Hearthstone: CAG-Style

Feel free to add me for Hearthstone action, I don't know anybody that plays like me:


just let me know that you're adding me and what your ID is so I don't ignore it due to spam.


Btw was able to get Hearthstone installed on my Galaxy S4. Lag here and there when the effects get too crazy but totally playable. This is bad....
I had no idea there was a Hearthstone thread on CAG.

The game runs smooth on my Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 and workable on the Nook HD+. Still going to play on the PC 99% of the time, but it's nice to have alternatives.

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Btw was able to get Hearthstone installed on my Galaxy S4. Lag here and there when the effects get too crazy but totally playable. This is bad....
No kidding. I played more yesterday than I did in October and November combined, I think. Don't tell my boss. :whistle2:$

If anyone wants to play, my id is cg8889 and just send a message with CAG so I know who you are.

See you on the tables!
I'm still playing this game daily... it has taken over my video game life.  I splurged on some GvG and Classic packs when there was that crazy Amazon sale a week ago and I regret nothing.  It was like 150 something packs for $80.  I have almost 7000 dust and most of the GvG cards other than legendaries and a few epics.  Opening packs is frustrating - I only have a few legendaries and I doubled up on Ragnaros and that stupid Flame Leviathon.  I did get Dr. Boom from a pack though, which was sweet even though my ratio pulling legendaries was nowhere near 1/20 packs.  I ended up with Dr. Boom, Vol'jin, Blingtron and Iron Juggernaut too.  Not so great.

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I have actually broke free from my Hearthstone addiction. I was literally playing for hours per day. The game play started getting a little stale for me even with the new cards. It worked out well for me since I have a backlog of console and PC games to last me a lifetime. So I am starting to dive into those games. I am sure I will get back into Hearthstone when it gets released on android phones.

I have actually broke free from my Hearthstone addiction. I was literally playing for hours per day. The game play started getting a little stale for me even with the new cards. It worked out well for me since I have a backlog of console and PC games to last me a lifetime. So I am starting to dive into those games. I am sure I will get back into Hearthstone when it gets released on android phones.
This is exactly how I felt with the game. I played a bunch through the summer months, and realized I have way too much to play on my PC and other systems. I played very sparsely through Oct and Nov, then when GvG came out, and it also came out for tablets, I took to reddit to figure out how to get it on my rooted Note 3. Now I'm playing as much as I ever did, since my phone is with me all the time, and I'm not restricted to Wifi (like when I played on the wife's iPad). I haven't spent any money on the game, and have gotten a great deal of enjoyment and frustration out of it. My teenage self wishes M:TG would've cost this much back then to be moderately competitive with friends.

Didn't spend money yet.I think I spent $6 Amazon coins, and 30 packs in gold so far. The only Legendary I got is Neptulon, which is awesome.Solves Shaman's lack of late game card draw. The game is starting to feel like a grind.People are playing various versions of zoo,handlock,control warrior, mech mage and Priest. Made an awesome Shaman deck that can consistently beat zoo,exception being Paladin divine zoo. That is the most annoying iteration of zoo yet. Carries two consecrations,and two avenging wraths.Seems the only way to win is to pack sticky minions: Piloted shredders, and harvest golems.

The lack of variety in competitive decks is what drove me away months ago. I recently came back and have been dabbling here and there. The biggest thing I've noticed is that it seems like people are playing a much wider variety of decks in unranked games. I haven't touched ranked games since I got back into it. I'll probably just stick to unranked games.
The lack of variety in competitive decks is what drove me away months ago. I recently came back and have been dabbling here and there. The biggest thing I've noticed is that it seems like people are playing a much wider variety of decks in unranked games. I haven't touched ranked games since I got back into it. I'll probably just stick to unranked games.
I'm sick of facing the same build daily without a curveball here or there.

Mage = mech mage

Hunter = deathrattle aggro

Warrior = control warrior

Warlock = zoo or handlock

I really like watching Kripparrian or Noxious because they do some crazy, fun decks that are also competitive (usually). I want the next expansion to really shake things up.

I'm sick of facing the same build daily without a curveball here or there.

Mage = mech mage

Hunter = deathrattle aggro

Warrior = control warrior

Warlock = zoo or handlock

I really like watching Kripparrian or Noxious because they do some crazy, fun decks that are also competitive (usually). I want the next expansion to really shake things up.
I have a variation of every one of those built for quests... but the two decks I have been using the most for the last week or so are a midrange healadin (upwards of 70% win rate as of this post) and a mech rogue (closer to 60%). The rogue is a lot more fun to play, but my paladin has a lot of really nice synergies, even without a Tirion.

I have been using my own priest deck i keep swapping random things out. It's fun just to do that. I don't run any silence or taunts in my deck but have learned ways to win that I never thought were possible. Even blow my own mind. I don't think I'm every getting sick of this game. haha. 

I did open a golden Bolvar which I'm figuring out what to do with in a pally deck. 

I have a variation of every one of those built for quests... but the two decks I have been using the most for the last week or so are a midrange healadin (upwards of 70% win rate as of this post) and a mech rogue (closer to 60%). The rogue is a lot more fun to play, but my paladin has a lot of really nice synergies, even without a Tirion.
My main class is Priest and I use a deck built around using your deck against you with Shadow Madness, Voljin, Thought Steal and Mind Control. I also play Reincarnate Shaman and Mech Aggro Shaman.
I just played a game with my rogue where I was totally getting my butt kicked. He had 6 minions out, 1 card in hand, and I had 1 minion out (Cogmaster with no mech help). Backstab on his Piloted Shredder, then killed it with my Cogmaster. What drops? My savior, Doomsayer! I rolled with laughter and felt completely horrible at the same time. Instant rage quit when I assume he pulled nothing of consequence.
I play some. Not a lot. It's fun game to pass the time with IMO. Cheaper than MTG any day of the week lol.

Mainly play mage.

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I may be thinking of playing this game(I have been living under a rock. I know.) What class is considered the best for beginers(does not require many great cards to win)?

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I may be thinking of playing this game(I have been living under a rock. I know.) What class is considered the best for beginers(does not require many great cards to win)?
There's no reason to stick to any particular class, other than leveling them up to level 10 (which you should do with all classes, if for no other reason than easy gold, and takes a relatively short amount of time). It's not like the longer you use a class, the stronger it gets, or the more cards you get for it (other than the basic cards you get for leveling to 10). With that being said, any aggro-type deck -- hunter, mech mage, aggro paladin (shockadin), and zoo warlock (zoolock) -- don't necessarily need many epics/legendaries to succeed.

If you do arena, though, mage and paladin are generally considered to be the easiest to win with.

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I may be thinking of playing this game(I have been living under a rock. I know.) What class is considered the best for beginers(does not require many great cards to win)?
Warlock, mage, and hunter are generally the easiest to play. I believe Paladin is also fairly accessible. Druid and Warrior are more or less off-limits to newer players until you get a solid collection.

Thanks Madcatz1999 & Rocko for the advice. I decided to go with the mage. Seemed a lot like the classic MTG Red deck that I used to play. Lots of direct damage spells and the like, although this mage class does have some disabling spells that can elminate some tough creatures it seems. It seems like great fun.

So I am a beginner to the game. I played the tutorial and I know how the game works but my question is what is the easiest way to do the dailies? I have tried the game up to the tutorial and stopped but I want to get back into the game.

Also I am assuming it's still better to do the whole elimination tournament thing instead of buying card packs?

You probably want to level up all your classes to level 10.  That will get you a large chunk of gold, as well as the complete set of basic cards.

As far as the dailies go, they're pretty straightforward, no?  If you have to win 2 or 5 games with certain classes, then there's not really a way to make that easier.  If you need to, find site like hearthpwn where people post decks, and find one labeled "budget" or something, and get a good idea of what a good, cheap deck for that class looks like.

If you don't mind putting in the bit of extra time to clear them, I would recommend exchanging every 40 gold quest you get, in hopes of a 60-100 gold one, or the free pack one.  A lot of people go as far as to never complete a 40 gold quest unless your quest log is completely full of them.

As for arena vs card packs...keep in mind that you can only get Goblins vs. Gnomes packs from the arena now.  If you want classic packs, you have to buy them directly.  So, you'll probably want some of those -- maybe mix it up a bit with arena to get a variety of cards.  And there are sites out there that will tell you what cards are typically good in the arena, and which ones you generally want to avoid.  It can be good to follow their recommendations, at least until you get a feel of what cards synergizes well with what you've already picked.

In regards to dailies, if your goal to maximize gold, then try never to do the ones that offer only 40 gold. Delete those and eventually you will accumulate ones that are either 60 or 100. 

If you are very new and don't have many cards, then yes do arena, and look at guides on which cards to draft and how to play. Not sure if the payouts have changed but a few months ago, if you win 3, you get 50 gold back plus a pack and some change. Which means you are getting more value than you would buying a pack for 100. Not to mention the fact that you are playing in arena which has value too. 

Don't play arena until you've been playing a while and have a solid understanding of the game. Otherwise you'll just be wasting gold if you can only manage 0-2 wins. 3 wins is about the breakeven point for arena where you get back what you put in. So for arena to be more efficient than buying packs you need to be averaging 4+ wins, which can be pretty difficult for new players.

I used to do a ton of arena and stopped recently, I might have to get back into them, they were fun. Im on a decent win streak in ranked right now though, currently rank 8. I climb with druid, warlock and now some warrior because grim patron is OP

At what point is it a good idea to start spending gold on Gnomes & Goblins packs and/or solo adventure packs, instead of always buying classic packs?

I've been playing for about two months now (technically registered way back in the beta and the launch, but never really played).  So far, I've opened probably around 20 packs (guessing) and have around 150 human wins.  All classes up to level 10.

Mostly playing Hunter, some Mage.

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At what point is it a good idea to start spending gold on Gnomes & Goblins packs and/or solo adventure packs, instead of always buying classic packs?

I've been playing for about two months now (technically registered way back in the beta and the launch, but never really played). So far, I've opened probably around 20 packs (guessing) and have around 150 human wins. All classes up to level 10.

Mostly playing Hunter, some Mage.
I'd start saving up Gold now and buy the adventure packs. You only need to get the first wing of Black Rock to get the good Hunter card(Quickshot) but for nax you want to buy all the wings since it has alot of good hunter cards like Mad Scientist which has a deathrattle that puts a secret from your deck into the battlefield.

I'd start saving up Gold now and buy the adventure packs. You only need to get the first wing of Black Rock to get the good Hunter card(Quickshot) but for nax you want to buy all the wings since it has alot of good hunter cards like Mad Scientist which has a deathrattle that puts a secret from your deck into the battlefield.
Thanks for the info; I'll start saving up for those now.

I wonder if Blizzard will start offering sales. I could see myself being comfortable spending $10 here or there on some content, but the CAG in me would convulse upon playing $25 per adventure, so it's all gold for now. ;)

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At what point is it a good idea to start spending gold on Gnomes & Goblins packs and/or solo adventure packs, instead of always buying classic packs?

I've been playing for about two months now (technically registered way back in the beta and the launch, but never really played). So far, I've opened probably around 20 packs (guessing) and have around 150 human wins. All classes up to level 10.

Mostly playing Hunter, some Mage.
Here's my take as a true "f2p" or CAG player (ignore if money isn't an issue... and get off CAG)

I played since last April I think, basically just missed the first 2 or so "official" months. I played on Casual almost everyday until I finished a daily. The end of the month I would play Ranked enough to get to rank 20. By the time Naxx came out (first wing was free btw), I was able to drop gold on the whole thing. I didn't play much since then, just at the end of the month to get rank 20.

I started playing more frequently this past May (almost everyday). I only purchased the first wing of Blackrock and currently am at ~4200 gold. I have yet to try Arena (my first free try is in use and am the class selection screen) and never bought cards or crafted. I only use Classic/Naxx and the few BRM cards despite only opening 6 card packs ("expert"/classic). Check outbasic "Sheng" decks for ideas. many gimmicky decks aren't viable despite making people pissed when it works.

Keep in mind there are now 3 "beginner" type of quests instead of 2 that all new accounts have access to that reward classic packs (complete a game, get a class to level 10, win 5 practice games which is new). Playing a game on iphone, ipad, android phone, and android tablet will get you a pack for each device as well. There is also a daily to spectate a friend winning a game.

I was able to end May at rank 16 (could not hit 15 and highest month before was 18 when only playing end of month). Rogue got me the most progress. I also finally tried Hunter in Ranked. I made a basic face deck using just basic/naxx cards. Games are easy if the opponent doesn't have many taunts.

I'd say up until rank 18 (middle of the month on), more than half of the players have no idea what they are doing (coining turn 1 to use their power or dropping a minion with valuable effect which can obviously be killed on opponent's turn).

I always love winning against people dropping Rags, Jaxx, or whatever op Legendary mininon they felt the need to craft (or entire "pro" deck). Oh and Dr. Boom too. That can coming back when "behind" in hp. Lots of players go face for no apparent reason. Sometimes they take out a minion when going face would have been better too.

I think knowing which low cost minions to kill on sight is very, very important (Knife Juggler, anything that is card draw, stuff that buffs everyturn etc) as well as what the main class spells are.

Grinding for gold isn't as bad as I thought. Ideally people shoud reroll their quests properly. Complete 60/100g quest (and spectate) the day it appears. Reroll all 40s, making sure to do so right BEFORE it is completed. This ensures you won't accidently complete a 40 when trying to do a 60 quest. Note that the 100g can be done in practice mode.

Anyway let's just say 45g a day for the "daily". 6 wins a day is not too bad for 20g (3 wins ->10g for max of 100g from wins a day). That's 65g a day. if you play every day a month, thats 1950g. If you actually put more than 60 hours a month (2hrs a day should be enough to finish quests), that's more gold. An extra case (30 wins in Play mode a day for 100g), that's 3000g a month not factoring in quests.

Arena doesn't seem that "hard" to get 2-3 wins (3-4 is the target to go even) so I suggest watching videos on the draft process. that is the mist desriable way to expand card collection without spending actually money. Again I haven't tried it as I still don't feel that I have been exposed to the majority of viable cards yet. Also I'm ocd in the way I play games so whatever.

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That android emulator froze my PC up a couple of times, but I was able to snag the card back + 3 packs for myself and a friend who is currently abroad.

Hoping amazon does another "get coins back" promo, or starts offering apps w/ free coins again, maybe around whenGrand Tourney is released.

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Sometimes I wonder whether I'm the only one who doesn't have Dr. Boom yet... sometimes it's like he's in every deck I play against.

I reached a new top rank today: 15!  I know that's not much in general, but I'm still in that noob-to-intermediate phase.

bread's done