General Gaming Thread ∞

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[quote name='VipFREAK']That "sounds" really good untill you go to a G$ or GC and see the price of "used" games there...

Edit: Oh... and not ALL BB's are participating? FAIL.[/QUOTE]

also sounds good until you consider that you're an idiot if you're paying gamestop's listed used prices for anything. I wait for the 10 or 20% off coupons that stack with the Edge card before considering buying anything there. The best buy deal, considering that they mostly stock newer games, basically works out to saving on tax on a 1:1 GS used price match.
[quote name='Flak']Love the Batman demo! Wish it was a little longer though, like maybe included a challenge map. But I'm definitely psyched to get it.[/QUOTE]

Lol, woah, there's a Batman demo? Didn't know about that, gonna go check that out now.
[quote name='Moxio']I can't wait to use Batman's outrageously huge muscles to punch The Joker in the jaw at 600 pounds per square inch.[/QUOTE]

probably with shitty collision detection and a poor frame rate

lol amurika

japan > all
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Blasphemer. Everyday Shooter is fucking excellent.[/QUOTE]

What kills that game for me is the music. Seriously, dude sounds like he's been playing guitar for 6 months.. Make that shit with some metal and I'd bite.
[quote name='pete5883']Why the hell is RE5 still $60? I'm ready to buy it now.[/QUOTE]

$50 @ amazon right now, not including ECA discount.
[quote name='Maklershed']Amazing deal for those w/ pc and steam. All this for $29.99:


Ooo... I want Braid (I already beat it, but I love it), Everyday Shooter and World of Goo. Is any of those other ones worth it? I may just do that.
[quote name='pete5883']Why the hell is RE5 still $60? I'm ready to buy it now.[/QUOTE]

Don't know. It's absolutely definitely not worth anywhere near $60.

It was an okay game, but that's all.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Ooo... I want Braid (I already beat it, but I love it), Everyday Shooter and World of Goo. Is any of those other ones worth it? I may just do that.[/QUOTE]

Crayon Physics is really cool (and brain scratching), and I really enjoyed the darwinia demo when I played it, but that was a while ago.

Never heard of blueberry garden, gish, or mr robot though.
Why is it everyone feels the need to list their DS games on ebay as for DS/Lite only, not for DSi? I hope I'm not trying to buy bootlegged games. Oh, and they're always in Hong Kong.

Yeah, probably bootleg. Oh well.
After trying the demo and seeing the deal on the front page I decided to pre-order Batman AA at Amazon and lock in the price at $43.14, not sure I want it day 1 but I figure I can cancel it if need be.

I really liked the demo.
[quote name='BlueScrote']
Never heard of blueberry garden, gish, or mr robot though.[/QUOTE]

bad boy. feel bad.

anyway, just got back from siggraph new orleans... saw Wil Wright, talked with those Sony E3 Motion Control guys, met Rockstar peeps, and more... been a crazy week...

and that's not even talking about the 14 hour drive and bourbon street...
Time to go to sleep! Waking up at 4:45am so I can head out to that Bioshock 2 mystery thing on the beach (Santa Monica beach). Hope something happens! Should be fun even if nothing happens though...
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Time to go to sleep! Waking up at 4:45am so I can head out to that Bioshock 2 mystery thing on the beach (Santa Monica beach). Hope something happens! Should be fun even if nothing happens though...[/QUOTE]

??? Can you elaborate?
[quote name='Flak']Why is it everyone feels the need to list their DS games on ebay as for DS/Lite only, not for DSi? I hope I'm not trying to buy bootlegged games. Oh, and they're always in Hong Kong.

Yeah, probably bootleg. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

Or people just aren't aware of the DSi. It didn't seem to get near the marketing that the DS and DS Lite did in the mainstream media. At least not on the channels I watch, magazines I read etc.
[quote name='Flak']Why is it everyone feels the need to list their DS games on ebay as for DS/Lite only, not for DSi? I hope I'm not trying to buy bootlegged games. Oh, and they're always in Hong Kong.

Yeah, probably bootleg. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

Those are 100% bootlegged.
[quote name='manthing']Batman demo is really, really good.

My one nitpick is trying to reconcile the Animated Series voices with the artstyle of the game[/QUOTE]

Yeah that's one thing that has kinda been bothering me too. I'm not sure if the unreal engine (and its damn shine) was the right pick for this game, but I guess it allows the devs to do a lot of cool things easily, even though I'm not a big fan of the character model "sheen" style (at least for a game like this).
[quote name='BlueScrote']Yeah that's one thing that has kinda been bothering me too. I'm not sure if the unreal engine (and its damn shine) was the right pick for this game, but I guess it allows the devs to do a lot of cool things easily, even though I'm not a big fan of the character model "sheen" style (at least for a game like this).[/QUOTE]
Yeah Killer Croc still looks like he's made out of metal but it's not as bad as the early videos.
[quote name='Maklershed'][/QUOTE]
Yay, so I went. Was expecting like 5-10 people to be there as well (went with my gf, my bro and his gf and their friends) and there was about 150+ people there. Most of the people got there before sunrise and we amassed on the sand right on the shore waiting for something. Had no idea why we were all standing there - yet we all waited. There was a man from Naughty Dog handing out Uncharted (the game) and DLC codes (for Uncharted 2) - but no 2k people...

So eventually people started to wander because it was 20 minutes past the deadline. And then all the sudden some jogger (jogging on the beach) said that they saw some things burried in the sand up near the pier. So 100+ people all started to run at the same time. It was about a 10 minute run (I was dead tired at the end of it) and there were a bunch of bottles (with notes inside) burried in the sand. There was around 20-40 bottles burried and I grabbed one of the last 3-4... I'm glad I ran!

After that, went to breakfast and headed back home. Was pretty fun.

Heres some pics of the bottle (only got vid of the beach):



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[quote name='corrosivefrost']Who did you address it to?
Did you want some paypal, friend-o?[/QUOTE]Frosty McFrosterton.
I'll PM ya later.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yay, so I went. Was expecting like 5-10 people to be there as well (went with my gf, my bro and his gf and their friends) and there was about 150+ people there. Most of the people got there before sunrise and we amassed on the sand right on the shore waiting for something. Had no idea why we were all standing there - yet we all waited. There was a man from Naughty Dog handing out Uncharted (the game) and DLC codes (for Uncharted 2) - but no 2k people...

So eventually people started to wander because it was 20 minutes past the deadline. And then all the sudden some jogger (jogging on the beach) said that they saw some things burried in the sand up near the pier. So 100+ people all started to run at the same time. It was about a 10 minute run (I was dead tired at the end of it) and there were a bunch of bottles (with notes inside) burried in the sand. There was around 20-40 bottles burried and I grabbed one of the last 3-4... I'm glad I ran!

After that, went to breakfast and headed back home. Was pretty fun.

Heres some pics of the bottle (only got vid of the beach):



Holy crap, that's awesome stuff.

Sell it to me, seriously. :)

There's a right way to be inspired by a game without coming off as uninspired, this isn't one.

At least it has water physics... seriously, frames per second was awful, Sackpersons > miniature humans, bet it can't even handle 2 players without it crashing let alone custom levels. But... it was basically made by one guy so that is impressive and if this remains a level to showoff programming talent to prospective employers I can understand, but I'd be disgusted if it won any awards.

Does 2K marketing know their game was delayed? Heh. As pete5883 said, unfurl the suckers!
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[quote name='Shrapnellistic']

There's a right way to be inspired by a game without coming off as uninspired, this isn't one.

At least it has water physics... seriously, frames per second was awful, Sackpersons > miniature humans, bet it can't even handle 2 players without it crashing let alone custom levels. But... it was basically made by one guy so that is impressive and if this remains a level to showoff programming talent to prospective employers I can understand, but I'd be disgusted if it won any awards.

Does 2K marketing know their game was delayed? Heh. As pete5883 said, unfurl the suckers![/QUOTE]

I though that was a fairly impressive video. Maybe not for full retail but still.
Hello, Meat Circus.

Anyone know offhand how far I am in Half-life 2 Ep 2 if I'm at the part where I'm in a cave with a vortigon following/leading me around? Because that's where I remember leaving off.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Hello, Meat Circus.

Anyone know offhand how far I am in Half-life 2 Ep 2 if I'm at the part where I'm in a cave with a vortigon following/leading me around? Because that's where I remember leaving off.[/QUOTE]

about 1/2 way through.
[quote name='manthing']My one nitpick is trying to reconcile the Animated Series voices with the artstyle of the game[/QUOTE]
I didn't have a problem with it. Then again Kevin Conroy is the voice I've associated with Batman since I was a kid.

Meat Circus wasn't too bad, that escort bullshit pissed me off. It was such a middle finger to the player. They obviously know how to make fun gameplay and had to know that wasn't at all fun.
I couldn't have possibly given a shit less about Batman Arkham before I tried that demo and now I'm thinking I kinda want that shit ASAP.

Fable 2 is pretty good - rough around the edges and not nearly as deep as it claims to be, but still good. I wish they'd re-do the social stuff from the ground up next time. I hate having an entire crowd of people fall in love with my character when I'm just trying to tell his wife it's time to make babies.
Lol, Fable 2 was alright. I personally liked the original Fable more. Or it had more of an impact on me at the time, at least. Fable 2 seemed a bit recycled to me.
Had a lot of people over last night, we all played some SF4 with my TE stick and wireless SFAC stick and everyone was having a blast. Then i put on shatter and everyone was blown away by it. Then all the girls showed up so i moved to Wii Sports Resort, and they all got bored pretty quick till we tried the bowling and unlocked the 100-pin bowling. That is really silly fun that we ended up playing for hours. Whats funny is everyone was commenting on how terrible the game looks compared to all the ps3 games we played, but we still had fun. The slicing and basketball were a dud in a large group.

I seriously cannot wait for Natal/Sony Wand to come out so we dont have to suffer through these horrific looking games anymore for party games. Bring on Natal Sports/Little Big Sports!
[quote name='Phunin']Lol, Fable 2 was alright. I personally liked the original Fable more. Or it had more of an impact on me at the time, at least. Fable 2 seemed a bit recycled to me.[/QUOTE]

Could help that I never played the original fable, then.
fable 2 was shit. a lot of fluff around what amounts to a beat em up. the morality and love aspects are so artificial and poorly handled that they don't even count. Shit, the dog didn't even do anything except dig things up.
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