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Why do videos that don't suck have these ugly-ass thumbnails? fuck you, people who do Youtube videos.

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The Mass Effect 3 DLC is on sale and I was wondering if any were worth the purchase. I will probably grab Citadel. While I played the first two ME games several times, I only played thru the third one once because of the disappointing end and generally not being as good as ME2.
Citadel is especially worth it, but they're all pretty solid. I really liked ME3 a lot though. I know that tarnishes my opinions for some people.

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lol too much water wut

Yay! I love messing around in games, you can see why it takes me so long to beat certain games when I play them though haha
Haha, for sure but I do the same thing with the exploring and general messing around in games. Shit is FUN. People forgot what that means though.

Citadel is especially worth it, but they're all pretty solid. I really liked ME3 a lot though. I know that tarnishes my opinions for some people.
It's tarnished so bad.

ME3 is the best or possibly second best in the trilogy.

ME1 is the worst because it's unfinished garbage with shitty gameplay and a terribly generic and cliche story.

ME3 is the best or possibly second best in the trilogy.

ME1 is the worst because it's unfinished garbage with shitty gameplay and a terribly generic and cliche story.
The only correct answer here is.....

Miku. Miku is love. Miku is life.

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It's tarnished so bad.
Yeah, yeah. I've debated the game's worth for like a solid year. I'm super done with that conversation. Certainly not the first time I've loved something a bunch of other people don't. I was the only Majora's Mask kid on the Ocarina of Time block, I'm pretty used to it.

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Gonna stream a bit of Dragon Age after I grab some food, was gonna try some Far Cry was well but it's not delivered yet so not sure if that will happen today or not. 

Yeah, yeah. I've debated the game's worth for like a solid year. I'm super done with that conversation. Certainly not the first time I've loved something a bunch of other people don't. I was the only Majora's Mask kid on the Ocarina of Time block, I'm pretty used to it.
Haha, I was actually j/k around my friend. When it comes to ME I prefer ME2 myself, it seemed to do everything perfect. ME1 was too slow paced for me, and the ending of ME3 ruined that game for me. But yeah. As for OOT and MM I love OOT and think MM is just OK. Everyone has different tastes in games so it's cool, that's what makes people unique after-all.

That's lame, the chat makes everything better. =(
Yeah, especially with the town part being a whole bunch of gathering and talking to npcs, I left like half the npcs for the next time I play now, that's going to take a while. It was fun talking to you then when it stopped I was just trying to say stuff still in case people were listening lol.

Yeah, especially with the town part being a whole bunch of gathering and talking to npcs, I left like half the npcs for the next time I play now, that's going to take a while. It was fun talking to you then when it stopped I was just trying to say stuff still in case people were listening lol.
I was sitting here wondering how come you weren't replying to all the stuff I was saying, then I heard you say you think the chat died so I reloaded the page and it was indeed broken lol.I had a blast watching you play though man, it was great fun, and I still continued to watch after the chat was broke. Like 30-45mins more of it. I gotta sig some of the stuff you said it was golden lol.

This place looks like...... LOOT!


ME3 is the best or possibly second best in the trilogy.

ME1 is the worst because it's unfinished garbage with shitty gameplay and a terribly generic and cliche story.
The Mako though...

No, ME1 was pretty awful from a gameplay standpoint compared to 2 and 3.


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I was sitting here wondering how come you weren't replying to all the stuff I was saying, then I heard you say you think the chat died so I reloaded the page and it was indeed broken lol.I had a blast watching you play though man, it was great fun, and I still continued to watch after the chat was broke. Like 30-45mins more of it. I gotta sig some of the stuff you said it was golden lol.

This place looks like...... LOOT!

Yeah, I noticed nothing was showing up for a while, so I went to my computer and the chat was just spinning so I figured it was dead haha.

I <3 my loot!

No midnight smash for me, BB isn't doing one :(

I'll be picking it up sometime tomorrow then, so can play later tomorrow night or over the weekend with anyone who gets it! 

Today will be more streaming of Far Cry, Halo, and/or Dragon Age :p

Can't wait for Smash to be broken and Nintendo to be like "we weren't expecting people to actually play it"
Haha, I could actually see that happening! Let's hope they learned from the 3DS though, cause I heard the online for that was iffy.

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I will pick up Smash sometime this weekend most likely. Gotta do a bunch of work for my grandmother's kitchen Saturday (installing new sink, faucet, dishwasher and countertops) then Sat night is my nephews b-day party so I doubt I'll get to play much until Sunday.

I just know this weekend the Smash servers will be....smashed. No matter how good the online is or is not, it's probably gonna be crazy.
No one ever notices me :( :( :(
I actually saw you on for the first time last night, it was like right when I was getting off to go to bed lol. I think you were playing MK.

I play! I've just been busy the last few days with the holidays growing closer and stuff.
Understandable my friend, plus you've been moving stuff too. I just don't really see a lot of people on the U, thus my buying smash has been delayed atm.

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Buying right now.
Played a while more, kept feeling more and more like it. Pretty much a nicer looking Far Cry 3 with a few new things that are pretty fun. Which in a way is all I wanted since I loved Far Cry 3.

I actually saw you on for the first time last night, it was like right when I was getting off to go to bed lol. I think you were playing MK.

Understandable my friend, plus you've been moving stuff too. I just don't really see a lot of people on the U, thus my buying smash has been delayed atm.
When Smash comes out I'll be on mine more, so many other games have been coming out lately that I want to play though haha.

With control, life has purpose but is control just an illusion?
I have no clue beatles? That is an interesting thought. What in life do we control? Is there anything in our control?

Grabbing Smash and some amiibos tomorrow, I will definitely be on playing we just need to communicate with each other the best times everyone will be on.
Played a while more, kept feeling more and more like it. Pretty much a nicer looking Far Cry 3 with a few new things that are pretty fun. Which in a way is all I wanted since I loved Far Cry 3.

When Smash comes out I'll be on mine more, so many other games have been coming out lately that I want to play though haha.
Haha, well you just got a shit ton this week man, I understand you not being on.

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