General Gaming Thread ∞

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[quote name='dallow']Yes. They're just digital versions of retail discs AZMang.

Btw, do you still have the Superstar Saga box for gba?[/QUOTE]
Why I believe I do dallowmang :)

LOLZ, if VP2 is going to be $40, I can't wait to see what some newer titles will be in the future...
The "elite" beta Frisky.
Actually, I don't know, but a few people mentioned they see some VP2 for $40 Canadian.
Maybe in Canada it's up?


AZMang, I'm in need of the box + papers if you're willing to give it up. I recently got the cart.


Has Netflix always shown you what people were watching? Or is that a privacy feature?
Because I used to see "watching a TV show, or watching a movie". But last night saw the name of the movie.
my TE arcade stick is coming in today. I will be completely pumped if it works well with Turtles in Time. Quarter-munching nostalgia get!
[quote name='BlueScrote']my TE arcade stick is coming in today. I will be completely pumped if it works well with Turtles in Time. Quarter-munching nostalgia get![/QUOTE]

You can use it for any game that doesn't use the right stick.
[quote name='seanr1221']The coupon would drop Killzone down to 35.00 Myke.[/QUOTE]I'll sell you Killzone and inFamous for 35 a piece. :]
[quote name='tiredfornow']I'll sell you Killzone and inFamous for 35 a piece. :][/QUOTE]

I'd definitely take you up on that if I didn't have a bunch of money on my Edge card.
[quote name='ihadFG']I might be interested in the long-term group. (and/or sharing Fat Princess)[/QUOTE]

Cool, we definitely gotta figure this out.

[quote name='BlueScrote']Jimbo I would be interested in a long term group. I prefer the leader buys all then everyone paypals to them instead of the I buy game X you buy game Y method, if it matters. [/QUOTE]

That is my preferred method as well. We need 2 more people and someone to step up and volunteer to be leader.

[quote name='seanr1221']Anyone?[/QUOTE]

Fallout Expansions!! Best game by far on that list, and the DLC content is sweet.
Alright guys,I think I'll start Orange Box back up when I get home tonight. I still haven't played Portal :whistle2:#

Once Batman comes out, I'll be good for a while.
[quote name='dallow']
AZMang, I'm in need of the box + papers if you're willing to give it up. I recently got the cart.
I is willing. Gimmie PM.
[quote name='dallow']
Has Netflix always shown you what people were watching? Or is that a privacy feature?
Because I used to see "watching a TV show, or watching a movie". But last night saw the name of the movie.[/QUOTE]

I was wondering the same thing. I noticed it maybe a week ago or so.
That tank battle was just the shit, really.

Who am I kidding? I know I'll get to it eventually. Finish this, then try out either UFC or Godfather II.
Dallow, were you going to PM me with details about your unwanted MUA/Forza 2? (Questions include: asking price (shipped), condition, completeness, is it a combo disc/case whatever, etc.)
I'm impressed with the IL-2 demo so far. I enjoyed the PC version, so I'll probably pick it up at some point...

Edit: Hm, MSRP looks like $49.99. I may just bite the bullet and and get it earlier rather than later.

Edit2: I dunno about the "reshelled" part of TMNT:TiT (guffaw). I liked the original graphics better. :p
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Yeah - Turtles in Time is a little disappointing, but It's still pretty fun. I played through it local multiplayer last night and it was fun. My girlfriend got the cheese for finishing the game cause I had lost all my lives :(

The music is a damned shame, though. I'd rather have just a port of the arcade game. Maybe the SNES version will show up on VC - oh, wait - VC is dead now.

Also: OB is pretty much all I played from when it came out until last summer. The gimped 360 version of TF2 was like all I played every night with the same group. fucking fantastic. I have the PC version now, and it's "better" but I miss the close teamwork of playing with the same group of people. And people are a lot better on the PC version.
[quote name='benjamouth']I'll be interested to see how much they cost, there's nothing there that should be over $19.99, at most. A lot of them should be significantly less than that.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Maklershed']Anything over $20 is insane .. which is why MS will prob charge $25 or $30. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Annnnnnnd Joystiq confirms the pricing will be $20 - $30.

*colbert jpg*
I like when the best strategy in a game is to do the opposite of what the FAQ tells you to do. Latest example: RAAM in GoW. FAQs all say stay far away and use torque bow & longshot. I keep running around in a little circle around a piece of cover and popping him with the Hammerburst.
[quote name='pete5883']I like when the best strategy in a game is to do the opposite of what the FAQ tells you to do. Latest example: RAAM in GoW. FAQs all say stay far away and use torque bow & longshot. I keep running around in a little circle around a piece of cover and popping him with the Hammerburst.[/QUOTE]

How many times did you die using that strategy? I found that it was best to stay far far away, that way you had plenty of time to shoot him as he lumbers over to you. RAAM is a highlight in GoW. No one
not even lizard chain-saw staff man
holds a candle to him in gears 2.
When I torque'd & longshotted him, I'd eventually have to run far, at least partially through the darkness. While I'm running, he'd always either chaingun me to death, or I'd be stuck in the darkness when the Kryll get me. By staying around the one piece of cover near the entrance, I was always in the light, and never out of cover for very long.

I guess going from cover to cover would've been a good idea instead of one long run, but then I'd run even more risk of being in the darkness at the wrong time. All I know is, my successful strategy worked the first time, and I had died at least a dozen times before that trying to win long-range. Plus, you only get 6 torque bow shots if you aren't willing to wait around for it to respawn, and 6 isn't really enough to do anything.
[quote name='Maklershed']Annnnnnnd Joystiq confirms the pricing will be $20 - $30.

*colbert jpg*[/QUOTE]

Geez, who are they trying to kid. Mind you I'd have said that about the $15 Xbox original games and people were hoovering them up, apparently.

Played through Turtles in Time last night, it was ok, it's a bit short but it's quite fun to play. I kept getting Turtles in Time mixed up with Hyperstone Heist, I think Hyperstone Heist had a level set in feudal Japan with I thought was in this Turtles in Time.
Anyone who buys a PSP title via PSN or a 360 title via XBLM - at full retail price, mind - should PM me your address.

Here's what I'll do:
1) slap you in the face until my hands start to hurt.
Frosty, AZMang, will send PM in a bit.

[quote name='benjamouth']Geez, who are they trying to kid. Mind you I'd have said that about the $15 Xbox original games and people were hoovering them up, apparently.[/QUOTE]I don't think they were, maybe at first.
But MS has cancelled the XBOX Original program. (I think they're adding one last game sometime)


Finally beat 'Splosion Man last night.
A few of those levels were a bitch.

I loved the ending though, and the credits were great.
I enjoyed them slightly more than the Fat Princess credits with are also great.
My hopes were way down after the beta so I was really wary about it.
Someone offered it to me for free (so we could play together) so I got it that way.

Played it once so far. I'll wait for the patch fixes.

Shatter is awesome though. I love Breakout and I have to say this is the first real evolution of that "sub genre".
It's amazing.
[quote name='dallow']
I don't think they were, maybe at first.
But MS has cancelled the XBOX Original program. (I think they're adding one last game sometime)

I'm going on recollection on this, but I thought Cheapy had asked one of the MS Nelson's if they thought those Xbox games were priced too high bearing in mind how much you could get them for B&M and he said (off the record) that maybe but people were buying them, a surprisingly high amount of people.

I could be way off on that.

I agree with Mak's post, some of the MS decisions seem a bit stupid, mind you there are a lot of stupid people in the world.
[quote name='dallow']Then I wonder why the program has been cancelled. It's almost-free money.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was only canceled temporarily, I thought I'd heard it would reappear after some time as a "classics" section under Games on Demand or something.

Again I could be wrong.
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