GGT 320: Out With The Old, In With The Alts

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I would say that I just got major spoilered about the end of the game that one of my favorite character ever is in but I've still yet to finish (or as Indignate would probably say start)... but somehow, unsurprisingly, I was spoiled about it before now.
It's not spoilers that the young detective is in the game.

green ranger so badass they have to shoe hornin some shitty time travel storyline just to bring back the ratings or wasn't he a clone or something I don't know

white ranger is ass

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I barely found out yellow ranger (pretty racist) died in a car crash like 15 years ago

In the original Japanese series, were the Green ranger and White ranger the same person?
there's an original japanese series?

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The one that did gay porn? Cool.

I recently found my red ranger and green ranger toys I had as a kid. I used to have the green ranger dagger flute

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No the other red one, gosh there's only like 15 different ones of each color by now
We're keeping this shit OG we're not going past 151 pokemon dawg fuck those other 15 red ones we're talking jason

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GUNNM Dawg, stop talking to FGC Pros on twitter like if you're friends with them.
I'm just asking eliver ling how do I strengthen my inner chi to withstand a mountain skull crush god and he gave me some shitty answer about armbaring him. You can't armbar that nigga.

I've been watching some ultra streams still the same shitty game but damn decarpe is broken. She can punish fireballs from a long fucking distance. No idea why microsoft didn't make SF 4 the first free game you can get ultra for $15 when it goes free with GwG

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Although blonde sleeping girl being woken up by
Angelina Jolie kissing her

was pretty evil. that girl was totally 16 which is underage.

Although blonde sleeping girl being woken up by
Angelina Jolie kissing her

was pretty evil. that girl was totally 16 which is underage.
What I found crazy was

disney, which made sleeping beauty, is acting like it never happened or something. Since she was wronged by the king she deserved revenge? So she isnt evil?
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I'm assuming GUNNM is going to say the mean thing first since he'll be on before whoknow$


Not a single Toys R'Us nearby has Wonderful 101. I'll just have to buy it off Amazon. I did, however, find a copy of Ninja Gaiden 3: RE for $9 so it wasn't too bad. 

defiance will be free to play on consoles july 15. i will give elder scrolls online 2 years before it goes to f2p

What happens to those of us who own it and have no one to play it with?
if you own it physically on a disc, you can always trade it into gamestop for $ 0.50. if you own it digitally on your console. just delete it, and pretend like you never own/ had it in the first place.

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ugh, a few of my friends came over last night and we ended up having "too much fun" before we played mario kart 8 and yeah, it was something else..

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