Humble Bundle Thread

Very little interest on Sierra games but guess I'll BTA at $5.63 considering how high the current BTA spiked in price.

Timeshift is interesting and I want Caesar 3-4 and the new King's Quest but not at the high tier price.
Timeshift is mediocre, at best.

Atmosphere-wise + setting-wise - it tries, wishes and wants to be HL2...but it's nowhere near that level of greatness. Not even bloody close.

Combat-wise - it wants to be a mix of Max Payne & FEAR (slow-motion) and PoP: Sands of Time (i.e. rewind mechanic). Timeshift is nothing special here, either.

Though, of course - I'd be cool with a +1 for any game onto Steam...if the BTA Tier wasn't up to $12 almost already!

I like that Arcanum [Steam key] is in this bundle - but "bleh" at BTA Tier up almost $12.

I already own on GoG + Retail, but wouldn't mind also tossing it onto Steam (naturally).

Looks like I'll $1 this one, for now.

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So for someone who never played any of these old ass games, is there any real appeal that is going to get me to play this stuff?  I already have what I'm most likely to play (Phantasmagoria and GK series) on GOG.  I mean, I can appreciate a good story, but just don't see myself forcing hours of King's Quest down my throat when I could just let The Walking Dead Season 2 slide in easily.  

I have to pass on this.....I own just about everything (except Timeshift....and that weird bug looking thing in the $1 tier and the $20 KQ game and the KQ1-7...). I'll probably just get KQ next time gog has it on sale.....I do like stuff on Steam...but I pretty much own a good portion of it on GOG....

Sorry to derail here, but I just bought Castle of Illusion from the Humble Store and I just got an email saying that I can download the game by clicking on its image. Do I not get a Steam key? I'm still a PC game noob which is why I'm asking.
Sorry to derail here, but I just bought Castle of Illusion from the Humble Store and I just got an email saying that I can download the game by clicking on its image. Do I not get a Steam key? I'm still a PC game noob which is why I'm asking.
You get a steam key with purchase. Have you tried going into your account and clicking on the keys tab?

Sorry to derail here, but I just bought Castle of Illusion from the Humble Store and I just got an email saying that I can download the game by clicking on its image. Do I not get a Steam key? I'm still a PC game noob which is why I'm asking.
Yeah, you get a Steam key and yeah you're a noob :D

BTA was at $12.15 when I got home.  Some good titles, but King's Quest Complete is really driving up the price.  I would not be surprised if the BTA gets to $15.  So much for skipping a week with monthly being released Friday.

Thanks @ Foxy and Hitler. And I never thought in a million years I'd ever be thanking a guy named Hitler.
Ahhh.... cat.

Dollar'd in to try Police Quest and Space Quest to see if they hold any appeal.
This really is a phenomenal bundle of classic games... Granted, classics don't always stand the test of times. I think Police Quest might fit in that category. (But adventure games have never really been my cup of tea.)

Thanks to playing so much Police Quest as a kid I can still type "open door" really, really fast. Faster than anyone I know!

I still struggle with "close door", though.
Absolutely worth $1 for the Space Quest Collection alone.  A time when adventure games were actually games and not visual novels.  The other stuff is great, too, but I dunno about $12+ unless you're really into (real) adventure games.

Space Quest 2 is the only one with extremely antiquated 1980's graphics.  Space Quest 1 had a remake to put it on par with SQ 4 and 5.  3 is a bit dated (and still had the parser interface) but holds up well.

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Absolutely worth $1 for the Space Quest Collection alone. A time when adventure games were actually games and not visual novels. The other stuff is great, too, but I dunno about $12+ unless you're really into (real) adventure games.

Space Quest 2 is the only one with extremely antiquated 1980's graphics. Space Quest 1 had a remake to put it on par with SQ 4 and 5. 3 is a bit dated (and still had the parser interface) but holds up well.
Okay, so I guess have to play the Legacy version of it? I just tried regular Space Quest 1 and I could barely deal with it. That music. Goodness. My pup ran upstairs because she could hear those high pitch beeps through my headphones.

Okay, so I guess have to play the Legacy version of it? I just tried regular Space Quest 1 and I could barely deal with it. That music. Goodness. My pup ran upstairs because she could hear those high pitch beeps through my headphones.
Not sure which you mean -- by 'legacy' I'm assuming you mean the original? Did you play the remake?

Taking aside the graphics, I guess just the form of input i.e. text parsing ones would put a lot of people off now already or even flat out make it impossible to pick up... but back in those days, coming from a prior history of playing MUDs via telnet (without a client), I seem to remember distinctly preferring those text ones a lot more than the mouse-controlled ones simply because I could type faster than I could click (doesn't help that the early mouse controls were plenty cumbersome too what with the "actions" as separate buttons and all..)

But yah, I don't think they are easy to get into if you don't have nostalgia fueling it.

SQ1 remake, 4, 5, and 6 are standard point-and-click.  3 isn't but still not too bad to control (although it takes more thought since you have to figure out what to do with items versus wildly click).

If you've never played any of the Sierra Quest games and/or the following means nothing to you: InterAction, disk 11 of 12, super vga, Hero's Quest, copyright protection, Roberta Williams, Dynamix, SCI1, Freddy Pharkas, I recommend this order:

[First Tier]

Gabriel Knight 1

King's Quest V


Gabriel Knight 2

Space Quest 4

Quest for Glory III


Police Quest 1-3 (1/2 updated graphics)

[Second Tier]

KQI-III (updated graphics)

QFG I/II (updated graphics)



SQ1 (updated graphics)







[Don't, Just Don't]

Phantasmagoria 2


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[Don't, Just Don't]

Phantasmagoria 2

I guess someone didn't figure out how to use the ferret to get his wallet, or how to get past the cat.

I tried to buy the programming book bundle at a dollar tier, but the captcha refused to load and the site glitched out on me. You'd think having over a hundred bundles in my account would make the fact that I'm not a bot fucking obvious...

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I guess someone didn't figure out how to use the ferret to get his wallet, or how to get past the cat.

I tried to buy the programming book bundle at a dollar tier, but the captcha refused to load and the site glitched out on me. You'd think having over a hundred bundles in my account would make the fact that I'm not a bot fucking obvious...
Nice try, robot. Now we're on to you.

I guess someone didn't figure out how to use the ferret to get his wallet, or how to get past the cat.

I tried to buy the programming book bundle at a dollar tier, but the captcha refused to load and the site glitched out on me. You'd think having over a hundred bundles in my account would make the fact that I'm not a bot fucking obvious...
I let the time run out without realizing on the programming books. Not a big deal, just saved myself a dollar.

I actually forgot about the programming books as well. Not too many I really, really wanted to read though. Course we have a MAD Magazine bundle too, and I'm sure I wont read those either.

My "experience" last night was... "look at portcullis", "there's a job if you want, just ask me to open the portcullis",  Ok, "open portcullis" ... not recognized "please open portcullis", nada "open gate", OPENS.

WTF.  Stop telling me portcullis and then make it recognize gate.  Man I hate some of these text games.  Figuring out the right mix is ridiculous.  AND I distinctly remember there being a tool bar in the game, the manual says there should be a tool bar, but I see no toolbar.

Is it wrong that I'm waaay more excited about MAD magazine than a bunch of programming books or musty old adventure games that I labored through 33 years ago?

Well, okay, I guess I'm a little excited about musty old adventure games, but c'mon.... doesn't anyone appreciate MAD magazine anymore???

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Is it wrong that I'm waaay more excited about MAD magazine than a bunch of programming books or musty old adventure games that I labored through 33 years ago?

Well, okay, I guess I'm a little excited about musty old adventure games, but c'mon.... doesn't anyone appreciate MAD magazine anymore???
Haha but programming books are so fun. Nostalgia does a lot for old games. A lot of times I try to play old games now, and the magic isn't quite there and you notice the controls suck, or the game is obtuse (such as many adventure games).

Is it wrong that I'm waaay more excited about MAD magazine than a bunch of programming books or musty old adventure games that I labored through 33 years ago?

Well, okay, I guess I'm a little excited about musty old adventure games, but c'mon.... doesn't anyone appreciate MAD magazine anymore???
Last time I read Mad Magazine was a longer time ago than I played those musty adventure games. I had no idea it was still in print.

musty old adventure games that I labored through 33 years ago
That's a number of years longer than I've been alive. Congrats on being a musty old man, like Syntax and indef!


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I don't know if I'd find Mad magazine entertaining.  Tempted, but who knows.  Not that I have any sort of sophisticated or high brow sense of humor.  Might dollar and see what has evolved since middle school. 

I don't know if I'd find Mad magazine entertaining. Tempted, but who knows. Not that I have any sort of sophisticated or high brow sense of humor. Might dollar and see what has evolved since middle school.
I've always enjoyed Mad Magazine from some time back more than current issues. That extends to include issues that would have been current for me at one point. For some reason, I think the dated humor works well as a view on whatever time period.

That's a number of years longer than I've been alive. Congrats on being a musty old man, like Syntax and indef!

I am in the same group and I am okay with that. Hopefully, I am a little wiser with the age. Yes, I remember MAD in print and even on TV. Like FoxyPie, I dollared in and hope to enjoy a few laughs.

MAD magazine is like one of those stores in your hometown that you never see customers in but still manages to stay in business after 10+ years. 

I saw that the Mad bundle let me donate to the charity of my choice so I full on donkey bro'd it and now the pups at the North Texas Humane Society have $15 more dollars.  Well, I'm sure some of the money goes to those evil cats too, but I can't help that.  I find it hard to say no to a bundle that lets me both donate to the charity of my choice and screw over both Humble and devs/companies at the same time.  It's like some sort of sick, twisted charitable act.  

I saw that the Mad bundle let me donate to the charity of my choice so I full on donkey bro'd it and now the pups at the North Texas Humane Society have $15 more dollars. Well, I'm sure some of the money goes to those evil cats too, but I can't help that. I find it hard to say no to a bundle that lets me both donate to the charity of my choice and screw over both Humble and devs/companies at the same time. It's like some sort of sick, twisted charitable act.
See, that's how they get you.

I saw that the Mad bundle let me donate to the charity of my choice so I full on donkey bro'd it and now the pups at the North Texas Humane Society have $15 more dollars. Well, I'm sure some of the money goes to those evil cats too, but I can't help that. I find it hard to say no to a bundle that lets me both donate to the charity of my choice and screw over both Humble and devs/companies at the same time. It's like some sort of sick, twisted charitable act.
Fox! Is it finally time?! Is the stupid pony gimmick over with? Are we finally safe? Please tell me it's so!

I almost went for the new Sierra Humble bundle since I need both KQ parts. I then learned that some games are missing documentations (Some Police Quest games...could be more)....just more half arsed Steam put ups of old games. I'll stick to my GOG versions. If it had GOG versions, I would have bought it in a heartbeat.

Fox! Is it finally time?! Is the stupid pony gimmick over with? Are we finally safe? Please tell me it's so!
Technically, it was a PewDiePie gimmick.

But yes, that horse has sailed.

Now I am this character which I know nothing about except that the console bros banned him or something. Will have to look him up and see what his MO was.

By the way, you may find Cheapest's gimmick a bit hard to masquerade as since he was almost 100% a console gamer and spent his final moments here, as well an any subsequent returns before getting hit with the banhammer all over again, mocking and insulting the console gamers and screwing everyone out of one cent strategy guides as much as possible. You might excel at that first part. Good luck with that.

Can't bite on the MAD magazines. I read a lot of Mad and Cracked in the 80's and if I'm going to buy a bundle of issues I need them to be really old, like me.

On a somewhat related note, the Spy vs. Spy game on the NES was a lot of fun for an old school PvP game. A modern update could actually be pretty great since it's basically a game about fucking over the other player, preferably a close friend or family member (grandma, ideally), and everybody likes that.
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Can't bite on the MAD magazines. I read a lot of Mad and Cracked in the 80's and if I'm going to buy a bundle of issues I need them to be really old, like me.
I found someone's collection of 70's paperback anthologies at the local Salvation Army thrift store when I was about 10. MAD is amazing when you're a kid. For many of us, it was our first exposure to satire, and since MAD really hasn't ever evolved, the magazine today will never compare to what we experienced as children.

If I had kids, I would instantly buy this for them and probably regret it for the rest of my life.

wait... there are two threads for Humble Bundle??? Anyway, I'll just post the same thing in here...

I'm most likely going to purchase this just to have Resident Evil Zero and 1 digital... here's my sexified unboxing of the physical game. I would love comments on that video as I'm trying to improve. My wife already told me to wear long pants and socks and i Know that the disc view was fuzzy.

Thanks in advance all.


wait... there are two threads for Humble Bundle??? Anyway, I'll just post the same thing in here...

I'm most likely going to purchase this just to have Resident Evil Zero and 1 digital... here's my sexified unboxing of the physical game. I would love comments on that video as I'm trying to improve. My wife already told me to wear long pants and socks and i Know that the disc view was fuzzy.

Thanks in advance all.

I think that's the most I've laughed at an unboxing video without any words having been spoken. Way over the top dramatic, and the candles/slowmo were a nice touch at the end.

Can't bite on the MAD magazines. I read a lot of Mad and Cracked in the 80's and if I'm going to buy a bundle of issues I need them to be really old, like me.

On a somewhat related note, the Spy vs. Spy game on the NES was a lot of fun for an old school PvP game. A modern update could actually be pretty great since it's basically a game about fucking over the other player, preferably a close friend or family member (grandma, ideally), and everybody likes that.
You know, I saw they had a Walking Dead issue and said why not. I started the Walking Dead issue and Paraslacks hit it right on the money. Like if I had never been exposed to any other humor I'm sure I would be laughing my ass off at these jokes, but it just wasn't doing it for me.

I found someone's collection of 70's paperback anthologies at the local Salvation Army thrift store when I was about 10. MAD is amazing when you're a kid. For many of us, it was our first exposure to satire, and since MAD really hasn't ever evolved, the magazine today will never compare to what we experienced as children.

If I had kids, I would instantly buy this for them and probably regret it for the rest of my life.

Hmmmm, how do I get Steam to ban me from their premises? And geez, what do you do to get a physical ban from Gamestop?

wait... there are two threads for Humble Bundle??? Anyway, I'll just post the same thing in here...

I'm most likely going to purchase this just to have Resident Evil Zero and 1 digital... here's my sexified unboxing of the physical game. I would love comments on that video as I'm trying to improve. My wife already told me to wear long pants and socks and i Know that the disc view was fuzzy.

Thanks in advance all.

When that music kicked in I got ready to fap. You ever consider doing fetish porn directing?

On a serious note, it was more entertaining than most unboxing vids where you just hear some random mouth breather say stuff like "It's just your typical plastic wrap you find on most video games." I'd just work on making sure you get a nicer focus when you zoom in on stuff like the back of the case and front of the desk.

If the Mad magazines are all digital, how are you supposed to do the fold-in page at the end?  That was actually one of my favorite parts of the magazines.  I remember I used to spend some time trying to get the folds to line up perfectly.

bread's done