GGT 345 Now Has Enhanced Jiggle Physics

Wacky Miku is best Miku.

Closely followed by inhumanly fast-singing Miku (skip ahead to around 3:34).
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Okay, Pillars.



I forgive you for your weird fanbase. You have my permission to be good.

The psychopaths in Dead Rising 3 are a whole other level. I'm only on chapter three and two so far have been extremely disturbing.
A lot of hardcore fans of particular genres or franchises are like that unfortunately. The halo fanbase is like there, where some of the "fans" won't be happy at goddamn anything.
As a part of that community, I agree with this so much, I actually enjoy all of the Halo games, and saying that within the Halo community will make people say that I'm wrong a lot haha

I don't want to get too off-topic, but you see, I'm playing this game right now...

I'm on the level "ISVDECK1" in Unreal's campaign; from what I remember (it's been at least a couple weeks since I last played it), I have to beat around a dozen of the fast guys in a set of narrow corridors. I gave it a few attempts before quitting and starting Valkyria Chronicles instead.

Wondering if I should go back to it. Problem is, even though the map design is so good, Unreal's story is pretty terribad, and there's not much else about the game that's grabbing me. I'm also low on flak cannon ammo, which doesn't help. How much more of the campaign is there left? Should I tough it out?

tl;dr: playing the Half-Life series last year has probably ruined me for most all other FPSes now and forever.
Half-Life has an amazing story yes, a lot of FPS games aren't going to be for the story though so if that's what you are going for, yeah Half-Life is going to set that bar high. Unreal is for sure about the action/guns, not the story, so if that's not appealing to you I would probably say it isn't worth going forward. Some of the recent shooters have been having pretty good stories still though, such as the new Wolfenstein and Far Crys.

The psychopaths in Dead Rising 3 are a whole other level. I'm only on chapter three and two so far have been extremely disturbing.
Definitely, I felt they were way too easy to fight compared to the older games, but on like a crazy/disturbing scale they definitely got that down :D

Half-Life has an amazing story yes, a lot of FPS games aren't going to be for the story though so if that's what you are going for, yeah Half-Life is going to set that bar high. Unreal is for sure about the action/guns, not the story, so if that's not appealing to you I would probably say it isn't worth going forward. Some of the recent shooters have been having pretty good stories still though, such as the new Wolfenstein and Far Crys.
I didn't expect much from Unreal's story (nor do I for most other FPSes), but it is SO BAD. In addition to the Half-Lifes, last year I played Hard Reset; it had a very messy/cliched story, but it was still better than Unreal's.

(On a semi-related note, I recommend the Let's Play of Dare to Dream. And Hard Reset, when it's on sale on Steam.)

And again, I never have enough flak cannon ammo. I played a lot of multiplayer UT back in the day and it was my favorite weapon, so that's been annoying.

I may give it another go, but ehh...
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Definitely, I felt they were way too easy to fight compared to the older games, but on like a crazy/disturbing scale they definitely got that down :D
I think part of it is that they finally nailed the controls for moving and aiming. I almost want the original DR to be remastered with the improved aiming controls and AI. I also haven't felt particularly rushed on this playthrough which is interesting. I think that was intentional though, since there seems to be a mode (Nightmare?) that is more like the traditional DR experience.

I didn't expect much from Unreal's story (nor do I for most other FPSes), but it is SO BAD. In addition to the Half-Lifes, last year I played Hard Reset; it had a very messy/cliched story, but it was still better than Unreal's.

(On a semi-related note, I recommend the Let's Play of Dare to Dream. And Hard Reset, when it's on sale on Steam.)

And again, I never have enough flak cannon ammo. I played a lot of multiplayer UT back in the day and it was my favorite weapon, so that's been annoying.

I may give it another go, but ehh...
I think you are expecting too much out of Unreal. You have to remember that it came out the same year as Half-Life and is much much closer to Quake 2 in terms of gameplay and design. It doesn't make it a bad game, it's just an older approach to the genre that really isn't present these days.
I think part of it is that they finally nailed the controls for moving and aiming. I almost want the original DR to be remastered with the improved aiming controls and AI. I also haven't felt particularly rushed on this playthrough which is interesting. I think that was intentional though, since there seems to be a mode (Nightmare?) that is more like the traditional DR experience.

I think you are expecting too much out of Unreal. You have to remember that it came out the same year as Half-Life and is much much closer to Quake 2 in terms of gameplay and design. It doesn't make it a bad game, it's just an older approach to the genre that really isn't present these days.
(1) Nightmare mode is the only way DR3 can truly be considered a DR game. The clock/save/level system is what *made* DR special.

(2) Holy shit, that makes me feel old. I remember when Unreal came out, I think. Freshman year of college back in 1998. I don't know that either myself or my roommate ever finished it though. That was also the time frame for Quake 2 and Baldur's Gate. I think the Quake 3 demo was out in Spring of '99.

I think you are expecting too much out of Unreal. You have to remember that it came out the same year as Half-Life and is much much closer to Quake 2 in terms of gameplay and design. It doesn't make it a bad game, it's just an older approach to the genre that really isn't present these days.
It is more arena-style than I was expecting, that's for sure. Going by my experience with Unreal so far, apparently, I only like that sort of FPS when it comes to multiplayer.
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You guys ever plan a whole big weekend of shit to get done and it just be totally wrecked. Essentially what my weekend was. Blech.

Hopefully I get a decent amount of stuff done today and tomorrow. 

Anyone getting Borderlands on PS4 next week?

Anyone getting Borderlands on PS4 next week?
Probably two copies. One of the few games the lady and I play together. Neither of us have played the Pre-Sequel, and I never got around to trying out Krieg or playing the Tiny Tina DLC, so I'm actually pretty stoked to get back it. Not stoked about all the head/color farming I did on 360, but I think I'll get over it.

You guys ever plan a whole big weekend of shit to get done and it just be totally wrecked. Essentially what my weekend was. Blech.

Hopefully I get a decent amount of stuff done today and tomorrow.

Anyone getting Borderlands on PS4 next week?
No. Next week is the coming of the game I bought a PS4 for. Why would I bother with Borderlands when it's just what I already own on PC and paid like $5 for?

Probably two copies. One of the few games the lady and I play together. Neither of us have played the Pre-Sequel, and I never got around to trying out Krieg or playing the Tiny Tina DLC, so I'm actually pretty stoked to get back it. Not stoked about all the head/color farming I did on 360, but I think I'll get over it.
Speaking of... why would you grab the PS4 version when I know you're a capable PC gamer? :whistle2:?

No. Next week is the coming of the game I bought a PS4 for. Why would I bother with Borderlands when it's just what I already own on PC and paid like $5 for?

Speaking of... why would you grab the PS4 version when I know you're a capable PC gamer? :whistle2:?
Bloodborne? Is it going to be good? Honestly, I didn't even realize so much stuff was coming out this month until I just looked. And I mainly got it for Presequel because I haven't played it yet.

I'm like, why bother with Borderlands at all?

I'm a #hater though.
Yeah, I expected dat, doe. <3

Probably two copies. One of the few games the lady and I play together. Neither of us have played the Pre-Sequel, and I never got around to trying out Krieg or playing the Tiny Tina DLC, so I'm actually pretty stoked to get back it. Not stoked about all the head/color farming I did on 360, but I think I'll get over it.
Sweeet! Krieg is awesome, but I haven't played any of the other stuff you haven't played either. I started up Tiny Tina's DLC and I laughed at some of the Dark Souls jokes, but quit pretty early on. And I AGREE! I had almost all of the goddamned colors and heads for my Siren on 360 and now I've got to do that alllll over again. Blech.

Bloodborne? Is it going to be good? Honestly, I didn't even realize so much stuff was coming out this month until I just looked. And I mainly got it for Presequel because I haven't played it yet.
I'm inclined to think it should be.

It's made by FROM. Their last 3 games I played were Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2. Together, they rival my PAYDAY2 playtime. I've "platinumed" all 3 and I thought Bloodborne looked good enough TO BUY A CONSOLE FOR. :rofl:

Maybe it won't be good.

But I really hope and think that it should deliver.

I'll probably stream a large part of it to twitch, so you can check that out if you're curious.

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I'm inclined to think it should be.

It's made by FROM. Their last 3 games I played were Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2. Together, they rival my PAYDAY2 playtime. I've "platinumed" all 3 and I thought Bloodborne looked good enough TO BUY A CONSOLE FOR. :rofl:

Maybe it won't be good.

But I really hope and think that it should deliver.

I'll probably stream a large part of it to twitch, so you can check that out if you're curious.
I realize now that my question was likely silly, but thank you for answering all the same. I really liked the trailer and would love to watch you stream it! When you do, just throw your link in here, Frostylicious! :D

I really liked the style of it in the trailer, so maybe I'll even pick it up down the line.

As for Dead Rising. I feel like the "Nightmare" mode in DR3 is the only true way to play the game. DR1, 2, Case Zero, Case West, and Off the Record were all great because of the time limits. I've never had a game that I loved so much because of the limits it put on me.

I'll be interested in seeing what you all think of Bloodborne, definitely something I'll be looking into when I get a PS4. My favorite series from FROM is still Armored Core though, hope we can get a new one or a collection or something at least :)

Probably two copies. One of the few games the lady and I play together. Neither of us have played the Pre-Sequel, and I never got around to trying out Krieg or playing the Tiny Tina DLC, so I'm actually pretty stoked to get back it. Not stoked about all the head/color farming I did on 360, but I think I'll get over it.
All good DLCs, I played through them all except some of the holiday ones, I'll be getting the collection on Xbox One at some point. Sucks that the content you can carry over only works if you played on the same line of systems originally.

I have had a crazy night. Played a ton of matches in DOA with Adam, went to a Hookah bar with my lady (she got tipsy, so I was DDD), and then we picked up McDonalds. Overall, not a bad night. I also started up AC Unity this morning and I didn't hate it. I found Arno to actually be pretty fun.

bread's done