How to bring castlevania into the next generation?


2 (100%)
ok, so 2D castlevanias are epic, while 3D castlevanias never seem to recieve attention at all, but this series is gonna need some graphical update SOONER OR LATER.

my idea? side scroll style game play + Tales (tales of abyss, destiny, etc) style 3D battle graphics.

it will look a alot more gothic of course, but still have that extravagant attack animation
I'd be up for some real elaborate 2d sprites in the case of a home console version.

However, if they can sell big numbers with less work by keeping it handheld, I reckon they'll do that.
They could go a New Super Mario Bros route with side-scrolling gameplay, but with 3D graphics. Personally, I'll always prefer 2D everything. I love old school sprites, and all that. If I could have things my way, the next Zelda would be just like A Link to the Past, Metroid would be like Super Metroid, and Castlevania would be like SOTN or Super Castlevania IV.
keep rpg elements! and some little strret fighter type moves like in sotn, ( for the those that dont know if u do a quater sweep with one of the sword he whip his sword fast, i think das what he does.)
[quote name='rabbitt']Whatever they do, keep it 2-fucking-D.[/QUOTE]

That's all they need to do. Keep the gameplay in 2 dimensions, damnit!

As for the visuals, I'm a sucker for sprites, the more the merrier. There's no reason whatsoever why we can't have sprites on the consoles. But oh no, it's not flashy or 3D! Who gives a shit? Sprites age well. Symphony of the Night is still beautiful, while most 3D games of the era look terrible.

I don't mind if they go with 3D but they had damn well better go with really highly detailed 3d graphics. Contra: Shattered Soldier got it right: 2D gameplay with detailed 3D graphics that look like sprites.
Contrary to the popular vote apparently, I'm all for moving it out of 2-D if it advances the gameplay to a new, more interesting level. Yes, the 2-D games were amazing and while I find find them fun for a handheld I found myself thinking Portrait of Ruin was very formulaic and the new inclusions were simple tricks to try and lazily put a new spin on things. If that's the direction 2-D Castlevania will continute to go then yes I do want something different. I don't believe it needs to be 3-D exactly, but somehting has to be done to reinvent things so to speak. Much like Capcom did with RE 4 reinventing itself, Konami needs to come up with something to break up the gameplay formula with somehting unique or else it'll end up being a new Castlevania every year or so with slight, somewhat gimmicky changes.

For starters I think need to step back and be concentrating all development on just one game type would help, I never liked the splitting into one 3-D team and one 2-D team idea, it throws everything off and doesn't seem to help either one.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Contrary to the popular vote apparently, I'm all for moving it out of 2-D if it advances the gameplay to a new, more interesting level. Yes, the 2-D games were amazing and while I find find them fun for a handheld I found myself thinking Portrait of Ruin was very formulaic and the new inclusions were simple tricks to try and lazily put a new spin on things. If that's the direction 2-D Castlevania will continute to go then yes I do want something different. I don't believe it needs to be 3-D exactly, but somehting has to be done to reinvent things so to speak. Much like Capcom did with RE 4 reinventing itself, Konami needs to come up with something to break up the gameplay formula with somehting unique or else it'll end up being a new Castlevania every year or so with slight, somewhat gimmicky changes.

For starters I think need to step back and be concentrating all development on just one game type would help, I never liked the splitting into one 3-D team and one 2-D team idea, it throws everything off and doesn't seem to help either one.[/quote]I suppose it would help if there wasn't a new Castlevania every year just because people will buy a new Castlevania every year. For many series, there's only so much you can do with each iteration. For example, a new Mario platformer every year would water that shit down in a hurry.

There's nothing inherently wrong with 3D, but obviously their incursions into 3D Castlevania haven't done well so far, so if they can't do it well, don't do it.
I still think they could improve the graphics in the DS games. I really feel that Konami is not utilizing the handheld's full potential
[quote name='botticus']I suppose it would help if there wasn't a new Castlevania every year just because people will buy a new Castlevania every year. For many series, there's only so much you can do with each iteration. For example, a new Mario platformer every year would water that shit down in a hurry.

There's nothing inherently wrong with 3D, but obviously their incursions into 3D Castlevania haven't done well so far, so if they can't do it well, don't do it.[/QUOTE]

I think it'd help alot too. They've rested on their laurels (sp?) too much I think. The 2-D have become repetitive and the 3-D don't put out anything unique as far as 3-D action games go. LoI and CoD were okay games, I didn't think they were bad games really, but they were pretty basic standard 3-D action fare. Nothing was there in story or gameplay to make them standout like Ninja Gaiden or God of War did. I just think they need to regroup and try to take a large step foward in one concentrated direction. The talent is there for creating amazing games at Konami, but they are too settled into what they are doing. At least that's my current view of things.
It needs to be 2D, but absolutely no RPG elements, please! Just straight up action/platform - 8 stages and go all out on the music and artwork. Make it the maiden original 3rd party VC game and have Nintendo hype the hell out of it through Wiiconnect24. Oh, and get whatever remains of Sonic Team to do the same with the hedgehog.
I'd be happy with:

1. A 2D game with some 3D sprinkled in - like NSMB for characters and enemies or Viewtiful Joe for changing the angle of gameplay (but remaining 2D); or
2. Give the franchise over to Retro and let them "Metroid Prime" it in 3D.
I like the suggestion of 2.5D for the series. So few series ever try this, and when done well I think it's a fantastic blend of old and new school that shows off the 3D power, but doesn't mess up the controls or timing. I doubt we'll see it, but there's always hope.
I would be thrilled to see Konami take on Devil May Cry in terms of gameplay, but with the RPG elements the Metroidvania games have taken on (equipment, levelling up, etc.).

If they want to keep it 2D in some releases, that's fine, but not by itself. I was really disappointed with Portrait of Ruin (very derivative and rather boring, IMO), and I think that they can build a fantastic 3D Castlevania by keeping some great elements, going back for the dark/gothic look, and having action-based gameplay.

The PS2-generation 3D Castlevanias were unfairly panned, IMO, because they were highly repetitive. That's an easy fix. A dogshit control scheme, OTOH, is not.
It's entirely possible to have a good 3D castlevania, it's just that konami has been lazy with these iterations.

I'd still love to see an original 2D castlevania on PS3 or 360 with the highest quality sprite animation ever.
[quote name='jer7583']I'd still love to see an original 2D castlevania on PS3 or 360 with the highest quality sprite animation ever.[/QUOTE]

Symphony of the Night on XBLA FTW!

(I know you said original...)
Keep it 2D but with awesome animations, and make the castle HUGE! The GBA games are pretty short and so was Lament of Innocence. They could make a lot of really good looking environments, similar in size to Symphony of the Night.
I have no problems with the 'more of the same'ness of the handheld games, cos more of whats great is still great imo. I'd just love to see another 2D CV game on a home console. It can even be the PS2, doesnt have to be on a bleeding edge system (higher dev costs). I think they could make the best 2D CV game ever on the PS2 or Wii.
2d ala sotn. The 3d versions have been crap and The DS castlevania sales continue to be impressive . Why change something that works?

Ps1 sotn proved it and konami really needs to go back to this for home consoles. Samething with metriod (although metoids for cube are at least halfway decent it changes the game from what people loved)

I'd love to see a 2d castlevania on my ps3. Hell they could do a straight download for 20.00 and im sure it would be great success.
[quote name='mykevermin']Symphony of the Night on XBLA FTW!

(I know you said original...)[/QUOTE]

er, you can play SotN on PS3 (and soon PSP) too , just in case you didnt notice.
[quote name='omegaweapon7']er, you can play SotN on PS3 (and soon PSP) too , just in case you didnt notice.[/QUOTE]
you can play it on PSP right now, if you have the right system.
if they put it in 3-d they need to take it seriously. It's sad when castlevania nad karaoke revolution are on the same demo disk and karoke revolution looks better. I'm not a graphics whore, but the way those graphics were in the last 3-d castlevania took all the personality away. Another thing they don't need to do is treat the level layout like it's a 2d game. There was just so many akward layout's in the small section of the game I played.
You would think a 3D castlevania game would make itself for the most part. Huge ass whip...make that thing like Spawn's chains, make it seem almost alive, an extension of the body. Animate that damn thing. Make massive combos with the whip...a good one would be a scopion type move...grab something by the neck, pull it in, and rip its head off. It would look sweet with the right animation. Have all types of magic and summons. Add in some killer boss battles with some RE4 quick button press cutscene stuff. Update the damn graphics!
Like most here, I'd like to see another console 2D Castlevania game. For me at least, 3D is inherently inferior for this type of game. I'd sure love to see insanely detailed 2D sprite graphics; tons of characters, items, weaponry, etc at your disposal; and being able to go different places besides in one castle, a la Castlevania II (they have done this a bit with Portrait of Ruin, which I'm playing through right now and feel so far is an excellent game that could use a bit more new stuff); maybe even multiplayer online simultaneous play. Unfortunately, this will probably never happen.
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