Humble Bundle Thread

I might get the Atari bundle to get the new Alone in the Dark Game (WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO SUCK SO MUCH).

Atari cranks the Retail to $30 on Humble (vs 20 on steam), which is nice. If you max bundle the new AITD game, you save $2.00 vs getting it last Halloween Steam sale...meh, I think I'll just bundle something else, that stinker is gonna go down faster than Tebow's mom...

also: ur faec suck so much

Hmm. I want the RCT games. Maybe Locomotion and 911. Anyone interested in anything else in this besides RCT 1 and 2? Might be time for a split.
The only two games I want from that bundle are Alone in the Dark Illumination ('cause bad games) and Haunted House... but the former is overpriced and the latter has no achievements (so no reason for me to get it even at a dollar.)

Sigh. :(

I've been wanting to get the Blood games on Steam for a while now and they always seem to only get 50% off.

Blood: One Unit Whole Blood (positive rating)

Blood II: The Chosen + Expansion (mixed)

911: First Responders (positive rating)

Act of War: Direct Action (positive rating)

Act of War: High Treason (positive rating)


Total $3.14

Atari games with positive ratings are as rare as hen's teeth, so that's saying something.

I don't know anything about the expansion but I "demo-ed" BE on release and I'll agree it was the blandest game ever.

It's basically a mod of base Civ5 with half the features awkwardly fitted into their "collect x points to buy y perk" system (which made Civ5 itself boring already) without the defining Civ unique units and power and such you find in normal Civ to make it somewhat interesting. The factions were like +1food here vs +1 science there... yawn.. The unit selection was also shockingly limited (they removed unit design/customization that was in Alpha Centauri).

I didn't even finish one game of BE before I uninstall/deleted it.. it was nowhere near half the game Alpha Centauri it was supposed to be a spiritual sequel of.

But, nice tactic of them to leave a week's break such that I would forget about it and checked in only when the BTA is way higher than what I would pay for like just that Pirates and Starships games I'm missing to help save me some money. Thank you humble!
The culture system was one of few things I hated about Civ V. Especially with culture victory being tied to grinding out perks, ugh. Loved Civ IV's way, which you had to get 3 cities to some massive amount, sure was still basically grinding but personally found it far more fun managing the cities to get there then the perk tree stuff.
Like Atari maths....66% off $9.99 retail on Act of War games on Humble is $3.39....retail on Steam is $ Atari....
Apparently the higher MSRP prices have been fixed now. The Act of War games are now 1.01, Haunted House is $1.49, and Alone in the Left 4 Dead is $6.79. BEFORE discount.

If anyone wants to help me get Alone in the Left 4 Dead, lemme know. Might as well.

The culture system was one of few things I hated about Civ V. Especially with culture victory being tied to grinding out perks, ugh. Loved Civ IV's way, which you had to get 3 cities to some massive amount, sure was still basically grinding but personally found it far more fun managing the cities to get there then the perk tree stuff.
Civ5 is just super fucking shallow in general, it's like Baby's First Strategy Game®. I guess that why so many people like it.

Has anyone been able to install and play Ridge Racer from the mobile bundle?  I either get a parsing error after it downloads or if I do get to the point of installing it I end up with a "not installed" error.  This is on a LG G4 (Android 6.0) and Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition (Android 5.1.1).

No new weekly. But we have an Atari Build a Bundle sale.
I enjoyed the hell out of Special Forces Team X on the 360. Its a team based MP only 3rd person shooter. (I've always heard that the PC version has issues getting a room full enough to actually play... There was a demo mode on the 360 version so this wasn't such a big deal.)

Its a shame you cannot buy the same game over and over again... I would buy two bundles of SFTx just to hand out for bro dates.

Don't bother with Asteroids: Outpost from the Atari build-a-bundle.  There are no servers so it is unplayable.

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Don't bother with Asteroids: Outpost from the Atari build-a-bundle. There are no servers so it is unplayable.
Wow, why does Valve let people get away with this crap? I know they cannot catch everything but the servers have been gone for half a year now. It's time for the game to get pulled from the store.
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Wow, why does Valve let people get away with this crap? I know they cannot catch everything but the servers have been gone for half a year now. It's time for the game to get pulled from the store.
According to the forums the servers are up--there's just no one on them and the game is rather incomplete.

I wasn't expecting that Squeenix Build-a-bundle. Thief and Sleepy Dawgs Definitive for $6 each isn't that bad, but I wish they had the Thief season pass too.

... I just saw the Season Pass for Lara Croft Osiris is just the two story things and something called the Gear Up Pack which I can't find any info for. Jeez...

There's a new Square Enix build a bundle on the humble store. If anyone only wants to buy one game/dlc from it let me know. I want the Osiris costume dlcs and Deathtrap Dungeon, so I've got one free slot if anyone wants to split with me.
Time to get those Tomb Raiders that Madjoki failed to jinx into that last squeenix bundle!

edit: $1.40 each...yuck.

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Hmm thinking of battle stations collection, supreme commander 2, and front mission evolved for $8.74 but idk if I really want them at that price.

You really want the DLC with SupCom2 as it adds a lot of needed content and valuable units. It doesn't appear to be included with the item in the bundle.

Considering that Curve games get bundled often, this build-a-bundle offer seems pretty...parabolic



(god left me unfinished)

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Stranded seems to be just DRM-free, so watch out for that.
That might be intentional at the request of the developer. Apparently he threw a hissy fit last summer when his game came out because some people on Steam requested refunds and he called Steam gamers entitled and was arguing with people on twitter saying he'd rather his game be niche.
According to what he said on twitter he said he'd rather be part of a niche audience of a few people who like it than have it be universally liked.

So when I told him if that was the case he should stop crying about majority of the players asking for a refund for his scam game he blocked me.

Way to move goal posts. Truth hurts.

I'm glad devs like this are being put in their place lol
Games and devs like these are the reason we needed refunds.
If your game is good the refund policy isn't an issue.
I don't know what else you can expect from a broken mess of a game.

Thanks Steam.
Now all we need is a little more quality control.
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I think I will get that Humble Bundle. Star Wars the Radio Play? Interesting!

I have the collector's box set from when that came out in the '90's. It's really quite good and adds some extra scenes that flesh out the movies quite well.
I listened to these back in the early 80's with my dad. He also had one of Lord of the Rings. At least one of them was on Reel-to-Reel, but now I cant remember which one (I think those were LotR). It might be fun to try and get my kids to listen to them.

bread's done