IndieGameStand Pay-What-You-Want Game Thread


166 (100%)
Current game on sale at the Indie Game Stand:

Steel Storm: Complete Edition

BTA: Steel Storm: Forgotten Prison DLC (?)

Available for Windows & Linux.

Minimum is $0.25, while $1.00 or more will get you a Desura key, plus a Steam key if it gets greenlit.

Beat the current average for bonus content.

10% of the proceeds will be donated to charity.

Find out if this game has been previously bundled.
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I think I will actually pick this one up. It has been Greenlit and has seems to have some pretty good buzz from a quick google search, which is pretty much all it takes to get thrown on top/under my backlog.

I think I will actually pick this one up. It has been Greenlit and has seems to have some pretty good buzz from a quick google search, which is pretty much all it takes to get thrown on top/under my backlog.
why u do this make me buy random games mean squirrell jk jk hhe it all ur evil mns

Just bought and tried it. Really cool game if you ask me but I'm into those twitch shooters so it might not be for everyone. The game Paranautical Activity should have been IMO.

I convinced myself that this wouldn't be bundled/IGS'd so I paid £5 for it a few weeks ago. I can confirm that I've taken one for the team on this one.

In its current form, it's a bit rough around the edges and simple things like the health pickups look very basic (I guess they're placeholder graphics). It's fun though, and RockPaperShotgun love it, so you can't go wrong for a dollar.
Flowette said:
I convinced myself that this wouldn't be bundled/IGS'd so I paid £5 for it a few weeks ago. I can confirm that I've taken one for the team on this one.

In its current form, it's a bit rough around the edges and simple things like the health pickups look very basic (I guess they're placeholder graphics). It's fun though, and RockPaperShotgun love it, so you can't go wrong for a dollar.


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Updated OP for new deal: Little Racers STREET

Previoulsy bundled in Groapies Build a Greenlight Bundle 2

Two bonus games for BTA

Welcome to the "I bought a game from IGS I already owned" club. It's not anywhere near as exclusive as it should be.
no i meant as in i didnt gt bundle hehe i didnt know it was bundle lol oh well i just get anotheer indie game lol whoops that was what i meant is i didnt know it was bundlee guess 1buck for game aint bad

Super Lemonade Stand is up as the new games. Looks like something I'd enjoy, but I'm hesitant to pick it up since it doesn't include a Desura key and the likelihood of it being Greenlit seems somewhat slim given the poor trailer and iOS roots.

I heard they're gonna pack it in for free with Pickle Friends Z. Better wait and see.

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After my experience with Paranautical Activity this is a pass since this looks similar but worse.  I enjoy the game description with different play through scenarios.  

Updated OP for new deal: FootLOL

Previously bundled in Indie Royale Debut 6 Bundle
Also this has been greenlit already, for those that didn't see it in the last batch, so keys should be added once it's released.

I don't suppose anyone has played it have they? It looks like stupid fun, but that can be either really good or really bad. Probably thrown in a dollar for it I suppose, but it would be nice to know if anyone had by chance tried it.
I don't know, it seems pretty bad. The core game mechanics might be solid, but the title is just so horrid. "FootLOL: Epic Fail League." A bad pun followed by an overused saying. I would expect this game to be on Wii, for $5 at Kohl's.

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New game up: OIO

BTA for Puddle

It's DRM-Free only and was taken off Greenlight for some reason. A shame since I would definitely play this on Steam or even Desura, but as just a download it's unlikely I'd get around to it. Still if the average drops enough I might just get Puddle here and not half to bother with BundleBandits.

Updated OP for new deal: OIO DRM-free and Puddle on Steam for BTA.

I got OIO in an IR bundle and actually finished it *and* wrote a review on Desura:

"I finished the game in about four hours or so. Very good platformer with good jumping mechanics & controls (so many games get those wrong). I liked the puzzles involving the seeds & trees/branches, and there's enough variety with the puzzle elements to keep you interested. Although the art style is not really to my taste, it is very well done and the characters are cute (even the big bad boss). The soundtrack is pretty good too. The story is a bit thin and cliched and I did not like the fact that you have to collect three special objects ("fresks") in each level to unlock the story panels (especially in the last boss level which can be rage-inducing hard and leaves you no time to collect the three fresks). Overall, however, it's very competent indie platformer and well worth the asking price (especially if you got in the Indie Royale bundle). I played it under Wine in Linux with no problems (it's made in Unity)."

Puddle is also currently bundled here.

That doesn't make sense. Why is doesn't OIO come with desura keys?

I got it from the IR bundle so I won't be buying it, but it does make me curious. Oh and inb4 Puddle is in every new bunde.

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That doesn't make sense. Why is doesn't OIO come with desura keys?

I got it from the IR bundle so I won't be buying it, but it does make me curious. Oh and inb4 Puddle is in every new bunde.
No kidding, huh? To think I picked up the Bandits thing just for Puddle. It'll probably be in the next two IndieGalas and the next numbered HIB.

No kidding, huh? To think I picked up the Bandits thing just for Puddle. It'll probably be in the next two IndieGalas and the next numbered HIB.
Apparently Puddle Steam keys weren't supposed to be given to BundleBandits. The same probably applies to IGS.. You can see Motoki's post about it here:

I thought the inclusion of Puddle was pretty random, I don't think they share the same dev or publisher as OIO.

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Apparently Puddle Steam keys weren't supposed to be given to BundleBandits. The same probably applies to IGS.. You can see Motoki's post about it here:

I thought the inclusion of Puddle was pretty random, I don't think they share the same dev or publisher as OIO.
I had no idea they were different devs, but it sounds like the Puddle distributor went rogue, so who knows where it'll turn up next?

I had no idea they were different devs, but it sounds like the Puddle distributor went rogue, so who knows where it'll turn up next?
Digital plug in gave greenlight for puddle but the developer contacted everyone about this game, said that it was not suppossed to be in any bundle until 2014 so that leaves the bundlesites in a bad spotlight .

Nobody's fooling themselves that you aren't a rep for them, and you mentioned the problems with Puddle leaving bundle sites in a bad place.

But you're right it doesn't belong in this thread, so I won't say anything more about it here.
I really hope he's not a dev, because this blind defense of the site is quite annoying.

We get it, if you are a dev and a bundle site bungles their bundle it will affect sales and it sucks, but you also have to just admit when someone went wrong and someone messed up and move on.  

This isn't winning you any fans from a personal side, which can be life or death for indie game devs, so you better hope your game is really good.  

I don't really care much about the Puddle screwup, which isn't entirely BundleBandits fault (lying about it in that tweet was a crappy move though). I do think releasing a full list of email addresses that subscribed to your newsletter into the public is a huge mistake, one that will lose them a lot of customers in the future. Offering Pickle Frenzy desura keys isn't much of an apology.

I don't really care much about the Puddle screwup, which isn't entirely BundleBandits fault (lying about it in that tweet was a crappy move though). I do think releasing a full list of email addresses that subscribed to your newsletter into the public is a huge mistake, one that will lose them a lot of customers in the future. Offering Pickle Frenzy desura keys isn't much of an apology.
It's more of an insult than an apology, really.

I really hope he's not a dev, because this blind defense of the site is quite annoying.

We get it, if you are a dev and a bundle site bungles their bundle it will affect sales and it sucks, but you also have to just admit when someone went wrong and someone messed up and move on.

This isn't winning you any fans from a personal side, which can be life or death for indie game devs, so you better hope your game is really good.
Wish it was that good ;) but have to love those old horror movies to like this one,

But I understand your point about being wrong! I just rarely seen a site launch go smooth, I remember groupees messing up with the server crash and deleting all the bundles, have never seen my games again in my account. It is christmas and it's time for forgiveness! ;p

Wish it was that good ;) but have to love those old horror movies to like this one,
But I understand your point about being wrong! I just rarely seen a site launch go smooth, I remember groupees messing up with the server crash and deleting all the bundles, have never seen my games again in my account. It is christmas and it's time for forgiveness! ;p
I'm open to forgive, but I'm certainly not going to forget, which makes it unlikely I buy any of BB future bundles.

What I was getting at though is clearly you have ties to BundleBandits somehow (be it a dev of an included game, or an actual member of the site team), and playing coy as if non of us can and already have put two-and-two together reflects poorly on you. Being upfront about who you are from the start is important to fostering trust, something that BB desperately needs.

I hope you can see where I'm coming from, and don't take it personally.
I'm open to forgive, but I'm certainly not going to forget, which makes it unlikely I buy any of BB future bundles.

What I was getting at though is clearly you have ties to BundleBandits somehow (be it a dev of an included game, or an actual member of the site team), and playing coy as if non of us can and already have put two-and-two together reflects poorly on you. Being upfront about who you are from the start is important to fostering trust, something that BB desperately needs.

I hope you can see where I'm coming from, and don't take it personally.

To his credit he admitted to being a dev in like his second post in the first thread so I don't think he's trying to hide anything. He also named himself after his company and has one of their games as his avatar.

I'm sorry if I pissed anyone off. it sure was not my intention. And I do understand your point! I'm rather new in the bundle forum world! I used to sell phone games before all this. :) but that market seems almost impossible to get any sales lately so these bundle sites are a new possibility to earn some cash for us small time indie developers.

Updated OP for new deal: Airship Dragoon, a hardcore turn-based, steampunk, squad tactics game, in the old school style of Julian Gollop's X-Com and Laser Squad.

Impressive for a one-bloke production.

bread's done