Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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Or something called something else, yeah.

I always got the impression that they and even Gala never really planned them in advance but just decided in the 11th hour if they weren't happy with the sales and thought they could squeeze more out with shenanigans.
Or something called something else, yeah.

I always got the impression that they and even Gala never really planned them in advance but just decided in the 11th hour if they weren't happy with the sales and thought they could squeeze more out with shenanigans.
Always is a pretty short time in Groupee's case, though. The first time they did it was only a few months ago. Yes, for that bundle it felt like they were grasping at a way to bump sales on a rather weak bundle. Since then it seems that they have to keep doing Dollar Days because we keep expecting them--it's a bit of a feedback loop.

I wouldn't think all the devs in BM14 would be down with dollar days, although maybe Groupees just kind of springs that on them and doesn't mention the possibility in negotiation.

I don't think those indies know about dollar days or hh.

Anyway you guys are free to buy now if you want but I'm waiting until a minute is left on the clock. :p
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Hey guys I am leaving the country for the next ten days and will have limited internet so if Groupees does a discount on BM14 someone grab an extra for me! The same goes for any IG happy hours, Steam glitches, etc. ;)

Hey guys I am leaving the country for the next ten days and will have limited internet so if Groupees does a discount on BM14 someone grab an extra for me! The same goes for any IG happy hours, Steam glitches, etc. ;)
I got you down for 10 copies of IG Monday and Friday and Bundle Bandits :)

Increase the price and stop doing dollar days?
Idiotekque does some Idiotic shit sometime. Hey Groupees hipster dude raise your prices. LEAVE PLAYFIRE ALONE!!!
Close. I told him either continue dollar days and be up front about it, i.e. "WE'RE GOING TO BE DOING DOLLAR DAYS", or not do it and also be up front about it, i.e. "WE'RE NOT DOING DOLLAR DAYS", on any given bundle.

I also told him I'd like to stop seeing dirt cheap bundles with games that aren't even worth dirt, like they were putting out for so damn long. I said I prefer it when they offer quality games for a slightly higher price (like they used to do, and no one seemed to have baby fits about their pricing structure then), which is actually what I've been seeing. Them being honest about the dollar days thing this time around shows that they're taking that bit of criticism to heart as well.

Honestly, Groupees was always slightly more expensive ($4-5 high tiers), but they offered good games as well as games that aren't really bundled elsewhere (some still haven't been all this time later). That's when I loved Groupees, and I wasn't alone there. Then they started throwing out nothing but shit for a buck a bundle and everyone bitches about the crappy games (including me). Now they're going back to what they used to do, and everyone bitches about the higher prices.

So basically the only way for people not to bitch (if such a thing is possible) is for Groupees to offer good games (like they used to) while selling them for next to nothing (like they've sold the shit bundles for).

Hate to break it to you guys, but you probably aren't going to get both. Would you guys prefer shit bundles for a buck a pop, or the current trend of solid bundles for a bit more? I prefer the latter, and I like the direction that Groupees is going in again.

Honestly, Groupees was always slightly more expensive ($4-5 high tiers), but they offered good games as well as games that aren't really bundled elsewhere (some still haven't been all this time later). That's when I loved Groupees, and I wasn't alone there.
I wouldn't be complaining (aside from an "aww" or similar) if they'd done $4 second tier. I'd actually forgotten that they used to do $5 second tier.
I wouldn't be complaining (aside from an "aww" or similar) if they'd done $4 second tier. I'd actually forgotten that they used to do $5 second tier.
I'd rather it be $4 too, but $1 isn't going to change my general feeling towards the whole thing. Maybe if this one doesn't sell too well, they'll price the next one similar to this at $4. Fingers crossed.

I was just accused of being you on the Groupees chat Idiotekque for saying Castlevania 2 sucked.

Holy crap in the Groupees chat I totally called Bloodrayne 2 being a bonus.

Disappointing. I assume it's a GOG key, in which case I don't give a shit. Now I have to sit through this bonus and then I assume another music bonus (seriously, stop doing music bonuses that aren't soundtracks for games in the bundle) before there's hopefully an actually interesting bonus.

[quote name="Idiotekque" post="12029181" timestamp="1408700871"]Another game I don't have, from the source I'd prefer it from.

This bundle is great. Suck it Trebek.[/quote]
Seems good to me. I'd buy it but I know GroupeesAjay and AmazonJosh, now work behind the scenes at Poopies and press the dollar... Errr. Benjamin days button the minute after I buy it for 5 Benjis.
[quote name="Idiotekque" post="12029181" timestamp="1408700871"]Another game I don't have, from the source I'd prefer it from.

This bundle is great. Suck it Trebek.[/quote]
Seems good to me. I'd buy it but I know GroupeesAjay and AmazonJosh, now work behind the scenes at Poopies and press the dollar... Errr. Benjamin days button the minute after I buy it for 5 Benjis.
fucking Blood Rayne 2 GOG keys.

Man, if I wanted that shit I'd change my name to Dieter and move to Munich.
Close. I told him either continue dollar days and be up front about it, i.e. "WE'RE GOING TO BE DOING DOLLAR DAYS", or not do it and also be up front about it, i.e. "WE'RE NOT DOING DOLLAR DAYS", on any given bundle.
How is it being upfront when they only announce it in their AOL 90s chatroom that like %.01 of the people who buy from them check? It's basically a few European ass kissers and you and Spoder that go there. Finding any information is a huge pain in the ass because you have to scroll up through a tons of random jibber jabber from Germans and Yugoslavians and shit.

*Edit: I stand corrected. I read on SPUF that there is a notice about it on the front page and sure enough once I knew where to look it was there, but in typical Poopees fashion they put it way the hell down there on the page in small print. I'm not the only one who didn't notice it either.

And I still don't trust them. :p

Plus they need to come into the 2000s and get a forum where they can post sticky notices and such.

I was just accused of being you on the Groupees chat Idiotekque for saying Castlevania 2 sucked.
That's because there's only one person who ever says anything negative in their 90s chat room Vonderland so therefore you must be him.
Mooby loves indie pixel "art" trash with "rogue like elements" and MOBA. Why even bother, he's beyond broken.
Someone needs to arrange for a Codex intervention.
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GOG is're sounding like console peasants.... Only reason I would want BloodRayne 1 and 2 on Steam is for Steam Trading cards. Main reason only, and +1 is nice too.

GOG is're sounding like console peasants.... Only reason I would want BloodRayne 1 and 2 on Steam is for Steam Trading cards. Main reason only, and +1 is nice too.
GTFO and go move to Czechoslovakia or Luxembourg.

I want my games with the rest of my collection and yes cards is nice too. Even if a game doesn't have them it might get them in the future.

As for this GOG version superior nonsense, pish posh and poppycock. Lies, hysteria and anti-Steam propaganda that cites user error and laziness as evidence.
GOG is're sounding like console peasants.... Only reason I would want BloodRayne 1 and 2 on Steam is for Steam Trading cards. Main reason only, and +1 is nice too.
Depends on the game. Hell, what amazed me is that Original War got achievements added and is still being updated on Steam. I would much prefer something like that on Steam. I believe it was on GOG up until recently where Bohemia took it down lol.

Trading cards alone is enough for me to want Blood Rayne 1 + 2 on Steam rather than GOG.

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Depends on the game. Hell, what amazed me is that Original War got achievements added and is still being updated on Steam. I would much prefer something like that on Steam. I believe it was on GOG up until recently where Bohemia took it down lol.

Trading cards alone is enough for me to want Blood Rayne 1 + 2 on Steam rather than GOG.
Bohemia basically pulled a Codemasters on the game. They really don't want to spend the additional manpower to keep a DRM-free version active.

Haha right after you do that it will be in the next Indiegala.

That's because there's only one person who ever says anything negative in their 90s chat room Vonderland so therefore you must be him.
Someone needs to arrange for a Codex intervention.
That's actually pretty accurate. I go in Groupees chat out of morbid curiosity or to find something out like... maybe once a month, and I always end up saying something negative about Groupees and getting into DAS FLAMME KREIG.

Holy crap in the Groupees chat I totally called Bloodrayne 2 being a bonus.
I recently bought BloodRayne (& BR2) during the GOG summer sale, and I paid $1.49. At the time, that was a historic low price. So this is a pretty good deal if you're interested in the game.
And the historic low before that was $1.79, back in March, which I paid like an idiot, along with $2.99 on BR2, also, at the time, a historic low.


Watch them both be free by the end of the year.

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bread's done