How do you ask out a OTT?

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This episode of South Park where they hook squirrels at Mr. Garrison reminds me that as I was walking into the building for class today, a lady walked out and made this little clicking noise (like calling a cat, but weird) and about 10 squirrels came running and she gave them peanuts still in the shell.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']I have always been bad with poetry - I have never been one that could quote at the drop of a hat; I have always been a prose person (love my Hemingway). Yet, that one I memorized and still know to this day.

The is true, H3ll...sadly, I think I learned that from a sitcom. Then I was like..."Oh yeah...that totally works!"

Another key to life: find a meter you like and stick to it.[/QUOTE]

charlotte perkins gilman whatever is
[quote name='Eviltude']This episode of South Park where they hook squirrels at Mr. Garrison reminds me that as I was walking into the building for class today, a lady walked out and made this little clicking noise (like calling a cat, but weird) and about 10 squirrels came running and she gave them peanuts still in the shell.[/QUOTE]
Crazy cat squirrel lady?
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Funny I had you pegged as a deconstructionist Plume, not a modernist.[/QUOTE]

I've never really given it much thought, really, as to what I would classify myself.

I guess I would say I fall somewhere between modernism and post-moderism/ deconstructionism. But, I fall into the camp that feels that PM and Deconstructionism are pretty much the same thing with grey edges.

For example, just this evening, Kafka's Metamorphosis came up in conversation between Pixie and me. I couldn't help but think about that episode of Mission Hill where he does a cartoon about something being Kafka-esque to point out the over use of the description. Which leads me to my main problem with the varying schools of thought (based on my experiences of having several friends that are grad students in their mid 30s that academia is their entire life): eventually, it just becomes a giant circle jerk as everyone is proud that they found giants in the windmills, the grass, rocks...but not in the giants themselves.

In fact...the only things that are not giants are the giants themselves.

Which brings me to tonight's Word...
[quote name='PlumeNoir'] Which leads me to my main problem with the varying schools of thought (based on my experiences of having several friends that are grad students in their mid 30s that academia is their entire life): eventually, it just becomes a giant circle jerk as everyone is proud that they found giants in the windmills, the grass, rocks...but not in the giants themselves.

In fact...the only things that are not giants are the giants themselves.

Which brings me to tonight's Word...[/QUOTE]

Yea, you lean more towards modernist for sure.

Man I hate it when the wife is out-of-town: I have to do bath, jammies, and tuck-in with a fucking sore lumbar.

Night OTT. I wonder if I can find those last few Vicodin my wife had? (Probably a bad idea.)
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Yea, you lean more towards modernist for sure.

Man I hate it when the wife is out-of-town: I have to do bath, jammies, and tuck-in with a fucking sore lumbar.

Night OTT. I wonder if I can find those last few Vicodin my wife had? (Probably a bad idea.)[/QUOTE]

I was hoping you'd catch that! :lol:

On a different note, Pixie was asking how much I thought we could sell the televisions and other items for. I asked why, and she said that she wants to become a buddhist and I should support her and become one, too, and shed our material possessions. I told her no, and she can be a buddhist in the backyard. Then she complained that even buddhists need shelter. I didn't point out that fact that buddhist wouldn't care how much money one could get from selling their belongings.

Thankfully...she'll forget all about this by next week.
[quote name='Rocko']So glad my AP tests are through. The next month is going to be a cakewalk.[/QUOTE]"AP Calc" definitely turned into "2 hours of SSBB" after the AP. :)

[quote name='seanr1221']My AP bio teacher just talked to some students while a few of us centrifuged every living thing we could.[/QUOTE]:rofl:
Here's a long ass snippet from what ended up being seven pages of the IM conversation I had with Pixie today.

I'll call it "15 minutes of Plume's so-called life".
ME (3:01 PM): There were people on CAG that were surprised that i don't have any ink
Pixie (3:01 PM): Why?
Pixie (3:01 PM): Like you just 'look' like the type that WOULD?
Pixie (3:02 PM): Did you tell them you're a giant p*ssy and are afraid of needles?
ME (3:02 PM): I dunno...I think that might be the case. I told them of my needle fear.
Pixie (3:02 PM): Well... you do wear a leather and have long hair
Pixie (3:02 PM): Did you tell them I have enough 'ink' for both of us
Pixie (3:02 PM): (By the way... you sound silly when you say that)
ME (3:02 PM): yeah....when you remember where they are
Pixie (3:02 PM): Screw you!
ME (3:03 PM): :D
Pixie (3:03 PM): Its on THE BACK OF MY NECK... I never SEE IT!
Pixie (3:03 PM): I suppose you told THAT story as well?
Pixie (3:03 PM): You try having tats and NEVER seeing them and see if YOU remember!
Pixie (3:04 PM): Oh WAIT... YOU CAN'T... You're AFRAID of them!
ME (3:05 PM): I remember all my scars
ME (3:05 PM): even ones I cannot see without the aid of a mirror
Pixie (3:05 PM): I give myself new ones
Pixie (3:05 PM): lol
ME (3:05 PM): I'm sure I'd remember something that I chose to put on my body
Pixie (3:06 PM): I've done A LOT to mutilate myself - it's hard to remember everything
ME (3:06 PM): ....point taken
Pixie (3:06 PM): Remember... peircings and tatoos are only the START of my self-inflicted pain
Pixie (3:07 PM): Pain is GOOD... it's an EXPERIENCE we LEARN from
Pixie (3:07 PM):
[quote name='Bioshocked360']Mogwai was the best concert I've ever been to.[/QUOTE]


They played in Omaha on Monday, and my friends went, but I decided not to go.

just got my final grades, i did graduate, which is good because if my profs actually stuck to their attendance policies I should have failed 2 classes.

cumulative of 2.96....

Martin Scorcese to direct film about the life of Frank Sinatra. Interesting. I'm not a fan of his music but he seemed to have an interesting life so I'm down for that.
[quote name='Maklershed']Martin Scorcese to direct film about the life of Frank Sinatra. Interesting. I'm not a fan of his music but he seemed to have an interesting life so I'm down for that.[/QUOTE]

He did it his way.
I pre-ordered Killing Floor so I could get that 25% off.

Hopefully it doesn't reek.
[quote name='seanr1221']Why did you hate it, Brak?[/QUOTE]
It's just a really, really bad game.

Embarrassingly so.

It's not a $59.99 title, is it?
It was $49.99 on Amazon until yesterday when it went up to $56.99. I was kinda interested in it but I've been seeing some extremely mixed reviews lately that have been scaring me off .. plus I just don't feel like paying more than $50 for it.
[quote name='Brak']It's just a really, really bad game.

Embarrassingly so.

It's not a $59.99 title, is it?[/QUOTE]

Good to know. I'll be finding a new boss avoiding this game at all costs.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']tiredfornow, did you pick up sacred 2? Is that why your sleep pattern is whacked?[/QUOTE]Yeah. I don't know what the developers were thinking when it came to attacking people, but I shot some dude in the chest eight times with an arrow and he didn't feel anything until he had nine arrows sticking out of his chest. Kinda like how I was swinging a sword at some dudes head for five or six swings before his health started to drop. I KNOW WHAT IM HITTING YOU STUPID GAME. I CAN SEE WITH MY OWN EYES. :nottalking:

That game fuuuuuuuuckin' sucks. Framerate sucks. Gameplay sucks. Voices are absolutely terrible. Wasted verb. :[
Oh... and let me tell you about why I want to hit a developer from Mistwalker in the balls. Repeatedly. With my sledgehammer.

Playing LO. On disc 4. Get to a boss battle. I was prepared for it, as I'd looked something up in a FAQ and figured I'd go into the battle prepared. Couldn't follow the FAQ's suggestion as my immortals hadn't learned the right skills. Formulated my own plan. Wasted the boss.
Cut scenes.
Sail the ship.
Cut scenes.
(The rest is in spoilers, just in case...)
So, the fucking demon god things break out of the stone -- from looking at that FAQ, I also knew that it was coming and had a basic strategy formulated. The guy in the FAQ says, "The only way you'll lose is if you get extremely unlucky and one of the beasts does Heat Breath on the front row twice in a row, and then a third time on the back row. It has happened, but it's rare."

Arthrofucker does heat breath. Kaim and Seth barely live. Jansen, Cooke, Ming all drop Winda on his ass. Next round, I get heat breath'ed again. Kaim and Seth go down. Now only the mages are left with no GC. fucker does heat breath a third time. Everyone except Ming drops -- I somehow had her equipped with persistence... she's alive with 1hp. Round 4? Heat breath.

So I shrug it off. No big deal. I'll click retry and the shithead won't use heatbreath 4 times in a row. Fine. Click retry. It loads me up before the boss of the ancient ruins again.


Of course there were no real opportunities to save (I don't think there was a save point on the nautilus, as far as I saw... when I was inside) and I didn't think it would throw me back that far as every other time I died fighting a boss, retry put me right back at the fight or the cutscenes leading up to. :bomb:

I rekilled the first boss. Then I skipped as many cutscenes as I could. And headed back to the closest location WITH a save so I could do so and go to bed.
I wish I had a 360 :cry: Why is that when I don't need one, Dell has 20% coupons every week. When i want to buy one, there are no coupons to be found?
[quote name='munch']I wish I had a 360 :cry: Why is that when I don't need one, Dell has 20% coupons every week. When i want to buy one, there are no coupons to be found?[/QUOTE]

No luck with the xclamp fixes? Sorry mang.
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