GGT 116 loves chicken and Guile!

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[quote name='Jimbo Slice']What do you guys think of Shadows of the Damned? I think it looks pretty damn promising.[/QUOTE]

I've been 100% out of the loop on it but want it because it's grasshopper manufacturer. I'm stupid blind with anything from them.

I'm not expecting anything, just batshit fun
So now I have two "Wipeout HD" items in my XMB. one just has a white background that says "Wipeout", the other has a black background with "Wipeout Fury". What's the difference? Do my saves from one carry to the other?
Don't remember anything carrying over into a new Infamous playthrough, but apparently your Infamous 1 save will get you an XP and Karma bonus in Infamous 2.

Sucker Punch has mentioned that you will be able to import your Infamous save file into Infamous 2 and it appears they kept their promise. When you fire up Infamous 2 you will have an option to import your Infamous Trophy data. I, like many others, have earned the platinum and have wondered what, exactly, we would get. Here is the list: ♦ Have good or evil Trophies from Infamous: Start Infamous 2 at level 1 good karma or level 1 evil karma.
♦ Infamous Trophy for 25 percent of the Blast Shards: Free energy core in Infamous 2.
♦ Infamous Trophy for 50 percent of the Blast Shards: Two free energy cores.
♦ Finished Infamous with any karma standing on any difficulty: 1,000 bonus XP for Infamous 2.
♦ Specific Trophies for Specific Infamous decisions: Reflect side missions, Dead Drops and dialog variety in Infamous 2.

Hmmm, that's all the more reason for me to finish the first game then, I guess.

Edit: WOOO! Got a job tutoring and it pays pretty decently! Told this to my fiancee and she told me that I better not be "blowing it on frivolous shit" because she wants to be married sometime in the next year apparently. I laughed and told her I'm spending it on boats and hos. :cool:
[quote name='ihadFG']I enjoyed the Infamous 2 demo. I'll pick up the game at some point, when it gets a bit cheaper.[/QUOTE]

Infamous 2 isn't Star Trek Online.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Hmmm, that's all the more reason for me to finish the first game then, I guess.

Edit: WOOO! Got a job tutoring and it pays pretty decently! Told this to my fiancee and she told me that I better not be "blowing it on frivolous shit" because she wants to be married sometime in the next year apparently. I laughed and told her I'm spending it on boats and hos. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Those will be nice bonuses for me when I eventually get inFamous 2, as I platinumed the first game. ^_^
Hmm...Duke Forever still pretty much feels like Duke 3D, right down to Duke sounding like he's calling in from a phone booth. Might have to pick it up at some point. Was there a way to do the stomp after the shrink ray? Used to happen automatically.
[quote name='diddy310']Hmm...Duke Forever still pretty much feels like Duke 3D, right down to Duke sounding like he's calling in from a phone booth. Might have to pick it up at some point. Was there a way to do the stomp after the shrink ray? Used to happen automatically.[/QUOTE]

It still happens automatically.
[quote name='seanr1221']Why did they take the boot melee out of Duke? :/[/QUOTE]

I know. :( But they added executions, so that's kinda cool.
[quote name='distgfx']It still happens automatically.[/QUOTE]

Oh okay, I guess I didn't get close enough - tiny bullets still murder you pretty well.
Man I played the inFamous 2 demo last night, it was fairly fun, feels very similar to the first game which makes me happy. I still will probably wait to get it till it gets a bit cheaper though and I can play through some more games I already have. I will say I totally agree that I don't like Cole's new voice at all, like seriously every time he talked I was like, who's talking, that can't be Cole.

Totally unrelated note, I really like this song:

EDIT: Also:

[quote name='panzerfaust']Running into walls? :cry:[/QUOTE]

I love this condescending comment which provides no help whatsoever. Why am I not surprised you are someone that plays RTS games? :lol:
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Guys, I'm actually back this time. This isn't some bullshit revival. I just set up my desktop, so it's the real deal, son.

In the meantime, I need a new keyboard and mouse, preferably a combo. Any recommendations? nothing too fancy. I'm only making 8.50 an hour :/

Oh, and Hank, you'll be happy to hear that I finally got the SLI set up on my cards :D
Turns out one of them wasn't getting any power. :/
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Man, I feel pumped the fuck up for some reason. I'm eatin' me some fuckin' low fat hash browns, drinkin' an Amp, and about to start lifting weights.


[quote name='CaptainJoel']Man, I feel pumped the fuck up for some reason. I'm eatin' me some fuckin' low fat hash browns, drinkin' an Amp, and about to start lifting weights.



I think I'm gonna go ask my sister if she wants to go grab an energy drink with me. I'm tired, and I have a boy scouts thing-a-majig in like 3 hours :/

Spent Friday and Saturday hanging with a friend and his girl, grilling out and getting tanked. His girl pushed a six pack of Mike's Hard Fruit Punch on me on Friday because they hate it. So I downed that whole 6 pack on an empty stomach in about 30 minutes. Two things, that shit is gross, and that shit hit me like a ton of bricks. Shit tastes like cough syrup, so gross.

Then we had screwdrivers and half a bottle of Patron while she drank Mike's Hard Mango, which is infinitely better than the fruit punch. She got so loaded on Friday night, trying to keep up with two beasts when she's like 120 pounds is a futile thing to do. And we grilled up steaks and pork chops and Italian sausages and made a ton of guacamole. Feast all weekend, it was great. ^__^

Also watched a few movies too. Priest while drunk at 4 AM was amusing, Take Me Home Tonight had some decent parts, probably the best movie I saw all weekend, sadly, Your Highness was a good concept with flawed execution, and Red Riding Hood had acting on par with Attack of the Clones, wish I were drunk for that one.

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I've been 100% out of the loop on it but want it because it's grasshopper manufacturer. I'm stupid blind with anything from them.

I'm not expecting anything, just batshit insane[/QUOTE]

Hope it's good. ^__^

[quote name='seanr1221']Why did they take the boot melee out of Duke? :/[/QUOTE]
WHAT? That's lame as fuck. :nottalking:

[quote name='linkpwns']Guys, I'm actually back this time. This isn't some bullshit revival. I just set up my desktop, so it's the real deal, son.

In the meantime, I need a new keyboard and mouse, preferably a combo. Any recommendations? nothing too fancy. I'm only making 8.50 an hour :/

Oh, and Hank, you'll be happy to hear that I finally got the SLI set up on my cards :D
Turns out one of them wasn't getting any power. :/[/QUOTE]
Brocore is the shit, bro. I'm currently working on a Dudecore album though. It's gonna be hella tight.

I'm rocking some OEM beast keyboard I got from a hospital, reminds me of the old IBM keyboards but not as good as the AT101s. It's a no frills beast, don't even know who makes it. For a mouse? G500 is what I use, best mouse ever. It's a bit pricey, but it's worth every penny IMO.

So that's why your SLI was jacked? Makes sense, glad it's fixed now. ^__^
[quote name='hankmecrankme']
Brocore is the shit, bro. I'm currently working on a Dudecore album though. It's gonna be hella tight.

I'm rocking some OEM beast keyboard I got from a hospital, reminds me of the old IBM keyboards but not as good as the AT101s. It's a no frills beast, don't even know who makes it. For a mouse? G500 is what I use, best mouse ever. It's a bit pricey, but it's worth every penny IMO.

So that's why your SLI was jacked? Makes sense, glad it's fixed now. ^__^[/QUOTE]

Dudecore sounds pretty chillin. Lookin forward to it. My band is working on some emocore shit, expect to hear me crying my eyes out over some chord progressions later this summer!

I mean, the mouse I'm using right now is pretty chillin. Got a razor diamondback. I got it on sale a few years ago for like 30 bucks. I just hate my keyboard. It's one of the wireless Microsoft wave-y ones. It's just dirty and loud as fuck. I've had it for YEARS.

I think I might buy a new stick of RAM too. I'm only running 6 gigs of RAM. A 4 gig stick would kill right now. I have four slots, I think. (Three 2gig sticks in there right now)

And Hank, how do I disable SLI for the Witcher? fucking hate wallhax.

Oh, and to those who are interested:
Jersey Shore starts again August 4th! OH YEAH
[quote name='linkpwns']Dudecore sounds pretty chillin. Lookin forward to it. My band is working on some emocore shit, expect to hear me crying my eyes out over some chord progressions later this summer!
Shit's gonna be tight, I bet. I'll have my box cutters ready to cut.
I mean, the mouse I'm using right now is pretty chillin. Got a razor diamondback. I got it on sale a few years ago for like 30 bucks. I just hate my keyboard. It's one of the wireless Microsoft wave-y ones. It's just dirty and loud as fuck. I've had it for YEARS.
Yeah, that mouse is pretty decent, definitely not some POS mouse. For a keyboard, it's part preference and part performance. If you're gaming, you need to check some reviews and see if it can handle multiple simultaneous key presses. I had some shitty Memorex keyboard like 8 years ago that couldn't do shift or ctrl + W + A or D, so I could only sprint or crouch and walk in a straight line. Shit sucked.

As for design, it's all up to you and your budget.

I think I might buy a new stick of RAM too. I'm only running 6 gigs of RAM. A 4 gig stick would kill right now. I have four slots, I think. (Three 2gig sticks in there right now)
If you're tossing in random amounts of RAM in slots with random speeds and manufacturers, then it won't be optimal at all. Dual or triple channel won't work.

If you have three 2 GB sticks in there and you have 1 slot left, get a 2 GB stick that matches the rest. I doubt you'd need more than 8 GB unless you are doing something crazy.

If you have an i7 X58 system and you're rocking 3 x 2 GB with 3 slots free, then you'll either need to get 3 more sticks of 2 GB, or get 3x 4 GB sticks. Triple channel is worth keeping everything matched, the bandwidth is crazy.

And Hank, how do I disable SLI for the Witcher? fucking hate wallhax.
Go to the Nvidia control panel and go to the profile for the game, then set it to single GPU mode.

Hell yes, shit's gonna be hilarious. Cannot wait. ^__^
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Shit's gonna be tight, I bet. I'll have my box cutters ready to cut. [/quote]
Good. I hope the finally outcome will be something like this:
(One of my favorite bands, actually)
Yeah, that mouse is pretty decent, definitely not some POS mouse. For a keyboard, it's part preference and part performance. If you're gaming, you need to check some reviews and see if it can handle multiple simultaneous key presses. I had some shitty Memorex keyboard like 8 years ago that couldn't do shift or ctrl + W + A or D, so I could only sprint or crouch and walk in a straight line. Shit sucked.

As for design, it's all up to you and your budget.
I'll make sure to do my research, I ain't no bitch

If you're tossing in random amounts of RAM in slots with random speeds and manufacturers, then it won't be optimal at all. Dual or triple channel won't work.

If you have three 2 GB sticks in there and you have 1 slot left, get a 2 GB stick that matches the rest. I doubt you'd need more than 8 GB unless you are doing something crazy.

If you have an i7 X58 system and you're rocking 3 x 2 GB with 3 slots free, then you'll either need to get 3 more sticks of 2 GB, or get 3x 4 GB sticks. Triple channel is worth keeping everything matched, the bandwidth is crazy.
Sweet ass, this is why I love you hanky.

Go to the Nvidia control panel and go to the profile for the game, then set it to single GPU mode.

Hell yes, shit's gonna be hilarious. Cannot wait. ^__^
They're gonna start filming the next season next month too!
[quote name='linkpwns']I'll make sure to do my research, I ain't no bitch
Definitely do research.

For the record, I'm in some weird area where I like typing on laptop style keyboards, but I hate gaming on them. So I thought about finding a good laptop style keyboard for my desktop, and then using one of those game keypad things to game on.
Sweet ass, this is why I love you hanky.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']
The problem lies in the fact that Bioware and Dragon Age 2 both suck. ^__^[/QUOTE]
I agree with half of this.
I like both.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Oh yeah, I finally got dat BlazBlue CS, PS3 version. $15 at Best Buy was a good price.[/QUOTE]

Yo mang, we gotta play sometime. I suck.
Dragon Age 2 is not bad by any means, it's just not as good as DAO. I feel like I better understand why some people like ME1 over ME2 now.
It's not like I chose them to be low fat they were just the first thing I saw and I wanted them (they were fucking taaaaasty, too). Amp is the nectar of the gods and cannot be faulted, though.
[quote name='ihadFG']Yo mang, we gotta play sometime. I suck.[/QUOTE]

After me and Uraizen's last matches I can fairly confidently say that I'm a Taokaka, I tried Platinum, but she just isn't my thing. Uraizen's good with her though.
[quote name='ihadFG']Yo mang, we gotta play sometime. I suck.[/QUOTE]
We definitely will, probably this week, maybe even tonight.

I'm pretty sucky too.

[quote name='seanr1221']Sorry Joel, but low fat hasbrowns and an Amp sounds like the worst pre-workout food ever.[/QUOTE]
That sounds horrific. :puke:

[quote name='icebeast']After me and Uraizen's last matches I can fairly confidently say that I'm a Taokaka, I tried Platinum, but she just isn't my thing. Uraizen's good with her though.[/QUOTE]
I just used Taokaka in CT. In CS, I use Tsubaki and Taokaka. I'm a mashing scrub. ^__^
[quote name='CaptainJoel']It's not like I chose them to be low fat they were just the first thing I saw and I wanted them (they were fucking taaaaasty, too). Amp is the nectar of the gods and cannot be faulted, though.[/QUOTE]

It's not that, it's the combo of a starchy and sugary foods.

A banana would do you better before working out.
If I'm going to work out or do any physical work, I don't want to be loaded down with shit.

I usually eat light until the job or workout is done. A banana would be a good choice with a glass of water.

I made the mistake of hitting up a Chinese buffet during a lunch break, felt like ass the rest of the day at work.
[quote name='seanr1221']It's not that, it's the combo of a starchy and sugary foods.

A banana would do you better before working out.[/QUOTE]
I don't really eat much fruit outside of melons, but I'll try to work a banana into my preworkout meal from now on.

Edit: Also, it's not like I ate a ton of hash browns. It was 2 small hash brown patties and I've been nursing the can of Amp since I posted that, not in too much of a chugging mood today.
Having some type of carb pre-workout is perfect because it will raise your sugars, which you can then use as energy.

What's your typical diet like, Joel?
Not much, usually skip lunch and breakfast everyday (usually eat a breakfast of gravy and biscuits with two strips of bacon on sunday morning with the family). Sunday-Saturday I usually eat a family dinner with a meat and two sides and I usually eat a Spaghetti dinner every couple of weeks. Other than that I don't eat much starch.

If I'm craving something for a snack I'll usually grab some Watermelon or Cantaloupe.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I just used Taokaka in CT. In CS, I use Tsubaki and Taokaka. I'm a mashing scrub. ^__^[/QUOTE]

I used to play Tsubaki too, but I think I understand Tao a bit better so I'm sticking with her.
Okay, Jet Set Radio whatever the xbox one is a really shitty game. I just fall off everything and get restarted to random points and have no idea where anything is in relation to anything.
Just found out one of my close friends' exes totally holds every same interest I do... I think I should totally become her friend, but I don't know if friends is against bro-code. Is it, GGT?
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Not much, usually skip lunch and breakfast everyday (usually eat a breakfast of gravy and biscuits with two strips of bacon on sunday morning with the family). Sunday-Saturday I usually eat a family dinner with a meat and two sides and I usually eat a Spaghetti dinner every couple of weeks. Other than that I don't eat much starch.

If I'm craving something for a snack I'll usually grab some Watermelon or Cantaloupe.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, your diet needs a major overhaul.

Ok first, always always always eat breakfast. You should be eating within the first 30 minutes of waking up to maximize your metabolism. I go for high protein-low carb meals. Eggs, bacon, some fruit. Lunch I also make high protein-low carb choices like a tuna sandwich and nuts, and dinner I usually do high protein-NO carb, like chicken and broccoli.

Why low carb and not no carb? Because if you get 50g of carbs a day, you will put your body into ketosis and that's pretty unhealthy. But, if you eat like 100-150g of carbs a day, you'll be in pretty good shape.

You need high protein because if you're exercising, the protein will help re-build the muscle you broke down during lifting. It's ok to get 1-1.5g per body weight. I weigh 170 pounds, and I usually eat around 170-200g of protein a day.

Stay away from Pasta dinners, unless you're eating a cup of pasta. Also, stay away from Amp. That stuff is so terrible for you it's not even funny.
[quote name='seanr1221']Oh man, your diet needs a major overhaul.

Ok first, always always always eat breakfast. You should be eating within the first 30 minutes of waking up to maximize your metabolism. I go for high protein-low carb meals. Eggs, bacon, some fruit. Lunch I also make high protein-low carb choices like a tuna sandwich and nuts, and dinner I usually do high protein-NO carb, like chicken and broccoli.

Why low carb and not no carb? Because if you get 50g of carbs a day, you will put your body into ketosis and that's pretty unhealthy. But, if you eat like 100-150g of carbs a day, you'll be in pretty good shape.

You need high protein because if you're exercising, the protein will help re-build the muscle you broke down during lifting. It's ok to get 1-1.5g per body weight. I weigh 170 pounds, and I usually eat around 170-200g of protein a day.

Stay away from Pasta dinners, unless you're eating a cup of pasta. Also, stay away from Amp. That stuff is so terrible for you it's not even funny.
Thanks for the advice, but I'm doing pretty well. I'm not trying to get in better shape, I'm fine with where I am now. I've got some pretty good muscles and I'm only around 220 which my doctor says is a good weight for my height. I've got my high blood pressure down, too. :D I will try to add more protein to my diet, though.

Edit: HA! I'm getting makeup ads on CAG.
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[quote name='CaptainJoel']Just found out one of my close friends' exes totally holds every same interest I do... I think I should totally become her friend, but I don't know if friends is against bro-code. Is it, GGT?[/QUOTE]

With what you probably have in mind, yes, it would be.
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