Halo: Reach

Are people still wanting the beta keys? Got one in an email from MS and have zero interest in playing multiplayer, so no use for it (and I don't use ebay, so didn't sell it).
[quote name='GUNNM']I don't understand slayer invasion and why you have to capture points. You still win by kills.[/QUOTE]

You get better weapons and vehicles with every different capture point

[quote name='life.exe']I love Invasion, but it is a little imbalanced weapon wise. The Spartan side starts out with much better weapons (shotgun, grenade launcher), while the second two loadouts for the dinosaurs are just a sword (shotgun > sword) and a needler/plasma rifle combo. Plus the Spartans get rocket launchers, snipers, DMRs, in the last area. I know they are defending, but atleast even it out a little.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: Something about you calling the Elites dinosaurs was really funny while reading that post
Yeah, every time I get put on the Spartan side I'm exhaustively scouring the map for a pistol/DMR until we can get Needle Rifles.
Hate going into desperation here, but does ANYONE happen to have a spare Reach code, be it from having played Halo 2 on their Gamertag, the Expertzone exploit, etc.? REALLY hurtin' for a code here.
online multiplayer amazing me again...someone from the opposite team told me in particular to tell my other teammates to learn how to play better. :shock: ...wait, what? ...but we just beat your team again, and why are you asking me, I have know idea who these ppl are. He bailed shortly after when his team was losing during the 4th match up.

wonders never cease.
Beta ends May 19th.


Looks like my two biggest complaints are at least being addressed. They're going to increase the time it takes to melee twice in a row so you don't get killed by a double beat down as often and they're going to tweak it so that you and another player don't beat each other down simultaneously.

They're also looking at the grenades, which is fine with me.
Nice. I think the final product is going to be a blast to play. So glad they're changing the melee "double tap".
[quote name='KingBroly']I don't really get the point of splitting people into 2-man teams in Invasion Slayer.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, it kinda confuses me as well. The only reason I can see for doing it is to give you one additional, roaming spawn point in addition to the static point(s).
[quote name='Wet Ninja']Maybe Luke Smith meant that any one of those medals or actions contributes to the commendation. So if you need 12 medals/actions, for example, you could get one of each of the twelve, twelve of one of them, or three multiples of four of the medals, or some other combination, as long as the total adds up to the required amount. That's just a guess, though.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if they've been there all along or not, but I just found the list of commendations in my stats:
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Commendations.aspx?player=Wet Ninja

It looks like they "level up" as you go: there's a progress meter on the right, and it looks like when it gets full, the graphic for your commendation level will change. The Technician one is the one that is leveled up by any of those medals listed here, it appears. I believe there's a credit bonus when you complete a level of a commendation, based on what Bungie was saying here.
I was about to say, lol.

I like the gametype. I like being elites a lot more than spartans, though I miss armor lock.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Played a couple hours last night and no Invasion came up.[/QUOTE]

What the hell, man?

[quote name='zewone']What the hell, man?


[quote name='LinkinPrime']fuck!

I thought it would show up on Grab Bag in rotation.[/QUOTE]See this^.

Anyone else find the Scorpion to be beastly? It's balanced a bit by the lack of maneuvering room, but damn that cannon is instant death. :D

I also noticed that the Laser isn't a 1-hit kill on vehicles, or at least the Banshee. I only took off a wing; has anyone else experienced this or was my aim just off?
[quote name='Pirate331']I also noticed that the Laser isn't a 1-hit kill on vehicles, or at least the Banshee. I only took off a wing; has anyone else experienced this or was my aim just off?[/QUOTE]

It's instant death on any vehicle. However with a banshee, it seems like they can lose their wing(s) instead if you hit them there. I know I've tried ramming people before and lost my wings in the process, so I think it's possible they're not apart of the main body when it comes to hits from spartan lasers.
So is this game a must buy? Ive been thinking of ordering this since amazon is giving away 20 dollar gift cards with it. I liked halo 3 a bit, but stuff like swords/hammers were annoying at times. Does this feel like halo 3, or better?
It feels fairly different from Halo 3, in my opinion. The exclusion of the Battle Rifle changes the multiplayer a great deal. There's a much larger group of weapons that are effective compared to Halo 3, and it puts less emphasis on the power weapons (which is a good thing, IMO). And of course you've got armor abilities that also help shake things up. It's the same Halo at the core but it does enough things differently to feel fresh and to separate itself from H2 and H3.
[quote name='Trakan']Beta ends May 19th.


Looks like my two biggest complaints are at least being addressed. They're going to increase the time it takes to melee twice in a row so you don't get killed by a double beat down as often and they're going to tweak it so that you and another player don't beat each other down simultaneously.

They're also looking at the grenades, which is fine with me.[/QUOTE]

I've kind of always liked the simultaneous beatdowns in Halo.

[quote name='The 7th Number']So is this game a must buy? Ive been thinking of ordering this since amazon is giving away 20 dollar gift cards with it. I liked halo 3 a bit, but stuff like swords/hammers were annoying at times. Does this feel like halo 3, or better?[/QUOTE]

It feels like an amalgamation of Halo 1, Halo 3, and... something else. It still has that Halo feel, and it is a really great game. As much as I loved multiplayer in Halo 2 and 3, it was time for change. Thi8s changes just enough while still leaving other stuff intact.
[quote name='Fjordson']The exclusion of the Battle Rifle changes the multiplayer a great deal. [/QUOTE]

Keep hope alive! The beta was hacked and the beta files show the BR being in the game. Of course it could have been in the game for a while and they scrapped it or something along those lines, but I still believe.

[quote name='Matt Young']I've kind of always liked the simultaneous beatdowns in Halo.[/QUOTE]

Get that shit outta my Halo. I played over 8000 games of Halo 2, the melee was perfect in that game. Whoever hit first won. The adding of simultaneous beatdowns in Halo 3 and now simultaneous headshots/kills in Reach is the absolute dumbest thing I've ever seen. Somebody hit first. There have been so many times when I hear my melee hit first and the person should have died but they somehow live just long enough to get a melee off and kill me as well. It's the most bullshit I've ever seen.
[quote name='Trakan']

Get that shit outta my Halo. I played over 8000 games of Halo 2, the melee was perfect in that game. Whoever hit first won. The adding of simultaneous beatdowns in Halo 3 and now simultaneous headshots/kills in Reach is the absolute dumbest thing I've ever seen. Somebody hit first. There have been so many times when I hear my melee hit first and the person should have died but they somehow live just long enough to get a melee off and kill me as well. It's the most bullshit I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]


So is this game a must buy? Ive been thinking of ordering this since amazon is giving away 20 dollar gift cards with it. I liked halo 3 a bit, but stuff like swords/hammers were annoying at times. Does this feel like halo 3, or better?

For me, its not a must buy on release day. Once it drops in price I will surely pick it up, but I don't really like the feel of Halo 3, and Reach definitely still has that floaty non responsive feel to it that made me start to hate Halo 3. I want the Halo 2 feel back.
[quote name='Matt Young']I've kind of always liked the simultaneous beatdowns in Halo.[/QUOTE]

No, it's terrible. And where is that video of you hitting a guy 4 times?
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Can we all agree that Halo 2 was fucking awesome, and they need to base their Reach tweaks off of what made H2 so awesome?[/QUOTE]

Yep. I don't know what Bungie's smokin' these days, or why they feel the need to change/alter things so drastically. I get Halo Reach isn't the same game as Halo 3 isn't the same game as Halo 2, but certain shit shouldn't be messed with.
Simultaneous beatdowns FTL. There have been times where I know I'm about to die and I'll throw a random melee and get the double beatdown.
[quote name='The 7th Number']So is this game a must buy? Ive been thinking of ordering this since amazon is giving away 20 dollar gift cards with it. I liked halo 3 a bit, but stuff like swords/hammers were annoying at times. Does this feel like halo 3, or better?[/QUOTE]

I've noticed unless you're locked on, you can't kill someone with the sword w/one swipe. The hammer seems to have less of an AoE as well and a bit more avoidable though it still hurts when it hits.

mmm...yeah, I'm sold after Invasion. That was fun as hell. Plus, seeing how many armor abilities there are, and the classes etc you know if you never touch PvP campaign will still be fun as well. So yeah, get the $20 game credit.
You guys actually liked Invasion? I thought it was stupid as hell. Maybe it's because I only played one match though. I played on the Covey side and the damn game was so one sided that I almost stopped playing.

First round all the Spartans get ranged weapons and you get two piece of shit weapons. You have to pretty much rely on grenades the first round.

The second round is a bit better and by far the most fun I had in the game since I actually had a decent weapon, but it was really short and we won easily.

The third round was total bullshit. Shotguns + Grenade launchers is just fucking ridiculous. I tried using a sword and got raped. Since when does a sword that's being sneaky as hell get raped? God damn that round was annoying. I tried using other weapons and got the same results And it doesn't help that all the other team needs to do is camp on the higher ground inside the buildings and then rain down grenades when you try to pick up the core... When we finally did get the core outside, we had someone waiting in a vehicle ready to rape us. How the fuck were we supposed to kill him? With our Plasma Rifles? or the rocket launcher that the Spartans spawn on?

Maybe I'll just give this game a shot again later, but right now the multiplayer is just not fun and way too annoying.

[quote name='AlphaPanda']Can we all agree that Halo 2 was fucking awesome, and they need to base their Reach tweaks off of what made H2 so awesome?[/QUOTE]

Yeah Halo 2 was awesome. If they would just remake that game with today's graphics then I would be a happy gamer. I just can't believe that they thought taking away from Halo 2's fast paced action was a good thing in Halo 3's online MP. It made the game boring as hell compared to Halo 2. I liked the fact that after killing someone in Halo 2 I had to either hide, ask teammates for help or try to rape the next guy that came out of a corner because there was always someone there no matter what. It felt like you had an endless amount of enemies to kill and it was great. The only game types in Halo 3 that even make a somewhat fast paced setting is BTB, but even that isn't that great. Team Slayer is so boring now, especially when you go 20-30 seconds at a time without seeing an enemy. It's quite ridiculous when I can go 5 and 2 in a team slayer match just because I didn't see anyone at all. Believe it or not though, it happens to me all the damn time when I try to play TS. My teammates are the ones doing all the work because by the time they shout out where someone is either A) That person will be dead or B) That enemy isn't there anymore.

I mean... they've made this game somewhat better in terms of pace compared to H3, but I really hate all the weapons. I just can't believe they took away the Battle Rifle is all I want to say. The DMR sucks ass. It takes to long to kill and by the time you reach that 5th shot to finish someone off, your aim is so fucking off on the stupid reticule that you know you won't get the kill because the other player will just run and hide. The AR is weak... One clip NEEDS to be able to kill someone. At a medium range, you might as well not even bother. I don't want to switch to my damn pistol to kill someone. The pistol is alright, if I like shooting ONE shot from it and stop. More than one shot = no. The double melee is just AWESOME. It's total bullshit when someone can turn around after I lit them up with an AR clip only to be smacked twice. The only real weapons I like in the game are the Needle Rifle and Focus Rifle. That's about it. Every other weapon has something that's just wrong with it that really needs to get fixed. I know this is just a Beta, but they could have tested this shit out before giving us a beta.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']When players leave before the game is over, are you still out of luck, or will robots/new players join during the match?[/QUOTE]

Still out of luck.
[quote name='Matt Young']I've kind of always liked the simultaneous beatdowns in Halo.

It feels like an amalgamation of Halo 1, Halo 3, and... something else. It still has that Halo feel, and it is a really great game. As much as I loved multiplayer in Halo 2 and 3, it was time for change. Thi8s changes just enough while still leaving other stuff intact.[/QUOTE]

That something else= Tribes? Unreal Tournament?

What I played of it seemed pretty cool. I still suck, but I have fun while I'm sucking. *sigh*

1.) They've addressed the fact that the melee system is just plain bad in the beta. They've already stated in their most recent update that they are going to slow down the melee speed so melee isn't advantageous to shooting, that there won't be any faceoffs where you both kill each other with a melee attack at the same time, and other stuff.
2.) Yeah, Spartans start with too much stuff in the last stage. Shotguns + Snipers + Rockets + Splaser + Tank = holy crap. It is probably a little too difficult to get the core out, but it's not impossible. Success just seems to require a different mindset and focus than other gametypes.
3.) Yeah, the assault rifle sucks.
4.) The DMR isn't that bad of a weapon. What makes it weak is if you do try to fire too quickly, as 4-5 consecutive headshots will kill someone. If someone treats it like it's a BR, then their shots aren't going to be as effective. Wait for the bloom to go away and then take another shot. I do think the bloom should be decreased a little as it can get out of hand with three consecutive shots (I mean, it's IS a rifle after all), but they'll probably tweak it some for the release. The same mindset applies to the pistol: just slow down your gameplay some and be deliberate with each shot, and it'll make all the difference. They're not BRs, and thus require you to use them a little differently.
5.) Maybe you're just ranting or something, but I do hope you realize that they made the weapons that way deliberately. Yes, the balance could be a little bit off, but it could be a million times better than when they first started. You seem to really want the faster experience from Halo 2, and that's not what Bungie is wanting to do apparently. They are making something markedly different from Halo 2, and if you don't enjoy that, then I'm sorry, but you just won't enjoy it. Again, I don't know if you're just frustrated with the game currently and are just venting, but I was wanting to point that out just in case.

Hopefully I come across as polite and helpful in all of this, which is what I'm going for.
Invasion - to really enjoy it, you gotta stay for the matches on both sides so you can get a feel for elites and spartans. All the matches I played, the elites always managed to get the core near the pick up point but never was able to do so...same with us when we tried. The spartans are just really good at defending, but in no way did I feel that as an elite or a spartan being weak.

Invasion just had more dynamic objectives, the maps were bigger, and you got to see more armor tech as well as added weapons.
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Wow, I didn't like Invasion either, and for similar reasons (i.e. totally unbalanced) yet in the half dozen matches I played, if you were the Spartans you were fucked. Elites won every match. Round 1 seemed to be the toughest but once the Elites get that it was a guaranteed win.

Very odd given the responses above. My final thoughts on Invasion:

Pre-release Bungie hype: biggest Halo gametype ever, huge 3-tiered game with all the biggest and best weapons and vehicles ever in Halo. To sum it up in one word, EPIC!

Reality: Territories with a Flag and tons of quitters.
I'm surprised that they're going to get rid of simultaneous melee deaths, because they intentionally added that sometime after Halo 3's release to address the issue of host advantage.
[quote name='Danil ACE']I'm surprised that they're going to get rid of simultaneous melee deaths, because they intentionally added that sometime after Halo 3's release to address the issue of host advantage.[/QUOTE]
Maybe they've finally decided to make a game (speaking for all companies) that doesn't give the host an advantage...? JK, but seriously I've seen some really weird stuff with simultaneous kills. Like I'll get a close call medal but still die, or I'll get a headshot medal and still die, etc.

I want to see team composition changed for Invasion; I'm sick of having my party of 5-6 (6! A full team!) split up when there's a lone player and multiple parties of 2 or 3. Or getting a squad of guests from some other team... had that happen and the guest squad stood there doing nothing while the main player & guest #1 were on the other team.
Is their some sort of melee attack other then the hammer, sword and hitting them? Some of the times when I get killed from behind it looks like they used a knife also how do you change your grenades? I have not played in a long time but every thing I press does not change them.
That's the animated melee attack. When approaching someone from behind, hold the melee button and it will do the animation.

As for switching grenades...beats me, I still can't figure it out myself.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']That's the animated melee attack. When approaching someone from behind, hold the melee button and it will do the animation.

As for switching grenades...beats me, I still can't figure it out myself.[/QUOTE]
It's B when you are using the default control scheme
Bungie has got to figure out how to keep parties united when playing infiltration. Nothing sucks more than having to play against your own buddies. It really eliminates a lot of the strategy that these exclusive groupings provide.
[quote name='Swift900']Bungie has got to figure out how to keep parties united when playing infiltration. Nothing sucks more than having to play against your own buddies. It really eliminates a lot of the strategy that these exclusive groupings provide.[/QUOTE]

They already said it's a bug they can't fix during the beta. Expect it to be fixed for retail.
How much have you all played? I ask because I'm probably on the low end of the spectrum. I got the beta on Thursday, April 29, but didn't get to play it till Saturday. I played maybe 5 games before Monday. I just checked now, and I have 55 games played... a pittance. How about you?
bread's done