Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

Finally got my Golden Retro Lancer for the retail version. I am glad to finally be able to move on to my full retail games and stop playing the beta haha.

I am very excited for this game however and will most definitely be midnight releasing this one as I did with the second one.
Anyone notice any tweaks lately?

Last night the ink grenade seemed weaker, hitting someone direct would just stun them, giving them time to run instead of killing them.

Boomshot and digger launcher splash damage seemed way weaker than before. I hit a boomshot at the feet of two enemies near me and they walked right through it.
I was thinking the beta went down today (Saturday). With it being up until Monday, I may really have to consider putting in another two days of time with it.
[quote name='popular penguin']Backup your save on a USB, dood.[/QUOTE]

"This item cannot be transferred between storage devices." No can do. I was hoping that the unlocks would be tied to either your gamertag, or your online stats on the Gears severs. Guess not.
I'm honestly going to miss the beta. Having to wait four months... noessssss. D: Totally stoked for it regardless. I feel like it won't disappoint. Also, the Hammer of Dawn "ammo" seems to get used up rather quickly now. o_o
Wow i actually got the last down in the match and two teammates stood around him and waited for me to finish him off. So i ripped his arm off and beat him constantly. Usually someone steals my kill.

Also seen a funny moment where my team was down to the last guy, and he was downed. Then someone on the enemy team gave another guy his hammer of dawn so he could do the execution move with it. LOL

And oh how i love those spawns. On trenches down to my last guy, i was pushed back to the spawn by 3-4 guys and we killed a couple. Im sitting in cover right by spawn when i see 3 enemies out of nowhere from behind killed me in a flash. I mean why cant they design the game to spawn enemies on the side where the opponents arent on? Is that really hard to do? I wasnt the only member of my team on that side.

Ive been trying to use the hammerburst lately, doing pretty good. Get a lot of downs with it. but half the time my kill is stolen or revived.

It would be nice to see them have a hardcore mode. Like a mode with no sawed offs, lancers, or retro lancers. Hardcore gnashers/hammerbursts! Maybe some additional rules like no nade planting. Maybe no power weapons, and just ammo refill spawns. No self revives?
So, this is semi-unrelated or not, but how do people avoid getting on your list of recently played with? I used to see people all the time who gave every appearance of not playing on the up and upand somehow I can't report them. Is that even an option or is that a dead giveaway that they're somehow cheating?
The Digger Launcher used to be one of my favorite weapons on this game, and now it seems totally weak, I've witnessed too many things that I know were changed, including the splash damage on this gun that are making me dislike this game more and more, just like they did with Gears 2...ugh!
I swear, Hammerbursts are underrated. You can down/kill someone easily if they're rushing for a weapon. It's easy if you have a quick trigger. And the iron sights help even more.

Are you kidding? Digger launcher is soooo good. I wasn't on beta before they changed it, but I've been wrecking peeps all day with it. It spawns in good areas too. =p

Trenches is such a broken map (especially on TDM/CTL). Easy to hold the opposing team's spawn and they made it worse with the double Hammer of Dawns. Luckily with SOLID teamwork, you can counter that, but it's still tough. I play with my friend and we were both pretty competitive in Gears 1. I was somewhat into Gears 2, not as much as 1 though. We wreck fools like crazy just because of solid communication and experience.

I've really enjoyed the beta so far. It brings back the old Gears feel and the maps are pretty good compared to the maps in Gears 2 (hated most of the maps in Gears 2, love almost all of the ones from Gears 1). The sawed-off shotgun is problematic, but I don't think it's too overpowered. The only potential fixes I see is to make it a power weapon or make the reload time even longer... and those aren't happening. I can deal with it.

Ink grenades do feel weak when I use them too, but when someone else uses them it's a different story, lol. Same with the boomshot. The incendiary grenades are OK. The spread seems weak when you throw them and they're useless tagging on a wall. I find them best used by tagging the floor or tagging someone.
I wish they'd change the Retro Lancer, as is I can't stand it. If it were more of a burst rifle or something, since there's now no burst guns in this game, but if it were like a 3-5 round burst rifle or something, with the charge still but tweaked a bit, so that when you shoot a person while charging they are knocked back a bit or something. Cus as is I personally hate the gun, I can't find out how to use it as effectively as everyone else seems to, its just too inaccurate for me. but then other people use it and it seems to do more damage than a sniper rifle ._.

everything is just so inconsistent about this game (and I realize this is just a beta, but really, they put so many updates out for gears 2 and thats still a mess), so i just dont see this getting much better than it is now. that being said, it's addicting, and getting kills is so satisfying that i cant help but keep playing and wanting to play more. i just wish it was more consistent and less random at times.
[quote name='Musashi']More codes if you didn't get in yet:

thanks will get it a shot. :)

did this code YTJYY-JRCXX-9JKRQ-YH7DJ-F9K4Z
[quote name='Redeema']So, this is semi-unrelated or not, but how do people avoid getting on your list of recently played with? I used to see people all the time who gave every appearance of not playing on the up and upand somehow I can't report them. Is that even an option or is that a dead giveaway that they're somehow cheating?[/QUOTE]

I too came across these "ghost players" and I'm as clueless as you are.

P.S. I come bearing gifts (beta codes):

[quote name='popular penguin']I too came across these "ghost players" and I'm as clueless as you are.

P.S. I come bearing gifts (beta codes):



[quote name='LinkinPrime']The Digger Launcher used to be one of my favorite weapons on this game, and now it seems totally weak, I've witnessed too many things that I know were changed, including the splash damage on this gun that are making me dislike this game more and more, just like they did with Gears 2...ugh![/QUOTE]

I've had the opposite experience the past day or two. The splash damage on the Digger Launcher seems higher than before. I've dove out of the way several times, and still gotten blown up. That never used to happen.

As for the Trenches map, I agree with several people above. WAY too easy to pin a team into one of the primary spawns. I just had a match where I spawned, was killed by a group of spawn-campers, spawned in the same place again a moment later with another guy, killed one of the spawn-campers, but while in a firefight with his teammate, the guy I killed re-spawned right behind me and shot me in the back. No other way he could have gotten behind me. Very frustrating. Poor map design on that one. Having KOTH capture rings in the grenade rooms right next to the spawns just makes it more imbalanced, too. The other three maps, I like, especially Checkout.
IMO the Retro Lancer is something you need to put time in to use effectively. I use it pretty well and the accuracy has become less of an issue (it is still poor at long range and I hate the lack of chainsaw) but it took me a while to get used to it.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Trenches needs to be redone completely or scrapped. Shittiest map ever! Hammer of Dawn made it way worse.[/QUOTE]

I think hammer of dawn was just put in there to allow people to fully complete their execution unlocks, at least i hope so because its way worse than mortars.

Man i really really REALLY hope they fix the inconsistency of the game before it comes out. Today i was playing and i gnashered three guys in a row with one shot each. Same match i shoot a guy with a gnasher point blank, nothing, shoot him 3 more times, he runs off. WTF? There were a few matches where the enemy seemed bulletproof from my gnasher, its so annoying.

And once again today i get mantle kicked from 5 feet away. I dont even know why i try to jump back because it NEVER works and i always get kicked no matter how far back i jump. I even had a match where someone mantle kicked me and chainsawed me immediately, even though i had a smoke nade planted on the barrier he jumped over. Way to come through for me smoke nade, good job indeed.
[quote name='popular penguin']"The servers go dark at 2:00 AM PDT on Monday, May 16"[/QUOTE]Think I'll play a little more to say goodbye since I've aleady unlocked Cole, gold retro, and the flaming guns for retail. I kinda moved on to real games, but one last play of G3 will be good. For those now in the mood to try out Gears 2 again there is talk on the epic forums of an XP event probably starting tomorrow, but no firm details other than Rod Ferguson approves are set. I've got some mp achievements to get, but even if you don't like G2 mp horde mode is fun and a great way to rack up on xp.

[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']IMO the Retro Lancer is something you need to put time in to use effectively. I use it pretty well and the accuracy has become less of an issue (it is still poor at long range and I hate the lack of chainsaw) but it took me a while to get used to it.[/QUOTE]You can really do the same with the regular Lancer AND shoot better at long range so I'm not a big fan of it.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']Trenches needs to be redone completely or scrapped. Shittiest map ever! Hammer of Dawn made it way worse.[/QUOTE]Trenches is really bad for one team being able to pin the other team into their spawn. That sux to be on the wrong end of.

[quote name='The 7th Number']I think hammer of dawn was just put in there to allow people to fully complete their execution unlocks, at least i hope so because its way worse than mortars.
[/QUOTE]I think they just wanted to change things up a little bit. Surprising since they weren't going to change anything originally, just listen to feedback and tweak the final game. Maybe they added it for OCD completionists who wanted to max out unlocks although that one wouldn't matter.
[quote name='jdawgg76']
You can really do the same with the regular Lancer AND shoot better at long range so I'm not a big fan of it.

The normal Lancer does have much better accuracy, and I'll admit that's all I normally use (plus gnasher), but I can't doubt that the Retro Lancer is a bit more powerful. Of course, I typically run around with the shotgun anyway unless I'm firing at a clear, and I mean clear, target because too often it seems that I fire at them but they just Roadie Run behind cover before going down.
Yeah Retro is SUPER damaging from up close. I get downed so fast with that its not even funny.

Right now i think Gears 2 with lag is better than playing Gears 3 with DBS noobs. I know ive talked about this before, but nothing really pisses me off more than getting killed by some scrub who rushes/hides behind a corner with the DBS. Its SO CHEAP. To me it REALLY kills the game for me. It was bad enough when noobs could chainsaw you in Gears 2. But now they have chainsaw, retro charge, and now DBS! They REALLY are going to screw the game up just so they can get more casual sales/fans.

I think the reason why Guardian is gone, it because DBS makes that game mode shit. It would be WAY TOO EASY for someone to rush the leader and kill him with the DBS. Id really LOVE to see Guardian back, but i think this is the reason it wont be.

As far as maps, Checkout is the only one i really like. Old Town is fine, but Thrashball and Trenches is shit.

After the beta im thinking of going to Gears 1. I have almost all online achievements yet to be unlocked. Either that or go back to black ops.
Retro Lancer has a few good things. One, you can essentially two-piece with it. If your charge doesn't get them, tag 'em with a melee and they should be down. Two, it's pretty accurate when you shoot from the hip making it useful in shotgun battles short-to-midrange.

Yeah, DBS needs some sort of change but I don't think there's a clear fix sadly.

Just curious, what's y'all K/D and Win-Loss ratios? Both of mine are 1.7/1.7 on TDM. =D
Not sure what my W/L ratio is but my K/D hovers around 1.5 I think? It would be higher, but I play through entire matches with lag (that I cannot even move and just die die die) because I'm not taking a quit penalty of 9000 points because of lag.
I personally liked the Beta while it was up. It was pretty damn fun to play with friends too. But I got sick of it after the first two weeks. I'm just happy that I got the Golden Retro Lancer tbh.

Definitely pre-ordering Gears 3 whenever site's start releasing possible pre-order incentives though. Can't wait!
[quote name='shinryuu']Just curious, what's y'all K/D and Win-Loss ratios? Both of mine are 1.7/1.7 on TDM. =D[/QUOTE]

Off the top of my head (since I can't sign in at the moment due to a bullshit XBL ban)...

TDM: 2.0 K/D - 1.6/1.7 W/L
KOTH: 1.9 K/D - 2.7 W/L
CTL: 1.8/1.9 K/D - ? W/L

Since I never had the chance to use it myself how would you guys rate the Hammer?
the Hammer of Dawn? It's pretty good because the targeting doesn't suck like GOW2. In Gears 2, it was common to have the Hammer cancel its attack just before the laser strikes. This is not much of a problem in Gears 3, but it still happens. Also, in the beta, the Hammer ammo depletes rather quickly and you can refill its ammo by picking up another Hammer (weapon spawn or dropped weapon). It appears exclusively on Trenches and 2 are available in round 1 (replaced Mulcher and Mortar) and in round 2 it replaces the Mortar. It is easy to spawn kill with one, but when a team controls both Hammers, you might as well quit.
L-O-fucking-L. So they managed to somehow INCREASE the ease and viability of spawn camping on Trenches? Remarkable. Overjoyed to hear the random firing delay from the second game was fixed. Did anyone have an opportunity to check out its execution? Hopefully they added a little more to that one than a caveman head bashing.
Hammer's execution = Stand behind enemy, place Hammer in front of enemy neck (like you are strangling him), drive your knee into the enemy head and it explodes. I don't like it. My favorite is the Lancer execution.
Meh... it does sound pretty underwhelming. I hope they spice a couple of them up for launch. My favorite is the Locust exclusive Y execution. COGs could have been a competitor if they tweaked the characters to make them actually appear as though they were delivering a punch instead of dragging their lifeless arms around.
well I managed to make it to level 25 today, good way to finish off the beta. it was enjoyable, but frustrating at the same time, i wish i would've kept a list of all the small things i'd like to see tweaked, but i've complained about a few of them throughout this thread lol (the bs that is the retro lancer, randomness / inconsistency, horrible spawns, power weapons respawning way too quickly, etc). more recently with the addition of the hammer of dawn on trenches, that thing regening so freaking fast and people just camping it, at least certain weapons like hammer of dawn should have a less frequent regen, or just not regen if someone is sitting on top of it or something.

my favorite execution was the lancer, and my loadout was lancer / gnasher, i really like a lot about this multiplayer, and most guns work great, but i'd just like to see the retro lancer be a little more accurate and a little less powerful, and i feel the sawed off needs to be tweaked somehow, people shouldn't be able to run through a hail of bullets retro charging or rolling in with a sawed off, only to shoot you once or impale you and you die, after putting so many bullets into them. all i ask for is consistency and this game would be perfect.
The Locust execution is my favorite as well. Also, I didn't know they had a curb stomp execution. Just found out through a youtube video. =p

Yeah, the Hammer of Dawn is good considering the map and where it spawns on that map... lol.

One thing I don't get about the Thrashball map is when the scoreboard falls and blocks the Digger Launcher/Torque Bow. Why make those weapons available for only 1/4 of a round? =p
[quote name='shinryuu']Retro Lancer has a few good things. One, you can essentially two-piece with it. If your charge doesn't get them, tag 'em with a melee and they should be down. Two, it's pretty accurate when you shoot from the hip making it useful in shotgun battles short-to-midrange.

Yeah, DBS needs some sort of change but I don't think there's a clear fix sadly.

Just curious, what's y'all K/D and Win-Loss ratios? Both of mine are 1.7/1.7 on TDM. =D[/QUOTE]

Here's my final beta stats. A lot of the losses come from joining games in the second round and them being pretty much un-winnable.

yea, im just going to blame lag for not giving me kills, when it should

i am pissed off. when a guys rolling around me, my shotgun kept whiffing through his ass.
i had the chainsaw and a couple times, i just "bumped" into the bag guy. to die
how do i win chainsaw battles? the battle animation shows me winning only to lose, I'm spamming b as many times as i can
get this. i jumped over cover, stun the guy. standing right next to him i am my sawed-off FIRE. and then he kills me with gnasher
to much shit to write about
My final stats....


TDM - 5318 Rank, 426 matches, 237 wins, 172 losses, 1.6 K/D, 1.3 W/L
KOTH - 172363 Rank, 41 matches, 15 wins, 26 losses, 0.9 K/D, 0.5 W/L
CTL - 1185 Rank, 273 matches, 158 wins, 111 losses, 1.9 K/D, 1.4 W/L

Ribbons 86% (73/84)

Top ten
492 Nemesis (killed the same opponent three times)
395 Swift Vengence (revenge killed your last killer)
332 Personal Assistant (assisted 5 kills in a round)
301 Solid (more kills than deaths in a match)
279 Never had a chance (won every round in the match)
257 Killing Spree (killed 5 opponents without dying)
231 First Blood (earned the first kill of the round)
212 The Double (two quick kills in a row)
195 Smooth Operator (highest K/D ratio in a match)
187 Evasive (least damage taken in a match)

Medals 95%

Top Medals
Active Reload God - Level 5 (1000 perfect active reloads)
Special Weapons God - Level 4 (get 300 map based weapon kills)
Sawed Off Master - Level 4 (get 600 sawed off kills)
Assistance God - Level 3 (get 1200 assist in versus MP)
Guardian Angel - Level 2 (rescue 120 leaders in CTL)
Skunk God - Level 2 (skunk enemy team 120 times)
God of Victory - level 2 (win 200 matches)

Also maxed out...

Weapon kills

2456 - Sawed off Shotgun Kills :oops:
985 - Gnasher Shotgun Kills
486 - Retro Lancer Kills
472 - Frag Grenade Kills
332 - Lancer Kills
223 - Torque Bow Kills
157 - Hammerburst Kills
123 - Incendiary Grenade Kills
110 - Digger Kills
106 - Boomshot Kills
88 - Mortar Kills
82 - Mulcher Kills
62 - Longshot Kills
61 - One Shot Kills
29 - Boltok Pistol Kills
29 - Hammer of Dawn Kills
24 - Gorgon Pistol Kills
21 - Ink Grenade Kills
13 - Scorcher Kills
11 - Snub Pistol Kills
I'll be the first to admit that I stink at this game, but my stats just go to prove it.
Final K/D 0.5
Final W/L 0.6

But, I got better over the course of the beta, had tons of fun, got all the retail unlockables, and look forward to playing the real thing with friends.

I did have a hard time getting my 50 kills with the Hammerburst and that's what kept me down on the K/D ratio. Lots of assists, but not enough kills. Once I switched back to the Lancer, my K/D was around 2.0 for the last several matches.

KOTH is my favorite of the three types. Much more forgiving than TDM.
Def getting the limited edition. The Epic edition seems pretty sick but as we've all seen, collector's editions tend to go down in price rather quickly. The like the box that comes with the limited edition so it will look nice right next to my Gears 2 LE. Oh, and Adam Fenix in multiplayer? Hell yeah!!
  • A Limited Edition Marcus Fenix Statue – Designed by Epic Games Art Director Chris Perna and expertly crafted by the artisans at Triforce, this fine PVC statue collectible makes the ultimate living room centerpiece for any true “Gears” fan.
    • Dimensions: height 285 mm (11.2 in.), diameter 225 mm (8.9 in.).
    • Weight: 1.7 kg (3.7 lb.)
  • The Art and Design of Gears of War by Tom Bissell - Through unprecedented access to the Epic Games team, acclaimed author Tom Bissell (Extra Lives) gives readers an incisive behind-the-scenes glimpse into one of the most celebrated sagas in video game history with 96 pages of interviews, photos, concept artwork and more.
  • Infected Omen Weapon Pack -- Custom multiplayer skins for the game’s five starting weapons; Lancer, Retro Lancer, Hammerburst, Sawed-off Shotgun, and Gnasher Shotgun.
Yeah im not too sure about the Epic edition. I really dont care about the marcus statue. So id be paying 70 dollars for an art book and weapon skin? Infected omen just sounds like the regular omen skin, but maybe it looks bright green/yellow like lambent? I think im going to cancel my order and change it to the LE one. That has a few cool things.

Adam fenix MP skin spoiler....

bread's done