If PS3' price is a big issue for you than this might help!!!


CAG Veteran
Wow! Sums it up pretty clearly now! 360 is crap! Sony rules!

What about the people that have no interest in going online? Or watching HD movies? That shaves off like $300!!! Guess the PS3 really isn't a great value, eh?

I also have to say that is one AWESOME MS Paint job! Way to go! I hope you pass you're 8th grade final!
Too bad they forgot to mention that... with the PS3, you're being forced to buy a currently inferior and potentially dead movie format. Also, we have yet to see if Sony's online interface will actually be able to compete with LIVE.

But in the end... it's all about the games baby.:)
PSP Compatible? Where the fuck do I fit the UMD's in?

All games compatible? Twenty bucks says the PS3 won't reach 100% compatibility!

"Witch one gives you..." Dude, Halloween is over!
the wii will still be 250.... but i do see your point ;) I am more worried i havent seen any previews of the ps3, like from ign and stuff. It lets me beleave that the ps3 is going to be really last minit and may be really bad with more bugs then the 360 on the 17th. BTW the 360's ring of death is still a major problem to this day, and untill thats fixed i wont even consider getting one.
I'm still loving how people think they'll be able to play every PS3 game online for free. Access is free much like the silver live account.. individual developers, due to rising costs of production (thanks to blu ray) WILL charge.

Of coure, that's me talking out of my ass.. but watch, it will happen
I love that people are still saying you need to buy an official 360 wireless adapter for wi-fi when you can snag a 3rd party one for $20 and tax. It also doesn't address the idea that $400 is still too fucking much for a video game console for quite a few people let alone $600.

Edit: And it's which not witch, dumb ass. We're not using a fucking gaming console to create a magical brew.
You cant really compare as mentioned, AND this is CAG.

I got my year of xbox live at target for $17(was found for 35 by many), linksys wireless adapter that works fine can be had for $20 and if you have your battery situation straight you dont need play and charge

In the end not being forced to get something just makes it cheaper for those...well the type of people who visit this site.
Playstation and Xbox have different fucking games, I mean seriously, they are totally different.

If someone want's to play Xbox games they will buy a fucking Xbox, and if they want to play Playstation games they will buy a fucking Playstation.
Glad someone said you can get a wireless adapter for 20 bucks...scared me when I thought I'd have to pay 100 bucks yet to play online.,..
OP go back to gamefaqs and return with a better degree in MS Paint. Secondly, this is CAG for g-d's sake. you should know that if there is a will, there is a way and there is always the CAG way to get things cheap.

As others have mentioned you can get the wireless adapter through any 3rd party, though certain linksys adapters can be a bitch to get to work, there is always some way around to get a discounted live card if not free.

What the fuck is the play and charge kit? Is that basically just some rechargeable battery pack or something? Shit I just use .99 cent batteries and it works fine. That or my rechargeable batteries when they're not in something else or charging.

And possibly the best thing about the 360 is that it gives you the option to buy those other products. It doesn't force it onto the consumer for an exorbitant price tag that no console should cost no matter the hardware. Unless you're rich, there's is no way that you logically justify to pay for $600 when you might as well just put that money into a higher pc rig.
A few things I noticed:

1. It's $579.96, not $579,96. Unless you're from Europe.

2. Everything mentioned with regards to the 360 (outside the console itself) is optional, giving the end buyer more choices and therefore the ability to have a much lower final cost. The $600 PS3 is $600 no matter how you cut it.

3. What about the headset for the PS3? There's an additional cost right there that the OP somehow managed to forget. Oh, and the PSP compatibility doesn't work if you don't own a PSP. Since you included all the optional accessories for the 360 in its cost you should to do the same for the PS3. There's another $200 or so for the complete PS3 experience.

4. The OP's Microsoft Paint skills need fine tuning.

5. You'd be better off posting this type of thing here. Actually, you can stay over there once you're finished re-posting this comparision. There's no need for you to return to CAG. Ever.

So, there you have it. A few things I noticed while taking a look at this price comparison.
Oh god they are going to eat you the fuck up for this one.

Im not even going to look at the posts on this thread. RIP OP. =(

p.s you forgot to include that they would have to purchase 2 more Harddrives.
apples and oranges as far as i'm conerned.

But on the other hand i've always said the PS3 is a bargain for what it is, but that's only because I can use all of the features. To normal gamers without a 1080p TV, maybe not.
Good job; I didn't even realize people have to pay for the charge and play mod, and the wireless internet mod, if you were to compre their cheaper model vs the ps3 500 model the descrepancy between value would be even more evident.
I can't decide whether to front page this or not. Truly a masterful argument for Sony's camp.

Dynomite work OP. Your research skills, MS Paint mastery, and logical impartiality are rarely seen around these parts.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm still loving how people think they'll be able to play every PS3 game online for free. Access is free much like the silver live account.. individual developers, due to rising costs of production (thanks to blu ray) WILL charge.

Of coure, that's me talking out of my ass.. but watch, it will happen[/QUOTE]

Exactly. People seem to believe there is a free lunch thing going on. Someone will have to pay for the servers you are playing on. Either the developers eat it and spend less money on the game or they pass it along to you in some form or another. The money will come from somewhere.

Oh, and OP, you entirely ignore that it's easy to get deals on most of those 360 things, such as the wireless adapter or live cards.
[quote name='furyk']

Edit: And it's which not witch, dumb ass. We're not using a fucking gaming console to create a magical brew.[/QUOTE]

Hahhaa that witch crap was the first thing i noticed, I was like maybe its for halloween
[quote name='Zoglog']apples and oranges as far as i'm conerned.

Completely agree. I really don't see the sense of comparing platforms because they are so different. In fact I hope to own all three because each one offers something I want.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']Op doesn't mention either that an average Blu Ray disc is about 7 dollars more then an HD-DVD disc.[/QUOTE]
Um, I don't think either disc is over a dollar, so uh... you fail.
You know these stupid price comparisons never show the +$30 for component cables on the ps3 side or the +$25 for the remote(since they insist on including the hd-dvd player).
IMO what's silly about people blasting that original Sony comparison, is the real comparison is simple. If you want to play online at ALL, then

Playstation 3 = $500
X-Box 360 = $400 + 50 x 5 = $650 (or $700 with a 6 year lifespan...heck, PS2 is at six full years, and will probably have at least one more solid year left)

These comparisons that only add one year of Live are silly. Are they expecting the 360 to be replaced after a year?
[quote name='Puppy']IMO what's silly about people blasting that original Sony comparison, is the real comparison is simple. If you want to play online at ALL, then

Playstation 3 = $500
X-Box 360 = $400 + 50 x 5 = $650 (or $700 with a 6 year lifespan...heck, PS2 is at six full years, and will probably have at least one more solid year left)

These comparisons that only add one year of Live are silly. Are they expecting the 360 to be replaced after a year?[/QUOTE]

No, they're expecting Live to go free after another year (assuming Sony's online service isn't complete crap which is still a very real possibility).
You know... I recently bought a PS2(I got 45 days to return it so I was still deciding whether or not to) and when you look at it... I love my online, so the prices really ARE the same! (I could care less bout HDTV though and stuff). At least for me it is... I mean 400 + 60 for the live card, + probably 30 or 40 for the networking adapter... so thats about 500$ just to get online going for 1 year. Then for the 100$ I spent on the PS2, you can tack that on, considering if I bought the PS3, I'd put the 100 in there since its backward compatible. So... 600$. Not to mention that you'll have to pay each year for live. Hmm I think I might just wait till all the prices drop cause its all too expensive lol. MAybe I'll buy a Wii... only ... 250$...

And I kind of doubt live will go free, and right now PS3 online is free, so you can't argue that it will suddenly cost money...thats a sad argument.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm still loving how people think they'll be able to play every PS3 game online for free. Access is free much like the silver live account.. individual developers, due to rising costs of production (thanks to blu ray) WILL charge.
I really don't see this happening. The individual game companies aren't the ones providing online service are they? Why would they need to charge?
I usually go with whatever brand has fucked me less in the past.

everything 64
Cel-shaded fiasco
SP/LITE/Micro - Why not make it good the 1st time?
Virtual Console Prices with no upgrades
Lack of headphone jack in SP???

low 1st shipments of PS2
the constant conceptual bullshit of capabilities of PS2 and now PS3
I hate the 2 analog sticks right next to each other.
killed the Dreamcast
Releases any shitty game (But wont release good 2d games)

I hated the duke controller?
When did the IQ level of CAG completely bottom out? Between this and people arguing that downloadable games via the VC and XBLA are too expensive because you can just steal them and play for free, it seems like I missed a memo or something.
Well ya he kind of exaggerates the prices a bit... but in all honesty there really isn't much of a difference...but that is only IF!!!!! IF YOU WILL BE PLAYING ONLINE! If you play online, there really isn't much of a diff. However, we haven't seen how good PS3's online is yet, so the 360 might still be cheaper. However if PS3's is good online, and you play online a lot, it won't make much of a difference in price. Simple as that!

I mean...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to add up a few numbers and see that for yourself.
[quote name='Spades22']And I kind of doubt live will go free, and right now PS3 online is free, so you can't argue that it will suddenly cost money...thats a sad argument.[/QUOTE]

Again, it's a matter of how well the PS3's online service actually ends up being. If it is great or even good, Microsoft will have to do something or otherwise it'll squander their only real advantage. As it stands now, online with the PS2 sucked and people were more then happy to pay for Live because of that.

Also, mooky, you're really being blind to some of the horrible things that Microsoft has done so far whether it be setting the trend for exhorbitant downloads, lag on games that are 20 years old, or broken consoles. They may not have personally effected you, but they're enough of an issue that to ignore them as issues is doing a disservice to trying to pull a coherent case for and against each of these systems (which can certainly be said about the original post).
Man, screw the 360. This MS Paint job has won me over!

I'm so sorry for all the bad things I said about you, Sony. :cry:

The OP got hit pretty hard on this one, at least on the first page. As someone who recently purchased a 360, I would say that once again it comes down to games. If you're not a fan of sports games or FPS, I don't see that the 360 has really done anything to make a person excited in the year since it's been out. Oh well, just my opinion.

The OP sales pitch was a little silly because that's the whole point - people don't like being "forced" to buy all those extras if they don't want them.
[quote name='Spades22']However if PS3's is good online, and you play online a lot, it won't make much of a difference in price. Simple as that!

I mean...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to add up a few numbers and see that for yourself.[/QUOTE]

You're right! All this time I've been wrong! I admit it. Here, I'll even show you.

Note: These prices are assuming the consumer will not want to get the item in question for a cheaper price, and don't include taxes.

Xbox 360 - $400
1 Year of Live - $50*
(optional wireless adapter) - $100
Total cost - $550

PS3 - $600
Online play - Free*
Not included to make Sony's price look better: a headset
Total cost - $600

* - for now. Microsoft's cost could drop or Sony may have to charge for online play. The costs for each console will change as a result. For now, I'm sticking to what Microsoft does and what Sony claims will do.

. . .oh, shit. The 360 is still $50 cheaper, even if you pay full retail price for everything, go with the wireless adapter (when you could just use the networking cable, something Sony fanboys seem to forget), and don't buy a headset for the PS3.

"I mean...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to add up a few numbers and see that for yourself."

Maybe you should take your own advice into consideration before posting. You can easily trim $100 off the cost of the 360 and you can easily add about another $30 for the cost of a headset for the PS3.

Here, I'll even go through this again since you insisted that there isn't "much of a difference in price:"

If you don't go wireless, the cost of a 360 and online play is about $450.

The cost of the PS3? $600 (and that's assuming you don't buy a headset).

$150 difference. So, either way, the 360 is anywhere from $50-150 cheaper. I'm sure somewhere in there you can find the point where the difference is substantial enough, but that will very from person to person.

Please, next time try to think before you post mindless bullshit.
while you should have figured you were gonna get flamed, the only validity of your argument really is the HD-DVD vs. Blu Ray part. Even then though NO ONE knows which way that format war will be going.
[quote name='captainfrizo']You're right! All this time I've been wrong! I admit it. Here, I'll even show you.

Note: These prices are assuming the consumer will not want to get the item in question for a cheaper price, and don't include taxes.

Xbox 360 - $400
1 Year of Live - $50*
(optional wireless adapter) - $100
Total cost - $550

PS3 - $600
Online play - Free*
Not included to make Sony's price look better: a headset
Total cost - $600

Wrong, and several people on this thread have already explained why.

Quoting myself:

Playstation 3 = $500
X-Box 360 = $400 + 50 x 5 = $650

The wireless headset is a red hearing, as we can just as easily say the 360 is missing a play and charge kit. (Not to mention the 360's voicechat sound quality is atrocious, though I don't know if that's because of the system/software or the headset).
[quote name='daroga']When did the IQ level of CAG completely bottom out? Between this and people arguing that downloadable games via the VC and XBLA are too expensive because you can just steal them and play for free, it seems like I missed a memo or something.[/quote]

Wierd, I didnt hear anyone say that in this thread... maybe I missed it.

I said that VC games were too expensive, with no changes like online multiplayer, 720/1080 upgrades and whatnot.

8 bucks a Genesis game is retarded anyway you slice it. (Maaaaaaybe Gunstar Heroes...)

I dont believe in playing games on a PC, my Mac is for work only... but the VC prices are higher than XBLA and with 1/2 the upgrades. Added in the lack of a hard drive, and it just gets worse and worse.
ya duh "captainfrizo" so you plan on playing live with your 360 for one year? guhhhh wow honestly think before you post that crap and learn to add. I said it didn't take a rocket scientist, but it does take someone who passed addition in elementary school. Headset I don't need anyway, I don't use it. So... once again you have:

400$ for the Xbox360, 60$ for the Xbox live card FOR ONE YEAR, then you can probably get a cheaper than 100$, maybe around 40 or so, so 500$. Thats already some type of PS3, the cheaper one I thought. Then 1-2 more years of live, depending on how much you spend for some of the stuff stated above, and you're over the cost of the PS3. Sure... if you plan on throwing out the console after a year and sticking to no online, 360=cheaper. I believe i stated all this before though.
Sweet we are price comparing products we dont even own yet or havent even tried out? Awesome because Ive really wanted to price compare my car to a flying bus from the future ;)
bread's done