GOG Deals Thread

Ah Sword of Stars the pit....a pretty slow rogue-like game. It's very solid....just not very fun....I can't explain it. It has an OK amount of variety and the gun stuff is alright....just not very fun....I need to play it again. The DLCs are solid though....add a decent amount, similar to the Dungeons of Dredmor ones....just not my favorite and I love rogue and rogue-like games. 

Also not a huge fan of another rogue-like with guns...Teleglitch but that one looks horrible (hurts my eyes a bit with the flashes and stuff...no joke) and controls horribly. That one is just plain below average though I had a bit of fun with it for a while. I just think it should have been turn based....way too sloppy.

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Yea, I agree with SotS:The Pit. It's very solid, but I think the maps are artificially larger than they need to be, so things happen to infrequently.


50% OFF



edit: ycs exclamation points aren't as effective as I had anticipated

Strategic Milestones Weekend Extravaganza

~70% off a bunch of stuff that you probably already have.

edit: typed up a bunch of the deals and then proceeded to close the tab like a dumbass, but there are a couple games in there that I don't remember seeing come up too often in other sales, so if you desperately need a particular 1990's RTS, check out the deals and then seek professional help.

edit edit: think i might call my financial advisor and bite on the Enemy Engaged helicopter sims

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Most of those have jack shit to do with Valentine's Day. Leisure Suit Larry at least works with the whole VD abbreviation.

The Longest Journey - What is love except the longest journey?

Unreal Gold - Put a ring on it, dude

Gray Matter - Don't you want a smart girl?

To The Moon - Ralph and Alice had a love story for the ages

Trine - Celebrate Valentine's day with a threesome

Runaway - Most of my dates have been with street urchins desperate for a sandwich

Postal: Classic & Uncut - Tell that girl you're interested in that you're "classic & uncut"

Fist Puncher - ....I think I'm done now.

Is it sad that pretty much all I'm looking for on GOG now is Lucasarts and Star Wars games being discounted. I think I may have finally reached my GOG games glut. 

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Is it sad that pretty much all I'm looking for on GOG now is Lucasarts and Star Wars games being discounted. I think I may have finally reached my GOG games glut.
Inevitable with their primary draw being old games. I do appreciate that they haven't gone all steam-greenlight on us. I like that their indie selection is still curated.

Is it sad that pretty much all I'm looking for on GOG now is Lucasarts and Star Wars games being discounted. I think I may have finally reached my GOG games glut.
I think the biggest problems for GOG are...

1. GOG don't have enough exclusives or their exclusives don't last long enough. This lead to games being found elsewhere now or eventually found elsewhere, possibly causing me to avoid GOG version. And that leads me to point #2....

2. GOG's prices aren't as competitive normally as elsewhere. GOG is often topped by Steam, Bundle Sites, etc. As a CAG, I want the cheapest price on a game. If GOG ain't supplying that best-price, I'm likely gonna go elsewhere.

3. GOG Versions often come w/ Goodies. Maybe this is why the prices still don't top Steam and other places - b/c the version you get from GOG, it likely has extra stuff....and if there's more stuff in GOG version, good chance it'll cost more. Often, they'll have awesome goodies - but, you still don't want to buy the game there b/c it's much cheaper elsewhere just for the game alone; and/or you don't care too much about the goodies offered for a certain particular game.

4. "MysterD Reasons".

Most people don't care about these reasons of mine, so I'll spoiler-tag 'em...

Issue A. GOG has DRM-FREE games, which is great to have...but some other places might have this, too. And, there's a chance it could be cheaper elsewhere - i.e. also see reason #2 + #3. If it's cheaper elsewhere and DRM-FREE elsewhere, will I buy from GOG? Probably not.

Issue B. Also, some other sites will offer the consumer both a Steam-key + DRM-FREE download directly. Humble Store does this with some games - i.e. see Shadowrun Returns + Dragonfall; Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass; and Grim Fandango Remaster. Guess where I'm likely going to buy the game? Certainly not from GOG.

5. GOG Galaxy game-client isn't in full swing yet.

Right now, I'm really wanting that optional game-client. Few reasons why.

Issue A. Game-clients like Steam makes things so much easier, in handling updates - for both dev's and its users. It updates what it needs to - the end. Nothing is more annoying on GOG than having to re-download entire builds + then get new patches entirely b/c newest version (new build or patch) totally makes the old builds worthless + throw-aways.

Example: Downloading new a starting-build for Outcast Version 1.1 (say it's Build 2.1.0) + then a few small patches (2.1.2); then you have to do it all over again later b/c the newest patch isn't cumulative and they have re-began again w/ a new Outcast Version starting build (V 2.2.0) and you need that before you can install patch 2.2.1. Seriously - WTF? Someone tell Outcast dev's to get this crap together w/ how they update their game. A better solution to this - let the Galaxy client handle all updates, for both the dev's + users....like Steam does.

Issue B. There's also the problem of when something updates or gets added, what is it? You can check your account and you'll know that a specific game got some update as ONLY the game itself will be marked with "NEW". But, who knows what the update is, unless you're paying attention? They don't specifically label with what items are "NEW" for what updated or is totally brand new. Some games, they have tons of items - your guess, as good as mine on what got updated or added. Maybe they added a brand new goodie; maybe updated an old goodies w/ new content attached; maybe a brand new Linux version got added; maybe a new patch. God knows, if you can't figure it out. So, you might have to go check the forums and see if people have figured it out (there's a thread on General GOG Boards w/ "Here's What Updated" (which is now a huge thread and isn't neatly sorted) or GOG announced on a specific game-board what was the updated/added.

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So I know the big hook when it comes to the GOG client is online multiplayer, but how do I know what games will be provided with online MP through the client?

Carl posted about an imminent Insomnia sale today over in the Mega PC thread. Assuming that he's right about that, it should start in about 3 minutes. So I thought I'd bump this thread for sale discussions.

Theoretically, we could just talk about this over in that thread. But I think we all know how well that would go over.

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And it has started. Looks like there are two games featured each round. One game is under a category titled "seasoned" (I guess meaning that it's an old game) and another game is under the category titled "fresh" (obviously meaning a newer game.

First up:

Seasoned: Bad Mojo Redux (250 copies) @ 80% off $1.19

Fresh: Driftmoon (200) @85% off $2.19

There's no way I'm doing this for all the games. But I figured it couldn't hurt to do it for the start.

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If this first batch of games is any indication, I don't think we'll need to be glued to GOG during this sale. Checking in every 30 minutes might be sufficient to make sure we don't miss anything. An hour and fifteen minutes since these first games went live, they've still got about 30-40% of their stock unsold.

Maybe it's just a bad initial offering though. We might have a better sense when the next group of games show up.

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If this first batch of games is any indication, I don't think we'll need to be glued to GOG during this sale. Checking in every 30 minutes might be sufficient to make sure we don't miss anything. An hour and fifteen minutes since these first games went live, they've still got about 30-40% of their stock unsold.

Maybe it's just a bad initial offering though. We might have a better sense when the next group of games show up.
It's also early, and there wasn't much prior announcement for this sale, so I imagine things will pick up a little as the day progresses.
Apparently Tie Fighter was up and immediately sold out.

The Great Battles: Collector's Edition has also been passed, and we're up to Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest and Pixeljunk Shooter.

It didn't show up. I was staring at the screen each time the deals changed. There's no way it would have sold out in the blink of any eye. Even for a game that sells like hotcakes, there is a slight delay before games start selling.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if any of the Star Wars games show up in this sale. They're way too new to GOG. Maybe for an Insomnia sale at the end of the year, but not right now.

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bread's done