GGT 248 Perfected Luxuria SO HARD, that the next Luxuria Wannabe Felt It.

Most people prefer Sigma over Black, but I really couldn't get into Sigma. That could just be that I played NG1 way, wayyyyy too many times in a short period, though.
Wait really? I never played Sigma, but I love Black and I thought most people considered that the best version.
Yeah, that's all I ever hear from people irl. And I may be wrong, but I feel like the last time we talked about it on Skype, Uraizen said the same thing. I love Black, though. Probably in my top 20 games of all time.

Black >>> Sigma

NG2 >>> Sigma 2

DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC1 > DmC > DMC2

God of War >>> War Gods

Never finished Bayonetta.

Waiting for Rising PC.
NG 2 > NG 1 right dawg?
This is one that I have to think about a bit. NG2 is a lot of fun, a great game, and very offensive minded, but NGB is definitely more polished. As a whole, NGB >>> NG2 to me. Now if that whole Itagaki fiasco didn't happen, and he had more time to finish NG2, then perhaps. . .Sigma 2 doesn't count.

Guys how do I sleep I forget sometimes
Get drunk, work out, wack off, close your eyes.

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No love for No More Heroes? I probably enjoyed that more than most of the over the top action games this generation.

No love for No More Heroes? I probably enjoyed that more than most of the over the top action games this generation.
It was on Wii, so most people probably didn't play it.

I know it was ported to PS3, but that was Move focused or something? I dunno, people weren't happy with it for some reason.

I didn't know they were "action" games, at least in the same vein as the DMCs and NGs and such.

Black >>> Sigma

NG2 >>> Sigma 2

DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC1 > DmC > DMC2

God of War >>> War Gods

Never finished Bayonetta.

Waiting for Rising PC.
Dat truth.

Lollipop Chainsaw > Metal Gear Rising, real talk.
Taking lessons from whoknows, I see.

any of you played way of the samura 3, is it any good?
I liked it you really need a guide to play it. I played it once without a guide apparently didn't make the right choices and had to start over
can you tell me why you need to start over, if you didn't make the right choices?
Cause the game ends. For example you save someone instead of kill them that could cause the game to end for you right there and there is no going back. I forgot what I did but it immediately gave me an ending I think I got married to someone I saved or something

No love for No More Heroes? I probably enjoyed that more than most of the over the top action games this generation.
I love it and it's one of my favorite games this gen, but it's not even in the same genre as DMC or Ninja Gaiden. NMH is more like Lollipop Chainsaw because they're not as fast and the fighting is way more cumbersome when compared to a DMC or Ninja Gaiden. Lollipop Chainsaw/NMH are to NG/DMC as Shadows of the Damned is to Dead Space. Which, after saying that it makes me think that's it may just be a Suda thing.

I still think Sigma > Black.

NG2 is probably better than Sigma 2, but Sigma 2 has co-op/missions which is pretty awesome on it's own.

I can't really comment on DmC since I haven't played it, but I'm not sure I'd rank Heavenly Sword 2 over DMC2. :p

I know an address we need to find for you, friend-o. ;)




There's too many things that have me laughing too hard to even begin to make comments on this.

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Shit. Classes start next week and I totally forgot to choose any.

Why are you fucking up?
Says the person who let the canadian chick aka Leda aka the love of yur life die in XCOM.

Also i've been super late at registering for classes before so we all dun goofed.
It was the games fault. It bugged out after he turn of being mind controlled. Also, she's not the love of my life, gawd. Stop being weird.

I'm concerned about his future and believe that he is not taking it seriously enough. I think he is more occupied with Mr. Worldwide and getting perfected in fighting games and neither of those things are good.

The guy who did the mustaches obviously doesn't know that isn't mega man. fucking casuals

I got a new avatar thanks frosty dawg

No love for No More Heroes? I probably enjoyed that more than most of the over the top action games this generation.
I love it and it's one of my favorite games this gen, but it's not even in the same genre as DMC or Ninja Gaiden. NMH is more like Lollipop Chainsaw because they're not as fast and the fighting is way more cumbersome when compared to a DMC or Ninja Gaiden. Lollipop Chainsaw/NMH are to NG/DMC as Shadows of the Damned is to Dead Space. Which, after saying that it makes me think that's it may just be a Suda thing.
I loved me some SOTD too. Lollipop Chainsaw was the only disappointing Suda game I've played so far.

No love for No More Heroes? I probably enjoyed that more than most of the over the top action games this generation.
I love it and it's one of my favorite games this gen, but it's not even in the same genre as DMC or Ninja Gaiden. NMH is more like Lollipop Chainsaw because they're not as fast and the fighting is way more cumbersome when compared to a DMC or Ninja Gaiden. Lollipop Chainsaw/NMH are to NG/DMC as Shadows of the Damned is to Dead Space. Which, after saying that it makes me think that's it may just be a Suda thing.
I loved me some SOTD too. Lollipop Chainsaw was the only disappointing Suda game I've played so far.
I've loved all of Suda's games, but to me they all pale in comparison to Killer7. That game is the epitome of his game making for me. No More Heroes is the only one that even comes close in terms of my affection.

Guys, would I ever want to buy the Sonic Adventure games?

Probably not, right?

Didn't think so.

I mean, they can't possibly be as good as Sonic 2006.

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Got my Club Nintendo status up to Gold for this year. I like those little calendars they always give out as the Gold rewards, and have only missed getting one of them so far.

Guys, would I ever want to buy the Sonic Adventure games?

Probably not, right?

Didn't think so.

I mean, they can't possibly be as good as Sonic 2006.
The first one's all right. As for the second one, I liked the Knuckles/Rouge levels and that was pretty much it; the Sonic/Shadow levels had worse camera issues than the ones in the first game. At this point, I would only buy them if they're super cheap.

Would like to see Sonic Heroes show up on Steam, though I hear that one has some frustrating bits.
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I never saw the appeal of the Sonic Adventure games.  Thus I have never played them.  The closest I have ever/will ever come is probably having played Sonic Generations.

As far as Club Nintendo goes, I just want to know what games I'll be able to pick from for free... I really don't care about the "exclusive" calendars and the like.  I have enough points stored to almost get me to gold for next year and I still have to buy DKCR3D and the new Zelda when it comes out, which should help a bunch too.  Just waiting for the stuff to roll over in a week or so.

Sonic Generations did Sonic Adventure a huge favor by including a new version of one of the latter's most frustrating levels (Speed Highway) that was actually decent.
Fun fact, the only sonic game I've ever beaten other than the first one is Sonic Heroes.

Wait, that's a lie. I beat Colors on the DS.

This song is on Generations and it is Amazing.

Sonic Music > Mario Music

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Sonic Generations was a great game IMO. I would replay each level for fun every now and then.

All the classes that are available for Summer B are mostly 1 and 2k courses. GG, me. 

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Guys, would I ever want to buy the Sonic Adventure games?

Probably not, right?

Didn't think so.

I mean, they can't possibly be as good as Sonic 2006.
I recently played through both of them and even though they get a lot of hate I absolutely love them still, I played through them a lot on my Dreamcast as well though and going through them again on 360 I thought they were still fun.

I have a fondness for 2.

Mainly for the soundtrack.

The great emerald's power allows me to feel.
Pumpkin Hill!


Sonic Adventure 2 does have awesome music, yeah. Sadly, one of my favorites isn't on the 20th Anniversary version of the OST:


This one is, though, of course:


Sonic Music > Mario Music
Truth. I have way too much Sonic music in my collection (but I'm not done yet) and, uh... I think just one Mario-related album. (ETA: I actually have two. And eight Sonic-related albums.)
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I wish Zebrahead got more work. Always loved their "His World" song. I love most Sonic songs, though. Definitely one of the best soundtracks for a game series ever.

Which reminds me, I need to play Sonic 2006.

This is the best Sonic song that has ever or will ever exist

I remember the first time I used Energy drinks I used them to this song and I felt like I communed with Sonic.

Also, anyone watch this?

I remember seeing it as a kid and I thought it was the epitome of animation.

Sonic X's theme is really the best doe.

Gotta Go Fast.

Gotta Go Fast.

Gotta Go Faster Faster fasterfasterfaster

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No classes in the Summer apparently. Damnit. The ones I need for my major can't be taken because I haven't met the pre-requisites. Legal Psych had great times, too.

I almost bought a 3DS today. I was about to checkout at GS and had to go, "Uhh... nevermind." 

Pokemon X and Y need to be released already. I want that Eevee 3DS.
No classes in the Summer apparently. Damnit. The ones I need for my major can't be taken because I haven't met the pre-requisites. Legal Psych had great times, too.

I almost bought a 3DS today. I was about to checkout at GS and had to go, "Uhh... nevermind."

Pokemon X and Y need to be released already. I want that Eevee 3DS. <3
That's an ugly 3DS.

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bread's done