GGT 246 Was Delayed Slightly Due To E3

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So probably not a huge surprise but everyone has been saying that virtually anything that's cross-gen (Watchdogs, ACIV, Ghosts, etc) looks like complete ass on current gen.

Man, Don Mattrick comes off as a complete cunt.
He does. And he is.

So probably not a huge surprise but everyone has been saying that virtually anything that's cross-gen (Watchdogs, ACIV, Ghosts, etc) looks like complete ass on current gen.
OMG, Really?! fuckING SHITBALLS! ;)

I'm debating whether or not I want to get a PS4 at release. I kinda do, but I dunno.

I should just get a Wii U.
Agreed on PS4. Disagree about WiiU -- but if you do, wait a couple months to see if they price cut.

Bayonetta 2 looks good. I still don't know why it's only on Wii U. Doesn't make sense to the core Nintendo audience.
Fidelity wise? Yeah, it looks good.
Gameplay wise? I couldn't tell what the fuck was going on -- combined with the "touch" prompts (and Betrayonetta's new style), I'm not feeling it yet.

Bayonetta lookin' fun. Makes me want to toss in the first one again. Love getting some Monster Hunter confusion stars on that dragon.

Is that friend code spreadsheet in google docs or something? I could toss mine up. Pretty much only playing Animal Crossing with the pre-wife so far.

How many Xbone or PS4 presales are actual people wanting the console versus flippers hoping to capitalize on the holiday sales rush?

I hope those people get burrrrnnnnneed.....

Nintendo fans wanted NEW Zelda. You might not be realizing that regardless of what Nintendo fans want, they will take it up the ass regardless. Hence Kirby with Wii Fit girl shoved down his gullet...
Thing is Wind Waker is super expensive on the grey market. Goes for about $40-$50 online.

So probably not a huge surprise but everyone has been saying that virtually anything that's cross-gen (Watchdogs, ACIV, Ghosts, etc) looks like complete ass on current gen.
I hope Titanfall is a good port on 360 as I won't be owning an XB1 and I hope Dragon Age is ok also as I'm sure that the current gen/PC versions will be the only way to carry decisions over into 3.

Otherwise BF 4 and Watch Dogs will be next gen purchases for me. I'm done with Assassin's Creed after the debacle that was 3.

Is kingdom heart on the 3DS a good game? Its for $15 at amazon
Certainly not bad. I grabbed it for 10 from Best Buy a while ago. If you're into the series, 15's not bad for it.

I'm gonna need to hit a wiki or something. I played a very little bit of Birth By Sleep most recently, but KH2 was the last one I really got into. That story's all over the god damned place.

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My bro just traded me Majora's Mask in Animal Crossing. My life is complete

Is kingdom heart on the 3DS a good game? Its for $15 at amazon
Certainly not bad. I grabbed it for 10 from Best Buy a while ago. If you're into the series, 15's not bad for it.

I'm gonna need to hit a wiki or something. I played a very little bit of Birth By Sleep most recently, but KH2 was the last one I really got into. That story's all over the god damned place.
Oh shit, I might actually watch this. Thanks, man.


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My bro just traded me Majora's Mask in Animal Crossing. My life is complete

Is kingdom heart on the 3DS a good game? Its for $15 at amazon
Certainly not bad. I grabbed it for 10 from Best Buy a while ago. If you're into the series, 15's not bad for it.

I'm gonna need to hit a wiki or something. I played a very little bit of Birth By Sleep most recently, but KH2 was the last one I really got into. That story's all over the god damned place.
Oh shit, I might actually watch this. Thanks, man.

Full game? Or is it an item?

Am I the only one so freaking excited for the Oddworld New n' Tasty remake of the original? I loved the series so much on the PSX and the 3D versions never really did that much for me.

No, I'm pretty stoked to check it out, as I tried one of the Oddworld PSX games on my Vita and found it near unplayable.  I liked the world of Stranger's Wrath when I just played the HD version, so I would welcome a chance to play more Oddworld games at this point.

Wow, this doesn't look good to me. :(

Ooooh, even better, Double Helix is partially made from the remnants of Backbone.  That helps the confidence level too.  Combined with F2P and everything else?  How could I want a new KI any less than I do now?  I'm sure they will show me soon. :lol:

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Yeah, I'm mostly not digging what I'm seeing. It hurts my childhood.
I know, right?

Now explain your MM comment! I googled -- seems to be an item.

If it was the full playable game, I might have said "I need Animal Crossing!"

Are there any "classic" games embedded in it or are they still all gone?

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KI gonna suck balls. 

For anyone that's excited about Smash, let me say one word. . .Brawl. There you go, a shitty sequel to a shitty sequel is what you're getting. 

I can already play Wind Waker HD on my PC. 

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For anyone that's excited about Smash, let me say one word. . .Brawl. There you go, a shitty sequel to a shitty sequel is what you're getting.
Yup. Can't wait.

Frosty, I'm only like a day in, but I've yet to encounter any embedded classic games. Someone with more time invested might be able to give you more insight. I just know I'm watering plants looking like Skull Kid.

<3 Hank.

Found more... :(


Roland2617 1 hour ago

looks like super street fighter iv for retards

Of course we are developing on a PC, so we look forward to releasing something on the PC sometime, but right now we have no release date, we are not really looking to do that right now, that's not a priority, so, we are making it and we hope to put it out [on PC] as well.
Thank you, based-Kojima.

One less reason to look at a new console.

Now if only SE would do this for FFXV.

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Really, why are some people still expecting there to be classic Nintendo games in Animal Crossing anymore? They haven't done that since the GameCube and aren't going back to it.
Really, why are some people still expecting there to be classic Nintendo games in Animal Crossing anymore? They haven't done that since the GameCube and aren't going back to it.
:rofl: I wasn't expecting anything. I was merely asking, as it had been done before and when he mentioned Majora's Mask, the context was vague, so I wanted to know. I would consider New Leaf if there was N64 games in there that weren't available in the eShop. Otherwise, I have no interest in the series.


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Well, it wasn't just you :razz: This topic comes up on the internet every time there's a new Animal Crossing. It's one of those things, like the FFVII remake, that just won't die.

It seemed pretty obvious to me that it meant Majora's mask, not Majora's Mask, but then again, I've read up a bit about this new one before (since I was on the fence about it), and therefore knew about the Nintendo items.
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Well, it wasn't just you :razz: This topic comes up on the internet every time there's a new Animal Crossing. It's one of those things, like the FFVII remake, that just won't die.

It seemed pretty obvious to me that it meant Majora's mask, not Majora's Mask, but then again, I've read up a bit about this new one before (since I was on the fence about it), and therefore knew about the Nintendo items.
The only things I can say I "knew" about Animal Crossing is that it's some sort of social The Sims type game and that the Gamecube version had the classic games in it. I saw someone disappointed that the Wii one didn't have that and so it seemed like a good question to ask. :p

Wild World on the DS didn't have any classic games in it either. Nowadays, Nintendo can just make more money by selling those classics separately via Virtual Console.

Anyway, no hard feelings. Just sick of this topic coming up and people being disappointed that a seemingly one-off feature* that was taken out three installments ago has still not come back.

*I don't know if the original, Japan-only Animal Forest/Crossing on N64 had classic games in it.

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Any of you dudes playing in here? Let's fruit enterprise, son.

Halfway paid off dat PS4. Still scrounging the house for shit I don't want anymore.

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I got my copy of Animal Crossing in the mail today, hope to start playing it in a bit here and get my town going.

I can go through and add the people on here who said they have a Wii U as well when I'm on that next.

That PS4 UI video looks really really meh to me. 

I played all three Smash brothers games a lot and had no problems with any of them, I still personally think it's funny when people want it to be this hardcore fighting game :p


What if we just start slapping friend codes in here again?

Aw shit, whoops, I did it: 1005-9002-5481
Sent you a friend request, mine is 3737-9522-7881

PS4 UI looks like a UI. At least it's not XBone/360 UI. :p
I like the Microsoft UI more personally, just the style of it and probably me getting used to it more. I like having my console/computer/phone all having the same general layout, and the Xbox One UI is just more of the same. That said, I would never not buy a console just because I don't like the UI anyway, it's all about dem games!

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My copy of Animal Crossing won't be here for at least another week and a half I'm guessing.  Looks like Amazon is holding my order until the next batch shipment to Hawaii at the end of the week.  I do have Last of Us in there so that might be why too.

It's hard to say if a UI is good until you (the user) actually interface with it.

With that said, I hate the current 360 UI. It just doesn't feel intuitive, and the ads are huge and distracting. The PS3 one is about as standard as it gets, but at least it's usable.

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The PSN UI on PS3 sucks though, I mean visually it's alright, but in changing it they didn't fix the fact that it's the laggiest store I've ever used.

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The PS4 UI looks pretty straight forward.  lol at the fake "gamers" demonstrating the social media and interactive features.  Friend me Sarah Greene... :drool:

My copy of Animal Crossing won't be here for at least another week and a half I'm guessing. Looks like Amazon is holding my order until the next batch shipment to Hawaii at the end of the week. I do have Last of Us in there so that might be why too.
If it makes you feel better I have it and am currently enjoying it.

The PSN UI on PS3 sucks though, I mean visually it's alright, but in changing it they didn't fix the fact that it's the laggiest store I've ever used.
I also have more trouble finding what I'm looking for ever since they changed the PSN store. (which is my biggest problem with the 360 UI as a whole)

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My copy of Animal Crossing won't be here for at least another week and a half I'm guessing. Looks like Amazon is holding my order until the next batch shipment to Hawaii at the end of the week. I do have Last of Us in there so that might be why too.
If it makes you feel better I have it and am currently enjoying it.

Thanks, I do feel better.

Actually no, I don't.

My copy of Animal Crossing won't be here for at least another week and a half I'm guessing. Looks like Amazon is holding my order until the next batch shipment to Hawaii at the end of the week. I do have Last of Us in there so that might be why too.
If it makes you feel better I have it and am currently enjoying it.

Thanks, I do feel better.

Actually no, I don't.
Darn. I really thought that would make you feel better.

I just saw this on GameFAQs, actually does make the Xbox One a bit more appealing:


It’s a “family” affair
Since its announcement, there has been some confusion over the details of sharing your Xbox One game library with up to ten "family members." Mehdi couldn't give comprehensive details, but he did clarify some things.

For one, a family member doesn't have to be a "blood relative," he said, eliminating the extremely unlikely possibility that the Xbox One would include a built-in blood testing kit. For another, they don't have to live in the primary owner's house—I could name a friend that lives 3,000 miles away as one of my "family members" Mehdi said.

You'll be able to link other Xbox Live accounts as having shared access to your library when you first set up a system and will also be able to add them later on (though specific details of how you manage these relationships is still not being discussed). The only limitation, it seems, is that only one person can be playing the shared copy of a single game at any given time. All in all, this does sound like a pretty convenient feature that's more workable than simply passing discs around amongst friends who are actually in your area."

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