Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

Forgot to mention I got screwed on the Dogtags at Walmart. They said the dogtag shipment never showed up with the games. Gonna call Customer Service tomorrow to see if/when the tags are supposed to show up and make sure I can get a set, since I bought the game and the tags were advertised.
[quote name='DaveD']Waited in line, got my regular edition! W00T! Too bad I got home to 3 red rings waiting on me. Had no idea that was coming. Time for 360 #3 tomorrow.[/quote]

Played for 2.5 hours now I get to sleep for 2.5 hours b4 work.... :whistle2:s

Highest I saw was like 110K people online just in ranked and it's not even out on the west coast yet. :D
Is the single-player campaign for this game any good? I only played a bit of the first Halo and found the single-player really bland and repetitive with ugly environments and poor AI. And I'm not a fan of multi-player FPSs, especially since I don't have xbox live. So I'm pretty much exclusively a single-player gamer, so would this game still be any good for someone like me?

I arrived about 8:00 pm, and was about 10 people back.

9:00-9:30 pm - douchebag in red truck pulled up at exactly 9:01 pm when BB closed just so he could "control the music."

Shortly after, the Red Bull truck arrived to give us free bad-tasting energy drinks:

9:45 pm

10:00 pm

11:30 pm (continues...)

11:30 continued...still going along the fence...

11:30 continued...still going...past the fence and back towards the rear of the parking lot now...

11:30 continued...along the back of the parking lot

Good thing I wore the CAG shirt. Kendal arrived right when I did. First CAG I've met out in the wild. We shall be finishing the fight over the next few days...

MIDNIGHT. If you ever see the dude on the right wearing the hat, laugh at him (same guy who pulled his truck up front at one minute after closing). He kept telling me that there are no "chanting monks" in this game at all. He wouldn't change his mind no matter how much I told him that it was only like that for the teaser trailer. Of course, it's like the first thing you hear on the title screen. Now, if you see the teenage candy-ass on the LEFT with the cutesy white shirt, punch him in the face. I was about to. He committed four cardinal sins. 1) Interrupted a conversation I was having with others when someone said "Gears of War" by saying "Gears of War sucks." 2) Told myself, Kendal, and my longtime friend "wow, you guys are old." 3) He was so clueless he didn't realize when we were mocking him. 4) Worst of all, tried to convince me the $4 warranty was worth it when I was checking out.

Free swag table. I took one of everything. Further down are "impulse items" like $60 controllers and $1200 HDTVs.

7-11 on the way home. No Halo 3 there apparently.

But they did have lots of this:

Free stuff! Shirt:

Free stuff! Hat, inflatable chair w/speakers, light-up squeeze ball:

Most ridiculous and best packaging ever? The answer is yes:

[size=+2]LINE WALK VIDEOS[/size]

10:30 pm, front to back ("I've got UH WII. Anybody want UH WII?")

11:45 pm, back to front

UNDERWHELMING MIDNIGHT REACTION!!!! (to be fair, there was a lot of cheering about 60 seconds prior to this when they turned the lights down in the store)


Oh, and the game ain't half bad either.
I went to a 7-11 at midnight, but no copies. Guy said his manager was coming to open up his office to get the games, but we said screw it and went to Gamestop. I bought the last non-reserved CE (no scratched discs- the guy checked for me!) and then my friend bought the legendary. Played the campaign for a while on Heroic and hopped online for a few matches, bed time for me though... I'm too much of a good two-shoes to skip class so I 'm gonna grab a few hours of sleep.
Midnight launch was fun. I had one customer thank us, the employees for staying up and staying open late just so we could sell them Halo 3. That floored me. I'm going to give him like 20% off his next purchase. I didn't expect that at all. He rocked. A simple "thank you" goes a long ass way.

And regarding the legendary edition. I have two cases in mine, a game disc and a collector's disc. Is there two discs in the collector's disc? Is there supposed to be more than two dvd cases in there?
[quote name='triforcer']awesome pics.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. I'm not much of a photographer but I took enough to get a few decent ones.

Played through level 1 with Kendal on heroic. I
The game absolutely blows. All people want to do is play bullshit Team Swat, and the game has horrible achievements. Back to Call of Duty 4.

Btw, my manual is fucked up on the bottom; I bought the regular sane version.
i know the mods want to keep everything game related in one neat little HUGE thread, but i think closing the thread about CE scratches is counter productive. do we really want multiple topics of discussion running through one thread? this thread has been about the game and launch, i think the scratched CE's is an important enough discussion to allow that topic to remain open, at least then things wont go off topic from the game to complaining about defects. just my two cents about that.
Well the point is to keep all Halo 3 related discussions here, but if you guys want a bitching thread about "my disc is scratched" then so be it...


Halo 3 "Unite To Fight" theme and pic are up on XBLM, they are free and only availble this week. Also, free Gold XBL access for everyone, thanks to Best Buy till 9/27 @ Midnight PT.
Wow, since I switched to a Halo 3 theme on my dashboard, all my blades actually match now, instead of having some fugly advertisement for a TV show or whatever on the marketplace blade. I'll enjoy it for the few days that it lasts.
[quote name='Zoglog']anyone have pics of the legendary's insides? Does the game disc come in tin or is it a standard one?[/QUOTE]

It has two dvd case, it's not like they just put the LE version inside it. The box is black instead of the normal bright green.

On the topic of midnight launches, we had some guys bring a 20 inch tube tv outside and play halo 1, then 30 minutes later some guys brought a 42 inch plasma lg tv and played halo 2 mp. We had a Halo 2 tourney inside the store which was a lot of fun.

Everything went really well.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']
Halo 3 "Unite To Fight" theme and pic are up on XBLM, they are free and only availble this week. [/QUOTE]
Where are these located?
[quote name='Zoglog']anyone have pics of the legendary's insides? Does the game disc come in tin or is it a standard one?[/QUOTE]
Standard, although I believe it's "shaded" differently (as in, darker) than the standalone retail.



Never mind, I'm retarded. Linkin Prime mentions how later on in the thread.
Like any other launch line, my line was filled with thuggish white boiz and unfunny douche bags.

Although the two metal kids in front of me were money.
I'm trying to get my silver membership to work with the halo 3 best buy promotion (gamertag h0mi) ... h3 doesnt see it as being anything but a silver but I registered it with the xbox/bb website for those free gold days. WTF gives?
Twas a quiet night in Independence Missouri, as I waited at Best Buy.

Showed up around 9 PM to see some old friends I havent seen in a while that had been waiting in line since 10 AM, and I was only the next person after them, major fail for them.

Watched a movie on the iPod, played some DS, then walked over to the Gamestop right by it and played some Halo 2 and won a $1(lol).

Midnight struck, picked up the Covenent controller and the Limited Edition game, and paid and then drove over to the G$ where there were about 100 or so in line still as I flashed the game. Turns out their computers screwed up and they didnt get the games out til 12:45 CST I heard.

Overall a great game, trying to get a game of Legendary 4 Co-op later today though
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']i can say tonight was the first time I ever enjoyed myself with halo... large part is due to it looking alot less bland than the past games.[/QUOTE]

And the other part due to my comments on your sisters..:bouncy:
[quote name='AshesofWake']your color will stay silver but you can play online[/quote]

Can you get the free gamerpics/theme during these 3 days or not? I'm gonna shell out the cash by the end of the week hopefully anyway, but I'd like to know.
It's so good.


I got a legendary edition, but I'm ditching the helmet on ebay. Just wanted all the bonus discs and a not scratched game.
I got a scratched limited edition from Walmart. I'll be taking it back later this week. The first level worked last night. I was wondering if maybe we could get a poll or something to see how everyone's limited editions are panning out. I don't want to replace my scratched LE with another scratched LE if ya know what I mean.
Oh yea, the first level rocks so hard. I mean there is SO many enemies and the brutes are no joke. Its gonna take me a while to beat it on heroic, letalone Legendary.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Who buys video games from Dell?[/QUOTE]
When they take $20 off the MSRP or bundle it with the Elite for $450 CND + free shipping, it gets tempting ;P
Anyone else here pull an all nighter? I got home from class at about 6:15 last night, took a nap until 11, got the game at about 1:30 (I was #82 at GameCrazy, and both their computers went down), and have been playing it nonstop since then. Me and a buddy are almost finished with the Coop on Heroic, but he needed to take a 2 hour nap. I don't plan on sleeping anytime soon either, since I have class from 1 to 6, and need to meet up with a friend at about 8:30 to play some more Coop.
[quote name='jughead']Oh yea, the first level rocks so hard. I mean there is SO many enemies and the brutes are no joke. Its gonna take me a while to beat it on heroic, letalone Legendary.[/QUOTE]
I was playing last night and getting my butt whooped. On heroic it is a challenge- I told myself I was sucking because I was so tired. I'm done with class at 12:30, then it is lunch, and then game time (I MIGHT skip philosophy, but I'm not sure- I never skip class, but if I did I could play for 4 hours straight... so yeah)
It's 7:20 AM here, I've been playing since about 1:30 am. I just got to exactly 10,000 on my gamerscore, I think it's a good point to stop and get some sleep.
[quote name='zewone']Where are these located?[/quote]

If they aren't under the Halo 3 stuff, click on the little banner that says "Unite To Fight" and it will be there.
[quote name='regisphilbi0']I was playing last night and getting my butt whooped. On heroic it is a challenge- I told myself I was sucking because I was so tired.QUOTE]
[quote name='regisphilbi0'] On heroic it is a challenge- I told myself I was sucking because I was so tired.[/QUOTE]

Same here! Lvl. 1 spoiler->
Those snipes were killing me at the end and the chief Brute was a badass with his grav. hammer.
Man some of you guys are hard core! Good on ya! None of the peeps on my friends list were online at all during the night (it's the middle of the afternoon in Indonesia when it's the middle of the night in the US.) I have to wait until next week since Play Asia won't receive their US versions until Oct. 2nd. My guess is the game will show up on Friday of next week. No biggie since I probably wont be able to play online anyway. Cursed Indonesian ISPs...
Picking up the game this afternoon for the online despite my dislike for the single player campaign. Would like to get some games with some CAGs if possible.

GamerTag is QuantamPulse.

Would like to get some more on the friends list who will be playing frequently over the next few weeks.
bread's done