Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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Can we stop talking about important shit like race and get back to my righteous indignation of keys being revoked for games I already own from elsewhere and really don't give a shit about?


I won't be educating any liberal trash. That's an impossible goal.
So what you are saying is that consumer is a race now.

So on your next census be sure to write in consumer if they don't have it listed under caucasian.

Good luck revoking Lost Marbles where they gave Desura key that gave Steam-key :D
Or some of the Shiny Loot keys which in turn give Steam or Desura keys. Most of them were BaBs but at least one wasn't.

The GOG ones were already expired. I didn't check the Topware ones.

I suppose that might be the next shitty thing to come along. Oh Valve can you make these keys expire so that when the bundle sites become completely inept and fuck things up so old keys appear in accounts they shouldn't that they'll be expired by then?

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If groupees revokes my keys it'll just prove that they hate white middle class males. The man is always trying to keep me down.
Careful I think I just had a post modded for using the word caucasian.

Why do I feel like Groupee's attempts at revoking keys will end with games being added to my account?

I look forward to not playing my free copy of DayZ.

The principle of the matter is that a business or corporation should not and are not required to honor price mistakes and should be able to take what ever legal action necessary to correct the mistake.
That's false. Consumer law varies from state to state and there are those, such as California, that require something to be sold at the price posted or risk fine or imprisonment.

But the question should go beyond whether or not there is an obligation. In the short-term, it may be in the best interest of a retailer to attempt to revoke that contract (or offer of sale) with the consumer, but in the long-term it becomes more questionable. The consumer loses trust in the retailer when that contract can seemingly be broken against their will.

The worst case I've seen of this recently was the revocation of keys by GamersGate on a deal that was not outside the realm of possibility. I didn't take advantage of that price, but it certainly harms my view of the storefront and makes me less likely to deal with them in the future. That's a real loss to the retailer.

I may sound anti-retail, but in reality I spent over 20 years in the business and I've been engaged with real conversations both with the consumer and the business at high levels. It's not the black and white case that you seem to think that it is.

It's not the black and white case that you seem to think that it is.
What?! How do you expect me to survive in these turbulent times if I can't compartmentalize the world into false dichotomies of right vs wrong, left vs right, men vs women, or black vs white?

That's false. Consumer law varies from state to state and there are those, such as California, that require something to be sold at the price posted or risk fine or imprisonment.

But the question should go beyond whether or not there is an obligation. In the short-term, it may be in the best interest of a retailer to attempt to revoke that contract (or offer of sale) with the consumer, but in the long-term it becomes more questionable. The consumer loses trust in the retailer when that contract can seemingly be broken against their will.

The worst case I've seen of this recently was the revocation of keys by GamersGate on a deal that was not outside the realm of possibility. I didn't take advantage of that price, but it certainly harms my view of the storefront and makes me less likely to deal with them in the future. That's a real loss to the retailer.

I may sound anti-retail, but in reality I spent over 20 years in the business and I've been engaged with real conversations both with the consumer and the business at high levels. It's not the black and white case that you seem to think that it is.
Of course I own a rocket ship factory and I live in the ocean. I'm sure you were trying to convey some point here but it seems to have slipped by me with all that armchair consumer legal experience you have. I've got a great idea, why don't you just go ahead and take legal action against gropes and gamersgate and get back to me when you have it all worked out. I'm off to visit Mars with Lord British.

Of course I own a rocket ship factory and I live in the ocean. I'm sure you were trying to convey some point here but it seems to have slipped by me with all that armchair consumer legal experience you have. I've got a great idea, why don't you just go ahead and take legal action against gropes and gamersgate and get back to me when you have it all worked out. I'm off to visit Mars with Lord British.
Setting aside the fact that you enjoy trolling everyone, I'll restate my point as plainly as I can:

You're full of shit.

Remember that the CAG forum has a handy dandy ignore system. Add Bruticis to it and enjoy a much lower amount of shit in your daily CAG browsing.

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Well it's not the first time you've been wrong today, so at least you've got that consistency thing going on.
Sorry dude, not gonna take the bait.

I laid out a pretty plain case for you about why your statement was false. Your response was to fall back into your smug persona that you so often do when you're clearly wrong or when you find it amusing to belittle Mooby.

I'm confident in what I said and I frankly don't care whether or not you comprehended the information I provided, nor whether or not you own a rocket ship factory. Both sides of the argument are out there and people can decide for themselves.

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Sorry dude, not gonna take the bait.

I laid out a pretty plain case for you about why your statement was false. Your response was to fall back into your smug persona that you so often do when you're clearly wrong or when you find it amusing to belittle Mooby.

I'm confident in what I said and I frankly don't care whether or not you comprehended the information I provided, nor whether or not you own a rocket ship factory. Both sides of the argument are out there and people can decide for themselves.
I'm not here to win any argument, I'm here to tell you you're wrong. I don't care if you accept it or not, it doesn't change anything. By all means go ahead and prove me wrong and let me know the docket number when it's assigned. You're argument is nuh-huh they can't be mr. meany pants evil robot corporation cause you've talked about it for 20 years (I don't even know how to respond to this logic). My argument is yes they can and yes they (various online digital retailers being they) have revoked steam keys when an obvious glitch/error has occurred in the past on numerous occasions.

I'm not here to win any argument, I'm here to tell you you're wrong. I don't care if you accept it or not, it doesn't change anything. By all means go ahead and prove me wrong and let me know the docket number when it's assigned. You're argument is nuh-huh they can't be mr. meany pants evil robot corporation cause you've talked about it for 20 years (I don't even know how to respond to this logic). My argument is yes they can and yes they (various online digital retailers being they) have revoked steam keys when an obvious glitch/error has occurred in the past on numerous occasions.
Follow along with me very slowly.

The principle of the matter is that a business or corporation should not and are not required to honor price mistakes and should be able to take what ever legal action necessary to correct the mistake.
Businesses and corporations often are required to honor price mistakes and may not take legal action to correct the mistake. It varies from state to state, for example California (as cited by me in my post). Research other states if it interests you.

California Business and Professions Code Sections
For sales:
. (a) It is unlawful for any person, at the time of
sale of a commodity, to do any of the following:
(1) Charge an amount greater than the price, or to compute an amount greater than a true extension of a
price per unit, that is then advertised, posted, marked, displayed, or quoted for that commodity.
(2) Charge an amount greater than the lowest price posted on the commodity itself or on a shelf tag that
corresponds to the commodity, notwithstanding any limitation of the time period for which the posted price
is in effect.
(b) A violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars
($25) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not
exceeding one year, or by both, if the violation is willf
ul or grossly negligent, or when the overcharge is
more than one dollar ($1).
(c) A violation of this section is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars
($100) when the overcharge is one dollar ($1) or less.
(d) As used in subdivisions (b) and (c), "overcharge" means the amount by which the charge for a
commodity exceeds a price that is advertised, posted, marked, displayed, or quoted to that consumer for
that commodity at the time of sale.
(e) Except as provided in subdivision (f), for purposes
of this section, when more than one price for the
same commodity is advertised, posted, marked, displayed, or quoted, the person offering the commodity for
sale shall charge the lowest of those prices.
(f) Pricing may be subject to a condition of sale, such as membership in a retailer-sponsored club, the
purchase of a minimum quantity, or the purchase of mult
iples of the same item, provided that the condition
is conspicuously posted in the same location as the price.

That makes your statement false and you, by extension, full of shit.

Note that I did not say I "talked about it" for 20 years, but that I worked in retail for 20 years at the corporate level, in which these types of discussions -- based on actual issues -- were conducted regularly.

I don't think you read my initial post, or Motoki's when you started down this anti-entitlement line of derision. Maybe you should start there.

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For posterity's sake, specific races don't have any special rights in the US.  Race overall is a protected class against discrimination, but it doesn't matter what race you are.  Meaning, everyone is protected by the Civil Rights Act.  Even right wing nuts who like to spread lies.  

So, when will you all be suing Gamersgate and Groupees? You gotta stick it to the man and fight for what's right! I'm sure none of you will ever partake in any deals from these shady, baby eating, soulless mega-corporations ever again.

I am not trying to troll or argue. I think that Bruticis has posted some valid points.  I also did not read his post as implying any sort of racism.  

I also respect the opinions and perspectives of others.  At this point in time, there is a difference in physical versus digital goods.  Can there be improvement?  YES!

I remember in recent history the Warlock 2 game where people got the steam keys revoked/removed when there was a glitch.  I believed that the seller actually had the right to ask for revoking the keys due to this glitch. 

There are times we can get a heck of a deal i.e. amd codes for a buck (yeah, did not get one but oh well) where it was not even a glitch but a clearance per se.

Groupees may revoke the keys (they may not).  I believe that they tried to offer a price on a bundle and there was an exploit for the higher tier.  It is their call on how they handle it.  Some companies let things slide more than others.

Again, not trying to put anyone down as I respect everyone here, just saying my two cents.

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So, when will you all be suing Gamersgate and Groupees? You gotta stick it to the man and fight for what's right! I'm sure none of you will ever partake in any deals from these shady, baby eating, soulless mega-corporations ever again.
I don't think that accurately represents the opinion of the majority of people that have posted about this (and related) issues in this thread.

From what I've read, most people are just uncomfortable with what seems like an ever increasing loss of control over their digital product obtained through legitimate purchase (GamersGate). The move by Groupees to go into your account and revoke keys that may have already been redeemed is an encroachment on this same area -- not legally, but philosophically from the standpoint of the consumer. It's the product of sloppy business practices, its not consumer-friendly, and it's bad PR for the retailer.

That's it. No lawsuits, no baby-eating, no "man" from whom we are being stuck.

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Good thing you aren't taking "the bait" as you called it, though.
I'm trying to help you with something you appear to have misunderstood, or at least miscommunicated. By "not taking the bait", I'm simply saying that if you're trolling I'm not going to be upset by it.

And if you are trolling and just wasting everyone's time, well then... well played, I suppose.

Groupees may revoke the keys (they may not). I believe that they tried to offer a price on a bundle and there was an exploit for the higher tier. It is their call on how they handle it. Some companies let things slide more than others.
The problem I have is that because Steam, which has become the default repository for holding the vast majority of digital PC games, is involved it isn't just Groupees call. It's Valve's too. And probably they'll just go along with it, but then it may give other stores and developers and publishers ideas that this is some casual okay thing to do when things don't go the way you want.

Groupees themselves probably got the idea from Gamersgate, or more likely given how insular they are from their chat room sycophants who themselves probably think this is just some easy breezy thing to do now that Gamersgate has done it a couple of times.

I guess what concerns me most is that it used to be a huge, huge deal. This taboo thing that you really don't touch in all but the absolute most extreme cases that involved intentional criminal activity. Now it's just like 'Oops, we goofed. Let's revoke keys. Thank you, come again'.

And I don't think that's a good thing for digital game buyers in the long term. It makes me uneasy. I makes me less likely to want to buy stuff (well that and I own everything under the pixelated sun worth a damn already, but still).

I'm sure I'm a broken record here in these things, but what I'm getting at is the more this sort of thing goes on, the more it has repercussions and ramifications I think it has for the industry as a whole. It's more than just Groupees having their call on how to handle a foul up they made, at least to me.

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I'm trying to help you with something you appear to have misunderstood, or at least miscommunicated. By "not taking the bait", I'm simply saying that if you're trolling I'm not going to be upset by it.

And if you are trolling and just wasting everyone's time, well then... well played, I suppose.
Trolling = someone doesn't like something someone posted. Nothing was miscommunicated, some sheltered 20 something manchild with no life experience decided to get offended I used the word race in a post. Happens daily on the net which prompts generation stupid to go into nuclear SJW mode.

Thanks to you guys and your stupid arguments I've accidentally gilby'd.... *looks at games* ... successfully boycotted another groupees bundle.

Motoki, please understand that I respect your perspective.  I agree that revoking should not be passe, but utilized only when needed.  I think we are all worried about precedent.  I think that you have written excellently about the need for change with regards to digital goods.

Trolling = someone doesn't like something someone posted. Nothing was miscommunicated, some sheltered 20 something manchild with no life experience decided to get offended I used the word race in a post. Happens daily on the net which prompts generation stupid to go into nuclear SJW mode.
I quoted and took exception with your statement that corporations are not required to honor posted prices and could/should pursue any legal option available. In that post you quoted Motoki, who said nothing about race. Perhaps there's the miscommunication?

He seemed to be replying to Deckmeup actually. And I think he was just taking the moment to get all Bill O'Reilly and trying to make some sort of allegory between consumer rights and racial rights or some such.

At any rate, I'm content to call this thread the Bruticus and Hal show. Though that might make Mooby jealous. Maybe Videogame Crossfire?

I quoted and took exception with your statement that corporations are not required to honor posted prices and could/should pursue any legal option available. In that post you quoted Motoki, who said nothing about race. Perhaps there's the miscommunication?
I will concede that there are certain states that are far more pro consumer then others but it really doesn't matter since they are rarely challenged by consumers. I'm simply stating that lots of digital distribution etailers have had zero problems with revoking keys which has been proven. I don't see CAG going out and filling a class action suit to get their 99 cent bundles restored. It's rather silly to bitch about companies fixing obvious screwups that we tried to take advantage of. I fail to see how that's any less shitty than a company yanking the keys back.

I'm simply stating that lots of digital distribution retailers have had zero problems with revoking keys which has been proven.
Because it's stuff that no one truly gives a shit about.

Wait until it's some zombie survival game and Call of the Battlefield 22 or something the 'famous' Youtubers pick up on.

And if you think we're bad, just wait until the console kids go all digital. You know it's coming eventually no matter how much they kick and scream and try to hold onto their boxes.

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Finders keepers has not proven to be a valid legal defense in most cases. Like when the armored truck spills, keeping the cash can get you in serious trouble.
I'm pretty sure this is the only good analogy in the entire thread. These keys weren't hidden quite well enough and some people ran in and helped themselves. They weren't freely given, they didn't have a price on them, they were just lying around where people could happen across them. And now we have a bunch of people trying to defend a childish claim of "finders keepers" and using slippery slope fallacies to do it.

Not only are you guys keeping that big bag of money you found on the street in front of your house one day, you're trying to argue that it's yours by right because the person who left it there gave you the impression that it belonged to you.

I still feel like people are confusing this glitch with the bundles they accidentally sold for a dollar, because I can't believe there are so many people bringing up Gamersgate. Groupees is honoring the price glitch. They're revoking the unpaid for Call of Juarez key that showed up for a few hours yesterday in my $1 tier Be Mine X bundle. As far as they're concerned, that key is stolen.

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bread's done