I'd never thought I'd actually encounter a narrow minded fanboy at work.


16 (100%)
Setting: My work, Gamestop

Actors: Myself, Fanboy, Fanboy's Friend

I'm sitting near the rack of GBA boxes, pulling them down and reorganizing them to put them back up alphabetically. Fanboy and his friend come in and I ask if they need help with anything. They say that they don't and go about their business.

Soon, they notice the PS3 display and both nearly orgasm over the graphics. I pay no attention as I'm still organizing. After a few minutes, I hear "This is way better than this lame ass Wii console." I perk up. Out of curiosity I ask, "What's so bad about the Wii?"

Fanboy: "It makes you look stupid."
Me: "What do you mean?"
F: "Well, you gotta look like a idiot while playing it, waving your arms around everywhere. I don't want my friends to see me doing that."
M: "You know you don't have to wave your arms around, most of the games only need small movements."
F: "You still have to move around like an idiot, the PS3 is just better."
M: "Have you ever played a Wii?"
F: "No and I never will."
M: *sigh* "Ok, just to let you know that if you're so worried about the arm moving, the PS3 has motion sensors also in it's controlller, in which some games will utilize it for gameplay. Better not get a PS3 if you are worried about that."
Fanboy's Friend: "I like all of the systems." *Shuffles Fanboy away*
M: *sighing, I finish up my work*

I guess I'm just lucky that these kind of people come in so rarely. I just hate it when people won't give new things a shot before judging them.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I hate it when people judge people for not liking things that they themselves like.

/head explodes.[/quote]I'm fairly certain it was the close-mindedness, not the difference of opinion. If he said "Yeah, I played that lame ass Excite Truck shit, and Motorstorm is way better" that's an entirely different situation.
yes those customers are fucking ignorant, but it doesn't make a difference if they are close minded are not, they apparently love sony. I hate it when I buy a game at gamestop and I hear someone give me there unsolicited opinions on the consoles. I didn't ask for it, I am buying a game x on system a, I really don't need to hear there opinions on the game system b or game system c.
heh, reminds me of the time a couple of months ago when i was at one of the local gamestops and the guy running the store was orgasaming about how much better even the box for the ps3 oblivion looked.
What I find "interesting" is the amount of people that make the mistake of not realizing there is a difference between them having a simple preference (for or against something) and their being completely blind to anything other than what they like.

For those that don't know (haha)...
Having a preference is simply liking/disliking one thing more than another for a "reason" based upon actual comparisons.
(i.e. After tasting both vanilla and chocolate icecream, I prefer the taste of vanilla icecream.)
Being completely blind to anything other than what they like to the point of being unwilling to accept/consider anything outside of their decided "preference" (often/usually inspite of what the actual facts/etc. may be).
(i.e. Vanilla icecream is the best, even thou I've not tried chocolate, I know it's not better.)

There's nothing wrong with having a preference for one thing over another. However, it's pretty short sided (coff stupid coff) of those people who willingly (and knowingly) ignore, or simply refuse to acknowledge, certain "facts" of a situation.

Okay, so that was a bit deeper than just people being dumb@$$3$ about games...but the point is still pretty much the same...lol. To me, there are 2 types of fanboys. Those that know what they like and don't find it in the other products. And, those that know what they like and wouldn't be willing to see it in the other products even if it did exsist there. :}
[quote name='Smokescreen64']you typed up a good story...tell me, was the fanboy fat?...and did he look like a loser?[/QUOTE]

No, he didn't although it looked like he filed his teeth to points.

Serious, he had shark teeth.
Just how old was this dickwad? 12? 16? 18?? Older still?? Whatever his age is, his mentality is half that.

Now if he'd said "I don't currently care for the Wii, as I'm afraid that the library beyond the launch window may end up being 'slim pickins'"....

Kidding. fuckers.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Just how old was this dickwad? 12? 16? 18?? Older still?? Whatever his age is, his mentality is half that.

Now if he'd said "I don't currently care for the Wii, as I'm afraid that the library beyond the launch window may end up being 'slim pickins'"....

Kidding. fuckers.[/QUOTE]

Mid 20s, he looked to be in his mid 20s.
God, that's really sad. But you don't need to be Perry Farrell to know that "nothing's shocking" when it comes to the often sad state of the gaming 'community'.

P.S. Luckily for me, my Gamestop doesn't seem to employ fanboys, but instead guys who actually lag a little behind the information curve, if anything.
Some of my non-Wii friends make sooooooo much fun of me because I have a Wii. They're like "The wii is soooo fucking retarded. I mean, you have to play like this (Makes bad retarded monkey/ape sound and flails arms around as if he has a seizure). Yeah, the PS3 will be soo much better than that fa***tty- ass Wii" I HATE people like that. I mean they haven't even played the Wii... of the PS3.
Hmmm... it's up to a company to attract customers- you don't force people to "pledge allegance to Nintendo or Sony" like you would a country.

With that being said- Nintendo should have branded the system in America something akin to "New Game system" instead of it sounds like "another name for going to the bathroom"

Go ahead and defend the Wii name and defend Nintendo if you like- just realize that you are a fanboy if you do- that and Nintendo did lose sales just for something as stupid as a name. Come on- how hard would "GameCube 360 Emotion Engine" been?

That said, it'll sell like hotcakes once more awesome games come out. That and if they sell 16 and 32 bit games on it for $1- I'd be all over that.
[quote name='Kuros']Setting: My work, Gamestop

Actors: Myself, Fanboy, Fanboy's Friend

I'm sitting near the rack of GBA boxes, pulling them down and reorganizing them to put them back up alphabetically. Fanboy and his friend come in and I ask if they need help with anything. They say that they don't and go about their business.

Soon, they notice the PS3 display and both nearly orgasm over the graphics. I pay no attention as I'm still organizing. After a few minutes, I hear "This is way better than this lame ass Wii console." I perk up. Out of curiosity I ask, "What's so bad about the Wii?"

Fanboy: "It makes you look stupid."
Me: "What do you mean?"
F: "Well, you gotta look like a idiot while playing it, waving your arms around everywhere. I don't want my friends to see me doing that."
M: "You know you don't have to wave your arms around, most of the games only need small movements."
F: "You still have to move around like an idiot, the PS3 is just better."
M: "Have you ever played a Wii?"
F: "No and I never will."
M: *sigh* "Ok, just to let you know that if you're so worried about the arm moving, the PS3 has motion sensors also in it's controlller, in which some games will utilize it for gameplay. Better not get a PS3 if you are worried about that."
Fanboy's Friend: "I like all of the systems." *Shuffles Fanboy away*
M: *sighing, I finish up my work*

I guess I'm just lucky that these kind of people come in so rarely. I just hate it when people won't give new things a shot before judging them.[/QUOTE]

If he loved the Wii and hated the 360 and PS3, would you have a problem with him?
[quote name='sarausagi']If he loved the Wii and hated the 360 and PS3, would you have a problem with him?[/QUOTE]

Probably high fives all around.

Well, if he only hated the PS3.
Speaking of "interesting" names of products (i.e. wii sounding like "wee"), I had a Spanish teacher once who said that Chevrolet had made a similar mistake once. The Chevy Nova was a good selling car and so they decided to market and sell em in Mexico. However, sales were sluggish even though it was a good car. The reason, "no va" means "no go" in Spanish...doh!
[quote name='sarausagi']If he loved the Wii and hated the 360 and PS3, would you have a problem with him?[/QUOTE]

If he had the same attitude as he did in my case, yes.
I remember when I asked someone if they've played the Wii (yes they used the flailing arms argument), they asked me if I played the PS3.

Yes, I have. It was called the PS2.
[quote name='Roufuss']Probably high fives all around.

Well, if he only hated the PS3.[/quote]
I'm pretty sure the OP was just annoyed by the sheer ignorance of this individual. It had nothing to do with his preference for the PS3 over the Wii.

At least, I don't think it was.
[quote name='yukine']I'm pretty sure the OP was just annoyed by the sheer ignorance of this individual. It had nothing to do with his preference for the PS3 over the Wii.

At least, I don't think it was.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, the ignorance is what annoyed me, not the fact that he liked the PS3 over the Wii.

I know people have their console preferences and I'm fine with that. It just when people have no/poor basis for their preference is when I get annoyed.
[quote name='Kuros']I guess I'm just lucky that these kind of people come in so rarely.[/QUOTE]
Why don't you just not talk to them. Or interrupt with a friendly "may I help you?"

And why wouldn't you meat a fanboy when you work at GameStop, for crying out loud?

You should have told him he looks like an idiot anyways, and waving around a controller wouldn't make much difference.
[quote name='PyroGamer']
And why wouldn't you meat a fanboy when you work at GameStop, for crying out loud?.[/QUOTE]

I would never meat a fanboy. ;)
[quote name='STATIC3D']
Okay, so that was a bit deeper than just people being dumb@$$3$ about games...but the point is still pretty much the same...lol. To me, there are 2 types of fanboys. Those that know what they like and don't find it in the other products. And, those that know what they like and wouldn't be willing to see it in the other products even if it did exsist there. :}[/QUOTE]

Is someone who just prefers a system because it has games they genuinely like more even a fanboy? I mean if you love Japanese RPGs, I can see you owning just Sony systems and (to me) not being a fanboy. Same thing if you love 2d platformers and just own a DS, or strategy games with a PC or stuff like that.

[quote name='Kuros']Exactly, the ignorance is what annoyed me, not the fact that he liked the PS3 over the Wii.

I know people have their console preferences and I'm fine with that. It just when people have no/poor basis for their preference is when I get annoyed.[/QUOTE]


I've been lucky with my Gamestop. Only employee I've ever seen who was biased was years ago. This guy could not stop bashing the Playstation 2, and going on about how it didn't have any games, every game sucked, and the Dreamcast was the greatest thing ever.

Weirdly, the only Playstation 2 game he thought was any good was Okage, which I think got horrible reviews. I just kind of ignored him. I miss the Gamespot regulars though from 5-10 years ago. Now there's a lot more turnover.

What drives me nuts are systems that on the net have tons of fanboys bashing. The Playstation Portable and PS3 are the worst for that by far. Even in this thread we had someone go "I played a PS3, it was called a PS2". :roll: He/she actually thinks that's funny, and actually believes it, despite it not making the slightest bit of sense. I really hate people like that.

Actually...going even more off topic, there seems to be a mentality for certain people that they want "their" side to win, regardless of what "their" side is doing or stands for (ie people who believe Bush no matter what evidence there is to the contrary, who all of a sudden think torture is great, 'cause their team says so.

My point being, I don't think fanboi's are limited to games, and it must be some general human condition that effects some people. It happens with sports teams too, though in that case it's harmless enough. It's been shown in studies that people actually feel like the victories of a sports team for example are happening to them.
I'm not able to watch sports or identify with the athletes, which may also be why I can't be what I'd consider a fanboy. We're just all wired differently I guess.

EDIT: Actually when I was a pre-teen I probably did have fanboy tendencies. I kind of was for Nintendo a bit when I was really young, and then was for Sega, and really rooted for them because of how arrogant Nintendo acted, etc. I guess it kind of went away when I became a teenager and adult.
No, someone who prefers a certain type of game is not necessarily a fanboy. You are right on that. If it's just personal preference of liking one type of game (or aspects of a certain game series, say Mortal Kombat over Street Fighter), then that's not being a fanboy, it's just being a fan (i.e. simply liking) one better than another.

It becomes fanboy-ism/ish if they are unwilling to give credit to another game/series/console/etc. for things that actually are worthy of credit. Mainly just someone who can't admit there are PROs as well as cons to something they are not into...OR (on the flip side)...someone who can't admit to the CONs as well as the pros of something they ARE into.
bread's done