Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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Crappucino Haikus

here .....bask in its glory
It's the same shitty musak version of U2's One he used last year.

These ones suck. Seriously. I mean they aren't even amusing in their suckage.

No real burns. Gala copying Humble is the best insult he could come up with this time I guess.

Oh and he keeps the AOL 90s chat room around because of all the ass kissers who hang out there and feed him grapes. No real surprise there.

I think he owes me a dollar for that minute of my life I will never get back.

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I'm not sure why I did this. Extreme boredom I guess. But I checked the Poopees AOL 90s chat room and I think I just lost a few brain cells.




Also, in a shocking development, sales of the Bundle in a Box bundle have been utterly terrible since the games were revealed after shooting up rapidly to over 2,000 in the 24 hours it was a mystery pre-order.

Also, in a shocking development, sales of the Bundle in a Box bundle have been utterly terrible since the games were revealed after shooting up rapidly to over 2,000 in the 24 hours it was a mystery pre-order.
Bleh. Guess we might not get Keen Dreams. :(

Re-posting from my steam thread post. 
"Apparently, there is a glitch with the current "Bundle in a Box 2" Groupees Bundle where you can get the full bundle for 1$. Better than pre-ordering. Just got one so it works."

Oh whatever you know all that shit will eventually get bundled again when it gets on Steam. It's not like anyone actually buys that Greenlight shlock once it's released. They have to bundle if they want to get any kind of money at all.

I would have bought BaGB 15 too, if I had noticed that Copy Kitty was in it.

That game absolutely needs to get greenlit.  It's an action platformer with Kirby 64 style power mixing, except that it goes a step further and allows up to three powers to be mixed at once.  There's an older version available as a demo on the greenlight page if that sounds interesting and you want to check it out.

I would have bought BaGB 15 too, if I had noticed that Copy Kitty was in it.

That game absolutely needs to get greenlit. It's an action platformer with Kirby 64 style power mixing, except that it goes a step further and allows up to three powers to be mixed at once. There's an older version available as a demo on the greenlight page if that sounds interesting and you want to check it out.
That was the only game in that bundle that I really wanted.

Looks like the BIAB ended early, also I thought there was a Commander Keen game that was going to potentially be unlocked as the next bonus, but it looks like they changed it to music for some reason.

Looks like the BIAB ended early, also I thought there was a Commander Keen game that was going to potentially be unlocked as the next bonus, but it looks like they changed it to music for some reason.
Keen is available as a direct download if you already bought the bundle. It was also mentioned in one of the chat rooms that it'll be back, but that was by some random person so who knows if it's accurate. Not that it matters much since the thing wasn't selling.

Looks like the BIAB ended early, also I thought there was a Commander Keen game that was going to potentially be unlocked as the next bonus, but it looks like they changed it to music for some reason.
Well shit, Keen Dreams was most of the reason I wanted the bundle.
It's unlocked already. It was bonus 2, now we're working on bonus 3.

It's also not permanently ended. There was a pretty big glitch that was handing out full bundles to people who didn't buy full bundles and they stopped sales until they could get it sorted out.

EDIT: Ninjaed

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Keen is available as a direct download if you already bought the bundle. It was also mentioned in one of the chat rooms that it'll be back, but that was by some random person so who knows if it's accurate. Not that it matters much since the thing wasn't selling.
Pretty much every person in those chat rooms is some random person. And they all talk like they are the authority on everything, when they aren't busy kissing ass, or emoting or other nonsense.

I really hate that that fucking inane chat room is their main source of information when shit's going down.

Anyway, I figured they probably temporarily shut things down to fix their mess since they basically handed out full bundles to everyone all day today.

Personally I think Valve should crack down on the revoking of games. If a game is bought with a stolen credit card that would be a reason to revoke a game. "We fucked up" shouldn't be grounds to revoke games. I'm looking at you too Gamersgate. I wasn't able to get in on the free Dead Rising 3  error, but I applaud Gamesplanet for acknowledging they screwed up and letting everyone keep the game.

Revoking keys? Another store doing that, and now with a ton of games? If they can make it, it means anybody can ask for keys removal in any possible way. I don't like it. If they end doing it, I won't be buying from groupees anymore, same as GG.
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Revoking keys... again? If they can make it, it means anybody can ask for keys removal. I don't like it. If they end doing it, I won't be buying from groupees anymore, same as GG.
That seems a little extreme. They're letting people keep the full BiaB2 bundle for a dollar because that's what their site was advertising. They're only revoking the higher tier keys that showed up in people's profiles for old bundles that they only bought the low tier for. Those keys accidentally appeared in profiles without ever being promised or paid for, and most people didn't even notice before they fixed it, so it's hardly the same scenario as GG clearly offering a deal and then snatching it back.

I mean, if you decide to refuse to do business with them forever for taking back something that you were obviously never meant to get in the first place, that's your right. But it's also my right to insult you and think less of you as a person if you do that.

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You misunderstood my post. I'm against the "revoking keys because we messed up and have a shitty system" thing in general. I didn't bought anything revoked from GG, but I don't like the way they do things.

You can insult me and think of me as a shitty person any day you want to, with or without any valid reason... I could care less. One person told me once: "there would always be some people who will insult and think bad about you, and you can't live worrying about it"
You misunderstood my post. I'm against the "revoking keys because we messed up and have a shitty system" thing in general. I didn't bought anything revoked from GG, but I don't like the way they do things.

You can insult me and think of me as a shitty person any day you want to, with or without any valid reason... I could care less. One person told me once: "there would always be some people who will insult and think bad about you, and you can't live worrying about it"
I understood you just fine. What I'm saying is that Groupees actually has a legitimate reason for revoking these keys. "Compromised by a database error" is a pretty big difference from "Oh, we accidentally sold them for the wrong price." The keys they're revoking were never sold, never promised, and never intentionally given out. Literally the only way you would have them is if you checked your profile while the glitch was going on and decided to skim through your past bundles for some reason. I'd be surprised if there are even a thousand of them that were activated.

Meanwhile, the thousands of keys that they did promise accidentally? Those promises are being honored. People who bought the full current bundle for a dollar are getting the full current bundle for a dollar. They advertised that, albeit accidentally, and they're sticking to it. That makes me more likely to buy from Groupees in the future, not less.

I understood you just fine. What I'm saying is that Groupees actually has a legitimate reason for revoking these keys. "Compromised by a database error" is a pretty big difference from "Oh, we accidentally sold them for the wrong price." The keys they're revoking were never sold, never promised, and never intentionally given out. Literally the only way you would have them is if you checked your profile while the glitch was going on and decided to skim through your past bundles for some reason. I'd be surprised if there are even a thousand of them that were activated.

Meanwhile, the thousands of keys that they did promise accidentally? Those promises are being honored. People who bought the full current bundle for a dollar are getting the full current bundle for a dollar. They advertised that, albeit accidentally, and they're sticking to it. That makes me more likely to buy from Groupees in the future, not less.
This is the way I see it too, and I think the big issue overall is how valve handles these types of things. If a store puts something up at an incorrect price then valve should just say too bad and have them accept responsibility for it. Yeah, there's going to be people exploiting a price gltich but it just looks bad when you have people buying something then it gets revoked (and with no good explanation from valve).

The other thing is what sort of check is in place to make sure groupees doesn't screw up again and remove keys from legitimate buyers? I'd be interested to know the process that's involved with this, because I highly doubt it's as extensive as it needs to be. Revoking keys should be for rare circumstances and the more often this type of thing happens the higher the chances there's going to be a screw up during that part of the process.

In the end I'm not going to be mad at groupees or anything. It would be nice to keep the extra bundle fodder but at the same time it was an obvious glitch and I can see why they'd do that. I'll at least have made out with some extra cards so I'll be ahead in some way.

I don't know the extent of the problem -- in other words, how many keys were redeemed during the glitch -- but I do believe that keys should only be revoked in instances of fraud or intentional wrongdoing on the part of the customer. Keys get added to your profile all the time with no easy or obvious way to know when or why they were added.

If I find a key and give it to a friend, it makes me look bad if it is then revoked. Businesses that make their customers look/feel bad aren't doing business properly. The burden is on them to ensure that their systems are operating correctly. Note: I'm not saying that it's right for people to knowingly rip off a business in times of technical trouble -- I'm saying that at some point a business has to be culpable for its mistakes and be aware that correcting them at the expense of the consumer is not a good thing.

I feel bad for Groupees, and I do applaud them if they allow people to keep the glitched bundles, but I feel like the glitched profiles are a slippery slope. In good faith, I believe the keys in my profile to be my own. It makes Groupees look bad to developers when these glitches happen and it makes Groupees look bad to the consumer when he/she logs into Steam and is confused by games being removed... or when his/her friend questions why the gift they were given was revoked.

tl;dr fix your shit and stay the fuck out of my Steam account.

disclaimer: I have no stake in this as I couldn't be bothered to root through piles of bundles to find keys for shit I didn't want to buy in the first place.

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Did their "downloadable" stuff got recovered from their "storage fail" that happened some time ago? Last thing I remember is I couldn't download the stuff I paid for. If they fixed it, I will download right away.
That seems a little extreme. They're letting people keep the full BiaB2 bundle for a dollar because that's what their site was advertising. They're only revoking the higher tier keys that showed up in people's profiles for old bundles that they only bought the low tier for. Those keys accidentally appeared in profiles without ever being promised or paid for, and most people didn't even notice before they fixed it, so it's hardly the same scenario as GG clearly offering a deal and then snatching it back.

I mean, if you decide to refuse to do business with them forever for taking back something that you were obviously never meant to get in the first place, that's your right. But it's also my right to insult you and think less of you as a person if you do that.
If "most people didn't even notice" as you claim then why bother taking such a drastic measure that makes people nervous? And let's get real, the value of those games from old bundles is not very much at all. It's not like people got a bunch of free copies of some expensive hot new release.

I agree with some of the others in that revoking already activated game keys should only be used in extreme cases of fraud, theft or hacking through no fault or negligence of the site. To do so otherwise is bullshit. They need to take responsibility for their own negligence, fix it accordingly to prevent or minimize it and then move on.

Let's look at this way, say a physical product accidentally packaged up two or three items when one was intended and a bunch of those went out? So what then? Go to people's houses and take it away? Of course not. What's done is done. You address the problem and know better for the next time.

As far as I am concerned ownership of digital goods needs to be treated like ownership of physical goods. Those goods are essentially in someone's house now. If you have cause to believe that person intentionally shoplifted the product or otherwise stole it from someone then go through the due process sure. If it's a store or producer mistake then you shouldn't get to do that, sorry.

The thing these sites throwing revokes around like it's a simple matter don't get is that it's reminding everyone that they technically don't own their digital games; they own a license to them. One that can be canceled at any time. When selling digital goods is your bread and butter I don't think you want to do that.

I'm not arguing for people to have those games; we all know they're old indie games that have been bundled multiple times and aren't worth shit anyway. I'm arguing that there's some really serious slippery slope principle going on. In the past, revokes were extremely rare and only done in the most serious, severe cases where some intentional fraud or theft was done. Now it's starting to become a much more casual thing. And that's not good for any of us who buy digital games.

I may be an addict even but it's definitely going to give me pause the more sites that start resorting to this.

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"Compromised by a database error" is a pretty big difference from "Oh, we accidentally sold them for the wrong price." The keys they're revoking were never sold, never promised, and never intentionally given out.
How are those two cases different, exactly? I thought most price errors were a result of "database error" (like applying a discount on the game twice) or, you know, a glitch in the system (well and I guess there the rare cases where someone just hamhands the buttons). In cases where games are accidentally given out for free (like Dead Rising) it was never "sold" or intentionally given out (they were accidentally given out, like groupees keys), so I guess the only thing left is the promise part, which gamesplanet made good on, while groupees is giving the middle finger to their customers.
Oh boy, another one of those we knowingly and willfully took advantage of something we knew was a mistake and are now preceding to flip the fuck out when actions are taken to correct said exploit threads. My favorite! I'm sure groupees will be bankrupt in a matter of days with all these threats of never buying anything from them again posts. Of course if it that doesn't work out, we should all hold our breath and stomp up and down until the issue is resolved to satisfaction.

Except that some of us replying clearly indicated we didn't take advantage. Hal couldn't be bothered. I actually went through them all and guess what? I had all those games anyway from other bundles either before or after.

I have no personal stake in those specific keys and the ones I saw had been bundled multiple times and weren't worth a damn anyway. Even if I didn't have them I could easily have gotten them again for cheap or even found someone who had extras from some other bundle to give me them for free.

Those shitty cheap bundle fodder game keys are not the point. If you re-read what Hal and I wrote, it's the principle we are concerned with.

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Except that some of us replying clearly indicated we didn't take advantage. Hal couldn't be bothered. I actually went through them all and guess what? I had all those games anyway from other bundles either before or after.

I have no personal stake in those specific keys and the ones I saw had been bundled multiple times and weren't worth a damn anyway. Even if I didn't have them I could easily have gotten them again for cheap or even found someone who had extras from some other bundle to give me them for free.

Those shitty cheap bundle fodder game keys are not the point. If you re-read what Hal and I wrote, it's the principle we are concerned with.
The principle of the matter is that a business or corporation should not and are not required to honor price mistakes and should be able to take what ever legal action necessary to correct the mistake.

Pretty sure everyone here was fully aware what they were doing re: helping themselves to these new found keys was slightly shady/unintentional on Groupees part.  Don't get all sanctimonious over the revocation.

But that's not legal action is it? It's just them going to Valve and yanking it and Valve not really bothering to look into any of it at all.

The thing is, it used to be that revokes were rare and happened only in cases of actual theft and fraud, things you could legitimately report to the authorities. Not just 'oops our shitty programmers pressed the wrong button and people got cheap/free stuff'.

Now it's become something that's used much more casually due to store negligence and faulty programming. Potentially a price mistake could be something at a believe sale price for some.

Now that those floodgates have been opened up, it's conceivable that some store or site could regret a sale they did as taking too much of a loss and want to take it back. Or some indie developer could flip his shit and decide to take all his toys and leave the sandbox.

Once revoking becomes this more casual acceptable thing to do and with Valve not giving two shits as to actually investigating why, it can lead to all sorts of messy situations.

I'm just saying I want digital goods to be treated like physical goods. If you have proof I stole a physical item call the police and get them involved. If the store priced it wrong or put two in the box instead of one, oh well. You don't get to come into my house and take it. That's your fault.

That these digital stores are pushing this revoking issue is short sighted. The more they do this sooner or later it's going to do something to cause a huge shitstorm and shine a light on the fact that most people don't know or just ignore, that we don't own our digital games and even though we spent thousands on them someone else can take them away at any time.

That's a hornet's nest they don't want to poke. Not for some Lara Croft game where the price is already dropping like a rock a month in and definitely not for some old moldy bundle games not worth a damn.

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But that's not legal action is it? It's just them going to Valve and yanking it and Valve not really bothering to look into any of it at all.

The thing is, it used to be that revokes were rare and happened only in cases of actual theft and fraud, things you could legitimately report to the authorities. Not just 'oops our shitty programmers pressed that wrong button and people got cheap/free stuff'.

Now it's become something that's used much more casually due to store negligence and faulty programming. Potentially a price mistake could be something at a believe sale price for some.

Now that those floodgates have been opened up, it's conceivable that some store or site could regret a sale they did as taking too much of a loss and want to take it back. Or some indie developer could flip his shit and decide to take all his toys and leave the sandbox.

Once revoking becomes this more casual acceptable thing to do and with Valve not giving two shits as to why or the situation, it can lead to all sorts of messy situations.

I'm just saying I want digital goods to be treated like physical goods. If you have proof I stole a physical item call the police and get them involved. If the store priced it wrong or put two in the box instead of one, oh well. You don't get to come into my house and take it. That's your fault.

That these digital stores are pushing this revoking issue is short sighted. The more they do this sooner or later it's going to do something to cause a huge shitstorm and shine a light on the fact that most people don't know or just ignore, that we don't own our digital games and even though we spent thousands on them someone else can take them away at any time.

That's a hornet's nest they don't want to poke. Not for some Lara Croft game where the price is already dropping like a rock a month in and definitely not for some old moldy bundle games not worth a damn.
LOL, hornet's nest, really? Class action lawsuit incoming, off to the supreme court you go! Good luck.

Eventually I think there's going to have to be some kind of case that provokes a demand for better consumer protection laws for all digital content, not just games. It might not be games to do it, but as we've seen lately clearly drama in the gaming world can spill over into the mainstream world so who knows?

The thing these sites throwing revokes around like it's a simple matter don't get is that it's reminding everyone that they technically don't own their digital games; they own a license to them. One that can be removed at any time. When selling digital goods is your bread and butter I don't think you want to do that.
This exactly. It's amazing how comfortable people are with always online systems such as steam/origin etc these days when perhaps a decade or so ago, these systems were looked upon with contempt. The fear from back then is still real - i.e. if the service ever goes down, or if you suddenly can't log into your account tomorrow (hacked or otherwise), what would the outcry be like? It's on their word that they'll inform you in advance as such - they're certainly not liable in a court or law if they just went kaput and disappear tomorrow (read their disclaimers)

Just look at the fuss people made over just not being able to get online for just a day or two on the xbox/psn just last week? Imagine if someone mass-deleted steam/itunes accounts (along with any backups) tomorrow and folks are forced to somehow prove that they own their accounts after... We're really hostages to them staying in business and/or in control of their own service/systems.

What these digital retailers are selling us are not just the product themselves, but the service itself - the convenience, the trust that stuffs won't magically disappear from your library (and that if they ever go down, they'll tell us in advance) as well as ensure proper security for your digital goods (in the form of good backups/fail safes) as well as protecting your personal/financial info.

Sadly we have really no way of knowing just how well they do any of these.. and reminding us of the risks we put up with is just not smart business practice/PR.

The principle of the matter is that a business or corporation should not and are not required to honor price mistakes and should be able to take what ever legal action necessary to correct the mistake.
Except the point is that it also shows just how much (or little) liability they are actually held to versus consumer rights in the current digital goods landscape.

Wall of ugh
Please don't even get me started on the idiotic concept of "consumer rights". To give special rights to a specific class of person or race is idiotic and sickening. There's human rights and..........that's it. Yes, the right to be protected from fraud is a right of all mankind, however, this is clearly NOT fraud in any remote way.

I just want the right for my digital goods to be treated exactly like physical goods. Once it's mine, it's mine. If you think I've wronged you and you think you have a legal case, take me to court. If you think I've stolen something from you and you think you have proof, go to the police.

Otherwise GTFO.

Sure, why not? People do it for physical products all the time.

But also I want protection that some store won't regret a sale they made or some indie won't get pissed off and take everyone's games back. It might not happen, but it could. And the more revokes that happen the more that seed that's already been planted in my mind grows.

Maybe I'm being paranoid and if so oh well. I've invested a lot of money in my digital game collection and I really don't like to be reminded that it can potentially be taken away from me and I won't be able to do a damned thing about it.

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and folks are forced to somehow prove that they own their accounts after...
This is called keeping receipts (aka proof of purchase) and it's something everyone should do. It's also a lot easier to do in the digital age.

I just want the right for my digital goods to be treated exactly like physical goods. Once it's mine, it's mine. If you think I've wronged you and you think you have a legal case, take me to court. If you think I've stolen something from you and you think you have proof, go to the police.

Otherwise GTFO.
Finders keepers has not proven to be a valid legal defense in most cases. Like when the armored truck spills, keeping the cash can get you in serious trouble. When it's a less costly item they're trying to recover, and when it's much easier to recover (digital license revocation), they'll do it. That's the devil's bargain we made when we accept paying less than 10% for digital games than we used to less than a generation ago for physical copies. Shit, this is Corporations Are People of America. Just waiting for Texas to execute one.

Please don't even get me started on the idiotic concept of "consumer rights". To give special rights to a specific class of person or race is idiotic and sickening. There's human rights and..........that's it. Yes, the right to be protected from fraud is a right of all mankind, however, this is clearly NOT fraud in any remote way.
I can hear that dog whistle from here. Why the fuck would you otherwise bring race into this?

This is called keeping receipts (aka proof of purchase) and it's something everyone should do. It's also a lot easier to do in the digital age.

Finders keepers has not proven to be a valid legal defense in most cases. Like when the armored truck spills, keeping the cash can get you in serious trouble. When it's a less costly item they're trying to recover, and when it's much easier to recover (digital license revocation), they'll do it. That's the devil's bargain we made when we accept paying less than 10% for digital games than we used to less than a generation ago for physical copies. Shit, this is Corporations Are People of America. Just waiting for Texas to execute one.

I can hear that dog whistle from here. Why the fuck would you otherwise bring race into this?
Oh boy, left wing wacko alert. Evil corporations trigger warning. As to the race example, it's called context, try it sometime.

Ignoring the trolls...

Jonny Crap-puchi-o, made a casual remark about revoking keys... which is not the same as actually revoking keys on a scale we haven't seen before (because we've never seen a revoke request involving so many different games).

I'm not sure he can pull it off. I'll be a bit shocked if he can. From looking through mine, and what others posted, the "oops" keys have extremely little value. If there ever was a time for a multi-game revoke it would have been two years back with the Bethesda Bundle Blowout. (which also had $2.12 Ghost Recon Future soldier, and $2.70 Borderlands 2 in the same week)

Clearly Jonnys words come from a sane and reasonable man.

Anyway, it'll be interesting.


As long as they don't end up revoking legit purchases...
Actually, I want them to do that... I want to see them overstep their revokes.

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Oh boy, left wing wacko alert. Evil corporations trigger warning. As to the race example, it's called context, try it sometime.
Race example? By all means, I would love to hear you provide one. In context. On this video game deal website forum. That has to do with Groupees revoking keys.

Ignoring the trolls...

Jonny Crap-puchi-o, made a casual remark about revoking keys... which is not the same as actually revoking keys on a scale we haven't seen before (because we've never seen a revoke request involving so many different games).

I'm not sure he can pull it off. I'll be a bit shocked if he can. From looking through mine, and what others posted, the "oops" keys have extremely little value. If there ever was a time for a multi-game revoke it would have been two years back with the Bethesda Bundle Blowout. (which also had $2.12 Ghost Recon Future soldier, and $2.70 Borderlands 2 in the same week)

Clearly Jonnys words come from a sane and reasonable man.

Anyway, it'll be interesting.


Actually, I want them to do that... I want to see them overstep their revokes.
It definitely occurred to me that he may be doing some North Korea style sable rattling and posturing, primarily for the benefit of pleasing the suckups in his chat room and appearing to be Glorious Leader.

I don't think Valve will let a third party revoke keys. Groupees have to go through the developer or publisher to get the keys in the first place and it was always my understanding that they are the gatekeeper of those keys. If that's the case then that would mean Groupees would need to basically tell every single indie and publisher they ever worked with since the beginning 'We done fucked up' and like you said request revokes from an amount of games on a scale never before done all at once.

Is it really worth it for them to do that for some cheapo little stale bundle fodder indie games that aren't worth anything and where the devs probably forgot they are still sitting on extra keys?

OTOH, it would be prudent for them to at least deactivate the unused keys because who knows who could have jotted them down? But then that means a crap ton of keys they can never use again and if they want more will need to ask for more from the devs/pubs, which would lead to having to explain why. However if they attempt to use those keys again then some people will probably get already used keys, albeit a small minority.

All my anti-revoking activism aside :p, it will be interesting to see what they do.

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Race example? By all means, I would love to hear you provide one. In context. On this video game deal website forum. That has to do with Groupees revoking keys.
He apparently knows something we don't. So is Groupees only revoking keys bought by African Americans or perhaps Asians get the shaft? So which is it Bruticis?

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bread's done