Has a movie ever made you cry/become sad?

[quote name='mookiemeister']Joy Luck Club, Casablanca, Ghost, Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, English Patient, Moulin Rouge, Sophie's Choice, An Affair to Remember.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I remember the Joy Luck Club, but for some reason I remember as the Joy Suck Club. I really didn't feel sad watching it, but I did feel something else...er something like that.
Pokemon the first movie. I shit you not.

Ash was just killed, and pikachu was crying and shocking him going "chuuuu!"

It was sad, so fuck all who say I'm less of a Mouse because of it.
John Q made my eyes water a little but I didn't bust up crying or anything. Just so sad how the medical world treats the lower class people like John Q. *runs off crying*
[quote name='Mouse']Pokemon the first movie. I shit you not.

Ash was just killed, and pikachu was crying and shocking him going "chuuuu!"

It was sad, so fuck all who say I'm less of a Mouse because of it.[/QUOTE]

So wait, they finally off'ed that annoying kid? I guess I gotta check that movie out. :lol:
This sounds really embarassing but some of those adam sandler movies get to me

The Wedding Singer (when he sings I wanna grow old with you on the plane at the end)
50 first dates (when they play somewhere over the rainbow at the end)

then here are a few more tearjerkers

Finding Neverland ( Basically when Winslet finally sees neverland and then afterwards, I dont wanna give it away)

The Notebook ( the ending)
[quote name='Mouse']Pokemon the first movie. I shit you not.

Ash was just killed, and pikachu was crying and shocking him going "chuuuu!"

It was sad, so fuck all who say I'm less of a Mouse because of it.[/QUOTE]


Glitter-0 Stupid freaking girlfriend making me watch this "movie"
0=Makes me go into such a deep depression I want to kill myself
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Grave of the Fireflies made my cry, and Casshern made me feel like utter shit for a good few days.[/QUOTE]

Casshern just made me fucking confused. Maybe it was the bad Hong Kong sub.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']too many to name...

Antwone Fisher
Man on the Moon

That's enough for now...you guys don't need to know how much of a crybaby I am.[/QUOTE]

Futurama? HOW?
[quote name='Heyricochet']Casshern just made me fucking confused. Maybe it was the bad Hong Kong sub.[/QUOTE]

Casshern put me to sleep about half way though. :lol:
[quote name='Dante Devil']Yes, I remember the Joy Luck Club, but for some reason I remember as the Joy Suck Club. I really didn't feel sad watching it, but I did feel something else...er something like that.[/QUOTE]

You didn't like the movie? I really like the background stories of the several generations of women and how their stories are connected to their daughters' even though most of the stories are very sad. I think it's one of the saddest movies I've ever seen.
Wow, welcome to therapy...

I have to pick one example from three mediums. Film, television and literature.

Seven Samurai
I kind of lost it in the scene Toshiro Mifune rescues the baby from the burning millhouse. The emotion he conveys when he realises the baby's situation is a mirror of his own childhood just ripped my heart out.

Freaks and Geeks
I just get so involved in these character's lives and personalities I can't help but die when they suffer truama. Joe Flaherty had some great parts in that series as well as Martin Starr and Samm Levine. Awsome show. Buy the box set. Now. Seriously. I'll find you if you don't.

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Seriously, literature has so much to offer if you just give it a chance. I guess if reading isn't your thing that's fine with me, you're just missing out on alot.

This book is one of my all time favorites. Excellent, excellent character development. I rarely get so emotionaly attached to a protagonist in a book, but this was incredible. I was actualy getting sympathetically depressed reading this book and I was tormented up until the end. I enjoy that sort of thing, maybe you don't. I can't remember if I cried to be honest but holy crap, what a great book.

WEll, at the end, after every single other character dies, all thats left is the main character adn his love interest. They embrace, all happy like, and THEN THEY fuckING EXPLODE! WHAT THWE fuck?! That was so fucking depressing, and add in the end monologue ith the home movieish flashback,a dn I was down for a while.
Well for me I'd have to say .The Green Mile, the end to the Killer, Leon:The Professional,I am sam. When I was a kid and I saw Transformers: the movie at the cinema I cried when Optimus Prime died

There also was this made for tv movie that I saw when I was younger , it was called
"I know my first name is Steven" (found the plot summary)

I Know My First Name Is Steven" chronicles the true story of Steven Stayner's life after being kidnapped at the age of seven and held with his captor for seven years.

He returns to the police station one night after rescuing another child from his captor. At first, he denies the allegations that he was sexually abused, however later during the movie it is revealed he indeed was abused during those seven years.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']CASSHERN SPOILERS

WEll, at the end, after every single other character dies, all thats left is the main character adn his love interest. They embrace, all happy like, and THEN THEY fuckING EXPLODE! WHAT THWE fuck?! That was so fucking depressing, and add in the end monologue ith the home movieish flashback,a dn I was down for a while.[/QUOTE]

That seems like it would be too random to be depressing. But what do I know, I didn't even think Requiem for a Dream was depressing. :lol:
[quote name='mookiemeister']You didn't like the movie? I really like the background stories of the several generations of women and how their stories are connected to their daughters' even though most of the stories are very sad. I think it's one of the saddest movies I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]

I was joking around. I was making a reference to a porn movie named The Joy Suck Club.
[quote name='spoo']Old Yeller made me shed one manly tear.[/QUOTE]


Also this asian film called quill I cried very hard on, because I love dogs and have had dogs involved with me since I can remember. here is the summary:

As a labrador puppy, Quill is sent to live with a couple, Isamu (Teruyuki Kagawa) and Mitsuko Nii (Shinobu Terajima), who work as volunteers, training guide dogs (seeing eye dogs). When he grows to an adult dog, he is taken to a guide dog school, by a friendly, yet firm trainer Satoru Tawada.

Although Quill is a little slower than the other dogs at the school, he seems to have an unusual 'empathy' and remarkable patience with his trainers. Tawade decides that Quill would be the ideal guide dog for Mitsuru Watanabe (Kaoru Kobayashi), but Wanatabe, a lonely and ill-tempered middle aged man, isn't as enthusiastic - he would "would rather sleep than be dragged around by a dog.".

From here, the story is narrated by Wanatabe's daughter, Mitsuko (Yukika Sakuratani), and slowly, Wantanbe is rehabilitated, venturing into the outside world, and learning, not only to trust other humans, but the animal at his side who guides him.
[quote name='el bobo']Glitter-0 Stupid freaking girlfriend making me watch this "movie"
0=Makes me go into such a deep depression I want to kill myself[/QUOTE]

Glitter?! Ouch! It sucks to be you!
The only time I ever got real emotional (not crying though), and this one is stupid, at the end of tenchi muyo or tenchi universe (can't remember which). It appears that ryoko (my all time favorite anime character) had sacraficed herself, but after they destroy the villain tenchi is walking down some steps and ryoko pops out of nowhere and tackles him. It was a giant "why can't I have someone like that" feeling. After seeing it I refused to watch the episode again to avoid that.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Can't believe no one mentioned Saikano (She, the Ultimate Weapon). I know it's a series, but still. I rarely ever cry over anything, but Saikano had me literally sobbing. Could hear me throughout the house. I had to pause the DVD until I regained control of myself. I finished the series last year, yet it still comes back to me every now and then and I tear up. I highly recommend it to anyone that is looking for a good story, just be prepared for the most depressing one ever written.[/QUOTE]

You know I thought the same thing I was all ready to be a sobbing mess, especially after the warning before the final episodes started but I was pretty much unaffected for some reason.

Now "Voices of a distant star" kicks my ass every time, the whole tragic situation and at the end alone, frightened and hoping & praying for one last moment. That choked me up.

[quote name='el bobo']Stupid freaking girlfriend making me watch this "movie"[/QUOTE]

If you want to have a girlfriend (and the social and physical benefits that come with said relationship), you must sometimes make a few sacrifices including attending said "movie." All in all, I'd consider it a small price to pay, depending on the quality of the girlfriend of course. :roll:
never really a movie, although i rarely ever watch movies. I remember one part of "on the beach" was really sad: when they go on the mission to Alaska and the sub passes by one of the sailor's hometown. If anyone has not read the book, just try to find that one part. Might be one of the most emotional moments ive ever read
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I'm sorry but I've never teared up thanks to a book since I was about 6. Besides children's books I can't think of any really sad stories, that may me produce so much raw emotion and if I did it was a comic book. There's only word description in literature, no characters on screen to turn the emotion of words into action. I think it's easier to empathize with a person on screen than it is to images from my imagination. Literature may influence people's actions more, but I think film can produce a much deeper on-the-spot emotional outpour.[/QUOTE]
One of my friends in junior high was crying when reading the end of Where the Red Fern Grows. That was definately a sad book and really touched a lot of people
[quote name='r1s3n']Yeah that dog episode was a tough one.


Or the one with his brother anmd nephew. That one's really depressing.

As for books, the Battle Royale novel weas really really sad, as was the Gaunts Ghost novel where Bragg died. That was a huge fucking downer
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Or the one with his brother anmd nephew. That one's really depressing.[/QUOTE]

I always preferred Luck of the Fryish to Jurassic Bark.
I shed a few tears at the end of "Finding Neverland". Also I cried towards the end of "Mrs. Doubtfire" when the judge was taking visitation rights from him. I know I'm a little weird, but I'm a fan of Robin Williams and I felt bad for his character.
"My Life"--Starring Micheal Keaton and Nicole Kidman, saw it at the movies the first night it came out and balled my eyes out right in the packed theater.

Saving Private Ryan and Big Fish also teared me up the first time I saw them also.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I always preferred Luck of the Fryish to Jurassic Bark.[/QUOTE]

2nd'ded. that is such a good episode!
bread's done