Heavy Rain Discussion Thread

[quote name='Razzuel']It's downloading! Woo hoo! My Amazon code worked![/QUOTE]

Ditto, mine is downloading. I have to agree with Saint though; this has not been a great week for Sony. Their mishaps haven't been long (the HR one was slightly over an hour after the store updated and the clock thing was ~24 hours) but it definitely doesn't make their customers happy.
Spoilers for the DLC, I guess.
What a fucking joke. I'm glad this one was free, but if the rest of the "episodes" are the same length (less than thirty minutes), there's no way I'm paying $4.99 a pop. I really liked the game itself, but even with five different endings per scenario, the DLC just doesn't seem worth it to me.
I just finished The Taxidermist. There seems to be a bunch of different ways the events could play out, and after you beat it, it even suggests for you to go back and try to play it a different way — also, it gives you three save files to choose from, so you can choose different points to start from in order to change how you played the episode.

It only took me about thirty minutes to beat it once, but I thought it was really good. The game does a great job of making you feel tense and the setting is really creepy. After I
found the dead body
, I tried to get the hell out of the house, but it wouldn't let me. You have to trigger a certain event before you can progress/leave.

The Taxidermist spoilers:
I knew Leland would know that I was in the house, since I fucked up that owl near the front door. He came searching for me, so I hid in his closet in his room. Thank God, he didn't go in there. He started checking other places, and I was about to leave, but he started walking towards my direction, which was freaking me out, but he went into the room right next door. Once he walked in there, I bolted to the garage, and I got the hell out of there, haha. No way in hell am I confronting some crazy dude with a knife that stuffs women to make statues.

I'd say it's worth it if you want more of the stuff that made Heavy Rain good. Oh, and I had a question: is it just me or does Madison sound like she has a different voice actor? She sounds different to me.
Some of these prompts are just frustrating. I've screwed up the last four major OMG moments. Dialogue is just shaking all over the screen, and I'm not sure how to press the buttons.
I just completely botched the whole scene with driving the car against traffic. I had no idea which way you were supposed to move the analog sticks or shake the controller. The car flipped off the highway and exploded.
The game is intense, but the command prompts are very annoying in the heat up the moment.
[quote name='Razzuel']
I'd say it's worth it if you want more of the stuff that made Heavy Rain good.[/QUOTE]

I would agree that it's fun to play through, but I just can't believe how short it is. Granted, it's only $4.99, but I would prefer a much longer story for $20 a la GTA IV's DLC than single, very short scenes for five bucks each.

All whining aside,
the chainsaw is pretty badass. Also, has anyone gotten the End of Anguish or Sacrificed in the Name of Truth endings?
QD cannot expect people in the future to pay 5 bucks for 10 minutes of gameplay. The rest of the chapters should be bundled together for $10 tops. The chapter was fun, tense and creepy but it doesn't make the gamer want to buy dlc just like it for $5 a pop.

I think the only people who downloaded it were those who had pre order codes. I hope they gave the shortest dlc away for free because it was a pre order bonus and short. Plus it was supposed to be the demo circa 2008.
Game Stop po'ed me off today. I only bought the game there for the free dlc. Loved Heavy Rain and was looking forward to playing it. I would've bought it on the PSN store, but it's not up yet and no word it or when it will be.

If anyone is interested, because I'm so p***ed for trading the dlc I'll send you a dvd copy of the dvd "Intrusion" www.rosebudkiller.com which I wrote and produced. It's loaded with all kinds of special features, including an award-winning short film. I've tried calling Game Stop's support and got the runaround. I'm canceling my GOW3 preorder from them. Companies screwing us over really needs to stop. If anyone is interested email me at [email protected]. This isn't a joke. The sequel we're working on already has stars in talks and has won for best screenplay and is up for a second, along with getting a "5 out of 5" critic review and another great review. This is simply about principle.

Not only will I pay for the shipping to anywhere in the U.S. for the dlc but I'll sign the dvd as well if you wish. P.s Screw Game Stop.


Craig Everett Earl
Intrusion 2
[quote name='IvanHood']I would agree that it's fun to play through, but I just can't believe how short it is. Granted, it's only $4.99, but I would prefer a much longer story for $20 a la GTA IV's DLC than single, very short scenes for five bucks each.

All whining aside,
the chainsaw is pretty badass. Also, has anyone gotten the End of Anguish or Sacrificed in the Name of Truth endings?

I guess I'm a little biased, since it was free; I might have felt differently if I paid for it, but who knows. You are right, though; it is short, and it was shorter than what I was expecting, but I guess the shortness didn't bother me because the tense and creepy moments made up for it. Also, I love the split camera thing; that's one thing I wanted more of in the full game, and I'm glad this episode had it.
[quote name='Razzuel']I guess I'm a little biased, since it was free; I might have felt differently if I paid for it, but who knows. You are right, though; it is short, and it was shorter than what I was expecting, but I guess the shortness didn't bother me because the tense and creepy moments made up for it. Also, I love the split camera thing; that's one thing I wanted more of in the full game, and I'm glad this episode had it.[/QUOTE]

It was really short. First play through tops would take someone 15-20 minutes. If they want to go for all of the other possible endings and know what to do it would be an hour tops DLC. That doesn't equal 5 bucks in my book. Especially when Fallout 3, Borderlands, GTA 4 have offered quality DLC in terms of quality for your extra money. Good thing the DLC was free because alot of people online are pretty upset by how short it is. QD is setting themselves up for ill will regarding future DLC. Alot are just going to wait to hear about how long each one is before buying.
Never mind, I figured out all of the endings. Here they are, if anyone's interested (ending spoilers for the Taxidermist DLC):

Sacrificed in the Name of Truth: When Leland comes home, go into his bedroom and pick up the phone to call for the police. Get killed by Leland before the cops arrive.

The End of Anguish: Do the same thing as above, but hide until the police get there.

The End of the Nightmare: Either (1) confront Leland and escape, in which case he will kill himself, or (2) kill Leland. The only way I have done this is by using the chainsaw in the garage.

In the Middle of the Horror: Escape without being seen by Leland. This, of course, is easiest to do if he doesn't know you're there.

Where Is Madison Paige?: Get killed by Leland without calling for the police.
I thought there were going to be Trophies for the dlc? Either way, I really don't see myself paying $5 for something this short and something which distracts from the actual game. If they did something which added to the game it would be different. After all, there are some questions which would be nice to have answered.

They also changed her outfit. So this might be somewhere in between all those killings. But still. It was so strange. So over the top. No wonder they took this out and put it as dlc. Sad that they wanted to make $$$ off it.
Holy shit. The pipe section is fucking atrocious. Why would they put this in the game? :bomb:
Geez. DLC is short. Looking at all the ways it can play out is pretty cool though. I
snuck out... he knew I was there and was hunting around for me... I just ducked and he turned the other way as I crept right behind him. Took me forever to get the front door opened though.

The voice almost completely ruined it for me... that is not the Madison Paige I just spent hours playing as... even if it is the same voice actor, it was just too different.

It was very creepy and I love
the fact the Heavy Rain seems to exist in this cliche serial killer nightmare world (all the ones in the main game, this DLC, the Madison Paige heroine ending - at her book signing). Every thing is super B fare, but thoroughly enjoyable and a blast (if you like these kinds of things).
[quote name='Blackout']Holy shit. The pipe section is fucking atrocious. Why would they put this in the game? :bomb:[/QUOTE]

To piss you off. Use the matches when you are at an intersection to show which way to go. There should be a map online by now to give directions.
The DLC was WEAK! I had heard about it for a while and wasn't expecting much, but it was, by far, the shortest segment of the game.

I hope other DLC is more fleshed out (no horrible puns intended, his house was freaky as hell)
I'm glad it was free but expected more. I alos thought their would be trophies but I guess their is not. I will play it to see all endings later on. That is if you would call it seeing all endings. I'm guessing that it all ends up just as a headline on a paper.
Sold this to Amazon today and will ship it soon and also am selling my DLC code on ebay...game just is worth $40 to me more than the 'experience' of dumb voice acting.
[quote name='wildcpac']Seriously, have you heard of spoilers????????[/QUOTE]

Shut the fuck up.

God I sick of your spoiler bullshit. The whole god damn game is about saving the kid, you knew that 6 months before the game came out. Your inability to tell spoilers and just talking apart is annoying.

In fact, explain to me exactly how my question spoils any aspect of the game?On second thought I dont care. I am all for not ruining a game but most of the stuff you guys are putting tags over were flat out told to you by QD months before the game came out.

The question is not does he die, its can he. I would assume yes because they told us months ago that all of the player controlled characters can but I just wanted to make sure.

Christ, you are like a 5 year old.

Now to tag something that actually needs to go in a spoiler,
How does the game progress if Shaun dies? Or the better question would be, how do I kill him? I cant even find a youtube video of the ending that shows when he dies.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Now to tag something that actually needs to go in a spoiler,
How does the game progress if Shaun dies? Or the better question would be, how do I kill him? I cant even find a youtube video of the ending that shows when he dies.

He can only die at the end, if all your guys fail in one way or another. Ethan's arrested or doesn't find him, etc.
[quote name='Blackout']Some of these prompts are just frustrating. I've screwed up the last four major OMG moments. Dialogue is just shaking all over the screen, and I'm not sure how to press the buttons.
I just completely botched the whole scene with driving the car against traffic. I had no idea which way you were supposed to move the analog sticks or shake the controller. The car flipped off the highway and exploded.
The game is intense, but the command prompts are very annoying in the heat up the moment.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, as someone who's not that familiar with, and hates may I add, the motion controls the button prompts can be a little out of control. I never know which way I'm supposed to shake the damn controller and some of the press and hold button prompts I swear it's like playing twister with my damn fingers, this game is bound to be the reason I get worse arthritis.

This game is letting me down so much more than I had hoped. I still like it but maybe it's because I had such high hopes. The Saw esque trials are really fucking stupid I might add.
Just played through the Taxidermist DLC. TOTAL Buffalo Bill vibe coming from that shit. I think I was more creeped out by that than anything in the actual game itself. It was a lot shorter than I expected though. Not sure I'd spend the $5 on future chronicles if they're all as short as that one was. Took me roughly 15 minutes to play through it, though at the end it says there are like four or five other ways to play through it. Still, really, really short.
[quote name='Soodmeg']:roll:[/QUOTE]

I ask because despite the DLC up and running/fixed on PSN according to others, my code isn't working. Hence the "...still having problems" part of my question.
[quote name='dmunkee']I ask because despite the DLC up and running/fixed on PSN according to others, my code isn't working. Hence the "...still having problems" part of my question.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he was eye rolling you, FYI.
In that case, #-o to me.

I shot an email over to Amazon and they're already sending me another code to try out. Love their response time.
[quote name='dmunkee']I ask because despite the DLC up and running/fixed on PSN according to others, my code isn't working. Hence the "...still having problems" part of my question.[/QUOTE]

Whoops. No dude that roll of the eyes was no way related to anything you posted. I was eye rolling to having that entire section of post deleted by a mod.

Sorry about that.
I just finished the dlc, not bad, a bit creepy but there was a bug in my game. I was upstairs in a room and did a right analog stick move to look at something and I ended up downstairs in the garage....
Hey, I just thought of something.

Can you let
Shelby die in the car scene? Clearly he cant if he is the killer and he needs to be revealed later.

Now if it doesnt let him die in that scene that kinda screws up the whole choices/anyone can die thing.

Can someone play that scene and just sit in the car and let it play out? (I dont have the game anymore.)
[quote name='Soodmeg']Hey, I just thought of something.

Can you let
Shelby die in the car scene? Clearly he cant if he is the killer and he needs to be revealed later.

Now if it doesnt let him die in that scene that kinda screws up the whole choices/anyone can die thing.

Can someone play that scene and just sit in the car and let it play out? (I dont have the game anymore.)

Never thought of that, good point. That scene pissed me off.
I thought I pressed the button to untie the girl, but instead I just broke out the window and saved myself. I felt kinda douchey at the time, but I guess it made sense in the end character-wise.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Never thought of that, good point. That scene pissed me off.
I thought I pressed the button to untie the girl, but instead I just broke out the window and saved myself. I felt kinda douchey at the time, but I guess it made sense in the end character-wise.

Yea, I did that the first time too. Its a testament to how clunky the button props were. You barely ever know exactly what button will do what.

Also, another thing. Why is Shelby even collecting evidence? The cops said at the beginning of the game that there were no prints on the killer.

And why the hell would a killer send evidence that he then has to go collect himself? Why does all of a sudden he feels the need to go investigate himself while in the process of killing one kid, dodging the cops and watching Ethan?

One more thing, Scott is looking for a dad that would risk everything for his son like his other didnt. Didnt Scott just watch Ethan jump in front of a car to save his kid? What fucking more does he want?

Every time I think back on the plot it falls apart completely.
People, you really over think this...

I see this game in no way being an attempt to capture reality. To me it is deliciously B grade and ridiculous... I think the characters feel real enough, but the scenarios are silly. I would probably have hated this if I was attempted to think of it in realistic terms. I don't watch nutso horror movies and put them through a reality filter... they would just be laughable! :lol:
[quote name='Saint Noir']People, you really over think this...

I see this game in no way being an attempt to capture reality. To me it is deliciously B grade and ridiculous... I think the characters feel real enough, but the scenarios are silly. I would probably have hated this if I was attempted to think of it in realistic terms. I don't watch nutso horror movies and put them through a reality filter... they would just be laughable! :lol:

See there is nothing wrong with what you described but people that make that kind of media generally don't take themselves seriously. That's everyones problem with HR is that they intended to make a serious game not some B grade ridiculousness.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']See there is nothing wrong with what you described but people that make that kind of media generally don't take themselves seriously. That's everyones problem with HR is that they intended to make a serious game not some B grade ridiculousness.[/QUOTE]

I think the game achieved a level of tension I had never felt in a game before... that alone is a pretty big achievement and is due to them taking themselves seriously. I think you largely have to take yourself seriously to deliver. Just because it is B grade, doesn't mean it can't be serious (in its own fevered world, not real world serious). Alfred Hitchcock often worked with B grade material (Psycho springs to mind, especially in relation to this conversation) and Scorsese just did Shutter Island which is B grade material (as is his Cape Fear remake).

Silent Hill games are plot hole filled and stupendously silly... but still manage to deliver the creeps. And that is one series I thought of a lot while playing this... I just can't see someone going into a game about a friggin' origami leaving serial killer thinking this was going to be TEH REALIZM!

And the fact there are these crazy things at every turn, makes me think that they knew what they were doing. But that doesn't mean you can't have relatable characters and true tension. Which I think they largely achieved... in this feverish, completely unrealistic but taut work.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Hey, I just thought of something.

Can you let
Shelby die in the car scene? Clearly he cant if he is the killer and he needs to be revealed later.

Now if it doesnt let him die in that scene that kinda screws up the whole choices/anyone can die thing.

Can someone play that scene and just sit in the car and let it play out? (I dont have the game anymore.)

I talked to my friend and he did everything to try and get Shelby killed and he will not die. In Hassan's shop the guy just shoots him in the arm. In the car scene even if you do nothing he will eventually swim out. And at Kramers place if you do nothing he gets shot like 4 or 5 times before he gets chased away. So I don't think you can kill him if I find a way I'll let you guys know.
Not really related to the game per se, but I was suddenly struck today thinking about that Heavy Rain 'Four Days Experience' thing. I wonder when they're going to release ANY information about if we won anything or get anything special, considering they made it sound like there would be something decent provided to those who got it correct.

As for something related to the game (regarding the ending, including killer's real identity):
It seemed decent as a B-Movie as Saint Noir said, but it just seemed like a completely ridiculous plot hole that Shelby would investigate all these places and stir up stuff when NOBODY else thought about it. It just didn't really feel like he was covering his own tracks.
Overall I enjoyed it. It was definitely well paced and made me want to keep playing and playing.
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Took two 6 hour sessions for my first playthrough of this. (Helped my weekend with a bandy knee pass quickly. :p)

Loved every second of it and have started my 2nd playthrough.
electrical field
is really pissing me off. I can't tell if I'm supposed to hold down some of the buttons or mash them.
[quote name='Soujiro_Seta']
I talked to my friend and he did everything to try and get Shelby killed and he will not die. In Hassan's shop the guy just shoots him in the arm. In the car scene even if you do nothing he will eventually swim out. And at Kramers place if you do nothing he gets shot like 4 or 5 times before he gets chased away. So I don't think you can kill him if I find a way I'll let you guys know.

[quote name='Blackout']The
electrical field
is really pissing me off. I can't tell if I'm supposed to hold down some of the buttons or mash them.[/QUOTE]

I hated that. I never did get past that part. You can find a map on ps3trophies.com if you need one. I'm sure one can be found other places but I remember seeing one on there. It is in the forums for the game and in one of the trophy threds.
bread's done