- New and Used Games [No Current Codes]


43 (100%)

(Revolving games by different sellers.)

Current Codes/Promotions

Enter code 'endofsummer11sale' at the product page to receive $5 off on all games, movies, books, cds, etc. (Minimum $7.00 order)

[working as of 08/27]

Condition of games: "You can find more about the condition of an item by hovering your mouse pointer over the little gray circle with an "i" in it. It's a bit small, I agree, but basically, "Excellent" means the disc, case, and instructions appear almost new and "Good" means the disc may have light scratches from normal wear, but the case may be a little banged up or replaced and it may even be a formal rental. In all cases though, the game must play perfectly".
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I've purchased a few things now. Sometimes I get the game extremely fast and sometimes extremely slow, but so far I love the site. No real problems.
I apologize if this has already been asked /answered (I at least looked through a few pages before posting this), but I was wondering if anyone could tell me why I find the price for CoD: WaW (http://$$$$$$$/bMT4Jd) at $22.75 for Excellent condition, but when I go to list the game for sale (http://$$$$$$$/bGckWW), the maximum I can list the game for is $11.75 (says market price is $9.50).

I have one hypothesis: Is this because someone had listed the game at that price a while back and just hasn't sold it yet? What do you think? Thanks in advance for any help!
[quote name='Chaos242']I apologize if this has already been asked /answered (I at least looked through a few pages before posting this), but I was wondering if anyone could tell me why I find the price for CoD: WaW (http://$$$$$$$/bMT4Jd) at $22.75 for Excellent condition, but when I go to list the game for sale (http://$$$$$$$/bGckWW), the maximum I can list the game for is $11.75 (says market price is $9.50).

I have one hypothesis: Is this because someone had listed the game at that price a while back and just hasn't sold it yet? What do you think? Thanks in advance for any help![/QUOTE]

Those are bit(dot)ly addresses, btw!
Just got my first game, Army of Two for $6, got in 8 days which is awesome and condition was perfect! Definitely getting a few more games once i get paid!
[quote name='Dr. Strangepork']Have had poor experience so far on my one and only transaction on Found a buyer for FIFA 10 for PS3. Received the mailer and send it the next day as instructed. Postal Service lists it as having processed but not delivered. That was on May 27.

USPS is trying to track it down but has requested the shipping address. Unfortunately, the only place to find that is on the original mailer. It isn't listed anywhere in my account. Have asked Glyde for help with this with no response to date.

Multiple emails to Glyde have gone unanswered. They haven't even acknowledged that they've received an email from me.

I'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume the item has been delivered. However, unless the buyer acknowledges receipt and condition, I don't get my money.

In cases where the item is presumed lost by the USPS, buyer and seller split the cost. Nice deal for the buyer if you ask me.

So a word of warning. There is little protection, unlike eBay and others, if a deal goes south.[/QUOTE]

hey atleast you get something back, on ebay they can claim not recieved and yet still get it and you are screwed.
[quote name='oldboy26']on ebay they can claim not recieved and yet still get it and you are screwed.[/QUOTE]

That's why you should always provide tracking.

Just awhile back I sold someone a sealed copy of FFXIII (PS3) and they said they didn't receive it. Well surprise, surprise, the tracking info said the item was delivered. The person opened a PayPal dispute against me as well so I just submitted my proof of shipping/delivery and their dispute was closed. Pretty hard to pull a fast one on people when you leave little wiggle room. Another way to curb this kind of thing is making it so they have to sign for it - "electronic signature"? - that way it's almost full-proof; there is literally no way they can rip you off then. The latter option is ideal if you have sold something worth quite a bit, and trust me, it's worth the "trouble"; I've had at least 3 people try to scam me with that whole "I didn't get it" line, only for me to pimp-slap them back to planet Earth with my proof. :lol:
I just ordered Dragon Quest V in excellent condition for $27.30 after using glyde2. Seems like a really nice web site and the prices don't seem bad at all comparing them to ebay prices for the same games.

I hope all goes well with my first glyde transaction!
wooo sold

imagine teacher for little over 15 shipped

this will be my 3rd game sold

Will probally allow the 15 to stay there and use it to buy stuff (unless i sell something else)

totals under 30 isnt worth taking out
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Its "okay" for the seller. 10% and 1.25 for the mailer market range i guess. The key is they tell you how much YOUR game/s are worth. Well maybe worth to them but MY games are worth more to ME then what they say (sometimes) are worth. I had some really good examples but forgot and i dont feel like researching it. I know they will say well thats "market value". I guess it would be better if there was more of a price range gap i guess. I just like to price MY games anything lower i will keep it.
I Placed about 5 orders last week on cheap xbox games that i never got around to playing and still haven't heard anything about them being shipped out or anything. Good thing i'm not in a huge hurry to receive the games...
[quote name='Chaos242']I apologize if this has already been asked /answered (I at least looked through a few pages before posting this), but I was wondering if anyone could tell me why I find the price for CoD: WaW (http://$$$$$$$/bMT4Jd) at $22.75 for Excellent condition, but when I go to list the game for sale (http://$$$$$$$/bGckWW), the maximum I can list the game for is $11.75 (says market price is $9.50).

I have one hypothesis: Is this because someone had listed the game at that price a while back and just hasn't sold it yet? What do you think? Thanks in advance for any help![/QUOTE]

i didn't click on your link, but from my experience selling on there, as their 'market value' goes down, the highest possible listing price allowed by them goes down as well. For those who listed games eons before you, when they listed their game, the market price was higher, allowing them to list at a higher price that what you could now.

Glyde has been buggin me to lower the prices on some of my games, but since i have the only game on there, i don't want to change my price... and if i do change my price, i wouldn't be able to put them back at the price i have now... this is how i know all this...
[quote name='yarkitty123']That's why you should always provide tracking.

Just awhile back I sold someone a sealed copy of FFXIII (PS3) and they said they didn't receive it. Well surprise, surprise, the tracking info said the item was delivered. The person opened a PayPal dispute against me as well so I just submitted my proof of shipping/delivery and their dispute was closed. Pretty hard to pull a fast one on people when you leave little wiggle room. Another way to curb this kind of thing is making it so they have to sign for it - "electronic signature"? - that way it's almost full-proof; there is literally no way they can rip you off then. The latter option is ideal if you have sold something worth quite a bit, and trust me, it's worth the "trouble"; I've had at least 3 people try to scam me with that whole "I didn't get it" line, only for me to pimp-slap them back to planet Earth with my proof. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Not always. If the person files a chargeback directly through their credit card company instead of Paypal, you the seller will ALWAYS lose. PayPal will never dispute a charge against a credit card company even if you have all of the proof in the world. I experienced this personally, I had tracking proof, signatures, email correspondences with the buyer verifying both his identity and address, pictures of items during packing process, verified/confirmed delivery addresses. His delivery address matched the address associated with his work email address, I googled the guys name and company found him on their website and the company address, he was a VP of something. Pretty slam dunk case imo. Three months later Paypal said there was insufficient evidence to dispute the claim. In the end PayPal tried to take $1000 out of my bank account to put my PayPal account back at a positive standing aka. $0 instead of -$1000. I stopped dealing with eBay/PayPal after that point. I had over 400 Positive Stars, the guy I was selling to had over 3000 Positive Stars both verified and confirmed addresses. I later found out that this guy had been doing this to other people and getting away with it and he account was still active purchasing large ticket items.
[quote name='Dr. Strangepork']Have had poor experience so far on my one and only transaction on Found a buyer for FIFA 10 for PS3. Received the mailer and send it the next day as instructed. Postal Service lists it as having processed but not delivered. That was on May 27.

USPS is trying to track it down but has requested the shipping address. Unfortunately, the only place to find that is on the original mailer. It isn't listed anywhere in my account. Have asked Glyde for help with this with no response to date.

Multiple emails to Glyde have gone unanswered. They haven't even acknowledged that they've received an email from me.

I'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume the item has been delivered. However, unless the buyer acknowledges receipt and condition, I don't get my money.

In cases where the item is presumed lost by the USPS, buyer and seller split the cost. Nice deal for the buyer if you ask me.

So a word of warning. There is little protection, unlike eBay and others, if a deal goes south.[/QUOTE]

It's completely up to the buyer to acknowledge receipt but they're given a certain window, after a couple days after the item has been delivered it will automatically acknowledge the sale on the buyers behalf and send you money. The packages have tracking on them, so once it's delivered it will countdown the days for the person to acknowledge delivery. I've sold about 6 games this way and most people do not acknowledge delivery immediately upon receiving item.
so i took a game to the post office today and was told by the worker there


and tossed it on a back shelf..

game still has no tracking info even though i dropped it off at 10am... should i be worried ???
I wouldn't worry they typically get scanned after the pickup from the local office and at the distribution center. That usually happens the night you mail (for me it's usually around midnight), or the night after.

Every glyde game/stuff I've sold on ebay using paypal shipipng gets updated like that. The exception is when I actually wait in line for the postal worker and buy postage, they scan it there and you have an instant update.
[quote name='slidecage']so i took a game to the post office today and was told by the worker there


and tossed it on a back shelf..

game still has no tracking info even though i dropped it off at 10am... should i be worried ???[/QUOTE]

I'm glad that my post office has a sort of drive through, so you can just put everything in, in like a few seconds. It works great with me since nothing has gone wrong with any of the 30+ games i've sold. Lol
I love this site, I've sold so many games, just added Mega Man Battle Network 5 Double Team DS excellent condition for sell, it goes for 20 bucks, I paid 17 for it.
Just a heads up to current users that there is now a refer a friend program that gives you $2 for new users, and $10 bonus for getting 5 friends. You can find details on your glyde homepage.
Can Anyone tell me why my Red Dead Redemption is taking two weeks to get here. The last two games i got were here in less than a week. I bought it on the 14th, and it says the 26th, and still no change to the tracking info, is this happening to anyone else.
[quote name='LifelessHaseo']Can Anyone tell me why my Red Dead Redemption is taking two weeks to get here. The last two games i got were here in less than a week. I bought it on the 14th, and it says the 26th, and still no change to the tracking info, is this happening to anyone else.[/QUOTE]
Yes, I'm still waiting for something I ordered on the 8th.
[quote name='redsox721']Yes, I'm still waiting for something I ordered on the 8th.[/QUOTE]

That sucks, i wonder why this is happening, is the company facing problems or what?
[quote name='LifelessHaseo']That sucks, i wonder why this is happening, is the company facing problems or what?[/QUOTE] is not shipping your game, another user like you is. They might have taken awhile to mail the game out, one game I purchased came late because the seller was out of town when the game sold, and they sent it when they got back. If 2 days past your dlivered by date and nothing has changed I would email glyde support. They will email the seller and figure out what is wrong.
Hi everyone. My Red Dead Redemption still isn't here. Did anyone sell this on glyde on the 14th, cuz whats the hold up. I can't wait anymore, it's slowly killing me
In my experience, Glyde was great for selling, and not so great for buying. I received more for my games than I would have most places. Then I tried to use my credit up, and I got three no ships in a row. They apologized, gave my money back (after about two weeks of waiting), and threw a $3 coupon on the last one. I got tired of it though; cashed out the credit to my bank account a few days ago and just got what I wanted from the hasting's b2g1 sale instead.
[quote name='gnargnargnar']In my experience, Glyde was great for selling, and not so great for buying. I received more for my games than I would have most places. Then I tried to use my credit up, and I got three no ships in a row. They apologized, gave my money back (after about two weeks of waiting), and threw a $3 coupon on the last one. I got tired of it though; cashed out the credit to my bank account a few days ago and just got what I wanted from the hasting's b2g1 sale instead.[/QUOTE]

My little GIF friend up there, shows what Glyde is doing to me. but your right, selling your stuff and sending it responsivley, is better than most other sites.
[quote name='LifelessHaseo']Hi everyone. My Red Dead Redemption still isn't here. Did anyone sell this on glyde on the 14th, cuz whats the hold up. I can't wait anymore, it's slowly killing me

It's only been a week...
Well, I received Dragon Quest V in the mail for DS, and it was a bootlegged game. So I told Glyde and they said I'd only have to pay half the return fee and original shipping, which I thought was absurd since I received an ILLEGAL product. I e-mail customer service and they're putting the difference into my glyde account, which is okay I guess, but I'm a little miffed about the whole experience and I would have preferred to just get all my cash back for the transaction.
[quote name='life.exe']It's only been a week...[/QUOTE]

I spent $48 on Red Dead Redemption. I at least want my moneys worth.
Did ANYONE sell this on the 14th.
[quote name='LifelessHaseo']I spent $48 on Red Dead Redemption. I at least want my moneys worth.
Did ANYONE sell this on the 14th.[/QUOTE]
Hey stupid, when you buy something on Glyde, the mailer first has to be shipped to the seller from Glyde, who then has 24 hours to ship to you. It can take more than 7 days.
[quote name='LifelessHaseo']I spent $48 on Red Dead Redemption. I at least want my moneys worth.
Did ANYONE sell this on the 14th.[/QUOTE]

The 14th was last Monday. Assuming it takes 3 days for Glyde to ship the bubble mailer to the seller, that's the 17th. Give the seller 2 days to ship it out, that's the 19th.

If you're that worried about a game taking a week or so to get to you, maybe you should have spent a couple bucks extra and just bought a copy from a store.
The Transactions page finally changed, should be here friday or saturday. I got an email from Glyde saying the person who sold it, was still playing it. wtf.
[quote name='LifelessHaseo']The Transactions page finally changed, should be here friday or saturday. I got an email from Glyde saying the person who sold it, was still playing it. wtf.[/QUOTE]
It'd be cool if you could e-mail the guy and be like, "Get your grubby hands off my game, biotch!"
[quote name='LifelessHaseo']The Transactions page finally changed, should be here friday or saturday. I got an email from Glyde saying the person who sold it, was still playing it. wtf.[/QUOTE]

LMAO thats some classic stuff there, still playing it? Hah!
Ordered ODST on the 14th and it said ETA 6/23. Well, mail just arrived. Guess what? No game... /facepalm. Also no emails from Glyde asking if my game got here and if so was it in said condition. WTF? No clue what to do seeming as the USPS tracking thing doesn't work for me for some unknown reason. I've been checking the tracking every day since I ordered it and even signed up for the email notifications thing but all it ever says (which it says right f%#$ing now) is "Electronic Shipping Info Received"

What to do... what to do...?
The only problem with websites like this is you have no way to contact the sellers. It is up to Glyde to relay those messages, as soon as they can get to them. Then it is up to the seller to contact them, so on, and so forth.
was able to dump

Imagine: Teacher Ds for 15.18 picked it off goozex for 200 pts played it and got bored with it

so far picked up with the money

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin DS 5.80 complete
Trauma Center: Under the Knife DS 6.30 complete

and still have almost 3 bucks credti left

that will be a very nice flip if they really come

can filp them back to goozex for 200 for knife and 250 for the other game or toss them to amazon :)

7.50 and 250 BLAH probally keep them and toss them back on glyde later
I don't understand how Glyde is handling NSMB (Wii). You can buy it for $45 (new), but if you sell it, you can only sell it for $30 (new). Where is that $15 coming from? I thought the listings from users set the price on the market and they just took a 15% cut?

Maybe it's because there are no copies being sold by users (as far as I can tell).

I put Uncharted 2 (new) up on there, but I doubt it sells. Market price was $42 or so, but I said I'd take $41. Price on eBay is cheaper, about $35 or so... Hmm...
Emailed Glyde around and hour and a half ago, no reply back; not even automated one telling me that they got my email and would get back to me soon.
Glyde files the shipping info with USPS as soon as the send the envelope to the seller to send to you. So, if all it says is electronic info received, the seller has not even given the envelope to the USPS. Once the seller ships your game, it should say something like "being processed at facility" or some such. Soooo, probably not much Glyde can do other than cancel the order.
So it's been basically 10 days and the chap still hasn't managed to put the game in the envelope and put it in the mail...? I thought you had 2 days to ship it off. Looks like I won't be playing Halo for a while... >=/
bread's done