and keep the kill. Only time it doesn't work is if I have to reload or cant get the execution in time.

I am getting on now to play 10 more TDM so my retro kills will start to add up. Will probably switch to KotH at that point. If you guys want to play send me a gears invite.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']When the servers are offline this game is ten times worse than Gears 2 ever was. Lag and host advantage saving lives something fierce. It's crystal clear to me now just how obsolete the peer-to-peer MP experience really is. I hope everything is stable by launch otherwise I can't go through another 3+ years of utter bullshit.[/QUOTE]

How do I gun?
I've come to the conclusion it's near impossible to kill a lancer charging opponent with the gnasher.

Trenches is easily the worst map in the franchise. Yes worse than Tyro IMO.

It's not made for KOTH at all.

Insert usual complaints about DBS downing me from ridiculous lengths of measurement* away while I shoot someone 3 times and they survive.
They need to fix the whole shooting range. Bullets go through corners, when you're ducking beneath a wall on a flat plane or a plane that should be to your advantage (like where the oneshot is) you still somehow can get taken out by rifle fire.

Also, for the life of me I will never understand how I can empty a clip of retro lancer fire on a guy and he still stands, but unloads three shots from the same retro lancer and I go down in a heap. This has never been fixed or explained and active reload cannot be the answer and if it is, eff that. It can't be five times more powerful.
do most people aim with the shotgun? I noticed today a lot of players aim with it, rather than just hipfire. All my kills so far have been from hipfire (shotgun kills). and i always notice i take them down more often that not without aiming if it seems like a same time shot.
I gave up on KOTH. It's just a bunch of people trying to get kills for the medals which is good for TDM seems it seems people playing are more serious about it. I was playing a game earlier today and my phone rang so I put my controller down. I saw an enemy come up behind me and try to chainsaw me only to go into a chainsaw duel... I threw my phone and started pressing B and won the duel. It was funny as hell but I bet the other guy was pissed, I know I would be.
[quote name='hustletron']Managed to mantle over cover someone was shooting from, mantled THROUGH the enemy, he didn't get stunned, he melee'd me down.[/QUOTE]

I really dont like the mantle kick because its so random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes it works on a guy 5 feet away. Its just too random to be used as a skill. If you get it to work you are lucky as hell.
bread's done