Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

[quote name='rybrad']If you are in the US, don't count on it. They aren't selling Ubisoft games to US customers anymore due to contractual issues. Instead of hiding the games they just 404 if they aren't available for you.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I did not know that. Any ideas on getting around it?
[quote name='rybrad']Saints Row is about it as far as a sure thing goes. Really sucks because they were gaining a lot of momentum with all of their deals too.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I feel kind of bad for them. They were really on track, picking up lots of momentum, a lot of people were jumping on board and discussing GMG... ... and then, in the last couple weeks, everything went to crap.

Deus Ex for $28. Red Orchestra for super cheap, and the best deal on Dead Island anyone could get. They had a nice string.

But I'm afraid that with the whole Dead Island debacle, and a lack of quality titles in the pipes for the next few weeks (Save for Batman), they're gonna lose a lot of the people on their train.


Oh, also... I got a second DI game key for Steam like many here did. I heard they were going to deactivate said keys by Monday. Well, here we are on Tuesday, and when I put the key in, it still says I already own that game - nothing about the key not working. So, might my second key have slipped through the cracks?
^ have you looked at that key and compared it to the original email you got before they sent that two key email? It's the same key man. There is no accidental two keys being sent out lol, just cross check it. I got an email originally when I ordered and then another email six days later with two keys. One is the same key as before and the other is blood bath dlc...
[quote name='aznguyen316']^ have you looked at that key and compared it to the original email you got before they sent that two key email? It's the same key man. There is no accidental two keys being sent out lol, just cross check it. I got an email originally when I ordered and then another email six days later with two keys. One is the same key as before and the other is blood bath dlc...[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads up! But no, they're most definitely different. A buddy on another forum gave his second key to a friend of mind, too, and it worked fine. He's just away right now and can't tell me if his game is still valid.
So you have three totally different keys across the two emails? "your order" email from when you first purchased, and then the "your Dead Island pre-purchase email" all keys are different from one another? If so lucky you =) I just got the same game key activations in two emails plus the extra blood bath dlc.
[quote name='aznguyen316']So you have three totally different keys across the two emails? "your order" email from when you first purchased, and then the "your Dead Island pre-purchase email" all keys are different from one another? If so lucky you =) I just got the same game key activations in two emails plus the extra blood bath dlc.[/QUOTE]

I never got an email with my initial key. I had to go to "My Games" on GMG's site to get the key to DL from Steam before release.

Then, I never got my Bloodbath email. I contacted support, and they eventually emailed me two codes.

One is the BB DLC, and that key has since showed up on "My Games" alongside my old game key. The other key in that email is different than those two, and when I put it into Steam, it says I already own/have installed DI.

Guess I was an exception to the rule? ;p Must be because I had to contact support, I guess...?
[quote name='Mikerrrr']Wow, I did not know that. Any ideas on getting around it?[/QUOTE]
Not that I am aware of. They made a big deal of saying that people that purchase outside of their region via a VPN are violating the ToS. Not sure what the punishment is though.
I was hoping they would have had Hard Reset before it came out today. Picked it up on Steam since I really enjoyed it and wanted to show support to the dev for support the PC. I like GMG and will keep an eye on them for deals, where as before I never paid attention to them. I have bought a few games with all the great deals they had recently.
I'm pretty disappointed they ended the Renegade Ops discount before it's even out (it's next week I believe). I went on there today just to get that, now I might consider one of the console versions instead if it's going to be the same price.
Code WORLD-ATWAR-20PEC gets you 20% off the games listed here:

They also said it would work on some "non-war" games and to try experimenting...

I will update the OP when I have a chance in a couple hours, if people find non-war games it works on please post here and I will add the the OP when I update.
[quote name='rybrad']Code WORLD-ATWAR-20PEC gets you 20% off the games listed here:

They also said it would work on some "non-war" games and to try experimenting...

I will update the OP when I have a chance in a couple hours, if people find non-war games it works on please post here and I will add the the OP when I update.[/QUOTE]

Works for Deus Ex Augmented Edition - $40
[quote name='rybrad']Code WORLD-ATWAR-20PEC gets you 20% off the games listed here:

They also said it would work on some "non-war" games and to try experimenting...

I will update the OP when I have a chance in a couple hours, if people find non-war games it works on please post here and I will add the the OP when I update.[/QUOTE]

Works for Game of Thrones, Dead Island, Arkham City, and Nuclear Dawn. It seems it will work for anything.
[quote name='TheExiledOne9']if your hesatent on buying red orchestra 2 from get games dont be, i just bought it with no problems using paypal! :D[/QUOTE]

Bought Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes last night preorder from there since they have it for the cheapest. Good company, don't hesitate.
Do we know if Arkham City will activate on steam if we buy it on GMG? Last I heard no one knew for sure if it was GFWL or Steamworks. Would love to grab it at this price but I really don't want another client.
[quote name='Honeybaked Ham']Do we know if Arkham City will activate on steam if we buy it on GMG? Last I heard no one knew for sure if it was GFWL or Steamworks. Would love to grab it at this price but I really don't want another client.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure that it was a confirmed GFWL game, but I may be wrong.
[quote name='atreyuevr']Pretty sure that it was a confirmed GFWL game, but I may be wrong.[/QUOTE]

That was the last I read as well and GMG site I think even lists GFWL as a requirment for it. The only way to get it on Steam is to buy it from there or buy an nvidia video card with the new promo, or someone else's card that did the promo :D
[quote name='KaOTiK']That was the last I read as well and GMG site I think even lists GFWL as a requirment for it. The only way to get it on Steam is to buy it from there or buy an nvidia video card with the new promo, or someone else's card that did the promo :D[/QUOTE]

Haha true, but even then the game should require GFWL.
I would just like to know for sure, I remember a while back Impulse was selling Fallout 3 GOTY which requires GFWL but it still activated on steam. Guess it would just be a gamble.
[quote name='Honeybaked Ham']I would just like to know for sure, I remember a while back Impulse was selling Fallout 3 GOTY which requires GFWL but it still activated on steam. Guess it would just be a gamble.[/QUOTE]

True, but it has GFWL features as well, even on the Steam version. But yes, I'd also like to know, I'd love to have it on Steam, but I'll deal with Capsule if I must.
I have avoided preordering Batman AC from GMG cause it will most likely use capsule. I just don't want to install it and if I am reading the FAQ correctly, it is required to be running to play the game like Steam because of their trade in games feature. Correct me if I am wrong please :).
[quote name='LurkerLito']I have avoided preordering Batman AC from GMG cause it will most likely use capsule. I just don't want to install it and if I am reading the FAQ correctly, it is required to be running to play the game like Steam because of their trade in games feature. Correct me if I am wrong please :).[/QUOTE]
Running Capsule will not be necessary to play Batman: AC. I asked them about this before I bought it and here was the reply:
[quote name='GMG']
It needs to Capsule to download, but not to play! /Rob
[quote name='rybrad']Running Capsule will not be necessary to play Batman: AC. I asked them about this before I bought it and here was the reply:[/QUOTE]

Hah! Take that, Capsule haters! :D
Preordered Arkham City as well. Curious if it will be available to download on 10-18 or if we have to wait until 10-21 as listed on the site.
I can't get Assassin's Creed Revelations to add to my cart. It keeps sending me to a 404 page. Anyone else having this issue, or know of a way around it?
[quote name='nitzerebb6']Preordered Arkham City as well. Curious if it will be available to download on 10-18 or if we have to wait until 10-21 as listed on the site.[/QUOTE]
Should be the 18, all other games have released at their correct regional dates.

[quote name='Graff^']I can't get Assassin's Creed Revelations to add to my cart. It keeps sending me to a 404 page. Anyone else having this issue, or know of a way around it?[/QUOTE]
If you live in the US it is because they cannot sell new Ubisoft games to US people. Instead of just not having the pages available for the US they send you to 404 pages.
[quote name='rybrad']
If you live in the US it is because they cannot sell new Ubisoft games to US people. Instead of just not having the pages available for the US they send you to 404 pages.[/QUOTE]

Aha, that'd do it. Oh well, I guess I'll have to look for a deal elsewhere. >_
Did they confirm yet if the PC version of Arkham City will have all the DLC from the console versions? That's the only reason I'm hesitating.
[quote name='SOLDIER']Did they confirm yet if the PC version of Arkham City will have all the DLC from the console versions? That's the only reason I'm hesitating.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if they have, but knowing that it's a flagship title for PhysX makes it unthinkable for me to purchase it for a console when I have a capable PC.
Awww man... it looks like Arkham City was delayed for PC till November.. what bs.

Can preorders be cancelled on greenman?
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[quote name='guyver2077']Awww man... it looks like Arkham City was delayed for PC till October.. what bs.

Can preorders be cancelled on greenman?[/QUOTE]

It comes out October 18th on all three platforms...
[quote name='Graff^']It comes out October 18th on all three platforms...[/QUOTE]

Nah, developers announced the PC version was getting pushed back to "sometime in November."

Real shame!
[quote name='Graff^']Ah, I just saw that myself now on Destructoid. I got thrown off because guyver said "delayed till October."[/QUOTE]

yea my mistake... really kills my want for the pc version now.
[quote name='guyver2077']Awww man... it looks like Arkham City was delayed for PC till November.. what bs.

Can preorders be cancelled on greenman?[/QUOTE]
Yea, you can cancel preorders, I think you can do it right in your account. If not you can contact support.
Batman's delay to November makes it a game I pick up in the future on sale. With BF3 in late Oct, Skyrim in November, plus finishing up any other games on PC, such as Rage, Batman essentially gets pushed out of the way and there's no need to buy it asap. There were a lot of sales on Batman AA so I figure I can pick that up for AC maybe next year =)

I've kind of learned to budget my gaming money even with deals because I find backlogs to be the worst. VG sales now a days are so common with everyone trying to compete for sales, that I am now a if you're gonna buy, you better play it asap kinda guy.
Bah, bummer on the Arkham City news. I'd switch my preorder, but I'm not sure if Ubi will handle the PC version of Assassins Creed gracefully, or if there'll be another charlie foxtrot of DLC. I'd be all over Skyrim or BF3 if they got them though.
bread's done