I'm really disappointed about the Xbox360


I was absolutely excited until I had the chance to see it be played in person at Best Buy in Fairfield, CA. Yeah COD2 looked pretty cool but I play FPS games on my computer where it's more fun. I think the game I was most excited for was Amped 3, but it looks stupid! Seriously the frame rates looked bad, and the graphics were cartoony and weak. What the fuck's going on Microsoft? Sony has a good opening here if they come out with some good games at launch.
I'm not interested...yet. I can wait until a price drop. By then, there should be some good games that I want to play.
I don't care that you aren't interested. Why do people keep posting this "Hay guyz xbocks 360 sux lol ps2 rox l8r"? If you don't like it, great, don't buy it
It all depends on PS3's release date. If the 360 shortage is real and Sony launches PS3 in Spring, sure they could get a jump but that's if they get their most impressive looking games out, especially if the price point is really as high as they say.

I think I'm camping out and getting a 360 on November 22nd, if it's going for a lot on eBay I'm getting rid of it there and waiting until a price drop to purchase another one. I don't know, I think I'm going to play this generation cheap and wait for price drops and stuff since I still have a lot of games to play this gen.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']e3 builds. and if your most anticipated game is amped 3, well, i'll just leave it at that...[/QUOTE]

So what if I was anticipating Amped 3. I loved the other ones and have more fun playing them than other crap.
[quote name='Scorch']I don't care that you aren't interested. Why do people keep posting this "Hay guyz xbocks 360 sux lol ps2 rox l8r"? If you don't like it, great, don't buy it[/QUOTE]

no one is forcing you to read these repetitive topics. If you don't like them, take your own advice and don't click on them.

And before you get your panties scorched, I happen to agree with you. Instead of littering the boards with the same thing over and over, there should just be some official "I H8 Xbox360 thread" where we can all go to bake cookies and circlejerk each other.
[quote name='bmulligan']no one is forcing you to read these repetitive topics. If you don't like them, take your own advice and don't click on them.[/QUOTE]

Good point, but I could argue that I couldn't click them if they weren't there, and they wouldn't be there if people didn't post their opinions.. so around we go in a circle :p
Wait, did the OP realize that I'm a big fan of the X360? Obviously, he didn't know this or he would clearly want to be cool like me and get one. No disappointment here.
[quote name='klezmer41']Yeah COD2 looked pretty cool but I play FPS games on my computer where it's more fun. [/QUOTE]
A video game console is a computer.
It's much like Wombat said a few CAGcasts ago: Launch games really don't matter much. After E3 next year, we'll likely see a price drop and some worthwhile games (and maybe...just MAYBE...Halo 3).

Give it about another 6 months, and the 360 will be a pretty decent next-gen system.
Is Amped 3 even being made by the same group who made the last two?

I have to say I wasn't overly happy with what I saw of CoD2 when I saw it at BestBuy, only thing that I could think was, Damn my PC at home does better graphics then that. I have no doubt that the system will have great games and great graphics I just think there were a few poor choices made on what games should be demoed.
a price drop is abvout the only thing that will get me to buy. No one game can be that great on this next half-step generation.
I think the they should have waited a little longer to release the Xbox360. Theres a strong possiblity that once the PS3 and then the Revolution are released, 360 would be forgotten.
[quote name='Starwishi']Theres a strong possiblity that once the PS3 and then the Revolution are released, 360 would be forgotten.[/QUOTE]

No there's not. It's pretty ridiculous to think that.
[quote name='shipwreck']No there's not. It's pretty ridiculous to think that.[/QUOTE]

The Xbox360 is off to a weak start, so it better step its game up if it wants to even stand a chance once the other consoles are realeased.
[quote name='Starwishi']The Xbox360 is off to a weak start, so it better step its game up if it wants to even stand a chance once the other consoles are realeased.[/QUOTE]

it must defeat sheng long to stand a chance.

(btw, what start? hasn't launched yet ;-) )
[quote name='Apossum']it must defeat sheng long to stand a chance.

(btw, what start? hasn't launched yet ;-) )[/QUOTE]

Yes, but in the anti-360 mindset, the Xbox 360 has already failed.

Theres a strong possiblity that once the PS3 and then the Revolution are released, 360 would be forgotten.

Thanks, I haven't laughed that hard in a loooooong time.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yes, but in the anti-360 mindset, the Xbox 360 has already failed.[/QUOTE]

oh yeah, silly haters.
Actually I usually end up buying every system because I don't want to choose only one of them. I was also looking forward to the 360 and perhaps even buying it at launch. Now that I've seen it in person, it's just plain mediocre. My PC with Battlefield 2 is going to be just fine for quite a while.
[quote name='Morrigan Lover']A video game console is a computer.[/QUOTE]

So is a calculator and the controls in my Chevy Impala. But computers are programmed to do different things.

With regards to the 360 looking like it sucks - I thought the same thing about the XBox. I still don't understand why anybody ever bought it in the first place, but they did and XBox fans seem to be happy with what they got. I don't see the 360 being any different.
[quote name='klezmer41']Actually I usually end up buying every system because I don't want to choose only one of them. I was also looking forward to the 360 and perhaps even buying it at launch. Now that I've seen it in person, it's just plain mediocre. My PC with Battlefield 2 is going to be just fine for quite a while.[/QUOTE]

And yet again, someone expects the 360 to live up to PC standards.

NOTHING will live up to PC standards because things are constantly being upgraded. Compare it to other consoles.
Definitely not getting one at launch, but if it has exlusive SEGA/Capcom games down the road, I guess I'll have to invest.

I've been thinking though......wouldn't it be great if instead of a being a separate console, "XBOX" was just something you could link to your PC and play the games that way? I mean they're releasing the controller for PC and most of the features are simply dumbed-down versions of PC standard utilities, so why bog down the game market with a third console?

I just don't think XBOX 360 is the "wave of the future" its touted to be. I mean, Microsoft was even afraid to name it XBOX "2" b/c it would sound inferior to PS3 (and apparently it WILL be?). I'm a Nintendo fanboy, I'll admit it, so of course I'm psyched for the Revolution. The games might not be all gorgeous or "hardcore" like the XBOX stuff, but as long as its fun to play I'll be happy (and the possibilities for that new controller are drool inducing). I'll probably end up getting PS3 too but not b/c its the "MOST POWERFUL GAMING DEVICE EVER THAT WILL GIVE YOU SEX AND MONEY IF YOU PLAY IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE" its cracked up to be. Honestly, I don't care too much about the graphics but the exclusive series keep me coming back (Devil May Cry, Tekken, etc).

If hell freezes over and all my favorite series become exclusive to XBOX (RE, Final Fantasy, Sonic, etc), I'll be right in line with you to buy one. But if Microsoft keeps relying on Halo to carry its consoles, count me out.
yeh don't buy those games when they come out brand new, they are highly overpriced... wait for a few weeks till the price drops :D
Yeck leave the fanboy arguing to other boards. Generally these boards have a more than average maturitylevel and that should continue with all the console launches.

The reason why there is three consoles is because people tend to all like differnt things. Embrace the other consoles, they create a war amongst themselves for customers and companys go out of there way to create superior products. So lets leave the arguing aside for no ones mind is going to be changed, and why would you care if they bought the console you want or not?
[quote name='Lice']The reason why there is three consoles is because people tend to all like differnt things. Embrace the other consoles, they create a war amongst themselves for customers and companys go out of there way to create superior products. So lets leave the arguing aside for no ones mind is going to be changed, and why would you care if they bought the console you want or not?[/QUOTE]


C'mon dude, these "vs. console" threads are fun. If you don't like it, just go back to the 15th posting of the "worst game evar" or "most overrated game evar" threads.
I'll wait 'til 2008. By that time, people will already know which games are good, and so I can avoid the crap.

Also it will be about $200 cheaper.
I'm still excited about the hardware, but I am fucking tired of MS's BS. If sony weren't just as bad, but with arrogance instead of stupidity, I would cancel by preorder, which I'm not getting on day one now anyway, thanks to microsoft's brilliant "viral marketing" campaign, and wait for the PS3. Who ever said the 360 has already failed is a fucking moron, but they are doing MANY things to hurt their chances. From 2 sku, which gives consumers confusion, not choice, not making the hard drive standard, which removes one of the major plusses the xbox offered over anything else, to the stupid viral marketing campaign, to peter moore breathing. Here's a little lesson for MS: according to their theory, a short supply will make it in higher demand and people will rush out and buy one as soon as it hits the shelves. In reality, if they want it bad enough, they will buy it on ebay for a markup, if they don't, they will buy something else. Either way, this doesn't make MS any more money or put any more units in circulation. If sony does actually manage to put out the PS3 in america in spring, which I doubt, and MS only has a million or so untis in homes, and sony doesn't release the PS3 at $800 or something stupid, the 360 is dead. Hell, it's even white like the dreamcast. Smaller storage format, check. Several great games at launch, but nothing else really coming for 6 months, check. I'm sorry, I just don't see how lying to your retailers about supply is good for anyone.
[quote name='Scorch']I don't care that you aren't interested. Why do people keep posting this "Hay guyz xbocks 360 sux lol ps2 rox l8r"? If you don't like it, great, don't buy it[/QUOTE]

Ditto. Newbies stop making posts about your opinion on this and your opinion on that. Nobody gives a damn and shut up.
I'm letting fate decide. I'm going to stop by the BB by my work on my lunch hour. If they have a 360, I'll buy one. Then I'll list in on ebay. If I make money, I'll sell it and wait for a price drop. If I don't make money, I'll cancel the auction and keep it.
[quote name='Kayden']I'm letting fate decide. I'm going to stop by the BB by my work on my lunch hour. If they have a 360, I'll buy one. Then I'll list in on ebay. If I make money, I'll sell it and wait for a price drop. If I don't make money, I'll cancel the auction and keep it.[/QUOTE]

I did that a few times when the PS2 launched. Stupid people on Ebay who need a console the first week it comes out... I love stupid people !

Actually, one I bought didn't even make it to Ebay. I was walking away from the games counter at Meijer after purchasing the last PS2 in stock and some guy offered me $400 cash on the spot. Guess what I did ?
I was hyped about the 360 and I got to play 360 on numerous occasions at different retailers. However I don't want one now I can wait. The only thing I want from the 360 is I should of pre-ordered one so I could make $250 bucks profit on ebay. No game out makes it a console buyer for me yet. The 360 games look like high end pc. However until I say march or later of next year for me. I bought an xbox for shenmue 2. Then I saw that most games ran better on xbox's 700 mhz cpu then my ps2. so all in all I'm waiting on the 360.
NEVER buy a just-eleased console. The game selection is so small as to be pathetic, and your shiny-new console will be collecting dust after Christmas.
So far, the only game for the 360 I am remotely interested in is Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and I would just as well get it for my PC, because I already own my PC (hence, I am a cheap ass gamer, yo).

Really, I'm not a fan of FPS games, nor any of the other games launching for the 360. There is absolutely not a single launch title offered that I would even consider purchasing at full retail price.

Played the 360 a few times at my local Wal Mart, and *yawn* nothing EXCITING, you know what I mean?
[quote name='Gameboy415'] But if Microsoft keeps relying on Halo to carry its consoles, count me out.[/QUOTE]

My sentiments exactly. The only thing that got me to buy xbox is going to be what keeps me from buying 360.
I don't need a million online fps's when I've got a computer.
I dont need mmo's when I've got a computer. (or ps2 in the case of ffxi)
Keep the computer rpgs on computer, console rpgs on console.

I was reading yahoo news and came across this:
When the Xbox 360 debuts in North America Nov. 22, it will still mainly aim to please so-called hardcore gamers — primarily young men who spend hours each week tethered to a videogame console. Analysts say that's smart since the console doesn't offer enough other capabilities for those not addicted to gaming.

I thought I was missing something, so I looked at the launch titles again, but I saw the usual games listed... all sports, racing, and shooters. Some fps' could be categorized as "hardcore," but these are all casual gamer's games.

I'm wondering if xbox owners who say that graphics are everything are going to jumpship to ps3 when it comes out >_>. Playing through the demos of 360, it wasnt a huge jump graphics-wise from xbox.

As it is, 360 is going to have to do a 180 (m i rite) to get my purchase, while ps3 and rev. are going to need to screw up royally to keep me from buying them. I dont see ps3 losing massive 3rd party support and I dont see nintendo stopping the mario franchise any time soon.
I don't think games will be a problem. I mean, they have just about every third party dev that matters under thier belt.

I'm just worried about too many FPS games...hasn't anyone figured out that they are all basically the same?
Seriously, I'm not stoked about the launch lineup of the 360 (or the 360 at all actually) but judging a system by it's launch lineup is just plain stupid. Look at the DS. Very little to offer at launch. But now, a year later, it's really coming into its own. How about you wait and see what comes out in 6-8 months and let people who want to early adopt do so in peace?
My sentiments exactly. The only thing that got me to buy xbox is going to be what keeps me from buying 360.
I don't need a million online fps's when I've got a computer.
I dont need mmo's when I've got a computer. (or ps2 in the case of ffxi)

I also don't want to spend $900+ on an upgraded PC to play those new games.
[quote name='Starwishi']The Xbox360 is off to a weak start, so it better step its game up if it wants to even stand a chance once the other consoles are realeased.[/QUOTE]

The console hasn't even come out yet, how is it off to a weak start????
[quote name='gamereviewgod']My sentiments exactly. The only thing that got me to buy xbox is going to be what keeps me from buying 360.
I don't need a million online fps's when I've got a computer.
I dont need mmo's when I've got a computer. (or ps2 in the case of ffxi)

I also don't want to spend $900+ on an upgraded PC to play those new games.[/QUOTE]

video card + ram =|= 900$
[quote name='klezmer41']I was absolutely excited until I had the chance to see it be played in person at Best Buy in Fairfield, CA. Yeah COD2 looked pretty cool but I play FPS games on my computer where it's more fun. I think the game I was most excited for was Amped 3, but it looks stupid! Seriously the frame rates looked bad, and the graphics were cartoony and weak. What the fuck's going on Microsoft? Sony has a good opening here if they come out with some good games at launch.[/QUOTE]

um look at Playstation 2s launch titles.....boy did they suck flaming assholes. And everyone is so sure the PS3 will be so good at launch......well just watch as de ja vu hits and the same shit happens to them as Microsoft
[quote name='Starwishi']I think the they should have waited a little longer to release the Xbox360. Theres a strong possiblity that once the PS3 and then the Revolution are released, 360 would be forgotten.[/QUOTE]

thats just......buwhahaha.....stupid. The 360 will survive no matter what....how do you ask.......X-BOX LIVE.......no matter what people think.....this service will flourish and it will help the 360 find itself a nice home in the next-gen warz
I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed with the 360 when I got to finally play it. Being a huge Xbox fan, that isn't a good thing for me. Though it soon hit me... I only played three freakin' games, and they were demos! When I get my hands on mine (not on launch though, thanks EB...) and play other games, then we'll see.
[quote name='Scorch']I don't care that you aren't interested. Why do people keep posting this "Hay guyz xbocks 360 sux lol ps2 rox l8r"? If you don't like it, great, don't buy it[/QUOTE]

One could respond that they don't care that you don't care either.
i love my xbox1 to death since i've customized it so much but i'm not excited at all with 360.

i'm not sure if the 360 will be a success but microsoft will make sure the 360 wont dissapear so easily, that's a guarantee.
bah another topic about sucking and what roolz, well i'm stoked for 360. Condemned looks excellent, but i can agree with you OP after we got our demo unit in i thought man if i wasn't really into games and just try this out i wouldn't feel that impressed yet. Dont forget that those are more than likely alpha builds and there really are some impressive games out there if you at them. Check out NBA 2k6, i dont even like basketball and it looks amazing. Condemed, my game that i'm getting the system for, amazing great game. Amped 3 i have to say at first i thought it looked silly, but it has promise to it actually from hands on previews that have said its just a fun game. Lets face it after the SSX on tour peice of shit we got this year anything is better.

After PS3 and revolution come out they'll forget it? Right..... Thats like saying gamecube sold 97 million consoles since it launched......it sold 18 btw
bread's done