GGT 337 is down with ADS, OPP, BYOB, DTF, & ADHD.

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Halo? Driveclub? AC Unity?

What the hell happened to releasing games that WORK? It's getting worse. I guess gamers don't mind paying $60 to be a beta tester?
I'm pretty sure someone was....

I like reading how awful halo is now and this is coming from people who have been playing since the first. there is still one fan boy who is sticking up for it though...
I'm liking halo. I'll always be a big halo fan I don't care if MP doesn't work I barely have time to play any games I have now. Get off work have two hours before I crash out ugh

Halo? Driveclub? AC Unity?

What the hell happened to releasing games that WORK? It's getting worse. I guess gamers don't mind paying $60 to be a beta tester?
Seems like Dragon Age is having problems for me now as well, so many games not working fully right away definitely does suck.

I'm liking halo. I'll always be a big halo fan I don't care if MP doesn't work I barely have time to play any games I have now. Get off work have two hours before I crash out ugh
I am also like Halo a bunch, already have over 24 hours of game time even though it's not 100% working, just have to be patient/know how to trick the system to get it working better. Once it's fixed it's gonna be great though


Its quiet in here.... too quiet...
How fast Halo 1/2 switch between classic and anniversary is awesome, big improvement over CEA on the 360. Finally did a campaign mission, too much multiplayer to be played! :p

Switching over now, got to do something in about 2 hours so that's around how long I'll play, lets see if I can make my character in that amount of time even lol
Lol, that's cool with me! :D

I'm there where are you lol, don't tell me I missed it already!

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Awesome stream Mo, thanks for playing man it was really enjoyable and I laughed a ton.

Also.... Dat hat!
Thanks :D It's a fun game so far and it was nice talking to someone. I was messing around/having fun a lot, I always like to that and I'm glad that you enjoyed me doing it, I was laughing at some of the stuff I was doing as well.

Screw dat hat!

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