General Indie Gaming Thread - Support Indie Gaming, Buy Canabalt on iPhone

yeah, I saw that... genna watch tomorrow at work since I watch Co-Op every Wed at work now to kill time.

Co-Op is the best shit out there IMHO... wish more reviews were the way they do it.
dont kno why but i just picked up noitu love 2 and its pretty fun
also preordered zeno clash when it was $10 and it looks like it'll great as well
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You guys should check out Zatikon its a free indie multi player strategy game. The graphics may be a little old school but the game itself is a lot of fun.

i bit when it was $10 on steam based off hype and it lasting only 24 hours ><
but yeah the game looks batshit insane and the story even more so
it looks really nice though so props to the devs...

I'm tossing around the idea once again to form a local indie dev team in my area... I just gotta find at least one other person to work with.
Wow, I just randomly clicked in here and a few minutes later I'm playing lilt line. It's really fun although pretty short. I can't wait till there's a game like this that uses your own music.

In the meantime I'm going to hunt down some of the soundtrack.
xna 3.1 was released

You spoke and we listened! We’ve added a number of new and improved features to XNA Game Studio 3.1 enabling hobbyists, academics, and independent game developers to easily create video games for Xbox 360, Windows, and Zune digital media players by using optimized cross-platform gaming libraries based on the .NET Framework in the C# programming language. This release is incremental to Game Studio 3.0 and contains many new and improved features:

  • Avatar Support: Render and animate Avatars to use in your game to represent gamers and other characters within your game.
  • Xbox LIVE Party Support: Enabling gamers to communicate, even when each gamer is not playing the same game in the same multiplayer session. LIVE Party supports up to an eight-way group voice chat for gamers and keeps gamers connected before, during, and after a gameplay session, persisting across title switches.
  • Video Playback: XNA Game Studio now supports the ability to play back video that can be used for such purposes as opening splash and logo scenes, cut scenes, or in-game video displays. This set of XNA Framework APIs supports the following features:
    • Full screen video playback
    • Video playback to simple textures in game
    • Control of playback such as pause/resume and stop
    • Retrieve properties of the video, such as playback time, size, and frame rate
    • Determine the type and usage of the audio track, such as if it has music, dialog, or music and dialog
    • Play back multiple video streams at the same time
  • Audio API: 3.1 has a new usage pattern of SoundEffect.Play. Sound instances created by Play calls are disposed automatically when playback ends, and SoundEffect.Play returns a Boolean to indicate success or failure.
  • Content Pipeline Enhancements: improvements making it much easier to add customer types (custom attributes for run-time of an object and run-time type version of an object, and the ability to determine if deserialization into an existing object is possible).
  • XACT3 Support: includes support for XACT3 with new features including the ability to enable a filter on every track, and support for the xWMA compression format.
  • Visual Studio Changes: XNA Game Studio 3.1 supports both 3.0 and 3.1 projects, and it includes support for upgrading projects from 3.0 to 3.1.

Submitting 3.1 Games
XNA Game Studio 3.1 games can be submitted to Xbox LIVE Community Games starting late July. Please note! Currently, if Premium Creators want to submit or service their game to Playtest and/or Peer Review, those games must remain XNA Game Studio 3.0 projects. On July 23rd, you can submit games upgraded or created as 3.1 projects to playtest and/or Peer Review, but they will not go live to consumers until we are able to upgrade Xbox LIVE Community Games Marketplace later this Summer.

Name Change
We’ve got one last surprise for you today! Savvy Creators that carefully read the documentation for XNA Game Studio 3.1 will note one big change we’re making in direct response to your feedback. The launch of XNA Game Studio 3.1 begins the process of renaming Xbox LIVE Community Games to Xbox LIVE Indie Games. We’re starting the communication about this transition with you – our incredible Creators. With your help hopefully this name change (along with other new features such as User Ratings!) will increase understanding and discoverability of your games! Late July, when we update Creators Club Online, we will begin revealing the name change to the Consumer side of our business. We believe this name better represents the independent spirit of XNA Game Studio gaming and creations!
I didn't like my itouch at all. Was neat at first, but got quite annoying between the screen and accelerometer.
WTF... I want to play that.

I remember seeing that on Gamespot a few weeks ago, but they didn't have any info on it so that was disappointing. I liked the name, though. Glad to see that it actually looks fun.
just got lilt line today on my new touch... love it. might not be worth it to most but I love it. Been playing Eliss Lite as well, but I plan on buying the full version later... great sense of style.

I also didn't know passage was released for iPhone... cool.

Also thinking of getting Ruben and Lullaby since the concept is so unique.
That's horrible news, but I can't say it's surprising. XBLA is an extremely popular service and even companies like Square Enix have released games on there. Microsoft is known to be strict with their release schedules(retail and XBLA) so with them only releasing 1-3 games per week and only 52 weeks in a year, there's only so much room. I would bet that's why they've tried so hard for the Community(now Indie) games section to grow. So sadly, games like Clover never have a chance to be an XBLA game.

However, based on another article(I forget where I read it) games in the community games section haven't recieved the sales numbers many had hoped for. Microsoft tried to help the situation by upping the trial time from 4 minutes to 8 minutes. Whether that worked or not I don't know. I think the main issue though, is not enough marketing. Outside of the download section in the Marketplace, there is no advertising or even recognition of their existance. I know many gamers either don't know about them, or have this pre-conception that they all suck. The thought of "if it isn't a game made by an actual development company, it must be horrible." Even CheapyD and crew have said, "who buys those things?" It also doesn't help that the service is flooded with rumble massagers, quick-time button pressing sessions, and loads of other crap. Thankfully big sites like IGN post small reviews which helps a bit, and I've seen a few trailers pop up on Gametrailers.

Another problem, no achievements. I don't think a lot of people realize how much of a push that really is. There are some games(Biology Battle and Carnyvale Showtime) which already have them implemented in. They were obviously geared for an XBLA release until either Microsoft couldn't fit them in, they decided it a better option to put it in the CG section, or whatever. Even if it were 50 points worth of gamerscore, it would get people to download them. While some may play just for the achievements, it would at least get people to recognize the CG section exists and give the developers some cash.
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yeah the article ur talking about was posted on the indie games blog.

Community games can be good, but the problem is that the quality control is pretty bad. At least on iPhone the SDK somewhat forces the devs to make their stuff look good. XNA allows for alot of shitty stuff.

In all honesty, as someone else who posted a response on the indie blog, there needs to be more open use of development tools. Gamemaker would be a easy choice for MS if they actually cared since it takes alot of the coding problems and lets the maker focus on the design aspects (speaking from experience).

oh well... as XBL and PSN become more exclusive, the iPhone/Touch seems to be welcoming more of the indies.

so far in the next few weeks I'm hoping to get some iPhone dev off the floor. This is an open invitation to any CAGs ;)
I have just been officially blown away...


Over at Gametrailers they have an exclusive trailer for a badass looking game called Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. Crazy name yes, but just bask in its 2D HD glory.

According to the devs blog they're looking for somebody to pick it up, so no announcements have been made as to when or how it will be released. It does say they have presented the game to Microsoft so it seems like they're pushing for an XBLA release. From the sounds of things, it should happen.
Yah Twisted Shadow planet has been in dev for roughly at least 2 years. I remember seeing it and showing it friends about 2 years ago. looks better than the initial stuff.

I'm releasing a game I've been working on in XNA, Agent MOO: Maximum Overdeath. I've tried to make something that was fast paced, 2d, and just plain fun. It's in peer review and will be out soon for 200pts, with a demo available as well. I've created playable characters for the people who have inspired me to go beyond playing games and actually make one.

Among the vehicles and weapons are a sack of oranges, a "moo hole" teleportation gun, trip-out inducing trank darts, pink convertibles and attack choppers. For multiplayer and standalone you can do goldeneye-style split screen, bot matches, or games over XBOX Live.

I hope you guys enjoy it - I've had a lot of fun developing and testing it!
Did y'all see the Indie Gaming pack deals on Steam this weekend? $20 for 5 games or $30 for 10.
I got the 5 game pack. It has Blueberry Garden, Braid, Everyday Shooter, The Path, and World of Goo.

Blueberry Garden is fantastic. You play a bird in a "garden" where the fruits give you abilities or affect the environment, and the point of the game is to not drown as the water level rises. You find massive objects to raise your starting level. It's quite the experience.

Everyone knows about Braid and Everyday Shooter.

The Path is a neat horror spin on Little Red Riding Hood. Some genuinely creepy moments and really fantastic imagery.

World of Goo is a puzzler where you get a beginning amount of goo balls and have to connect them such that the remaining goo balls can ascend the structure and enter a pipe. You can get the demo on steam.
[quote name='Halo05']Jesus Grandmother, that looks pretty good.

Any idea about the price yet?[/QUOTE]

With the recent drop in XBLIG prices, we are pretty sure we are dropping the 400 price point, which leaves 240 or 80 as options, but only 240 if we cannot squish the game below 50MB. The amount of music in the game may make this impossible. It would be pretty cool to have a game with significant content priced at only $1. No one has done that yet!

Short answer, we are not sure about the price, but we are pretty sure it will not be 400pts.
btw this thread title makes no sense with xbla getting some big indie games like fez pb winterbottom and spelunky

also RR what do u think of the DBP finalists?
dust definitely looks the most the deserving of getting an xbla contract
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bread's done