Halo 3: ODST - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='M1C13']Halo 3 is coming to Games on Demand on 4/20. No price yet.[/QUOTE]

That's interesting given the problems with running Halo 3 off the 360 hard drive. I wonder how load times will be.
Since firefight doesn't use matchmaking I'm looking for some folk to play with. I just picked the game up in the recent gf sale so my friends aren't playing it anymore. Any other newcomers to this game? My gt is Bleed Blue08. Send me a fr if interested
[quote name='Halo05']That's interesting given the problems with running Halo 3 off the 360 hard drive. I wonder how load times will be.[/QUOTE]

i dont have a problem running halo 3 off my hard drive, my disc is cracked so i have to have it installed, it might have a slight delay, but i never noticed much, if any.
I know I'm way late, but I just finished ODST single player and...well wtf is up with that ending? Any news on a ODST 2? I had fun with it but it seemed super short. I know it wasn't meant to be a full blown single player experience...but still! Anyways, has there been any official announcements on Halo 3: ODST 2?
I am interested in playing some firefight with some CAGs for the achievements. I also just got this game from the gf sale, have finished the single player but need to do some firefight! Add me if you need another, I am on most nights during the week!
I haven't played this in sooooo long but I know for a fact I need Vidmaster achievements as well. If a few of us can settle on a time and day I'll try my best to make it.
I'd like to get in at some point, but I wouldn't be able to participate until May rolls around (moving on the 1st and not sure when my internet will be up at my new location). Don't feel you need to wait for me if you find somebody else, but having watched this thread in the past it seems finding times isn't the easiest for people.
[quote name='JStryke']I'd like to get in at some point, but I wouldn't be able to participate until May rolls around (moving on the 1st and not sure when my internet will be up at my new location). Don't feel you need to wait for me if you find somebody else, but having watched this thread in the past it seems finding times isn't the easiest for people.[/QUOTE]

Trying to play in early May probably will make it impossible, at least for a couple weeks, since the Halo Reach Beta drops on May 3.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Trying to play in early May probably will make it impossible, at least for a couple weeks, since the Halo Reach Beta drops on May 3.[/QUOTE]

Kind of what I figured. I could "attempt" to try now, but with my crazy sleep schedule (due to my current job), I'd rather not adjust it just for a game.

No biggie though. It just gives me time to either play the beta or work on other games in my backlog. :razz:
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Trying to play in early May probably will make it impossible, at least for a couple weeks, since the Halo Reach Beta drops on May 3.[/QUOTE]
Isn't the beta just multiplayer?/
If so, I won't be playing THAT much...
I hardly played Halo3's multiplayer...
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']Well I'm game pretty much whenever...
I'm on the east coast though..[/QUOTE]

Eastern standard as well. Would some time this week be cool with you? I'm down M-F almost any time but my weekends are super busy.
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']I'll play some odst. I need a chunk of the vidmaster challeneges still.
Def need 4 people though...[/QUOTE]

I want in. I might be busy with school finals but I'll try to work something out.
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']Isn't the beta just multiplayer?/
If so, I won't be playing THAT much...
I hardly played Halo3's multiplayer...[/QUOTE]

You are probably one of a very small number of people who didn't buy Halo 3 for the MP.
[quote name='life.exe']You are probably one of a very small number of people who didn't buy Halo 3 for the MP.[/QUOTE]
Probably. lol
Don't get me wrong, it is fun, but I suck. lol
Although the matchmaking is a LOT better than MW2.
Recently I have found Halo 3 ODST on sale, so I bought it. Also recently I won a free month of Xbox Live in a drawing which I have since redeemed. Now I am looking for players of any kind to play with me. My GT is Obsolete Critic. If you are interested send me a PM via Xbox or this forum, and send me a friend request.

I am willing to play anything I own.

Currently I am interested in playing:

Halo 3 ODST (Firefight) (Everyone I know who plays this is all 'firefighted out', but since I just got the game, I want to play it)
Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing (I really like this game and I am exited to play it)
Perfect Dark Co-Op Campaign (Anyone playing this for the first time or playing it again, never experienced past the first level, so it is all new for me)
Halo 3: Mythic (or regular, your choice, Campaign or Matchmaking, don't care if you have all maps, just tell me before you play.)
Halo Reach Beta
Gears of War 1
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise (Little to no progress on my file currently)
Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts (Keep in mind I have almost no parts unlocked.)
...And anything else you can think of, but I haven't listed here, that I personally own. (This list is full of the games I want to play.)

Again if you are interested, please post here, or send me a PM. If you are not interested in playing, that's fine.

Currently I am available tonight, Friday evening, I think Saturday or Sunday, and I will work from there. My timezone is EST, so keep that in mind if you are interested, and I hope to find interested players.
Anyone up for something Sat night? ODST that is...preferably not on legendary (firefight that is)... I've gone through the campaign solo on Heroic though...
I'd even be up for doing the campaign on 4 player legendary though...
Has there been any clue as to if Reach will have some kind of Firefight-like mode?

And if it doesn't have drop-in drop out multiplayer, then WTF....
just bought odst($30 from newegg)..game should be here within a week, but probably wont play anything besides the beta until it closes. Does any1 still play firefight here? is it really a hassle to find people to play with for firefight?
[quote name='yahoosale14']just bought odst($30 from newegg)..game should be here within a week, but probably wont play anything besides the beta until it closes. Does any1 still play firefight here? is it really a hassle to find people to play with for firefight?[/QUOTE]

yes its a pita.
I can't believe they never patched matchmaking into Firefight. It would be the perfect pick up and play mode if I could just drop into a group of randoms and blow enemies up for a half hour here and there.
[quote name='Halo05']I can't believe they never patched matchmaking into Firefight. It would be the perfect pick up and play mode if I could just drop into a group of randoms and blow enemies up for a half hour here and there.[/QUOTE]
I doubt I'll ever get any other of the vid master challenges done. Well at least I have 1...
Still would've been "fun" to go through the entire campaign with 3 other people. Same w/ Halo 3. Ah well...
I'd love to go through the campaign with 3 other people. I got stuck in one area with hundreds of enemies and no health packs, and thus I never finished.
I'm still interested in Firefight and Legendary Campaign (already ran through it months ago with friends but it didn't count a few missions so I'm willing to make another run) M-F almost EST time. Weekends are unfortunately out of the question since I'm usually busy and can't commit.
[quote name='Matt Young']I'd love to go through the campaign with 3 other people. I got stuck in one area with hundreds of enemies and no health packs, and thus I never finished.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I'm still interested in Firefight and Legendary Campaign (already ran through it months ago with friends but it didn't count a few missions so I'm willing to make another run) M-F almost EST time. Weekends are unfortunately out of the question since I'm usually busy and can't commit.[/QUOTE]

I'm game for firefight or the campaign on legendary. I've beaten the game solo on heroic.
Possibly Thurs or Fri night work? 8pm EST?
[quote name='Halo05']I can't believe they never patched matchmaking into Firefight. It would be the perfect pick up and play mode if I could just drop into a group of randoms and blow enemies up for a half hour here and there.[/QUOTE]

They said it would've taken months to make matchmaking for Firefight, so hopefully they added matchmaking for a Reach equivalent of Firefight and/or co-op campaign. I could play Halo 3's campaign over and over and over, so it always bugged me that I couldn't group up with a few people to play it on co-op.
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']I'm game for firefight or the campaign on legendary. I've beaten the game solo on heroic.
Possibly Thurs or Fri night work? 8pm EST?[/QUOTE]

Thursday would work for me. Friday, if I am home, I will be playing NHL 10 with the CAG team, as that is our weekly game night.
[quote name='Matt Young']Thursday would work for me. Friday, if I am home, I will be playing NHL 10 with the CAG team, as that is our weekly game night.[/QUOTE]

thursday is probably good for me too.
I haven't actually popped my copy of odst in yet, but how long does firefight usually take. I do like to try getting a prework nap before hand, but if it only takes an hour or two then I'm down for Thursday most likely provided we don't start any later than 8 EST (would prefer earlier if at all possible though).
This Thurs at 8 EST works fine for me provided you guys aren't full. I'll assume Firefight is on deck unless someone in the group is a hardened Halo vet who can guide the rest of us through the campaign as quick as humanly possible. I vaguely recall it taking me about 8 - 10 hours with a three man squad to trudge through Legendary. Some parts of the last stage in particular were old school Battletoads infuriating chock full of bullshit deaths, unnecessary length and retarded objectives. ;\
Firefight is super fun with friends. Hope they bring it back for Reach. There is hopefully a way to include match making, but I lived without it.
The claim that they couldn't include matchmaking support for Firefight is total bullshit. Gears of War 2 had matchmaking for Horde mode, and all Firefight is is a less fun ripoff of that. Both ODST and Gears 2 had 2 years after the previous game's release to work on stuff like that.
[quote name='Matt Young']The claim that they couldn't include matchmaking support for Firefight is total bullshit. Gears of War 2 had matchmaking for Horde mode, and all Firefight is is a less fun ripoff of that. Both ODST and Gears 2 had 2 years after the previous game's release to work on stuff like that.[/QUOTE]

Yup. One of the reasons why I hardly played Firefight is because of the lack of matchmaking. I really don't have the luxury of scheduling time with friends, since having a 2yr old make my free time unpredictable. The couple times that I did play it, I had a blast...this would have been a huge hit, had they taken the extra time to add in matchmaking. I seriously thought that it might have gotten a patch shortly after release but I was sadly mistaken.
Does anyone know when the Reach Beta will actually go up? (If anyone with experience on playing the Halo 3 Beta Day one can chime in...) Is it one of the deals where it'll go up at midnight/early in the morning?
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Does anyone know when the Reach Beta will actually go up? (If anyone with experience on playing the Halo 3 Beta Day one can chime in...) Is it one of the deals where it'll go up at midnight/early in the morning?[/QUOTE]

It hasn't been announced yet.

The Halo 3 beta's launch got delayed several hours after it was supposed to go live. As a result, Bungie added an extra week to the Halo 3 beta.
bread's done