Heavy Rain - IGN's PS3 GOTY


1 (100%)
I might be the only person in North America who thinks Heavy Rain was the right choice. I'm sure this will probably be the only PS3/overall GOTY award Heavy Rain will receive, as IGN often like to be different than other game sites just to be... different.

But I for one, loved the game's story and the developer's willingness to take a chance, even though it's clear the video game scene has shifted from RPG being the no.1 genre the last couple of decades to now Multiplayer FPS is by far the no.1 genre. Seems like while the graphics are consistently upgraded, the sophistication is consistently downgraded.

Sure the game sales might have disappointed those who created it, but I just hope they know that without efforts like theirs, eventually the video game scene is just going to become nothing but Multiplayer FPS and Motion Controls, and that will be it.
[quote name='MICHGoBlue'] Seems like while the graphics are consistently upgraded, the sophistication is consistently downgraded.

Sure the game sales might have disappointed those who created it, but I just hope they know that without efforts like theirs, eventually the video game scene is just going to become nothing but Multiplayer FPS and Motion Controls, and that will be it.[/QUOTE]

and with efforts like there's it's going to become all QTEs, bad voice acting, bad stories, and no real gameplay.
[quote name='MICHGoBlue']I might be the only person in North America who thinks Heavy Rain was the right choice. I'm sure this will probably be the only PS3/overall GOTY award Heavy Rain will receive, as IGN often like to be different than other game sites just to be... different.

But I for one, loved the game's story and the developer's willingness to take a chance, even though it's clear the video game scene has shifted from RPG being the no.1 genre the last couple of decades to now Multiplayer FPS is by far the no.1 genre. Seems like while the graphics are consistently upgraded, the sophistication is consistently downgraded.

Sure the game sales might have disappointed those who created it, but I just hope they know that without efforts like theirs, eventually the video game scene is just going to become nothing but Multiplayer FPS and Motion Controls, and that will be it.[/QUOTE]

While I don't agree with your colleges (Go Hawkeyes), I will back you up with the Heavy Rain honors. That game got SEVERELY overlooked. I've been replaying it on the Move and loving every minute of it the second time through.
[quote name='MICHGoBlue']I might be the only person in North America who thinks Heavy Rain was the right choice. I'm sure this will probably be the only PS3/overall GOTY award Heavy Rain will receive, as IGN often like to be different than other game sites just to be... different.

So what about Gamespot giving Demon's Souls game of the year honor last year...?

But I for one, loved the game's story and the developer's willingness to take a chance, even though it's clear the video game scene has shifted from RPG being the no.1 genre the last couple of decades to now Multiplayer FPS is by far the no.1 genre. Seems like while the graphics are consistently upgraded, the sophistication is consistently downgraded.
I'd say only because broadband has become so prevalent, unlike ten years ago when most people played games alone, mostly unless they were a PC gamer.

Sure the game sales might have disappointed those who created it, but I just hope they know that without efforts like theirs, eventually the video game scene is just going to become nothing but Multiplayer FPS and Motion Controls, and that will be it.
That's just dead wrong and for you praising the game, why take a dump on it with a comment like that?

You need to watch the Heavy Rain (found on the UK store, on of the Move Edition Making of videos) where Cage talks about how shocked they were with how well it sold and sold BEYOND their expectations especially when it surpassed 1 million copies sold (they were expecting much, much less)

David Cage:
“We have sold more than 1 million copies of Heavy Rain worldwide,” he told Play3.de. “That was a surprise to many, since estimated sales were between 200,000 to 300,000 units. We estimate that by the end of the year, we will have sold 1.5 million copies, and are very pleased with the reception.”

Don't get me wrong, it sounds like you liked it, but it also sounded like you were damning it with faint praise. Maybe I read it wrong...or you just need to get your facts straight before making statements like that, that are false. **shrugs**
[quote name='ninja dog']and with efforts like there's it's going to become all QTEs, bad voice acting, bad stories, and no real gameplay.[/QUOTE]

I agree with all of those but I still enjoyed the game. The voice acting was really bad for the most part and the technical issues (screen tearing/stuttering... not to mention the huge graphical drop from the original 2006 demo) were my major issues but overall, it was one hell of an experience.

I think it was a good choice. I mean, GoW3 would be the only other game worth considering this year but Heavy Rain is a complete new IP and very unique.
[quote name='uncle5555']So what about Gamespot giving Demon's Souls game of the year honor last year...?

I'd say only because broadband has become so prevalent, unlike ten years ago when most people played games alone, mostly unless they were a PC gamer.

That's just dead wrong and for you praising the game, why take a dump on it with a comment like that?

You need to watch the Heavy Rain (found on the UK store, on of the Move Edition Making of videos) where Cage talks about how shocked they were with how well it sold and sold BEYOND their expectations especially when it surpassed 1 million copies sold (they were expecting much, much less)


Don't get me wrong, it sounds like you liked it, but it also sounded like you were damning it with faint praise. Maybe I read it wrong...or you just need to get your facts straight before making statements like that, that are false. **shrugs**[/QUOTE]

I truly liked the game, I guess the low sale figure was just a perception in my mind, as I wasn't thinking about the European market at all, my bad.

And oh, Demon's Soul was right up there with Uncharted 2 IMHO, Gamespot was just brave enough to say it.
I really want to play this game but could care less about anything IGN says anymore. I am terrible at writing but they seem to be even worse. There turismo 5 review is terrible. The first thing i would mention about that game is that you can't even play the top gear test track in arcade mode out of the box. My little nephew sucks at video games and will probably never unlock it so he will be pissed. All ign does is nitpick shit not worth nitpicking and they fail to give you any good knowledge about the game.
I haven't played this yet, but I bought it and I played the demo when it came out. I loved Indigo Prophecy but in the HR demo the walking was so weird. Did they change that or do you still have to hold down R2?
[quote name='MICHGoBlue']I truly liked the game, I guess the low sale figure was just a perception in my mind, as I wasn't thinking about the European market at all, my bad.

And oh, Demon's Soul was right up there with Uncharted 2 IMHO, Gamespot was just brave enough to say it.[/QUOTE]

Not a problem, I know you're trying to get the word out, and can respect that. I just wanted to correct that error of thought (just in case others thought the same) to show that it has been successful and more than the creators and Sony even believed it would be.
[quote name='gbpackers94']I haven't played this yet, but I bought it and I played the demo when it came out. I loved Indigo Prophecy but in the HR demo the walking was so weird. Did they change that or do you still have to hold down R2?[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure about whether the Move patch allowed it for DS3 controls, but you have direct movement control if you're using the Move with the nunchuck or DS3.
[quote name='MICHGoBlue']And oh, Demon's Soul was right up there with Uncharted 2 IMHO, Gamespot was just brave enough to say it.[/QUOTE]
There is a lot to be said about a game that has intuative menues, has a smooth learning curve, or explains itself to the player. All features Demon's Soul lacked.

Demon's Soul dropped you straight into the character creation menu without any explaination of why you would want to pick any certain character class and within a few seconds, you were getting killed by a giant monster (if I remember correctly).

I played for about a 2 hours and I didn't know if i was dead or alive the whole time.
It's mind boggling to me how the game industry differs from Hollywood when it comes time to do awards season. People have no problem with a limited release, often even obscure motion picture being nominated for Best Picture but since when do games need to be AAA blockbusters to get a nod? Heavy Rain was a smart smart choice.
Guys, without spoilers, how gross is Heavy Rain? I liked Fahrenheit fine, and I'm about to pull the trigger on Heavy Rain, except I've heard it's kind of like Saw or something? Any truth to that? Because I *ABHOR* slasher type films.
Heavy Rain isn't gross at all. No gore or anything, just a teeny bit of blood here or there, no sinewy type stuff or anything, which is odd, because I came into it totally expecting more blood.
What about the ending? Or near the end...or something? I'm probably getting into spoiler-y territory :lol:
Haven't gotten to the ending yet, but I'm probably only an hour a way, and I can tell you that the most blood I have seen is a small puddle of blood from a gunshot wound and that was it, you don't even see the gunshot wound.
I JUST started God of War: Chains of Olympus, and I'm enjoying it WAY more than I expected, to the point where right now I feel like I might give the whole series another shot. This feels way more fun than the first one anyway, and I'd wanted to try God of War 3 anyway...
[quote name='Brownjohn']I enjoyed the game, but I thought that God of War 3 was the best PS3 exclusive of last year.[/QUOTE]
I agree with this.
[quote name='Brownjohn']I enjoyed the game, but I thought that God of War 3 was the best PS3 exclusive of last year.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't bring myself to beat that game personally. Everytime I tried to play it I'd play it for maybe half an hour then get bored. The boss fights in the GoW games and set pieces are great...it's the stuff in between that I don't really like.
Heavy Rain is certainly a very special, personal experience. I highly recommend it, but I found myself never wanting to play it again. It really becomes a part of your life, and it's not a part that you want to revisit.

Personally, I think Ys: Oath in Felghana for the PSP should've gotten GOTY. That game rules.
I think it's totally worthy of GOTY. It sucked me in like few games have, I finished Heavy Rain in 2 play sessions. The first for about 2 hours, the second for about 10. I can't recall the last time that happened and I wasn't bed-ridden and home sick from work. The acting was well-done, they created an excellent atmosphere with the visuals and sound, and the story ended up being quite interesting.

I was skeptical doing rudimentary things in the game, but then when it gets intense (Ethan's storyline especially), no game has ever made me feel like I was a part of what was happening like Heavy Rain has.
bread's done