Humble Bundle Thread

As someone who doesn't give a damn about +1s I feel like I've gotten pretty good value for the humble monthlies I've signed up for and not had the headliner.  I don't need to buy a bundle every week so I'm not too put out when they're full of repeats.  That said the bundles have been mostly lackluster lately, but I can't complain since I picked up Shadow Tactics for $3.50 a few days ago which is a hell of a deal as far as I'm concerned.

Its also a little ironic when everyone gets on here and says "Screw humble they suck, I'm never giving them a penny!!!" then immediately complain that their bundles are going downhill.

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Its also a little ironic when everyone gets on here and says "Screw humble they suck, I'm never giving them a penny!!!" then immediately complain that their bundles are going downhill.
Well, I've never said that I'm never giving them another penny. But if some of the things I've seen over the last few weeks become a genuine trend, I will probably start drifting away from Humble in the same way I did with IG and Groupees, each of which I barely register anymore. If it really spirals out of control, who knows? I doubt I'll quit buying Humbles altogether because I don't routinely sub to the monthly so they will probably remain a cheap place to score decent stuff from monthlies.
Its also a little ironic when everyone gets on here and says "Screw humble they suck, I'm never giving them a penny!!!" then immediately complain that their bundles are going downhill.
I haven't given Humble a single penny in over a year. It all goes to the devs / publishers (if they're not asshats) or charity.

The console names are things like "Katari" and "Intellivisual" and you're not going to win a case insisting that a small icon that looks similar to your real life product is violating your IP in this case.
Besides, maybe Nintendo isn't retarded like most American corporations and will just look at it as free advertising rather than thinking "hey, can we squeeze even more money out of these guys?"

So, in a new desperate measure Humble is offering $8 wallet if someone that hasn't subbed before uses your referral link to sub to the monthly. Used to be $5. They've gotten awfully desperate after the IGN aquisition..

Offer ends November 15th. Credit to Reds for telling me this, I didn't see it posted on any forums.
They wouldn't be so desperate if they offered decent quality indie titles. As it stands now they're often below BundleStars.

They wouldn't be so desperate if they offered decent quality indie titles. As it stands now they're often below BundleStars.
Inb4 next week's bundle is Humble Blizzard with 5 packs of Hearthstone cards and 2 unique HoTS skins.

Less annoyance tax for having to deal with CSGO keys instead of God endorsed American dollars. I can't pay my mortgage with CSGO keys!
Then you'd have to settle with either $5 on CAG, or get lucky and find someone buying for $6 on steamtrades. More of a hassle dealing with people on steamtrades than CAG anyway, so if you go that route you might as well go for CSGO keys.

I couldn't find many people willing to pay real cash.

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More of a hassle dealing with people on steamtrades than CAG anyway
I'm working to change that!

As I acquire fewer games, I find myself less interested in various forms of Itchy & Scratchy money -- hell, it took me a year to unload $50 in GabeN Funbux. No doubt it's more worth it to someone still in the game of wheeling and dealing.

IGN aside, I'm pretty sure that bundles were the last breath of the "Sell a million copies at 90% off and make it up in volume" mindset of 2010-2013 and Humble was the final gasp of that last breath. Most of these publishers have to have a decent idea of what kind of return they get from bundling and, if it's increasingly trashy stuff being bundled, it's probably because they're not making any money. Maybe it's still useful for a game in its twilight days or for low end indie stuff that was only going to sell a dozen copies lost in the morass of the Steam catalog but it's probably not worth it for titles of good quality and word of mouth.


Then you'd have to settle with either $5 on CAG, or get lucky and find someone buying for $6 on steamtrades. More of a hassle dealing with people on steamtrades than CAG anyway, so if you go that route you might as well go for CSGO keys.

I couldn't find many people willing to pay real cash.
My biggest issue with steamtrades is navigating to the buyers. I never could find the guy buying it for 4 keys.
Oh, man.  I totally me-ed both the Extra Life and Day of the Devs bundles.  I was thinking about $1 on each.  Back and forth, really.  Probably would have talked myself out of both if I had remembered, though.

Oh, man. I totally me-ed both the Extra Life and Day of the Devs bundles. I was thinking about $1 on each. Back and forth, really. Probably would have talked myself out of both if I had remembered, though.
Thankfully, you forgot to buy the bundle but didn't forget to post on CAG that you forgot to buy the bundle....Indef is putting you on Ignore as I post...if he hasn't done so already. Please stay on topic with Keyboards with clicky-keys sales, pizza discounts and games with 2% discounts if you use a "currency" called zGold or you will be banned* Thank you for your cooperation.

*-I'm not a moderator...I just play one on TV....

Wow, Thanks for the heads up on that price-glitch, rcsample. 1080ti for only $125 is an absurd bargain.

Thank goodness I don't have you on my ignore list.

Wow. What a great guy rcsample is.

Wow, Thanks for the heads up on that price-glitch, rcsample. 1080ti for only $125 is an absurd bargain.

Thank goodness I don't have you on my ignore list.

Wow. What a great guy rcsample is.
No problem....if you have 49,000 zGold, you'll only pay $124.94. If you have 3000 pGold, you'll pay $'re choice.

Not sure how they managed to pull it off but HB somehow made their site even worse than it was last week. Hats off to their web development team for accomplishing the impossible. 

Not sure how they managed to pull it off but HB somehow made their site even worse than it was last week. Hats off to their web development team for accomplishing the impossible.
I wonder what he's talking about, how bad could it really b-

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And the wait for Darkest Dungeon continues. Hopefully it ends up like The Witness when that was in one of these.

I'd be up for this if at least half the games weren't multi-bundled garbage.

This is the best Humble Bundle in ages. I can just pass on it immediately instead of F5ing every couple of minutes for an hour when I know I'm not going to buy it anyway!
Only 3 games have never been in a bundle and two of them are the literal highlights of it.

Not a great bundle unless you never buy bundles. The resale value on everything bar DD and Starbound is super low.
Starbound was bundled before in a limited high tier Humble. I think a lot of CAGs got it from that, still a highlight in this though.

Starbound was bundled before in a limited high tier Humble. I think a lot of CAGs got it from that, still a highlight in this though.
I got my Starbound from when it was supercheap in a russian 4 pack or something.

I can't remember exactly because I haven't thought about the game after the 3rd world wipe they did in the first couple of months.

$30 for a bunch of $1 tier games.

Starbound shamelessly cached in on the popularity of Terraria because it had the same artist.  The actual brains behind Terraria semi-retired and now teases people with ten year development cycles for Terraria 2.

Anyway, Starbound ain't even worth $1.

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bread's done