GGT 334 Asked Beatles' Sister to go Steady

Can we be wii u friends?

I don't have any that actually use their Wii U
Are we not? I will play Mario Kart every damned night. Think my ID there is ActionKazimer.

No, he should download Payday 2

And Action should stop ignoring me every time I ask him if he wants to play with us.
I don't think I ever saw that. What are you playing on?

Action is too busy playing Hyrule Warriors
*Smash, though I want more time to play HW. Game's dope.

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Kamiya is kinda a dick, everything you ask him about Bayo 2 is "Ask Ninty" even when they're things he could answer but chooses not too just for the sake of coming off as a dick. I respect his work, but that's about it really.

you make me depressed
That's what I'm for.

Good luck Joel! =]

And do this!
Thanks, dawg!

Make sure you use all of your first paycheck to buy multiple copies of Bayonetta 2!
You joke, but that's what I'm using part of my paycheck for!

First day of work wasn't terrible. I trained on register (first time I've ever done that) and even though I made tiny mistakes it wasn't horrible. I had some really nice people train me and was asked out on a date by a 17 year old that trained me for the register. I told her no thanks and let her down super gently but she still invited me and my girlfriend to hangout with her this weekend. Don't think my lady would appreciate going and hanging out with someone ten years younger than her though, so that ain't happening. Tomorrow I'm going to be going more solo and working with the manager everyone hates, so hopefully I can work everything out just fine.

That's what I'm for.

Thanks, dawg!

You joke, but that's what I'm using part of my paycheck for!

First day of work wasn't terrible. I trained on register (first time I've ever done that) and even though I made tiny mistakes it wasn't horrible. I had some really nice people train me and was asked out on a date by a 17 year old that trained me for the register. I told her no thanks and let her down super gently but she still invited me and my girlfriend to hangout with her this weekend. Don't think my lady would appreciate going and hanging out with someone ten years younger than her though, so that ain't happening. Tomorrow I'm going to be going more solo and working with the manager everyone hates, so hopefully I can work everything out just fine.
Sounds like a pretty good first day man! Congrats! =) First days always make me super nervous too so I know how you feel. Also, it feels nice to get hit on by a younger lady doesn't it? Haha. My Wife is older than me and when I worked retail I always got looks from younger girls. Pissed her off. You made a wise move there passing on the get together. Trust me.... <_<

wtf joel

fucking underage women is the one pro of retail

Calm down Jesus_S Preston. The one pro of retail really is....... nah you nailed it.

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probably getting SSS ranks on bayonetta

so good at video games
No "S" ranks in Bayonetta my friend, you get medals. The best being Pure platinum medals, down to stone medals. I have already pure platinumed every level in Bayonetta 1, on every difficulty. :whistle2:

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Can we be wii u friends?

I don't have any that actually use their Wii U
Says the guy who doesn't use his Wii U :D

I ended up pre-ordering Super Smash Bros. Wii U, so I'll be there day one.
Can't wait for this, gonna be fun! Hopefully we'll get more sessions going for that then the 3DS one, which also needs to be played more! :p

But you needed Orochi 3.

Mociwe wanted to play it with you.
It is a pretty fun game, the online is only so-so though.

Are we not? I will play Mario Kart every damned night. Think my ID there is ActionKazimer.
I feel like this needs to happen again.

Haaayy GGT. Got my Wii U and ready for Bayonetra. Sexist game is sexist.

No "S" ranks in Bayonetta my friend, you get medals. The best being Pure platinum medals, down to stone medals. I have already pure platinumed every level in Bayonetta 1, on every difficulty. :whistle2:
I can only get silver on some of the latter levels of Bayonetta 1, but I blame that on the crappy PS3 port and not my mad skillz. Can't wait to see how much better the Wii U version will be.

Why is whoknows liking my 5-year old posts from old GGTs? Is he time traveling again or just drunk?
Haaayy GGT. Got my Wii U and ready for Bayonetra. Sexist game is sexist.

I can only get silver on some of the latter levels of Bayonetta 1, but I blame that on the crappy PS3 port and not my mad skillz. Can't wait to see how much better the Wii U version will be.

Why is whoknows liking my 5-year old posts from old GGTs? Is he time traveling again or just drunk?
I just wanted you to know you were missed!

Also I couldn't like them back then because there was no like button!

I just wanted you to know you were missed!

Also I couldn't like them back then because there was no like button!
Makes sense. I haven't been back to CAG for awhile because of my anti-social personality taking over for a few months. Now, new pills have allowed my normal asshole persona to regain dominance. Medication is a game and I play to win.
Just. Like. Before.

My normal pattern is to be an active GGT poster for a few weeks, followed by a month or two of maybe 1 post a day, then a couple months were I post every few days, then silence for six months. Then when you least expect it, here I am again ready to replay and reply.
I have been thumbing thru some recent GGTs and see a couple new faces and some old faces pretending to be new faces that aren't fooling me. Otherwise, same 'ole GGT. Thats pretty cool that this group has stuck around for as long as it has.

Hey Indignate, whats up with Leda? Noticing a very real lack of scene girls here nowadays.

Haaayy GGT. Got my Wii U and ready for Bayonetra. Sexist game is sexist.

I can only get silver on some of the latter levels of Bayonetta 1, but I blame that on the crappy PS3 port and not my mad skillz. Can't wait to see how much better the Wii U version will be.

Why is whoknows liking my 5-year old posts from old GGTs? Is he time traveling again or just drunk?
Nice my friend, can we be U friends? I just got my U all setup for that co-op in Bayo 2, it's going to be epic and I need people to play with!. (Joel, Action, Mo, Beatles, Chizu?) You guys wanna be U friends? Those last few levels in Bayonetta on PS3 were awful. The framerate would slllloooowwww way down to a crawl. Even installing it, and the patch didn't help those later levels at all. Also, whoknows is doing that for a reason...... :whistle2:

who is this
He's a GGT vet. Oh wait nvm I read the rest of the posts after replying. :lol:

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bread's done